Research in Phenomenology deals with phenomenological philosophy in a broad sense, including original phenomenological research, critical and interpretative studies of major phenomenological thinkers, studies relating phenomenological philosophy to other disciplines, and historical studies of special relevance to phenomenological philosophy.
The Review of Rabbinic Judaism, the first and only journal to focus upon Rabbinic Judaism in particular, will publish principal articles, essays on method and criticism, systematic debates (Auseinandersetzungen), occasional notes, long book reviews, reviews of issues of scholarly journals, assessments of textbooks and instructional materials, and other media of academic discourse, scholarly and educational alike.
Créée par Henri Berr en 1900, La Revue de synthèse accueille des travaux d'histoire intellectuelle, d'épistémologie, de philosophie, de sociologie, d'histoire économique, sociale et culturelle. Elle a la vocation d'animer les réflexions situées au carrefour entre la philosophie, l'histoire des sciences et l'histoire générale en encourageant les recherches et les échanges sur les questions touchant aux fondements des sciences sociales, aux renouvellements de l'enquête sur les sciences, aux développements des voies nouvelles propres à l'histoire intellectuelle.
La Revue de synthèse se consacre donc à l'histoire du travail intellectuel. Elle contribue à éclairer les critères de scientificité des sciences sociales. Elle occupe à ce titre une place originale dans l'ensemble des publications internationales. Elle maintient cette exigence de qualité par une sévère sélection des articles qui lui sont proposés.The Revue de synthèse was created by Henri Berr in 1900. The journal welcomes pieces that deal with intellectual history, epistemology, philosophy, sociology, and economic, social and cultural history. Its goal is to serve as a forum for discussions taking place at the crossroads between philosophy, the history of science and general history by encouraging research and exchanges on issues concerning the foundations of social sciences, changes in scientific investigation and the development of new approaches specific to intellectual history.
The Revue de synthèse studies the historically dated cognitive activity of scientists, philosophers and scholars. It looks to shed light on the scientific claims of the social sciences. In this regards, it stands out from other international publications. It maintains this quality requirement by severe selection of submitted articles., .
The journal, founded in 1990 under the title Helsinki Monitor, is a legacy of the Helsinki process that was designed during the Cold War, to bridge Eastern and Western Europe on the basis of common principles and co-operative security.