Clays and Clay Minerals is the official publication of THE CLAY MINERALS SOCIETY. The JOURNAL publishes articles of interest to the international community of clay scientists, including but not limited to areas in mineralogy, crystallography, geology, geochemistry, sedimentology, soil science, agronomy, physical chemistry, colloid chemistry, ceramics, petroleum engineering, foundry engineering, and soil mechanics. Clays and Clay Minerals exists to disseminate to its worldwide readership the most recent developments in all of these aspects of clay materials. Manuscripts are welcome from all countries.
Medicine/Public Health general, Gynecology, Pneumology/Respiratory system, Gastroenterology, Pediatrics
Collectanea Botanica publica artículos originales e inéditos sobre taxonomía y sistemática vegetal y fúngica y campos relacionados, como la biogeografía, bioinformática, citogenética, conservación, ecofisiología, filogenia, filogeografía, florística, morfología funcional, nomenclatura o relaciones planta-animal, incluyendo trabajos de síntesis y revisión.La revista tiene periodicidad anual. Envía información sobre las nuevas especies publicadas para que sean incluidas en las bases de datos TROPICOS, (International Plant Name Index o IndexFungorum )Collectanea Botanica proporciona acceso inmediato a texto completo a todos los contenidos de esta edición electrónica.
Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
bioscience, biology, biophysics
“Real science is that which is for the whole world, and thus, if we want to be real scientists and – as is apt – good Hungarians, we have to raise the standard of science so high that it becomes visible even outside of our homeland and in turn is duly revered.” Eötvös Loránd – President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (1899–1905) Akadémiai Kiadó, founded in 1828 by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, is Hungary’s oldest continuously operating publishing house. Our mission is to promote Hungarian and international science, that is, to publish the new discoveries in various areas of science, to effectively support information exchange amongst scientists on a global level, and to make scientific results a public property available for all who seek valuable and reliable knowledge. Our traditions oblige us. Our aim is to become the most significant scientific publishing house of Central and Eastern-Europe whilst maintaining excellent quality, further improving our important scientific and business partnerships, creating scientific, economic and social values and keeping ahead the revolution in communication technology that is reshaping the publishing industry. Dictionaries, textbooks .
A quarterly peer-reviewed journal focusing on management techniques to improve compost process control and product quality, with special emphasis on utilization of composted materials.Must reading for professionals seriously involved in the composting process — project managers; planners; researchers; consultants; municipal officials; and libraries.
Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety (CRFSFS) is one of the peer-reviewed on-line journals of the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT). It has been published quarterly since 2002 ( Review papers provide in-depth coverage of a narrowly defined topic on any food science or food safety aspect, including nutrition, engineering, microbiology, sensory evaluation, physiology, genetics, economics, regulations, and history. A typical review embodies careful assessment of all pertinent studies (weaknesses, strengths, discrepancies in findings) so that insightful, integrative interpretations, summaries, and conclusions are presented. For either an unsolicited or an invited manuscript authors should submit to the Scientific Editor a suitable title, a brief outline, and a short statement describing the importance of the topic and how the presentation will advance food science and food technology. AIM of IFT Peer-Reviewed Publications The Institute of Food Technologists (IFT), the professional society of food science and technology, is committed to the continued improvement and accessibility of its peer-reviewed journals. Collectively, the IFT believes that peer-reviewed journals must have a high priority in any scientific society, and specifically for IFT in order for the society to remain a credible source of science-based information. IFT publishes scientific journals to provide its members and the larger scientific community with scientific information that is important and of current interest. This is done in accord with the highest standards of professional ethics. Research papers serve to convey the results of original work that has a clear relationship to human foods or the teaching of food science. Review papers serve to convey in-depth interpretive coverage of topics of current importance. Acceptability of articles for publication is carefully considered, with quality of the science, appropriateness, and importance weighing heavily in the final decision.
The Comptes rendus Biologies publish monthly communications dealing with all biological and medical research fields (biological modelling, development and reproduction biology, cell biology, biochemistry, neurosciences, immunology, pharmacology, ecology, etc.).Articles are preferably written in English. Articles in French with an abstract in English are accepted.
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture provides international coverage of advances in the development and application of computer hardware, software and electronic instrumentation and control systems for solving problems in agriculture and related industries. These include agronomy, horticulture (in both its food and amenity aspects), forestry, aquaculture, animal/livestock science, veterinary medicine, and food processing.The journal publishes original papers, reviews, applications notes and book reviews on topics including computerized decision-support aids (e.g., expert systems and simulation models) pertaining to any aspect of the aforementioned industries; electronic monitoring or control of any aspect of livestock/crop production (e.g. soil and water, environment, growth, health, waste products) and post-harvest operations (such as drying, storage, production assessment, trimming and dissection of plant and animal material). Relevant areas of technology include artificial intelligence, sensors, machine vision, robotics and simulation modelling.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
Conservation Biology welcomes submissions that address the science and practice of conserving Earth's biological diversity. We encourage submissions that emphasize issues germane to any of Earth's ecosystems or geographic regions and that apply diverse approaches to analyses and problem solving. Nevertheless, manuscripts with relevance to conservation that transcends the particular ecosystem, species, or situation described will be prioritized for publication. Conservation Biology accepts manuscripts in the following intended categories. The word limit includes all text from the Abstract through the Literature Cited; it does not include legends for tables and figures or the body of tables. Manuscripts that substantially exceed the following word counts will be returned. 1. Contributed Papers (3000-6000 words). Papers that report on original theoretical, empirical, or synthetic research in the natural or social sciences. 2. Research Notes (< 3000 words). Similar to Contributed Papers, but results and inferences may be more focused or preliminary. 3. Reviews (< 7500 words). Comprehensive reviews of a given topic. 4. Essays (< 6000 words). Comparatively speculative yet well-argued and well-documented papers that may offer personal perspectives. 5. Conservation Practice and Policy (< 5000 words). Papers that describe applications of conservation science to specific goals for management, policy, or education. Papers may address either successful applications or surprising outcomes that provided opportunities for learning. 6. Comments (< 2000 words). Papers that respond to material previously published in Conservation Biology. 7. Diversity (< 2000 words). Short opinion pieces on concepts, methods, or applications. 8. Letters (< 1000 words). Communications regarding topics of immediate interest to readers, including observations on controversial subjects or previously published papers. 9. Book Reviews are by invitation only. All books for possible review should be sent directly to Kent Redford ( We encourage authors who are uncertain whether their manuscript is appropriate for Conservation Biology to send a title and abstract to the Editor in Chief ( for preliminary evaluation.
Our new journal, Conservation Genetics Resources has been established specifically to provide the rapid publication of technical papers on methodological innovations or improvements, computer programs and genomic resources including, but not limited to, novel microsatellite loci. As a result, Conservation Genetics will no longer be accepting these technical notes, but Conservation Genetics Resources is now accepting papers for review. Conservation Genetics promotes genetic diversity by providing a forum for data and ideas, aiding the further development of this area of study. Contributions cover population genetics, molecular ecology and biology, evolutionary biology, and systematics, among others. The focus is on genetic and evolutionary applications to problems of conservation, reflecting the diversity of concerns relevant to conservation biology. The journal publishes full research papers, review papers, short communications, and methodological notes including lab methods, computer programs & models, and
Conservation Genetics Resources promotes the conservation of genetic diversity and advances the study of conservation genetics through the rapid publication of technical papers and reviews on methodological innovations and improvements, computer programs and genomic resources. The journal publishes primer notes, genomic resources such as SNP markers, methodological papers, computer package descriptions, technical review papers and application essays.From 01 May 2013 all papers on microsatellite data should be submitted as microsatellite letters and should conform to the following format:no more than 800 wordsabstract must include rationale for conservation anglemethod should refer to standard methodology and detail only deviations or specific detailssequences submitted as Electronic Supplementary Materialmax 5 references
CONSERVATION LETTERS IS NO LONGER FREE ONLINE. RECOMMEND THE JOURNAL TO YOUR LIBRARY TODAY IN ORDER TO VIEW THE LATEST URGENT CONTENT.Conservation Letters is a scientific journal publishing empirical and theoretical research with significant implications for the conservation of biological diversity. The journal welcomes submissions across the biological and social sciences - especially interdisciplinary submissions – that advance pragmatic conservation goals as well as scientific understanding. Manuscripts will be published on a rapid communications schedule and therefore should be current and topical. Research articles should clearly articulate the significance of their findings for conservation policy and practice.Three types of article are published in Conservation Letters:Letters: novel findings with high relevance for practice or policyMini-Reviews: overviews of emerging subjects that merit urgent coverage or succinct syntheses of important topics that are rarely encountered in the mainstream literaturePolicy Perspectives: brief essays for a general audience on issues related to conservation and societyConservation Letters welcomes manuscripts in all biomes (marine, terrestrial, and freshwater), ecosystems, and cultural settings, and will strive for balanced coverage of each.
Continental Shelf Research publishes articles dealing with the physical oceanography, sedimentology, geology, chemistry, biology and ecology of the shallow marine environment, from coastal and estuarine water out to the shelf break. Papers that are published present results from both fundamental, original research as well as applied, or directed research.Emphasis is placed on interdisciplinary process-oriented contributions, and encouragement is given to the publication of the results of innovative experimental studies with more general applicability.Continental Shelf Research publishes occasional review articles. It also includes a section on Notes, Instrumentation and Methods. Furthermore, papers are open for written discussion for up to three months following publication and both the discussion and the author's response are published.Continental Shelf Research also publishes special issues dedicated to results of large interdisciplinary studies or topical issues on specific subjects.Note to Authors: When considering submission of a manuscript to CSR, bear in mind that recent analyses show that published papers are downloaded by scientists from over 90 countries world-wide. This level of usage emphasizes the need for authors to present their research results in a broad context, to be of interest to this international community. Likewise, when suggesting the four reviewers for a manuscript, an international perspective of individual scientists (not necessarily affiliated with CSR) should be considered.