Astrophysics presents recent theoretical and experimental advances in this field. The journal contains data obtained at the Sternberg Astronomical Institute and all principal Soviet observatories on planetary atmospheres, interstellar matter, solar physics, and space astrophysics. Additional subjects include chemical composition and internal structure of stars, quasars, and pulsars; stellar and galactic evolution; and developments in modern cosmology. Astrophysics is a translation of the peer-reviewed Russian language journal Astrofizika.
Astrophysics and Space Science publishes original contributions and invited reviews covering the entire range of astronomy, astrophysics, astrophysical cosmology, planetary and space science and the astrophysical aspects of astrobiology. This includes both observational and theoretical research, the techniques of astronomical instrumentation and data analysis and astronomical space instrumentation. We particularly welcome papers in the general fields of high-energy astrophysics, astrophysical and astrochemical studies of the interstellar medium including star formation, planetary astrophysics, the formation and evolution of galaxies and the evolution of large scale structure in the Universe. Papers in mathematical physics or in general relativity which do not establish clear astrophysical applications will no longer be considered.The journal also publishes topically selected special issues in research fields of particular scientific interest. These consist of both invited reviews and original research papers
The Atlantic Economic Journal (AEJ) has an international reputation for excellent articles in all interest areas, without regard to fields or methodological preferences. Founded in 1973 by the International Atlantic Economic Society, a need was identified for increased communication among scholars from different countries. For over 30 years, the AEJ has continuously sought articles that traced some of the most critical economic changes and developments to occur on the global level. The journal's goal is to facilitate and synthesize economic research across nations to encourage cross-fertilization of ideas and scholarly research. Contributors include some of the world's most respected economists and financial specialists, including Nobel laureates and leading government officials. AEJ welcomes both theoretical and empirical articles, as well as public policy papers. All manuscripts are submitted to a double-blind, peer review process.In addition to formal publication of full-length articles, the AEJ provides an opportunity for less formal communication through its Anthology section. A small point may not be worthy of a full-length, formal paper but is important enough to warrant dissemination to other researchers. Research in progress may be of interest to other scholars in the field. A research approach ending in negative results needs to be shared to save others similar pitfalls. The Anthology section has been established to facilitate these forms of communication. Anthologies provide a means by which short manuscripts of less than 500 words can quickly appear in the AEJ. All submissions are formally reviewed by the Board of Editors.The Book Review Article section of the journal does not publish standard book reviews. Instead, full-length book review articles are published that are refereed and meet high publication standards. These articles prov, ide a synthesis of how each book relates to literature in the field. Readers can thus identify the context of each book within the literature. Officially cited as: Atl Econ J
Atomic Energy publishes papers and review articles dealing with the latest developments in the peaceful uses of atomic energy. Topics include nuclear chemistry and physics, plasma physics, accelerator characteristics, reactor economics and engineering, applications of isotopes, and radiation monitoring and safety. Atomic Energy is a translation of the Russian journal Atomnaya Energiya. The Russian Volume Year is published in English from April.All articles are peer-reviewed.
The journal Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics is an official journal of the Psychonomic Society.  It spans all areas of research in sensory processes, perception, attention, and psychophysics. Most articles published are reports of experimental work; the journal also presents theoretical, integrative, and evaluative reviews. Commentary on issues of importance to researchers appears in a special section of the journal. Founded in 1966 as Perception & Psychophysics, the journal assumed its present name in 2009.
Australasian Plant Disease Notes is an international journal for publication of short reports from all countries which describe original research that transcends national boundaries. All aspects of plant pathology are covered including new geographical records of diseases or pathogens, new pathogens or pathogen strains, taxonomic papers, quarantine notes, disease management and diagnostic methods. Cover photographs: Tulip breaking virus (TBV) symptoms, ornamental tulip, Victoria, Australia (photo by John Randles). Tulips with stunning flower patterns due to TBV instigated the 'tulipomania' of 17th century Europe. Spectacular examples of these blossoms were painted by Dutch artists who were unaware of the cause of the patterns. Historically, these paintings are the first visual records of any plant virus symptoms, long before the concept of a 'virus' was discovered. TBV as the first recorded virus was considered a fitting motif for the first cover of the new APDN. Background: Teliospores of Uromycladium tepperianum rust which affects many species of Acacia across Australia (photo by Roger Shivas).
The Australian Educational Researcher (AER) promotes understanding of educational issues through publication of original research and scholarly essays. The journal includes contributions from local and international researchers, representing a variety of relevant disciplinary perspectives.AER provides a forum for education researchers to debate current problems and issues.Contents include book reviews, scholarly essays, original quantitative and qualitative research and papers that are methodologically or theoretically innovative.AER welcomes contributions from a variety of disciplinary perspectives on any level of education.Special Issue ProposalsAustralian Educational ResearcherThe AER will publish occasional special issues to a maximum one per annum. It is expected that the guest editor(s) of the special issue submit a proposal to the Managing Editor who will then send it out to review to the Editorial Board. The criteria upon which it will be judged are whether the issue addresses contemporary concerns
This journal details research, tutorial papers, survey and accounts of significant industrial experience in the foundations, techniques, tools and applications of automated software engineering technology. This includes the study of techniques for constructing, understanding, adapting, and modeling software artifacts and processes. Coverage in Automated Software Engineering examines both automatic systems and collaborative systems as well as computational models of human software engineering activities. In addition, it presents knowledge representations and artificial intelligence techniques applicable to automated software engineering, and formal techniques that support or provide theoretical foundations. The journal also includes reviews of books, software, conferences and workshops.
