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Clinical and Experimental Metastasis

ISSN: 0262-0898eISSN: 1573-7276

Clinical & Experimental Metastasis is an international, multidisciplinary journal devoted to the rapid publication of fundamental advances in basic and applied metastasis research.The coverage encompasses all aspects of metastasis research, whether laboratory-based, experimental or clinical and therapeutic. It includes such areas as molecular biology, pharmacology, tumour biology, and clinical cancer treatment (with all its subdivisions of surgery, chemotherapy and radio-therapy as well as pathology and epidemiology) insofar as these disciplines are concerned with the journal's core subject of metastasis formation, prevention and treatment.Clinical & Experimental Metastasis is the official journal of the Metastasis Research Society.

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Clinical and Experimental Nephrology

ISSN: 1342-1751eISSN: 1437-7799

Clinical and Experimental Nephrology is a peer-reviewed bimonthly journal, officially published by the Japanese Society of Nephrology (JSN) to create an international forum for the discussion of research and issues relating to the study of nephrology. The term 'nephrology' in the title was created and brought into use with the establishment of JSN (Japanese Journal of Nephrology, Vol. 2, No.1, 1960). The journal publishes articles on all aspects of nephrology, including basic, experimental, and clinical research, providing a means of sharing research findings and ideas for the members of JSN, and for all researchers who wish to contribute to a better understanding of advances in nephrology. Uniquely, the journal introduces to an international readership original reports from Japan and also the clinical standards discussed and agreed by JSN.

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Clinical and Translational Imaging

ISSN: 2281-5872eISSN: 2281-7565
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Clinical and Translational Oncology

ISSN: 1699-048XeISSN: 1699-3055

Clinical and Translational Oncology is an international journal devoted to fostering interaction between experimental and clinical oncology. It covers all aspects of research on cancer, from the more basic discoveries dealing with both cell and molecular biology of tumour cells, to the most advanced clinical assays of conventional and new drugs. In addition, the journal has a strong commitment to facilitating the transfer of knowledge from the basic laboratory to the clinical practice, with the publication of educational series devoted to closing the gap between molecular and clinical oncologists. Molecular biology of tumours, identification of biomarkers for cancer diagnosis, prognosis or prediction of treatment response, identification of new targets for cancer therapy, as well as development of new technologies for research and treatment of cancer are the major themes covered by both the educational series and research articles. A broad spectrum of subjects, including the molecular and cellular bases of di

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ISSN: 1863-2505eISSN: 1863-2513

Cliometrica provides a leading forum for the exchange of ideas and research in historical economics, covering all facets, all historical periods, and all parts of the world. The journal encourages the methodological debate, use of economic theory, model building, and reliance upon quantification to support models with historical data. Moreover, it stresses the use of standard historical knowledge to broaden understanding and suggest new avenues of research as well as the use of statistical theory and econometrics to combine models with data into a single consistent explanation. Periodically, specialized topics are addressed in special issues.

Officially cited as: Cliometrica

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Cluster Computing

ISSN: 1386-7857eISSN: 1573-7543

Cluster Computing addresses the latest results in these fields that support High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC). In HPDC environments, parallel and/or distributed computing techniques are applied to the solution of computationally intensive applications across networks of computers. The journal represents an important source of information for the growing number of researchers, developers and users of HPDC environments.Cluster Computing: the Journal of Networks, Software Tools and Applications provides a forum for presenting the latest research and technology in the fields of parallel processing, distributed computing systems and computer networks.

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Coaching | Theorie & Praxis

eISSN: 2364-5148
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Cognition, Technology and Work

ISSN: 1435-5558eISSN: 1435-5566

Focus: Cognition, Technology & Work focuses on the practical issues of human interaction with technology within the context of work and, in particular, how human cognition affects, and is affected by, work and working conditions.

The aim is to publish research that normally resides on the borderline between people, technology, and organisations. Including how people use information technology, how experience and expertise develop through work, and how incidents and accidents are due to the interaction between individual, technical and organisational factors.

The target is thus the study of people at work from a cognitive systems engineering and socio-technical systems perspective.

The most relevant working contexts of interest to CTW are those where the impact of modern technologies on people at work is particularly important for the users involved as well as for the effects on the environment and plants. Modern society has come to depend on the safe and efficient functioning of

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Cognitive Computation

ISSN: 1866-9956eISSN: 1866-9964

Cognitive Computation is an international, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal that publishes cutting-edge articles describing original basic and applied work involving bio-inspired computational accounts of all aspects of natural and artificial cognitive systems. It provides a new platform for the dissemination of research, current practices and future trends in the emerging discipline of cognitive computation that bridges gap between life sciences, social sciences, engineering, physical and mathematical sciences, and humanities.

