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Ethnographic Praxis in Industry Conference Proceedings

ISSN: 1559-890XeISSN: 1559-8918
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Ethology: international journal of behavioural biology

ISSN: 0179-1613eISSN: 1439-0310

International in scope, Ethology publishes original research on behaviour including physiological mechanisms, function, and evolution. The Journal addresses behaviour in all species, from slime moulds to humans. Experimental research is preferred, both from the field and the lab, which is grounded in a theoretical framework. The section 'Perspectives and Current Debates' provides an overview of the field and may include theoretical investigations and essays on controversial topics.

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ISSN: 1478-0917eISSN: 1746-692X
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European Eating Disorders Review

ISSN: 1072-4133eISSN: 1099-0968

European Eating Disorders Review publishes authoritative and accessible articles, from all over the world, which review or report original research that has implications for the treatment and care of people with eating disorders, and articles which report innovations and experience in the clinical management of eating disorders. The journal focuses on implications for best practice in diagnosis and treatment, (rather than on research methodology). The journal also provides a forum for discussion of the causes and prevention of eating disorders, and related health policy. The aims of the journal are to offer a channel of communication between researchers, practitioners, administrators and policymakers who need to report and understand developments in the field of eating disorders. The journal.

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European Financial Management

ISSN: 1354-7798eISSN: 1468-036X

For the increase and dissemination of financial management knowledge...' European Financial Management was founded in 1994 by Dr John Doukas to encourage research and disseminate knowledge about decision making in all areas of finance. European Financial Management publishes the best applied research from around the world, providing a forum for both executives and academics concerned with the financial management of European corporations and financial institutions. The journal highlights key trends in Europe in a clear and accessible way, with articles covering international research and practice that have direct bearing on Europe. Areas covered include: European stock markets, Eurobond and Eurocurrency markets, managing European currency exposure, financial regulatory issues, banking and money markets, financial derivatives, mergers and acquisitions, corporate restructuring, new capital raising strategies, corporate treasury management, investment and capital structure decisions.

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European Journal of Cancer Care

ISSN: 0961-5423eISSN: 1365-2354

The European Journal of Cancer Care aims to encourage comprehensive, multiprofessional cancer care across Europe and internationally. It publishes original research reports, literature reviews, guest editorials, letters to the Editor and special features on current issues affecting the care of cancer patients. The Editor welcomes contributions which result from team working or collaboration between different health and social care providers, service users, patient groups and the voluntary sector in the areas of: Primary, secondary and tertiary care for cancer patients Multidisciplinary and service-user involvement in cancer care Rehabilitation, supportive, palliative and end of life care for cancer patients Policy, service development and healthcare evaluation in cancer care Psychosocial interventions for patients and family members International perspectives on cancer care The journal provides a forum for multiprofessional and service-user dialogue, and the reporting of original research or rigorous reviews within the field of cancer care both in Europe and internationally. The journal welcomes original research, reviews and correspondence from individuals whose first language is not English, but places great weight in its published papers on accuracy, fluency and clarity of expression as befits any journal published for an international and multiprofessional audience.

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European Journal of Clinical Investigation

ISSN: 0014-2972eISSN: 1365-2362

EJCI considers any original contribution from the most sophisticated basic molecular sciences to applied clinical and translational research and evidence-based medicine across a broad range of subspecialties. The EJCI publishes reports of high-quality research that pertain to the genetic, molecular, cellular, or physiological basis of human biology and disease, as well as research that addresses prevalence, diagnosis, course, treatment, and prevention of disease. We are primarily interested in studies directly pertinent to humans, but submission of robust in vitro and animal work is also encouraged. Interdisciplinary work and research using innovative methods and combinations of laboratory, clinical, and epidemiological methodologies and techniques is of great interest to the journal. Several categories of manuscripts (for detailed description see below) are considered: editorials, original articles (also including randomized clinical trials, systematic reviews and meta-analyses), reviews (narrative reviews), opinion articles (including debates, perspectives and commentaries); and letters to the Editor.

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European Journal of Dental Education

ISSN: 1396-5883eISSN: 1600-0579

The aim of the European Journal of Dental Education is to publish original, topical and review articles of the highest quality in the field of Dental Education. The Journal seeks to disseminate widely the latest information on curriculum development, teaching methodologies, assessment techniques and quality assurance in the fields of dental undergraduate and postgraduate education and dental auxiliary personnel training. The scope includes the dental educational aspects of the basic medical sciences, the behavioural sciences, the interface with medical education, information technology and distance learning and educational audit. Papers embodying the results of high-quality educational research of relevance to dentistry are particularly encouraged as are evidence-based reports of novel and established educational programmes and their outcomes. The European Journal of Dental Education is the official journal of the Association for Dental Education in Europe. Whilst the Journal focuses on the European experience, its relevance is global and contributions are invited on a worldwide basis. One volume of four issues is published annually.

