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Research results in pharmacology

eISSN: 2658-381X
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Rethinking Ecology

eISSN: 2534-9260

Rethinking Ecology is an open access journal that aims at fostering forward thinking and the publication of novel ideas in ecology. The term ecology in this instance should be understood in the broadest sense, and contributions including (but not limited to) evolution, ecophysiology, environmental sciences, global change biology, human ecology and decision ecology are all welcome. The journal publishes perspectives, research papers, rapid communications, responses, software descriptions and horizon scanning papers with an emphasis on new hypotheses and bold ideas.

As opposed to other journals, perspectives and horizon scanning papers to Rethinking Ecology are not commissioned. We believe that novel ideas and innovative research do not arise from direct invitations and we are committed to enable authors to publish their best work, regardless of their seniority, gender, publication track record and country of origin. Other singularities of the journal include a percentage-based author contribution index that accurately reflects the contribution of each co-author and a double-blind review process where reviewers score manuscripts against well-defined criteria in relation to the type of paper.

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Silva Balcanica

ISSN: 1311-8706

Silva Balcanica is an International Scientific Journal. Original and unpublished results of investigations of all aspects of forest ecosystems and landscapes of Balkan Peninsula, Central and Southern Europe will be published. Silva Balcanica is published by Forest Research Institute – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (FRI-BAS). Scientific analysis of practical results as well as investigations in the forest sciences, including forest ecology; forest soil science; forest genetics, tree breeding and plantation forestry; biometry and sylviculture; forest economy and management; forest entomology and pathology; ecology and management of game fauna, urban forestry and green infrastructure, are accepted.

Critical and constructive articles on scientific publications or events in the field of forestry and forest science are also welcome.

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Soils for Europe

eISSN: 3033-0211

Subterranean Biology

ISSN: 1768-1448eISSN: 1314-2615

Subterranean Biology is an international journal published by Pensoft on behalf of the International Society for Subterranean Biology [SIBIOS] for the publication of original and significant contributions on all aspects of subterranean life. All published papers can be freely copied, downloaded, printed and distributed at no charge for the reader. Authors are thus encouraged to post the pdf files of published papers on their homepages or elsewhere to expedite distribution. There is no charge for color.

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The Journal of “Grigore Antipa” National Museum of Natural History

ISSN: 1223-2254eISSN: 2247-0735
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Vegetation Classification and Survey

eISSN: 2683-0671

Vegetation Classification and Survey (VCS) is an international, peer-reviewed, online journal on plant community ecology published on behalf of the International Association for Vegetation Science (IAVS) together with its sister journals, Journal of Vegetation Science (JVS) and Applied Vegetation Science (AVS). It is devoted to vegetation survey and classification at any organizational and spatial scale and without restriction to certain methodological approaches.

The journal publishes original papers that develop new vegetation typologies as well as applied studies that use such typologies, for example, in vegetation mapping, ecosystem modelling, nature conservation, land use management or monitoring. Particularly encouraged are methodological studies that design and compare tools for vegetation classification and mapping, such as algorithms, databases and nomenclatural principles. Papers dealing with conceptual and theoretical bases of vegetation survey and classification are also welcome. While large-scale studies are preferred, regional studies will be considered when filling important knowledge gaps or presenting new methods. VCS also contains permanent sections on "Ecoinformatics" and "Phytosociological Nomenclature".

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Viticulture Data Journal

eISSN: 2603-431X

Viticulture Data Journal (VDJ) is an innovative open access peer-reviewed journal which facilitates the publication of data, research articles and other research objects in the area of viticulture. The journal is focussed on submissions documenting the following outcomes of the research cycle: data, models, software, data analytics pipelines and visualisation methods in viticulture research area.

Viticultural research covers a wide range of topics, from genetic research, food safety of viticultural products to climate change adaptation of grapevine varieties through grape specific research. The journal will consider manuscripts for publication related (but not limited) to the following topics:

Phenotyping and genotyping, Vine growth and development, Vine ecophysiology, Berry yield and composition, Genetic resources and breeding, Vine adaptation to climate change, abiotic and biotic stress, Vine propagation, Rootstock and clonal evaluation, Effects of field practices (pruning, fertilization etc.) on vine growth and quality, Sustainable viticulture and environmental impact, Ampelography, Plant pathology, diseases and pests of grapevine, Microbiology and microbiological risk assessment, Food safety related to table grapes, raisins, wine, etc.

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Zitteliana: An International Journal of Paleontology and Geobiology

ISSN: 2512-5338eISSN: 2747-8106

Zitteliana is an open-access, online + print, peer-reviewed scientific journal that publishes original articles, short contributions, and reviews on all aspects of palaeontology and geobiology. It welcomes research on all regions of the Earth and all periods of geologic time. The journal invites both modern and traditional research outputs, including palaeobiology, geobiology, palaeogenomics, biodiversity, stratigraphy, sedimentology, regional geology, systematics, phylogeny, and cross-disciplinary studies of these areas. Monographic contributions can be considered in justified exceptions, but require a permission to submit from the editor(s). All contributions must be written in English. A printed version of the journal will be produced in annual volumes. Zitteliana is one of the open-access publication platforms of the Bavarian Natural History Collections (Staatliche Naturwissenschaftliche Sammlungen Bayerns, SNSB).

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ISSN: 1313-2989eISSN: 1313-2970

ZooKeys is a peer-reviewed, open access, online and print, rapidly published journal, launched to support free exchange of ideas, data and information in all branches of Zoology. It is one of the most dynamic, innovative  and technologically advanced scholarly journals in its field. Zookeys was the first to implement semantic tagging and enhancements of content since the publication of its issue 50 in 2010. Currently, ZooKeys takes second place in the Index of Organism Names among the top 10 journals publishing the greatest number of new taxa in Zoology.

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eISSN: 1984-4689
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