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Cognitive Neurodynamics

ISSN: 1871-4080eISSN: 1871-4099

Cognitive Neurodynamics is an international, interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal, focusing on the overlapping fields of cognitive science and nonlinear dynamics, while also covering related areas in neuroscience, mathematics, physics, computer science, informatics, intelligent robotics and more. This is a dynamic forum for scientists and engineers working in cognitive dynamics and related fields. It provides a platform for the latest research, exchange of ideas and problem-based discussions, encouraging approaches from different areas and points of view. Cognitive Neurodynamics publishes both basic and applied research in the form of original research papers, review articles, brief communications, discussions, book reviews, and congress reports.

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Cognitive Processing

ISSN: 1612-4782eISSN: 1612-4790

Cognitive Processing -- International Quarterly of Cognitive Science is a peer-reviewed international journal that publishes innovative contributions in the multidisciplinary field of cognitive science. Its first aim is to present the latest results obtained in the manifold disciplines concerned with the different aspects of cognitive processing in natural and artificial systems: artificial intelligence, computer science and knowledge engineering, linguistics, mathematics, neuroscience, philosophy and cognitive anthropology, psychology, robotics.Its main purpose is to stimulate research and scientific interaction through communication between specialists in different fields on topics of common interest and to promote an interdisciplinary understanding of the diverse topics in contemporary cognitive science. Cognitive Processing considers diverse subject matter concerning cognitive processing, accepting various approaches to investigation: theoretical, experimental, methodological, computational and modeling,

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Cognitive Therapy and Research

ISSN: 0147-5916eISSN: 1573-2819

Cognitive Therapy and Research publishes experimental studies; theoretical, review, technical, and methodological articles; case studies; and brief reports. It is a broadly conceived interdisciplinary journal that stimulates and communicates research and theory on the role of cognitive processes in human adaptation and adjustment. Contributions integrate diverse topics, encompassing clinical, cognitive, counseling, developmental, experimental, learning, personality, and social psychology. The journal examines all topics that pertain to psychological problems, including affective disorders, anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, eating disorders, substance abuse, disorders of childhood and adolescence, psychological dysfunction in aging, and personality. Most of the journal’s publication space is devoted to experimental studies that seek to advance the field in such ways as providing new knowledge or information on a particular clinical problem or issue.

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Coke and Chemistry

ISSN: 1068-364XeISSN: 1934-8398

The journal publishes scientific developments and applications in the field of coal beneficiation and preparation for coking, coking processes, design of coking ovens and equipment, by-product recovery, automation of technological processes, ecology and economics. It also presents indispensable information on the scientific events devoted to thermal rectification, use of smokeless coal as an energy source, and manufacture of different liquid and solid chemical products.

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Collectanea Mathematica

ISSN: 0010-0757eISSN: 2038-4815
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Colloid and Polymer Science

ISSN: 0303-402XeISSN: 1435-1536

Colloid and Polymer Science - a leading international journal of longstanding tradition - is devoted to colloid and polymer science and its interdisciplinary interactions. As such, it responds to a demand which has lost none of its actuality as revealed in the trends of contemporary materials science. To enable an effective and fast dissemination of scientific manuscripts, four categories of contributions are presented:- Invited review articles
- Perspectives
- Original contributions
- Short communications
The latter will be published with high priority, at least within two weeks after acceptance of the manuscript. (The usual time between acceptance and publishing OnlineFirst is typically three weeks.) With this immediacy, Colloid and Polymer Science serves as a reliable partner for an effective distribution of scientific results.

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ISSN: 0209-9683eISSN: 1439-6912

Combinatorica is an international journal of the János Bolyai Mathematical Society. It publishes research papers on a variety of areas of combinatorics and the theory of computing, with particular emphasis on general techniques and unifying principles. Coverage in Combinatorica includes: - combinatorial structures (graphs, hypergraphs, matroids, designs, permutation groups) - combinatorial optimization - combinatorial aspects of geometry and number theory - algorithms in combinatorics and related fields - computational complexity theory - randomization and explicit construction in combinatorics and algorithms.

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Combustion, Explosion, and Shock Waves

ISSN: 0010-5082eISSN: 1573-8345

The journal Combustion, Explosion, and Shock Waves is one of the few worldwide publications of results obtained in research in physics and chemistry of combustion of substances in various phase states, detonation processes, obtaining new materials in combustion waves, shock waves, and detonation waves, explosive welding, response of materials and structures to dynamic loading, high-velocity impact, and powder compaction. Structural and chemical transformations of matter in shock and detonation waves and related phenomena are considered. Papers on the development of analytical and numerical models of phenomena under study are also published in the journal. A specific feature of the journal is the wide scope of combustion and explosion topics: from initiation of combustion in gases to the response of materials to shock loading, from computer-aided modeling of detonation of powerful high explosives to obtaining superconducting materials under shock compression. Reviews are also published in addition to regular p

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Communications in Mathematical Physics

ISSN: 0010-3616eISSN: 1432-0916

The mission of Communications in Mathematical Physics is to offer a high forum for works which are motivated by the vision and the challenges of modern physics and which at the same time meet the highest mathematical standards.

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Communications in Mathematics and Statistics

ISSN: 2194-6701eISSN: 2194-671X
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Communications on Applied Mathematics and Computation

ISSN: 2096-6385eISSN: 2661-8893
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