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European Journal of Education

ISSN: 0141-8211eISSN: 1465-3435

The European Journal of Education is an international, peer reviewed journal that presents high quality, recent research and policy analysis with a primary focus on Europe, placed in an international perspective. The Journal publishes the results of European research projects and explores key topics of concern to policy makers and international organisations in Europe and further afield. The Editorial Board brings together academics and policy analysts from different European countries and major international organisations. There is also a network of distinguished Editorial Correspondents who advise the Joint Editors and the Board. The European Journal of Education is now indexed by Thomson ISI and has received an impact factor since 2010. With European comparative perspective, the European Journal of Education provides brokerage between research and policy communities, covering a range of thematic areas, addressing influential stakeholders and leaders. Evidence-based public policy is a growing area that needs well-researched, appropriate evidence that refers to a set of values. The main aims of the European Journal of Education are to: • contribute to the policy debate at the national and European level by providing European administrators and policy-makers in international organisations, national and local governments with comparative and up-to-date material centred on specific themes of common interest. • examine, compare and assess education policies, trends, reforms and programmes of European countries in an international perspective. • disseminate policy debates and research results to a wide audience of academics, researchers, practitioners and students of education sciences. EJE is a thematic journal. Part I of each issue contains 5 to 8 articles around a selected theme presenting a range of perspectives and research on the topic under analysis and the key issues for future research and policy. The Guest Editors are acknowledged experts in their field. Themes are identified by the board; they come from European-funded research projects or are based on conferences and seminars. They are proposed by board members, editorial correspondents or other colleagues from all over Europe. Part II contains articles on other themes that have been submitted for publication and peer reviewed. EJE is the only European journal publishing about education matters that covers a broad spectrum in education, aiming to build bridges between research and policy and to address issues of concern to the different levels and types of education, transversal topics and ‘big issues’ for policy agendas. This includes an active and on-going discussion of EU education policy. The Journal welcomes cross-disciplinary approaches within the education sector and with other sectors. The Journal actively seeks to partner with organisations (e.g. universities, foundations, international organisations) with a view to organising seminars on topical or futures themes that make it possible to bring together an international network of people from academia, policy, government, international organisations, foundations, education providers, etc. The readership is mainly composed of academics, policy analysts, students of education sciences, teachers (HE, school, VET, adult learning), project and programme managers and action-researchers, international organisations.

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European Journal of Haematology

ISSN: 0902-4441eISSN: 1600-0609

European Journal of Haematology is an international journal for communication of basic and clinical research in haematology. The journal welcomes manuscripts on molecular, cellular and clinical research on diseases of the blood, vascular and lymphatic tissue, and on basic molecular and cellular research related to normal development and function of the blood, vascular and lymphatic tissue. The journal also welcomes reviews on clinical haematology and basic research, case reports, and clinical pictures.

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European Journal of Heart Failure

ISSN: 1388-9842eISSN: 1879-0844
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European Journal of Heart Failure Supplements

ISSN: 1567-4215eISSN: 1878-1314
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European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry

ISSN: 1434-1948eISSN: 1099-0682

The European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (2009 ISI 5-year Impact Factor 3.101) publishes Full Papers, Short Communications, and Microreviews from the entire spectrum of inorganic, organometallic, bioinorganic, and solid-state chemistry. The following journals have been merged to form the two leading journals, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry and European Journal of Organic Chemistry:

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European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology

ISSN: 1438-7697eISSN: 1438-9312

Lipids, fats and oils play an ever increasing role in many aspects of health, science and technology, e.g. health requirements, metabolism, tailor-made raw materials and renewable rescources. The European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology focusses on the scientific and geographical integration of this varied spectrum ranging from lipidomics, nutrition and health to analytics, biotechnology and process engineering as well as chemistry and physical chemistry. The journal is the official organ the European Federation for the Science and Technology of Lipids (Euro Fed Lipid). Highlights 2009:

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European Journal of Neuroscience

ISSN: 0953-816XeISSN: 1460-9568

EJN publishes original research articles and reviews in the broad fields of molecular, cellular, systems, behavioral, and cognitive neurosciences. EJN aims to advance our understanding of the nervous system in health and disease, thereby improving the diagnosis and treatment of neuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders. Papers should present novel results that can be of interest to a broad spectrum of neuroscientists and that were generated by experiments guided by clearly defined aims or hypotheses. Highly specialized articles that provide only limited new insights into the organization and function of the nervous system, or describe results too specialized for a generalist neuroscience journal may be considered outside the scope of EJN. Publish your research in the journal to benefit from:

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European Journal of Oral Sciences

ISSN: 0909-8836eISSN: 1600-0722

The European Journal of Oral Sciences is an international journal which publishes original research papers within clinical dentistry, on all basic science aspects of structure, chemistry, developmental biology, physiology and pathology of relevant tissues, as well as on microbiology, biomaterials and the behavioural sciences as they relate to dentistry. In general, analytical studies are preferred to descriptive ones. Reviews, Short Communications and Letters to the Editor will also be considered for publication. The journal is published bimonthly.

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European Journal of Organic Chemistry

ISSN: 1434-193XeISSN: 1099-0690

The European Journal of Organic Chemistry (2009 ISI Impact Factor 3.096) publishes Full Papers, Short Communications, and Microreviews from the entire spectrum of synthetic organic, bioorganic and physical-organic chemistry. The following journals have been merged to form two leading journals, the European Journal of Organic Chemistry and the European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry:

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European Journal of Pain

ISSN: 1090-3801eISSN: 1532-2149

The European Journal of Pain is an international multidisciplinary journal that aims to become a global forum on all major aspects of pain and its management. The journal differs from existing pain journals in its clinical and educational emphasis. Submissions from all over the world are welcome. Under the guidance of an international multidisciplinary Editorial Board, the journal publishes articles on clinical and basic research relevant to many medical specialities.

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European Journal of Philosophy

ISSN: 0966-8373eISSN: 1468-0378

Founded by Mark Sacks in 1993, the European Journal of Philosophy has come to occupy a distinctive and highly valued place amongst the philosophical journals. The aim of the EJP has been to bring together the best work from those working within the 'analytic' and 'continental' traditions, and to encourage connections between them, without diluting their respective priorities and concerns. This has enabled the EJP to publish a wide range of material of the highest standard from philosophers across the world, reflecting the best thinking from a variety of philosophical perspectives, in a way that is accessible to all of them.' Robert Stern, editor of the EJP.

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European Journal of Political Research Political Data Yearbook

eISSN: 2047-8852
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