The Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience (JMN) is a peer-reviewed open access journal published under the brand SpringerOpen. It is publishing research articles on the mathematical modeling and analysis of all areas of neuroscience, i.e., the study of the nervous system and its dysfunctions.The focus is on using mathematics as the primary tool for elucidating the fundamental mechanisms responsible for experimentally observed behaviours in neuroscience at all relevant scales, from the molecular world to that of cognition.
Statistical Theory and Methods, Statistics and Computing/Statistics Programs, Science
The journal is devoted to fields mentioned in Mathematical Subjects Classification(M S C). To bring together original research thereby providing a forum for active researchers in the mentioned fields and workers in more general areas. Topics covered include all fields stated in the MSC code. Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society (JOEMS) is a journal of mathematical sciences publishing refereed, well-written original research articles that describe the latest research and developments in the areas of pure and applied mathematics. This is a broad-based journal covering all branches of mathematics and interdisciplinary research. To bring together original research thereby providing a forum for active researchers in mathematics and workers in more applied areas. To be acceptable for publication in the journal, papers must make significant, original and correct contributions to one or more of the fields mentioned in Mathematical Subjects Classification (M.S.C.). Applied Mathematics accepted papers should be clearly motivated by actual or potential application to real phenomena. JOEMS accepts papers through peer review by professional colleagues in the relevant fields. Unless clearly below the standard required by the journal, submitted articles will be sent to referees. They will generally be reviewed by at least two experts with the aim of reaching a decision as soon as possible. Where possible, the final decision is made on the basis that the referees are in accordance with one another. When there is a strong disagreement between referees, advice is sought from a member of the journal's Editorial Board.
Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Structural Materials, Computational Science and Engineering
Security Informatics is a peer-reviewed open access journal published under the brand SpringerOpen. Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI) is defined as the 'development of advanced information technologies, systems, algorithms, and databases for international, national and homeland security related applications, through an integrated technological, organizational, and policy-based approach' (Chen 2006). The Security Informatics journal will publish peer-reviewed articles in areas relevant to ISI research, from the perspectives of Information Technology/ Informatics and related policy considerations. Paper selection will focus on articles that present innovative research ideas and results, report significant application case studies, provide tutorial surveys, and raise awareness of pressing research and application challenges.In addition to publishing the highest-quality original security informatics research, Security Informatics is also intended to serve as a bridge between security researchers and practitioners, including both related government agencies and the growing IT-related security industry. The journal provides an excellent opportunity to reach out to an international audience of security-related academic researchers, industry practitioners, and government IT managers and policy makers.
The aim of International Journal of Visualization in Engineering, a fully open access journal published under the brand SpringerOpen, is to disseminate original and high quality research results on the visualization paradigms, models, technologies, and applications that have significant contributions to the advancement of all aspects of design and engineering. The proposed journal is devoted to scholarly research on improving all aspects of design and engineering (including civil, mechanical, manufacturing, industrial, aerospace, etc.) through the applications of visualization technologies. The journal is particularly interested in research that adds to the scientific understanding of the impacts that visualization technologies can have on the stages along the entire life cycle of a particular industry, for example, planning, design, construction, maintenance, and operations of constructed facilities.
The proposed journal provides, for the first time, an international and interdisciplinary platform and forum for researchers to present their findings, latest developments, and perspectives on future trends in visualization in design and engineering, covering relevant advances in the areas of computing, management, human factors, education, and social sciences.