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Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics

ISSN: 1369-1473eISSN: 1467-842X

Visit the editors page The Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics publishes original articles in the following categories: Applications: Papers demonstrate the application of statistical methods to problems faced by users of statistics. A particular focus is the application of newly developed statistical methodology to real data and the demonstration of better use of established statistical methodology in an area of application. Theory & Methods: Papers make a substantive and original contribution to the theory and methodology of statistics, econometrics or probability. A special focus is given to papers motivated by, and illustrated with, real data. Reviews: Papers give an overview of a current area of statistical research which consolidate and reconcile existing knowledge and make judgements about the most promising directions for future work. Historical and General Interest: Papers discuss the history of statistics in Australia and New Zealand, the role of statistical organisations in private and government institutions and the analysis of datasets of general interest.

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Australian Accounting Review

ISSN: 1035-6908eISSN: 1835-2561

The Australian Accounting Review (AAR) is the pre-eminent, peer-reviewed journal published four times a year on behalf of CPA Australia. AAR is positioned at the intersection of business and academe and features articles by leading practitioners and researchers. It aims to provide in-depth discussion and critical analysis of developments affecting professionals in all areas of finance, accounting and business. Articles published in Australian Accounting Review should be relevant to the journal's primary readership: the Australasian and international academic, professional, business, government and regulatory communities. Review articles on issues relevant to AAR's primary readership are also favourably received. Motivation for articles should be located in current events/problems that affect the business and professional communities, and in the literature. Articles must display a high level of critical analysis, employ an appropriate research approach, provide empirical evidence to support conclusions, and establish the local and international significance of their findings. Replications of international studies that simply apply an accepted methodology to a data set in a different context are not acceptable unless the broad implications of conclusions are articulated, and are of relevance to a wider set of circumstances. Data that purport to be contemporary need to be so. Papers must be scholarly and have the authority of academic rigour yet be accessible to non-academic readers. Papers are subject to a double-blind peer review process to ensure the quality of their underlying research methodology and argument.

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Australian Dental Journal

ISSN: 0045-0421eISSN: 1834-7819

The Australian Dental Journal provides a forum for the exchange of information about new and significant research in dentistry, promoting the discipline of dentistry in Australia and throughout the world. It comprises peer-reviewed research articles as its core material, supplemented by reviews, theoretical articles, special features, commentaries, book reviews and proceedings of workshops and conferences.

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Australian Economic Papers

ISSN: 0004-900XeISSN: 1467-8454

Australian Economic Papers was founded in 1965 by the Economics Departments at the University of Adelaide and Flinders University of South Australia. The journal publishes high-quality papers from leading international economists in theoretical, empirical and policy economics. It offers a forum for debate between theorists, econometricians and policy analysts and covers an exceptionally wide range of topics. In recent years, in addition to all the major fields in economics, the journal has published papers in theoretical and empirical industrial organisation, theoretical and empirical labour economics and macro and micro policy analysis. The Editors particularly welcome innovative and thought-provoking contributions that work on and extend the frontiers of the subject.

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Australian Endodontic Journal

ISSN: 1329-1947eISSN: 1747-4477

The Australian Endodontic Journal is a publication for dentists in general and specialist practice devoted solely to endodontics. It aims to promote communication in the different fields that encompass endodontics for those dentists who have a special interest in endodontics. Regular features include:

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Australian Journal of Entomology

ISSN: 1326-6756eISSN: 1440-6055
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Australian Journal of Public Administration

ISSN: 0313-6647eISSN: 1467-8500

Aimed at a diverse readership, the Australian Journal of Public Administration is committed to the study and practice of public administration, public management and policy making. It encourages research, reflection and commentary amongst those interested in a range of public sector settings. All submissions are double-blind refereed as standard practice.

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Australian Journal of Rural Health

ISSN: 1038-5282eISSN: 1440-1584

The Australian Journal of Rural Health publishes articles in the field of rural health. It facilitates the formation of interdisciplinary networks, so that rural health professionals can form a cohesive group and work together for the advancement of rural practice, in all health disciplines. The Journal aims to establish a national and international reputation for the quality of its scholarly discourse and its value to rural health professionals. All articles, unless otherwise identified, are peer reviewed by at least two researchers expert in the field of the submitted paper. The Journal is taken by subscribers in Canada, Japan, USA and the United Kingdom. Readership includes general practitioners, nurses, allied health professionals, pharmacists, health administrators, universities, rural health units and libraries. 'Rural health is an important and dynamic concern in Australia and around the world. The Australian Journal of Rural Health provides a wonderful mix of practical and academic medical, nursing and other health articles. This provides interesting and useful reading for those in rural practice and those involved in rural health care education, planning and development internationally. I look forward to each issue.'.

