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Experimental & Molecular Medicine

ISSN: 1226-3613eISSN: 2092-6413

EXPERIMENTAL and MOLECULAR MEDICINE, EMM, publishes research papers and a limited number of reviews in the fields of basic and applied molecular biology, and experimental biochemistry in medicine. Research areas include analysis of gene structure, function and regulation; molecular mechanisms of genetic recombination; recombinant nucleic acid technology and gene therapy. EMM is also dedicated to the experimental biochemistry in medicine, including the regulatory mechanisms of body functions; structural biology and interaction between proteins and/or nucleic acids. Although special research areas are emphasized for publication, articles dealing with molecular biology and experimental biochemistry in other areas will also be welcomed.

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ISSN: 0950-222XeISSN: 1476-5454

Eye is the official journal of The Royal College of Ophthalmologists. It aims to provide the practising ophthalmologist with information on the latest clinical and laboratory based research. Whilst principally aimed at the practising clinician, the journal contains material of interest to a wider readership including optometrists, orthoptists, other health care professionals and research workers in all aspects of the field of visual science.

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Gene Therapy

ISSN: 0969-7128eISSN: 1476-5462

Gene Therapy covers both the research and clinical applications of the new genetic therapy techniques currently being developed. Over the last decade, gene therapy protocols have entered clinical trials in increasing numbers and as they cover a wide spectrum of diseases, these studies promise to unite the diverse organ-based specialities into which modern medicine has become divided. Gene Therapy covers all aspects of gene therapy as applied to human disease, including: * novel technological developments for gene transfer, control and silencing * basic science studies of mechanisms of gene transfer and control of expression * preclinical animal model systems and validation studies * clinical trial reports which have significant impact for the field * gene-based vaccine development and applications * cell-based therapies including all aspects of stem cells and genetically modified cellular approaches.

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Genes and Immunity

ISSN: 1466-4879eISSN: 1476-5470

Genes & Immunity emphasizes studies that demonstrate genetic, genomic or functional variation in the immune system, and assist our understanding of how the basic control over the immune system varies between individuals both in health and disease. The emerging role for genes outside the MHC will be of particular interest.

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ISSN: 0018-067XeISSN: 1365-2540

Heredity is the official journal of the Genetics Society. It covers a broad range of topics within the field of genetics and therefore papers must address conceptual or applied issues of interest to the journal's wide readership. The journal particularly encourages submissions in the following areas: * population genetics (including human) * genomics, functional genomics and proteomics * evo-devo * biometrical and statistical genetics * ecological and evolutionary genetics * animal and plant breeding * cytogeneticsHeredity's original articles cover new theory and primary empirical research. The journal also publishes regular reviews and news & commentary articles.

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Human Genome Variation

eISSN: 2054-345X

Humanities and Social Sciences Communications

eISSN: 2662-9992
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Hypertension Research

ISSN: 0916-9636eISSN: 1348-4214

Hypertension Research is an international journal devoted to research on all aspects of the field of hypertension and related cardiovascular diseases. It is the leading clinical research journal in the Asia-Pacific region.Hypertension Research now offers authors the option for immediate open access publication. NPG will deposit published open access papers in PubMed Central at the time of publication.

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International Journal of Impotence Research

ISSN: 0955-9930eISSN: 1476-5489

International Journal of Impotence Research: The Journal of Sexual Medicine addresses sexual medicine for both genders as an interdisciplinary field. This includes basic science researchers, urologists, endocrinologists, cardiologists, family practitioners, gynecologists, internists, neurologists, psychiatrists, psychologists, radiologists and other health care clinicians. Areas of interest include:Clinical: * Design and methodology of clinical trials of men's and women's sexual dysfunction * Psychological assessment of sexual dysfunction * History and physical examination of men's and women's sexual dysfunction * Diagnostic testing (vascular, neurologic, endocrinologic, anatomic, psychologic, nocturnal engorgement/rigidity, genital tissue biopsy, etc) of men's and women's sexual dysfunctionTreatment: * Primary care perspective in the treatment of men's and women's sexual dysfunction * Modification of reversible causes of men's and women's sexual dysfunction * Sex steroid therapies for men's and women's sexual dysfunction * Vacuum devices for men's and women's sexual dysfunction * Psychotherapy in the treatment of men's and women's sexual dysfunction * Oral vasoactive agents for the treatment of men's and women's sexual dysfunction * Topical treatment for men's and women's sexual dysfunction * Intra-urethral and intracavernosal therapy for erectile dysfunction * Penile prosthesis for the treatment of erectile dysfunction * Microvascular arterial bypass surgery/Venous leak surgery for erectile dysfunctionBasic science: * History of men's and women's sexual dysfunction * Epidemiology of men's and women's sexual dysfunction * Anatomy (gross and microscopic) of men's and women's sexual function * Animal models used in the study of men's and women's sexual dysfunction * Vascular physiology of men's and women's genital arousal * Neurophysiology of men's and women's sexual function * Central nervous system control of men's and women's sexual function * Endocrinology of men's and women's sexual function * Molecular biologic studies in men's and women's sexual function * Pharmacologic studies in men's and women's sexual function * Risk factors for men's and women's sexual dysfunction * Iatrogenic men's and women's sexual dysfunctionSpecial problems: * Peyronie's disease of tunica albuginea (penile and clitoral) * Priapism of penis and clitoris * Diabetes mellitus and men's and women's sexual dysfunction * Chronic renal failure and men's and women's sexual dysfunction * Spinal cord injury and men's and women's sexual dysfunction * Blunt trauma and men's and women's sexual dysfunction * Pelvic cancer treatments and men's and women's sexual dysfunction * Causes and treatment of men's and women's ejaculatory/orgasmic disorders * Causes and treatment of men's and women's sexual pain disorders * Gene modification and therapy * Genital lengthening/girth enhancement surgery.

