Physiological Measurement publishes papers about the quantitative assessment and visualization of physiological function in clinical research and practice, with an emphasis on the development of new methods of measurement and their validation.
Papers are published on topics including:
The journal encourages publication of data and code as well as results.
Physiological Measurement is an interdisciplinary journal. Authors of each article are therefore asked to ensure that at least the title and abstract of their article are understandable to researchers in other disciplines and to supply suitable keywords as a concise method of describing its general research topic in both clinical and scientific terms.
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion covers all aspects of the physics of hot, highly ionised plasmas. This includes results of current experimental and theoretical research on all aspects of the physics of high-temperature plasmas and of controlled nuclear fusion, including the basic phenomena in highly-ionised gases in the laboratory, in the ionosphere and in space, in magnetic-confinement and inertial-confinement fusion as well as related diagnostic methods.Papers with a technological emphasis, for example in such topics as plasma control, fusion technology and diagnostics, are welcomed when the plasma physics is an integral part of the paper or when the technology is unique to plasma applications or new to the field of plasma physics.The editorial policy is to maintain the quality of published papers at the highest level by strict peer review. Prompt publication of authors'' papers is also of prime concern and the journal is accessible in electronic form.
Plasma Science and Technology assists in advancing plasma science and technology by reporting important, novel, helpful and thought-provoking progress in this strongly multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary field, in a timely manner.
Plasma Sources Science and Technology (PSST) reports on low-temperature plasmas and ionized gases operating over all ranges of gas pressure and plasma density, with varying degrees of ionization. The emphasis of PSST is on the fundamental science of these plasmas, their sources and the processes initiated or sustained by them, as elucidated through theoretical, computational or experimental techniques. Reports that relate to the technology and applications of these plasmas should be closely linked to the science and fundamental processes occurring in the plasma state.
Progress in Biomedical Engineering is a new interdisciplinary journal publishing high quality authoritative reviews and opinion pieces in the most significant and exciting areas of biomedical engineering research.
Published content by leading experts on the current state of the science and emerging trends aims to fuel discussion on the future direction of research.
Progress in Energy is a high impact and multidisciplinary journal dedicated to addressing the wide ranging and important issues around the global energy transition.
Invited reviews and opinion pieces by leading experts cover current research and emerging trends from a scientific, technological, economic, social, and policy perspective, with the aim of fuelling discussion on the future of energy research.
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, the technical journal of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific (ASP), has been published regularly since 1889, as part of the ASP’s mission to advance the science of astronomy and disseminate astronomical information. The journal provides an outlet for astronomical results of a scientific nature and serves to keep readers in touch with current astronomical research. It contains refereed research andinstrumentation papers, invited reviews, and dissertation summaries. .
A multidisciplinary, high impact journal devoted to publishing research of the highest quality and significance covering the science and application of all quantum-enabled technologies.
Published monthly (12 issues per year) and covering all branches of physics, Reports on Progress in Physics is a prestigious journal for the publication of reviews surveying the development of selected topics, typically over the previous decade, within a wider context. Articles combine a critical evaluation of the field for established workers with a reliable and accessible introduction for newcomers and specialists in other fields.The journal has traditionally published Review Articles. Recently two other article types have been introduced to deal with subjects that have not reached a level of maturity necessary for a full review: Reports on Progress and Key Issues Reviews.
Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics is an international journal publishing original research papers and reviews across all branches of astronomy and astrophysics.
Semiconductor Science and Technology is IOP's journal dedicated to semiconductor research. The journal publishes cutting-edge research on the physical properties of semiconductors and their applications.
Technical areas concerned with smart materials and structures: Materials science: composites, ceramics, processing science, interface science, sensor/actuator materials, chiral materials, conducting and chiral polymers, electrochromic materials, liquid crystals, molecular-level smart materials, biomaterials. Sensing and actuation: electromagnetic, acoustic, chemical and mechanical sensing and actuation, single-measurand sensors, multiplexed multimeasurand distributed sensors and actuators, sensor/actuator signal processing, compatibility of sensors and actuators with conventional and advanced materials, smart sensors for materials and composites processing. Optics and electromagnetics: optical fibre technology, active and adaptive optical systems and components, tunable high-dielectric phase shifters, tunable surface control. Structures: smart skins for drag and turbulence control, other applications in aerospace/hydrospace structures, civil infrastructures, transportation vehicles, manufacturing equipment, repairability and maintainability. Control: structural acoustic control, distributed control, analogue and digital feedback control, real-time implementation, adaptive structure stability, damage implications for structural control. Information processing: neural networks, data processing, data visualization and reliability.
Superconductor Science and Technology™ is an international multidisciplinary journal for papers on all aspects of applied superconductivity. The coverage includes theories of superconductivity, the basic physics of superconductors, the relation of microstructure and growth to superconducting properties, the theory of novel devices, and the fabrication, properties and applications of thin films and devices. It also encompasses the manufacture and properties of conductors, and their application in the construction of magnets and heavy current machines, together with enabling technology. Please note Superconductor Science and Technology does not consider purely theoretical papers; theoretical papers must be clearly linked to experiments reported either in the paper itself or in the current literature.
An international forum for academics, industrialists and engineers to publish the latest research in surface topography measurement and characterisation, instrumentation development and the properties of surfaces.
The Astronomical Journal publishes original astronomical research, with an emphasis on significant scientific results derived from observations. Publications in AJ include descriptions of data capture, surveys, analysis techniques, astronomical interpretation, instrumentation, and software and computing.
The Astrophysical Journal is devoted to recent developments, discoveries, and theories in astronomy and astrophysics. ApJ publications constitute significant new research that is directly relevant to astrophysical applications, whether based on observational results or on theoretical insights or modeling.
The Astrophysical Journal Letters is the premier journal for rapid publication of high-impact astronomical research. ApJL publishes brief reports on the most influential developments across astronomy and astrophysics. The journal specializes in articles that are timely, containing new discoveries and results that have a significant immediate impact on other researchers. Articles published in ApJL are self-contained, including context that is generally understandable by scientists who are not specialists in the particular fields.
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement specializes in extensive papers presenting significant new research in astronomy and astrophysics. ApJS publishes catalogs and large compilations of data that can be used as reference by the astronomical community. The journal also supports Special Issues, collections of thematically related papers published simultaneously in a single volume. ApJS contains many of the most frequently cited papers in the astronomy and astrophysics literature.
The Planetary Science Journal (PSJ) is a fully Gold Open Access Journal devoted to recent developments, discoveries, and theories in planetary science. We welcome all aspects of investigation of the solar system and other planetary systems. The Planetary Science Journal publishes manuscripts that constitute significant new research that is directly relevant to planetary science, including observational results, theoretical insights, modeling, laboratory studies, instrumentation, or field studies.