The journal Fizika Elementarnykh Chastits i Atomnogo Yadr of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR, Dubna) was founded by Academician N.N. Bogolyubov in August 1969. The Editors-in-chief of the journal were Academician N.N. Bogolyubov (1970–1992) and Academician A.M. Baldin (1992–2001). Its English translation, Physics of Particles and Nuclei, appears simultaneously with the original Russian-language edition. Published by leading physicists from the JINR member states, as well as by scientists from other countries, review articles in this journal examine problems of elementary particle physics, nuclear physics, condensed matter physics, experimental data processing, accelerators and related instrumentation ecology and radiology.
The journal Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters, brief name Particles and Nuclei Letters, publishes the articles with results of the new and original theoretical, experimental, scientific-technical, methodological and applied research. Subject matter of articles covers: theoretical physics, elementary particle physics, relativistic nuclear physics, nuclear physics and related problems in other branches of physics, neutron physics, condensed matter physics, physics and engineering at low temperatures, physics and engineering of accelerators, physical experimental instruments and methods, physical computation experiments, applied research in these branches of physics and radiology, ecology and nuclear medicine.
The journal Physics of the Solid State presents the latest results from Russia’s leading researchers in condensed matter physics at the Russian Academy of Sciences and other prestigious institutions. Coverage includes all areas of solid state physics including solid state optics, solid state acoustics, electronic and vibrational spectra, phase transition, ferroelectricity, magnetism, and superconductivity. The journal also presents review papers on the most important problems in solid state physics.
Plasma Physics Reports (Fizika Plasmy) was founded in 1975 in order to publish papers on a comparatively young and extremely fruitful branch of modern science - plasma physics. The journal covers the following topics: high-temperature plasma physics related to the problem of controlled nuclear fusion based on magnetic and inertial confinement; physics of cosmic plasma, including magnetosphere plasma, sun and stellar plasma, etc.; gas discharge plasma and plasma generated by laser and particle beams. The journal also publishes papers on such related topics as plasma electronics, generation of radiation in plasma, and plasma diagnostics. As well as other original communications, the journal publishes topical reviews and conference proceedings.
The Journal publishes virtually useful engineering developments, which are related to the preparation and application of glues, compounds, sealing materials, and binding agents. The Journal publishes both theoretical and applied articles. The papers on the adhesion theory, ways of prediction of the strength of adhesive joints, methods of controlling their properties, synthesis, and methods of structural of calculations of glued joints and constructions are published in the Journal.Journal published mainly papers of the applied character. In addition, the Journal publishes original articles with the new scientific results, analytical reviews of the modern state of the field. Polymer Science, Series D includes papers from Russian journal Klei. Germetiki. Tekhnologii published since 2004.
Problems of Information Transmission is an official journal of the Russian Academy of Sciences. This English translation of Problemy Peredachi Informatsii features articles of interest to investigators in all aspects of communication systems research and development. Readers will find coverage of statistical information theory; coding theory and techniques; noisy channels; error detection and correction; signal detection, extraction, and analysis; analysis of communication networks; optimal processing and routing; the theory of random processes; and bionics.
Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics is a cover-to-cover translation of the Trudy Matematicheskogo Instituta imeni V.A. Steklova of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Each issue ordinarily contains either one book-length article or a collection of articles pertaining to the same topic.
Programming and Computer Software, founded in 1975, is devoted to problems in all areas of computer science: operating systems, compiler technology, software engineering, artificial intelligence, etc. This journal is intended for researchers, students, and practitioners.
Radiochemistry (Radiokhimiya) was founded in 1959. The journal covers the theoretical and applied aspects of radiochemistry, including the fundamental nuclear physical properties of radionuclides: the chemistry, physical and analytical chemistry, and spectroscopy of radioactive elements and compounds: the chemistry of rare earth elements: the occurrence, speciation, and behavior of natural and artificial radionuclides in the environment: environmental problems of the radiochemical industry and atomic power engineering: devices and methods for radiochemical analysis: processes and equipment of radiochemical engineering: the recovery of radionuclides and the synthesis of labeled compounds: the use of radioactive tracers in chemical studies: radiation chemistry and after-effects of nuclear conversions: and the historical, philosophical, and educational aspects of radiochemistry, as well as book reviews and reviews of radiochemical conferences.
Regular and Chaotic Dynamics (RCD) is an international journal publishing original research papers in dynamical systems theory and its applications. Rooted in the Moscow school of mathematics and mechanics, the journal successfully combines classical problems, modern mathematical techniques and breakthroughs in the field. Regular and Chaotic Dynamics welcomes papers that establish original results, characterized by rigorous mathematical settings and proofs, and that also address practical problems. In addition to research papers, the journal publishes review articles, historical and polemical essays, and translations of works by influential scientists of past centuries, previously unavailable in English. Along with regular issues, RCD also publishes special issues devoted to particular topics and events in the world of dynamical systems.
The Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry (Zhurnal Prikladnoi Khimii) covers all application problems of modern chemistry, including the structure of inorganic and organic compounds, kinetics and mechanisms of chemical reactions, problems of chemical processes and apparatus, borderline problems of chemistry and applied research. The journal was founded in 1928.
RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL INVASIONS (RJBI) publishes original scientific papers dealing with biological invasions of alien species in both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems for the following subjects: description of invasion process (theory, modeling, results of observations and experiments): invasion corridors, invasion vectors, invader species adaptations, vulnerability of aboriginal ecosystems: monitoring of invasion process (reports about findings of organisms out of the limits of natural range, propagule pressure assessment, settling dynamics, rates of naturalization): invasion risk assessment: genetic, evolutional, and ecological consequences of biological invasions of alien species: methods, means of hoarding, processing and presentation of applied research data (new developments, modeling, research results, data base) with factual and geoinformation system applications: use of the results of biological invasion research (methods and new basic results) under the study of marine, fresh-water and terrestrial species, populations, communities and ecosystems: control, rational use and eradication of the harmful alien species.
The Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry (Bioorganicheskaya khimiya) publishes reviews and the results of original experimental and theoretical investigations on the structure, function, structure–activity relation, and synthesis of biopolymers, such as proteins, nucleic acids, polysaccharides, mixed biopolymers, and their complexes, and low-molecular-mass biologically active compounds (peptides, sugars, lipids, antibiotics, etc.). The journal also covers selected aspects of neuro- and immunochemistry, biotechnology, and ecology. The journal is intended for scientists, tutors and students in higher schools, and researchers in industrial, medical, agricultural, and environmental control laboratories.
Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry (Koordinatsionnaya Khimiya) was founded in 1975 and is now one of the most prominent chemical journals in Russia. It presents reviews, original papers, and communications on all aspects of theoretical and experimental coordination chemistry. Modern coordination chemistry occupies a special interdisciplinary position in the chemical sciences, being at the junction of various fields and serving as a bridge between the inorganic, organic, physical, analytical, and biological branches of chemistry. The Russian school of coordination chemistry, which began as a creative friendship between A. Werner and L. Chugaev, has developed strong ties with leading western chemical schools. Russian chemists have contributed a great deal to the formation and growth of this field of chemistry and still play a leading role in the world chemical science. The materials published in the Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry are meant not only for specialists in various fields of pure che
The Russian Journal of Developmental Biology was founded in 1970 by the outstanding Russian biologist Boris L. Astaurov. The journal has made an important contribution to the development of embryology in the former Soviet Union. The journal publishes reviews and experimental papers by Russian and foreign authors dealing with various aspects of developmental biology. It presents fundamental and applied research on development, regeneration, and carcinogenesis at the molecular, cellular, and organismic levels. It also publishes papers on events in science and the history of developmental biology in Russia.
The Russian Journal of Ecology (Ekologiya) publishes complete original studies in all branches of theoretical and experimental ecology, reviews and papers on topics currently in debate, information about new methods of investigation, book reviews, and chronicles.
Russian Journal of Electrochemistry (Elektrokhimiya) was founded in 1965 by Academician A.N. Frumkin, an outstanding physical chemist. The journal covers all aspects of research in modern electrochemistry.
The Russian Journal of General Chemistry (Zhurnal obshchei khimii) is a major journal in the field of scientific chemistry, with a unique pedigree: it is the successor to Russia's first chemical journal, Zhurnal Russkogo Khimicheskogo Obshchestva (The Journal of the Russian Chemical Society), founded in 1869. Today, the journal focuses on new achievements and long-term results in many related disciplines in chemistry, including organometallics, organometalloids, organo-inorganic complexes, mechanochemistry, nanochemistry, and more. The journal publishes reviews, current scientific papers, letters to the editor, discussion papers, book reviews, announcements and reports on scientific conferences. The journal benefits researchers at scientific and research institutes, academics, researchers and students at universities, and specialists in many branches of the chemical industry.
Russian Journal of Genetics (Genetika) was founded in 1965, soon after the end of Lysenko’s era, a time during which genetics was considered a false, reactionary science. Since its inception, the journal has made a significant contribution to the revival of genetics in the former Soviet Union. The journal publishes reviews and experimental papers in the areas of theoretical and applied genetics. It presents fundamental research on genetic processes at the molecular, cell, organism, and population levels. Special attention is paid to the most topical areas in modern genetics dealing with global concerns: the conservation and rational management of genetic resources and the evaluation, prediction, and prevention of the negative effects of environmental pollution. The journal also publishes papers dedicated to events in Russian science and the history of genetics.
Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (Zhurnal Neorganicheskoi Khimii) is a monthly periodical established in 1956. It covers the following topics of research: the synthesis and properties of inorganic compounds, coordination compounds, high-temperature semiconductors, physicochemical analysis of inorganic systems, theoretical inorganic chemistry, physical methods of investigation, and physical chemistry of solutions. Topical surveys, book reviews, and conference reports appear systematically. All relevant submissions are accepted. Articles are generally published 10 to 12 months after submission.