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International Journal of Obesity

ISSN: 0307-0565eISSN: 1476-5497

Multi-disciplinary forum for research describing: basic clinical and applied studies in biochemistry, physiology, genetics and nutrition, molecular, metabolic, psychological and epidemiological aspects of obesity and related disorders.

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International Journal of Oral Science

ISSN: 1674-2818eISSN: 2049-3169

nternational Journal of Oral Science (IJOS) provides comprehensive coverage on the foremost findings of basic investigations and clinical researches relating to oral science. IJOS seeks to publish original, high quality, peer-reviewed papers including research articles and reviews as well as short communications and case reports. Submission would be encouraged on all aspects and subspecialties of oral science. Studies on dental assistance and hygiene, education and training, practice management and marketing would also be considered for publication in IJOS.

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Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology

ISSN: 1559-0631eISSN: 1559-064X

Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology (JESEE), a peer-reviewed publication, is published six times a year. The journal publishes research important to exposure assessment for toxic substances, environmental epidemiology that includes a strong exposure analysis component and related disciplines that advance the exposure assessment process. JESEE also publishes original research presenting significant advances in exposure analysis such as measurements, modeling, instrumentation, and questionnaires; mechanisms of exposure via pathways that lead to routes of exposure; development of molecular biomarkers of exposure, health effects, and susceptibility; genomic, proteomic, and metabonomics approaches and studies that assess exposure in the context of health effects; studies on chemical, biological, and physical principles required to analyze human exposure from single and multiple media and routes; occupational exposure studies that enhance the understanding of environmental exposure; and, population-based studies of exposure to toxic substances.Types of work considered are original research; feature articles on emerging issues significant to exposure analysis and assessment; and, reviews on subjects of importance to exposure assessment.

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Journal of Human Genetics

ISSN: 1434-5161eISSN: 1435-232X
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Journal of Human Hypertension

ISSN: 0950-9240eISSN: 1476-5527

Journal of Human Hypertension is published monthly. The editors will consider for publication all suitable papers dealing directly or indirectly with clinical aspects of hypertension, including epidemiology. The journal aims to perform the dual role of increasing knowledge in the field of high blood pressure as well as improving the standard of care of patients.

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Journal of Perinatology

ISSN: 0743-8346eISSN: 1476-5543

Journal of Perinatology provides all members of the perinatal/neonatal health care team with information pertinent to improving maternal, fetal and neonatal care. The scope of the journal reflects the multidisciplinary nature of the subject; its coverage includes maternal and fetal medicine, the neonatal period, and the follow-up of the infant and child. Journal of Perinatology publishes original articles, clinical reviews and research reports which embrace the full scope of the specialty - clinical, professional, political, administrative and educational aspects.

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ISSN: 0887-6924eISSN: 1476-5551

Leukemia covers all aspects of the research and treatment of Leukemia and Allied Diseases. Studies of normal hemopoiesis are covered because of their comparative relevance. Topics of interest include oncogenes, growth factors, stem cells, leukemia genomics, cell cycle, signal transduction, molecular targets for therapy and more.Impact Factor2010 Impact Factor: 8.966*Rank:4/65 Hematology10/184 Oncology*2010 Journal Citation Reports (Thomson Reuters, 2011)Abstracted/indexed inBIOBASE/Current Awareness in Biological SciencesBIOSISCambridge Scientific AbstractsCurrent Advances in Cell and Developmental BiologyCurrent Advances in Genetics and Molecular BiologyCurrent ContentsCurrent Contents/Life SciencesEMBASE/Excerpta MedicaMEDLINE/Index MedicusResearch AlertReference UpdateScience Citation IndexScience Citation Index ExpandedSUBISISSN and eISSNThe international standard serial number (ISSN) for Leukemia is 0887-6924, and the electronic international standard serial number (eISSN) is 1476-5551.

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Light: Science & Applications

eISSN: 2047-7538

optical materials, organic optoelectronics, optical data transmission, optical measurement, small-scale optics, optics in life science and the environment

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Microsystems & Nanoengineering

ISSN: 2096-1030eISSN: 2055-7434

new physics of micro- and nano-systems, micro- and nano-mechanics modelling, materials for micro- and nano-systems, micro- and nano-sensors, micro- and nano-actuators, micro- and nano-fluidics

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Molecular Psychiatry

ISSN: 1359-4184eISSN: 1476-5578

Molecular Psychiatry publishes work aimed at elucidating biological mechanisms underlying psychiatric disorders and their treatment. The emphasis is on studies at the interface of pre-clinical and clinical research, including studies at the cellular, molecular, integrative, clinical, imaging and psychopharmacology levels.

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NPG Asia Materials

ISSN: 1884-4049eISSN: 1884-4057