Please note. This journal is now published by the Society of Porphyrins and PhthalocyaninesThe following information was correct at the time of last publication by Wiley:This new international journal consolidates research activities in chemistry, physics and technology of porphyrins and phthalocyanines into a single, unique and easily accessible reference source.JPP provides the means for researchers, scientists and engineers interested in exploring the applications of these materials, to publish original research papers and short communications. As well as reviewing state-of-the-art topics, up-to-date research news, and patent reports, the journal features an up-to-date calendar of events and a running list of published papers and authors. JPP is an international peer-reviewed journal for the fast refereeing and publication of articles.
The Journal of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry (JTCC) is an international interdisciplinary journal, aimed at providing comprehensive coverage on the latest developments of research in the ever-expanding area of theoretical and computational chemistry and their applications to broad scientific fields spanning physics, chemistry, biology, materials, and so on.With the proliferation of sub-fields in the application of theoretical chemistry and the explosion of applications in various scientific fields, it is difficult these days for us to keep up with all the new research developments in these cross-disciplinary fields. We hope this journal will serve as a major single source of information on the latest research that can be broadly defined to be in the general area of theoretical and computational chemistry.The journal publishes original contributions on broad aspects: from both the development of fundamental theoretical methodology and computational algorithm to extensive numerical applications to specific scientific problems ranging from gas-phase to condensed phase, and to biological systems. It covers general research areas broadly defined as quantum chemistry, chemical dynamics, statistical mechanics, and chemical biology.
The purpose of this journal is to provide a medium of exchange for scientists engaged in applied sciences (physics, mathematical physics, natural, and technological sciences) where there exists a non-trivial interplay between mathematics, mathematical modelling of real systems and mathematical and computer methods oriented towards the qualitative and quantitative analysis of real physical systems.The principal areas of interest of this journal are the following: *Mathematical modelling of systems in applied sciences; *Mathematical methods for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of models of mathematical physics and technological sciences; * Numerical and computer treatment of mathematical models or real systems.Special attention will be paid to the analysis of nonlinearities and stochastic aspects.Within the above limitation, scientists in all fields which employ mathematics are encouraged to submit research and review papers to the journal. Both theoretical and applied papers will be considered for publication. High quality, novelty of the content and potential for the applications to modern problems in applied sciences and technology will be the guidelines for the selection of papers to be published in the journal.
This letters journal, launched in 1986, consists of research papers covering current research developments in Gravitation, Cosmology, Nuclear Physics, and Particles and Fields. A Brief Review section has also been initiated with the purpose of publishing short reports on the latest experimental findings and urgent new theoretical developments.
MPLB opens a channel for the fast circulation of important and useful research findings in Condensed Matter Physics, Statistical Physics, and High-Tc Superconductivity. It provides a convenient avenue for researchers all over the world to exchange information with others in similar fields of interest. A section consisting of brief reviews is included.To ensure top quality, brief review articles are by invitation only and all research papers undergo stringent refereeing. We welcome you to submit your research papers to MPLB for publication.Complimentary copies are available upon request.
NANO is an international peer-reviewed journal for nanoscience and nanotechnology that presents forefront fundamental research and new emerging topics. It features timely scientific reports of new results and technical breakthroughs and also contains interesting review articles about recent hot issues.NANO provides an ideal forum for presenting original reports of theoretical and experimental nanoscience and nanotechnology research. Research areas of interest include: nanomaterials including nano-related biomaterials, new phenomena and newly developed characterization tools, fabrication methods including by self-assembly, device applications, and numerical simulation, modeling, and theory.NANO publishes six issues annually.
Recognizing the world is full of vagueness and uncertainty, this journal has chosen three very focused areas of research: