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ISSN: 1539-2422

Bioscience Horizons: The National Undergraduate Research Journal

eISSN: 1754-7431

Bioscience Horizons is a free online journal publishing the best undergraduate bioscience research from the UK and Republic of Ireland. The journal provides a forum for students, their supervisors and universities, to showcase high quality undergraduate research work, strengthening the link between teaching and research in higher education. All papers are written by students and can come from a variety of research projects. Manuscripts can be submitted at any time of the year on a continuous publication basis.

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Bioscience of Microbiota, Food and Health

ISSN: 2186-6953eISSN: 2186-3342
Publisher: BMFH Press

Biosystems Engineering

ISSN: 1537-5110eISSN: 1537-5129

Biosystems Engineering publishes research in engineering and the physical sciences that represent advances in understanding or modelling of the performance of biological systems for sustainable developments in land use and the environment, agriculture and amenity, bioproduction processes and the food chain. The subject matter of the journal reflects the wide range and interdisciplinary nature of research in engineering for biological systems.Papers may report the results of experiments, theoretical analyses, design of, or innovations relating to, machines and mechanisation systems, processes or processing methods, equipment and buildings, experimental equipment, laboratory and analytical techniques and instrumentation.LIST OF REVIEWERS 2011Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Biotechnology, Agronomy, Society and Environment

ISSN: 1370-6233eISSN: 1780-4507

"Biotechnology, Agronomy, Society and Environment" publishes original papers, research notes, review articles, summaries of books and theses as well as reviews of workshops and conferences in the fields of crop and animal productions and sciences, forest sciences, soil and earth sciences, rural engineering, environment, bioindustries, food technologies, economy and sociology.

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Biotropia: The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Biology

ISSN: 0215-6334eISSN: 1907-770X

BIOTROPIA, the Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Biology is a scientific publication of SEAMEO BIOTROP. It publishes articles in the broad areas of tropical ecosystems and environmental impacts, biodiversity conservation and sustainable development, environmental and forest biotechnology, covering all aspects of the discipline of biology. Articles published in the journal are papers reporting results of original researches, reviews on spesific topics not available elsewhere in up-to-date form, and short communication in which advances in knowledge of significance are briefly announced.

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ISSN: 0006-3606eISSN: 1744-7429

Ranked by the ISI index, Biotropica is a highly regarded source of original research on the ecology, conservation and management of all tropical ecosystems, and on the evolution, behavior, and population biology of tropical organisms. Published on behalf of the Association of Tropical Biology and Conservation, the journal's Special Issues and Special Sections quickly become indispensable references for researchers in the field. Biotropica publishes timely Papers, Reviews, Commentaries, and Insights. Commentaries generate thought-provoking ideas that frequently initiate fruitful debate and discussion, while Reviews provide authoritative and analytical overviews of topics of current conservation or ecological importance. The newly instituted category Insights replaces Short Communications.

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Bird Conservation International

ISSN: 0959-2709eISSN: 1474-0001
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Bird Study

ISSN: 0006-3657eISSN: 1944-6705

Bird Study concentrates on birds that occur in the Western Palearctic. This includes research on their biology outside of the Western Palearctic, for example on wintering grounds in Africa. Bird Study also welcomes papers from any part of the world if they are of general interest to the broad areas of investigation outlined above. Bird Study publishes the following types of articles: * Original research papers of any length * Short original research papers (less then 2500 words in length) * Scientific reviews * Forum articles covering general ornithological issues, including non-scientific ones * Short feedback articles that make scientific criticisms of papers published recently in the Journal. Visit Bird Study's sister journal Ringing & Migration on the BTO website or on Taylor & Francis' website. The British Trust for Ornithology handle all permissions requests for the journal. Please contact for all enquiries. Disclaimer The British Trust for Ornithology and Taylor & Francis make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 'Content') contained in its publications. However, the British Trust for Ornithology and Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of the British Trust for Ornithology and Taylor & Francis.

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ISSN: 0006-5196

Bois et Forets des Tropiques

ISSN: 0006-579XeISSN: 1777-5760

Boletim do Instituto de Pesca

ISSN: 1678-2305eISSN: 1678-2305

Boletín de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras

ISSN: 0122-9761

Bonn Zoological Bulletin

ISSN: 2190-7307eISSN: 2363-6947

The Bonn zoological Bulletin (BzB), formerly "Bonner zoologische Beiträge", is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal publishing original research articles, reviews, and scientific notes dealing with organismal zoology.Focus of the BzB are (1) taxonomy, (2) systematics and evolution, and (3) biodiversity and biogeography, all with respect to terrestrial animals. Terrestrial animals as understood here include those inhabiting fresh or brackish waters. Contributions from related fields like ecology, morphology, anatomy, physiology or behaviour are welcome when of clear relevance to the focus topics.Publication in BzB is free of charge, including colour illustrations or photographs contributing significantly to quality and / or readability of the manuscript. Authors retain full copyright of their published papers, may share them with colleagues, and are encouraged to post the original pdfs on their personal or institutional website for non-commercial use. All material must be original, unpublished work and not under consideration for publication elsewhere. .

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Boreal Environment Research

ISSN: 1239-6095eISSN: 1797-2469

The journal publishes original, previously unpublished research reports, reviews and commentaries on various aspects of the boreal environment and its natural resources, in particular: environmental problems, their assessment, understanding and management, as well as the sustainable use of natural resources. Boreal is interpreted in a wide sense, i.e. including polar, subpolar and northern temperate conditions, biomes or ecosystems. The journal is a forum for emphasizing a holistic approach to environmental sciences, linking pressures via sources of pollution to the impacts on the environment through the processes occurring in various media. Articles dealing with monitoring, experimental, theoretical and modelling studies as well as their combinations are all welcome. Theme issues can be put forward using Special-issue proposal form.

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Boreas: An International Journal of Quaternary Research

ISSN: 0300-9483eISSN: 1502-3885

Boreas has been published since 1972. Articles of wide international interest from all branches of Quaternary research are published. Biological as well as non-biological aspects of the Quaternary environment, in both glaciated and non-glaciated areas, are dealt with: Climate, shore displacement, glacial features, landforms, sediments, organisms and their habitat, and stratigraphical and chronological relationships. Anticipated international interest, at least within a continent or a considerable part of it, is a main criterion for the acceptance of papers. Besides articles, short items like discussion contributions and book reviews are published.

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Botan‪ical Sciences

ISSN: 2007-4298eISSN: 2007-4476
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Botanica Complutensis

ISSN: 0214-4565eISSN: 1988-2874

Botanica Lithuanica

eISSN: 2029-932X
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Botanica Marina

ISSN: 0006-8055eISSN: 1437-4323

Increased IMPACT FACTOR 2010: 1.623Rank 35 out of 92 in category Marine & Freshwater Biology and 71 out of 187 in category Plant Sciences in the 2010 Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Report/Science EditionLanguages: EnglishType of Publication: JournalThe Editorial Manager site has been closed for live manuscript submission. Effective immediately, please submit NEW manuscripts at the following URL: Previously submitted but not finally processed papers remain accessible via Editorial Manager (for submitting revisions, please log into your user Editorial Manager account as usual). Already registered users of the Editorial Manager site do not need to register anew at the ManuscriptCentral site. In the ManuscriptCentral login window, please enter your e-mail address in the "Password Help" area; you will then be sent a link for setting a new password. Please note that the new password must consist of 8 characters, including 2 numerals.

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