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Asia-Pacific Economic History Review

ISSN: 2832-157XeISSN: 2832-157X

The Australian Economic History Review is concerned with the historical treatment of economic, social and business issues related to Australia, New Zealand, Asia and the Pacific. Papers examine these issues not only from the perspective of economic history but also from the related disciplines of history, economics, history of economic thought, industrial relations, demography, sociology, politics and business studies. New methodological approaches are particularly welcome. The editors also wish to promote the exchange of critical comments on important topics in these fields. In addition to its role as a leading journal of scholarly articles in the broad discipline of economic history, the Australian Economic History Review aims to provide a forum for frank and informal views on the teaching, research and institutional location of economic history.

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Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology

ISSN: 1743-7555eISSN: 1743-7563

Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology is a multidisciplinary journal of oncology that aims to be a forum for facilitating collaboration and exchanging information on what is happening in different countries of the Asia-Pacific region in relation to cancer treatment and care. The Journal is ideally positioned to receive publications that deal with diversity in cancer behavior, management and outcome related to ethnic, cultural, economic and other differences between populations. In addition to original articles, the Journal publishes reviews, editorials, letters to the Editor and short communications. Case reports are generally not considered for publication, only exceptional papers in which Editors find extraordinary oncological value may be considered for review. The Journal encourages clinical studies, particularly prospectively designed clinical trials.

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Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies

ISSN: 2041-9945eISSN: 2041-6156
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Asia-Pacific Psychiatry

ISSN: 1758-5864eISSN: 1758-5872

Asia-Pacific Psychiatry is an international psychiatric journal focused on the Asia and Pacific Rim region, and is the official journal of the Pacific Rim College of Psychiatrics. Asia-Pacific Psychiatry enables psychiatric and other mental health professionals in the region to share their research, education programs and clinical experience with a larger international readership. The journal offers a venue for high quality research for and from the region in the face of minimal international publication availability for authors concerned with the region. This includes findings highlighting the diversity in psychiatric behaviour, treatment and outcome related to social, ethnic, cultural and economic differences of the region. The journal publishes peer-reviewed articles and reviews, as well as clinically and educationally focused papers on regional best practices. Images, videos, a young psychiatrist's corner, meeting reports, a journal club and contextual commentaries differentiate this journal from existing main stream psychiatry journals that are focused on other regions, or nationally focused within countries of Asia and the Pacific Rim. The Editors and the Publisher are particularly focused on helping authors develop ideas and improving the language of accepted submissions. Abstracting and Indexing Services: Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition (Thomson ISI), Science Citation Index Expanded (also known as SciSearch®), National Library of Australia. Asia-Pacific Psychiatry accepts articles for Open Access publication. Please see and select author guidelines for further information about OnlineOpen.

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Asian Economic Journal

ISSN: 1351-3958eISSN: 1467-8381

The Asian Economic Journal provides detailed coverage of a wide range of topics in economics relating to East Asia, including investigation of current research, international comparisons and country studies. It is a forum for debate amongst theorists, practitioners and researchers and publishes high-quality theoretical, empirical and policy-oriented contributions. The Asian Economic Journal strives to facilitate the exchange of information among researchers on a worldwide basis and offers a unique opportunity for economists to keep abreast of research on economics pertaining to East Asia. For those with an interest in Asian Studies, this kind of vital information makes the Asian Economic Journal an essential resource. The Asian Economic Journal is published on behalf of the East Asian Economic Association .

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Asian Economic Policy Review

ISSN: 1832-8105eISSN: 1748-3131

The goal of the Asian Economic Policy Review is to become an intellectual voice on the current issues of international economics and economic policy, based on comprehensive and in-depth analyses, with a primary focus on Asia. As such, articles in the Journal will not be purely academic research or political commentaries. Instead, stress will be placed on identifying key issues at the time - spanning international trade, international finance, the environment, energy, the integration of regional economies and other issues - in order to furnish ideas and proposals to contribute positively to the policy debate in the region. Although the principal focus is economic policy issues, when necessary and relevant, international relations papers will also be included.

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Asian Journal of Control

ISSN: 1561-8625eISSN: 1934-6093

The Asian Journal of Control, an ACA (Asian Control Association) and CACS (Chinese Automatic Control Society) affiliated journal, is the first international journal originating from the Asia Pacific region. The Asian Journal of Control publishes papers on original theoretical and experimental research and developments in the areas of control, involving all facets of control theory and its application. Published six times a year, the Journal aims to be a key interface between control communities within the Asia Pacific region and throughout the world. The Journal provides a forum where control researchers and practitioners can exchange knowledge and experiences on the latest advances in the control areas, and plays an educational role for students and experienced researchers in other disciplines interested in this continually growing field. The scope of the journal is extensive. Topics include:

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Asian Journal of Endoscopic Surgery

ISSN: 1758-5902eISSN: 1758-5910

Asian Journal of Endoscopic Surgery, a joint official journal of the Japan Society for Endoscopic Surgery, Endoscopic and Laparoscopic Surgeons of Asia, and the Asia Endosurgery Task Force publishes significant studies in the fields of endoscopic surgery. The Journal welcomes Original Articles, Case Reports, Surgical Techniques, My Approach and Short Reports, which are peer-reviewed by the editorial board. Letters to the Editor commenting on articles published in the Journal or expressing views on topics concerning surgery are also welcomed. Special articles, including Review Articles are provided by the Editorial Board and invited authors. Meeting Reports include summaries of symposia or consensus achieved in the congresses of related associations.