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Australian Journal of Social Issues

eISSN: 1839-4655
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Australian Occupational Therapy Journal

ISSN: 0045-0766eISSN: 1440-1630

The Australian Occupational Therapy Journal is the official journal of Occupational Therapy Australia, and welcomes manuscripts relevant to the theory, research, practice and education of occupational therapy. The Journal aims to promote research and interdisciplinary communication, and provide a forum for discussion of issues relevant to occupational therapists. The Journal is dedicated to promoting occupational therapy internationally.

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Australian Veterinary Journal

ISSN: 0005-0423eISSN: 1751-0813

Over the past 80 years, the Australian Veterinary Journal (AVJ) has been providing the veterinary profession with leading edge clinical and scientific research, case reports, reviews. news and timely coverage of industry issues. AJV is Australia's premier veterinary science text and is distributed monthly to over 5,500 Australian Veterinary Association members and subscribers.

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Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy

ISSN: 0814-723XeISSN: 1467-8438

Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy publishes relevant, innovative and original articles on the theory, research, teaching and practice of family therapy. All articles are refereed by assessors with generous feedback and guidance provided as well as mentoring for beginning or new authors. Regular features include book reviews and guest issues on topics of interest to readers and practitioners. As a professional journal we aim to further the discipline of family therapy in Australia and New Zealand.

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Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

ISSN: 0004-8666eISSN: 1479-828X

The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (ANZJOG) is an editorially independent publication owned by the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RANZCOG) and the RANZCOG Research foundation. ANZJOG aims to provide a medium for the publication of original contributions to clinical practice and/or research in all fields of obstetrics and gynaecology and related disciplines. Articles are peer reviewed by clinicians or researchers expert in the field of the submitted work. From time to time the journal will also publish printed abstracts from the RANZCOG Annual Scientific Meeting and meetings of relevant special interest groups, where the accepted abstracts have undergone the journals peer review acceptance process.

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Autism Research

ISSN: 1939-3792eISSN: 1939-3806

Automotive Innovation

eISSN: 2522-8765

Autonomic and Autacoid Pharmacology

ISSN: 1474-8665eISSN: 1474-8673

Autonomic & Autacoid Pharmacology is an international journal dealing with the interactions of drugs and related substances with the central and peripheral divisions of the autonomic nervous system and its effector organs and tissues. All aspects of basic experimental pharmacology in intact animals, isolated tissues and biochemical systems of tissue fractions are covered. This includes the effects of drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system and its effector organs in humans. The drugs under examination are primarily those with actions on the cardiovascular, respiratory and gastrointestinal systems of the body. The effector organs of the autonomic nervous system is interpreted in its widest sense to include substances affecting smooth and cardiac muscle in general. The scope of the journal has widened to include the pharmacology of autacoids including angiotensin, endothelin, kinins, prostaglandins, leukotrienes, opioids, cytokines, histamine and 5-hydroxytryptamine.

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Awwa Water Science

eISSN: 2577-8161

BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

ISSN: 1470-0328eISSN: 1471-0528

BJOGis an editorially independent publication owned by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG). Its aim is to publish the highest quality medical research in women"s health. worldwide. Aims and Scope BJOGis an editorially independent publication owned by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG). The Journal publishes original. peer-reviewed work in all areas of obstetrics and gynaecology. including contraception. urogynaecology. fertility. oncology and clinical practice. Its aim is to publish the highest quality medical research in women"s health. worldwide.

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BJU International

ISSN: 1464-4096eISSN: 1464-410X

BJUI is constantly innovating to provide the urology community with a journal that is fresh in appearance and is easy to read. The journal is fully sectionalised and in full colour making it easier to use. BJUI aims to provide the very highest standard of research and clinical material for the urological community. These high standards are borne out by an increasing impact factor and a high rejection rate of 80%. BJUI publishes original articles, correspondence and book reviews on adult and pediatric urology. Clinical relevance is critical and the journal covers the entire breadth of urology under the following sections : Comments, Mini-Reviews, Urological Oncology (all areas of urological oncology as well as recent advances in diagnostic techniques.), Lower Urinary Tract, Sexual Medicine, Upper Urinary Tract, Reconstructive Urology, Paediatric Urology, Investigative Urology, Robotic & Laparoscopic Urology and the highly esteemed Surgery Illustrated. Authors can track their article online via the new service called Author Services, once it has been accepted, and follow it all the way through production. Accompanying BJUI are regular supplements on topics of current interest in urology.

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ISSN: 1651-0534
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