Automatic Control and Computer Sciences is devoted to: Control methods, modeling and identification of technological processes in the field of industry, artifical intellect in control systems. Network information technologies, information security, and information processing systems. Signal digitization and methods of their analysis, digital filtration, signal processing in technology, medicine, geophysics and astrophysics.
This is the official journal of the International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems. It provides a leading forum for disseminating significant original research results in the foundations, theory, development, analysis, and applications of autonomous agents and multi-agent systems. Coverage in Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems includes, but is not limited to: Agent decision-making architectures and their evaluation, including: cognitive models; knowledge representation; logics for agency; ontological reasoning; planning (single and multi-agent); reasoning (single and multi-agent) Cooperation and teamwork, including: distributed problem solving; human-robot/agent interaction; multi-user/multi-virtual-agent interaction; coalition formation; coordination Agent communication languages, including: their semantics, pragmatics, and implementation; agent communication protocols and conversations; agent commitments; speech act theory Ontologies for agent systems, agents and the s
Autonomous Robots reports on the theory and applications of robotic systems capable of some degree of self-sufficiency. It features papers that include performance data on actual robots in the real world. Coverage includes: control of autonomous robots · real-time vision · autonomous wheeled and tracked vehicles · legged vehicles · computational architectures for autonomous systems · distributed architectures for learning, control and adaptation · studies of autonomous robot systems · sensor fusion · theory of autonomous systems · terrain mapping and recognition · self-calibration and self-repair for robots · self-reproducing intelligent structures · genetic algorithms as models for robot development. The focus is on the ability to move and be self-sufficient, not on whether the system is an imitation of biology. Of course, biological models for robotic systems are of major interest to the journal since living systems are prototypes for autonomous behavior.
Kurzcharakteristik BIOspektrum BIOspektrum ist das Publikationsorgan der Gesellschaft für Biochemie und Molekularbiologie (GBM), der Vereinigung für Allgemeine und Angewandte Mikrobiologie (VAAM), der Gesellschaft für Genetik (GfG), der Gesellschaft für Entwicklungsbiologie (GfE) und der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Experimentelle und Klinische Pharmakologie und Toxikologie (DGPT) und erreicht mit persönlichem Abonnement alle Biotechnologen der DECHEMA. Zweimonatlich gibt die Zeitschrift rund 15.000 Lesern anhand von Review Artikeln einen Überblick über neue Entwicklungen in den Biowissenschaften (mit den Schwerpunkten Molekularbiologie, Biochemie, Mikrobiologie, Genetik und Entwicklungsbiologie) und informiert über Aktuelles aus Wirtschaft und Politik. Interna aus der Scientific Community, zum Beispiel Instituts- und Wissenschaftlerporträts, sowie zahlreiche Servicesparten (neue Produkte, Bücher, Tagungsankündigungen etc.) runden das breite Informationsangebot von BIOspektrum ab., .
BIT was started by Carl Erik Fröberg in 1961. The name is an acronym for 'Tidskrift för Informationsbehandling' read backwards. From the outset, a wide area of computer science and technology was covered, but since 1992 the focus has been on Numerical Mathematics.
Editors in chief
1961-1992 Carl Erik Fröberg
1993-2002 Åke Björck
2003 - Â Â Â Â Axel Ruhe
BIT foundation, Lund, Sweden
Appointed by the Academies of (Engineering) sciences in the Nordic Countries for 3 year periods. The editor in chief is a member ex officio. The members 2010-2012 are
Olavi Nevanlinna, Aalto University, appointed by STA, Suomalainen Tiedakatemia, Finland, chairman
Jens Hugger, University of Copenhagen, appointed by ATV, Akademiet for de Tekniske Videnskaber, Denmark
Bo Kågström, Umeå University, appointed by IVA, Kungliga Ingenjörsvetenskapsakademien, Sweden
Tom Lyche, University of Oslo, appointed by DNVA, Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi, N
Basic Research in Cardiology is an international journal for cardiovascular research. It provides a forum for original and review articles related to experimental cardiology that meet its stringent scientific standards. Thus, it comprises all aspects related to the physiology and pathology of the structure and function of the heart and the cardiovascular system, including their regulation by neuronal and humoral mechanisms. The journal regularly receives articles from the fields of - Molecular and Cellular Biology - Biochemistry - Biophysics - Pharmacology - Physiology and Pathology - Clinical Cardiology Fields of interest: Cardiology, Physiology, Pathology