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Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry

ISSN: 2193-5807eISSN: 2193-5815
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Asian Journal of Social Psychology

ISSN: 1367-2223eISSN: 1467-839X

The Asian Journal of Social Psychology publishes theoretical and empirical papers by Asian scholars and those interested in Asian cultures and societies. The Journal positively encourages submissions with Asian content and/or Asian authors, but also welcomes high-quality submissions from any part of the world. Coverage includes all aspects of social processes such as development, cognition, personality, health, counselling, organisation and education. The Journal encourages interdisciplinary integration with social sciences and humanities.

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Asian Social Work and Policy Review

ISSN: 1753-1403eISSN: 1753-1411
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Asian-Pacific Economic Literature

ISSN: 0818-9935eISSN: 1467-8411

Asian-Pacific Economic Literature (APEL) is an essential resource for anyone interested in economic development in the Asia Pacific region. With original articles on topical policy issues, literature surveys, and abstracts, APEL makes it easy for you to keep ahead of the proliferating research on this dynamic and increasingly important region. Read by politicians, journalists, businesspeople, policy-makers, industrialists and academics, APEL avoids technical jargon, and is the only journal devoted to one-stop, in-depth reporting of research on the development of Asian-Pacific economies. Comprehensive coverage of Asian-Pacific economies.

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Assessment Update

eISSN: 1536-0725
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Astronomical Notes

ISSN: 0004-6337eISSN: 1521-3994

Founded in 1821 by H. C. Schumacher, Astronomische Nachrichten -Astronomical Notes is the oldest astronomical journal in the world. Famous astronomical discoveries and important papers on astronomy and astrophysics published in more than 300 volumes of the journal give an outstanding representation of the progress of astronomical research over the last 180 years. Today Astronomische Nachrichten -Astronomical Notes publishes articles in the fields of observational and theoretical astrophysics and related topics in geophysics and solar physics, while also covering astronomical instrumentation as well as numerical astrophysical techniques and supercomputer modeling. ISSN: 0004-6337 (print), 1521-3994 (online) Volume 331. 10 Issues in 2010.

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Austral Ecology: A Journal of Ecology in the Southern Hemisphere

ISSN: 1442-9985eISSN: 1442-9993

Austral Ecology is the premier journal for basic and applied ecology in the Southern Hemisphere. As the official Journal of The Ecological Society of Australia (ESA), Austral Ecology addresses the commonality between ecosystems in Australia and many parts of southern Africa, South America, New Zealand and Oceania. For example many species in the unique biotas of these regions share common Gondwana ancestors. ESA's aim is to publish innovative research to encourage the sharing of information and experiences that enrich the understanding of the ecology of the Southern Hemisphere. Austral Ecology involves an editorial board with representatives from Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, Brazil and Argentina. These representatives provide expert opinions, access to qualified reviewers and act as a focus for attracting a wide range of contributions from countries across the region. Austral Ecology publishes original papers describing experimental, observational or theoretical studies on terrestrial, marine or freshwater systems, which are considered without taxonomic bias. Special thematic issues are published regularly, including symposia on the ecology of estuaries and soft sediment habitats, freshwater systems and coral reef fish.

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Austral Entomology

eISSN: 2052-1758
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Australasian Journal of Dermatology

ISSN: 0004-8380eISSN: 1440-0960

Australasian Journal of Dermatology is the official journal of the Australasian College of Dermatologists and the New Zealand Dermatological Society, publishing peer-reviewed, original research articles, reviews and case reports dealing with all aspects of clinical practice and research in dermatology. Clinical presentations, medical and physical therapies and investigations, including dermatopathology and mycology, are covered. Short articles may be published under the headings 'Signs, Syndromes and Diagnoses', 'Dermatopathology Presentation', 'Vignettes in Contact Dermatology', 'Surgery Corner' or 'Letters to the Editor'.

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Australasian Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine

ISSN: 1836-6864eISSN: 2205-0140
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Australasian Journal on Ageing

ISSN: 1440-6381eISSN: 1741-6612

Australasian Journal on Ageing is a peer reviewed journal, which publishes original work in any area of gerontology and geriatric medicine. It welcomes international submissions, particularly from authors in the Asia Pacific region.

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Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics

ISSN: 1369-1473eISSN: 1467-842X

Visit the editors page The Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics publishes original articles in the following categories: Applications: Papers demonstrate the application of statistical methods to problems faced by users of statistics. A particular focus is the application of newly developed statistical methodology to real data and the demonstration of better use of established statistical methodology in an area of application. Theory & Methods: Papers make a substantive and original contribution to the theory and methodology of statistics, econometrics or probability. A special focus is given to papers motivated by, and illustrated with, real data. Reviews: Papers give an overview of a current area of statistical research which consolidate and reconcile existing knowledge and make judgements about the most promising directions for future work. Historical and General Interest: Papers discuss the history of statistics in Australia and New Zealand, the role of statistical organisations in private and government institutions and the analysis of datasets of general interest.

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