Fundamenta Informaticae is an international journal publishing original research results in all areas of mathematical foundations of computer science and their applications. Papers are encouraged which contain:* solutions, by mathematical methods, of problems emerging in computer science,* solutions of mathematical problems inspired by computer science,* application studies that follow the situations in (i) and (ii).Besides traditional disciplines of interest for computer science, such as mathematical theories of programs and programming, logic in computer science and artificial intelligence, theory of computing, complexity theory, design and analysis of algorithms, theory of formal languages and automata theory, concurrency, cellular automata, database theory, logic programming, nonmonotonic reasoning, parallel algorithms, term rewriting, theory of parallel and distributed computing, the journal is open to contributions presenting methods on more areas such as adaptive strategies of computing, approximate reasoning, agent system theory, bio-computing, machine learning and pattern recognition, data mining and knowledge discovery, decision theory, DNA computing, evolutionary computation, natural computing, neural networks, quantum computing, soft computing including fuzzy sets, rough sets and granular computing. This enumeration is not intended to be exclusive.
Human Antibodies is an international journal designed to bring together all aspects of human hybridomas and antibody technology under a single, cohesive theme. This includes fundamental research, applied science and clinical applications. Emphasis in the published articles is on antisera, monoclonal antibodies, fusion partners, EBV transformation, transfections, in vitro immunization, defined antigens, tissue reactivity, scale-up production, chimeric antibodies, autoimmunity, natural antibodies/immune response, anti-idiotypes, and hybridomas secreting interesting growth factors. Immunoregulatory molecules, including T cell hybridomas, will also be featured.
The ICGA Journal appears four times a year. In order to receive the Journals for 2004 you should subscribe as an ICGA member. The (renewal) fee for individual subscribers is US $ 50,--, UK £ 25,-- or € 40,--. For many years, the ICCA Journal occasionally included articles on games other than chess. This has included Backgammon, Othello, Chinese Chess, Shogi, Go, and fundamental issues affecting the programming of all such games. To reflect this increasing interest in other games, the Journal changed its name to the ICGA Journal from Vol.23 No.1 (the first issue of 2000).
• Indian Journal of Agronomy welcomes concise articles presenting original research data based on field experiments on all aspects of agronomy in different crops and related cropping systems.• The journal publishes only full length comprehensive articles based on new approaches/findings in English only.• Review articles are also considered but these are normally solicited by Editorial Board. However, the authors who wish to contribute a review on their own based on their standing in the relevant field may contact the Secretary or Chief Editor with a broad outline before submitting the manuscript.• The articles submitted for publication in the journal should contain data not older than 5 years on the date of receipt of article in the Society office. The period shall be reckoned from the following January or July after the completion of the field experimentation in rainy (Kharif) and winter (Rabi) seasons, respectively.• The articles submitted for publication should be exclusive for this journal and must not be submitted elsewhere during their consideration by the journal. These must not carry any material already published in the same or different forms.• The article should present a complete picture of the investigation made and should not be split into parts. However, in exceptional cases where a large volume of in-depth data are collected based on multi-season experimentation, the article can be split into two or three parts, with the same main title and a different subtitle in short. In such articles, proper continuity should be maintained in presentation of information, and all these articles should be submitted together at the same time.• Each article should be written in English correctly, clearly, objectively and concisely. All the statements made in the manuscript should be clear, unambiguous, and to the point.• There is no prescribed limit regarding the number of pages in case of full-length article, the completeness of the information is more important.• Articles should be suitably divided into the following sub-sections: ABSTRACT, INTRODUCTION, MATERIALS AND METHODS, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, CONCLUSION, and REFERENCES.
Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering was founded in 1993."Based on the premise that interdisciplinary thinking and synergistic collaboration of disciplines can solve complex problems, open new frontiers, and lead to true innovations and breakthroughs, the cornerstone of industrial competitiveness and advancement of the society" as noted in the inaugural issue of the journal.The focus of ICAE is the integration of leading edge and emerging computer and information technologies for innovative solution of engineering problems. The journal fosters interdisciplinary research and presents a unique forum for innovative computer-aided engineering. It also publishes novel industrial applications of CAE, thus helping to bring new computational paradigms from research labs and classrooms to reality. Areas covered by the journal include (but are not limited to) artificial intelligence, advanced signal processing, biologically inspired computing, cognitive modeling, concurrent engineering, database management, distributed computing, evolutionary computing, fuzzy logic, genetic algorithms, geometric modeling, intelligent and adaptive systems, internet-based technologies, knowledge discovery and engineering, machine learning, mechatronics, mobile computing, multimedia technologies, networking, neural network computing, object-oriented systems, optimization and search, parallel processing, robotics virtual reality, and visualization techniques.
Intelligent Data Analysis provides a forum for the examination of issues related to the research and applications of Artificial Intelligence techniques in data analysis across a variety of disciplines. These techniques include (but are not limited to): all areas of data visualization, data pre-processing (fusion, editing, transformation, filtering, sampling), data engineering, database mining techniques, tools and applications, use of domain knowledge in data analysis, evolutionary algorithms, machine learning, neural nets, fuzzy logic, statistical pattern recognition, knowledge filtering, and post-processing. In particular, papers are preferred that discuss development of new AI related data analysis architectures, methodologies, and techniques and their applications to various domains.Papers published in this journal are geared heavily towards applications, with an anticipated split of 70% of the papers published being applications-oriented, research and the remaining 30% containing more theoretical research.
The aim of the International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics is to contribute to intersciences coupling applied electromagnetics, mechanics and materials. The journal also intends to stimulate the further development of current technology in industry. The main subjects covered by the journal are:* Physics and mechanics of electromagnetic materials and devices;* Computational electromagnetic in materials and devices;* Applications of electromagnetic fields and forces.The three interrelated key subjects - materials, electromagnetics and mechanics - include the following aspects: control, micromachines, intelligent structure, inverse problem, eddy current analysis, electromagnetic NDE, magnetic materials, magnetoelastic effects in materials, bioelectromagnetics, magnetosolid mechanics, magnetic levitations, applied physics of superconductors, superconducting magnet technology, superconducting propulsion system, nuclear fusion reactor components and wave propagation in electromagnetic fields.The editorial policy is to combine information and experience from both the latest high technology fields and the well-established technologies within applied electromagnetics and mechanics.The editors hope to furtherly enhance the theoretical framework for our field from the interaction of old and new concepts. In order to assist readers to quickly grasp the current status of research in a specific area of applied electromagnetics and mechanics, both contributed and invited papers are published in special and thematic issues as well as regular issues.