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Aquatic Ecology

ISSN: 1386-2588eISSN: 1573-5125

Aquatic Ecology publishes timely, peer-reviewed original papers relating to the ecology of fresh, brackish, estuarine and marine environments. Papers on fundamental and applied novel research in both the field and the laboratory, including descriptive or experimental studies, will be included in the journal. Preference will be given to studies that address timely and current topics and are integrative and critical in approach. We discourage papers that describe presence and abundance of aquatic biota in local habitats as well as papers that are pure systematic.The journal provides a forum for the aquatic ecologist - limnologist and oceanologist alike- to discuss ecological issues related to processes and structures at different integration levels from individuals to populations, to communities and entire ecosystems. 

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Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management

ISSN: 1463-4988eISSN: 1539-4077

2009 Impact Factor: 0.636Ranking: 73/88 (Marine & Freshwater Biology) and 159/181 (Environmental Sciences)169; 2010 Thomson Reuters, Journal Citation Reports174;As the official journal of the Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management Society, Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management promotes understanding of the structure, function, and performance of healthy and damaged aquatic ecosystems (freshwater, marine, estuarine) from integrated, multi-disciplinary and sustainable perspectives. This peer-reviewed journal focuses on the development and application of management practices that will protect, maintain, remediate, or restore the health of these ecosystems and their sustainable use by humans.Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management recognizes the need to explore the complex interactions between human society, ecology, economy/development, politics, and the environment. It also encourages a watershed approach which is influenced by atmospheric and terrestrial processes, both natural and anthropogenic. The journal provides a forum for the assessment and discussion of ecosystemic, integrated approaches to aquatic ecosystem research and management, including concepts and approaches that address health, integrity, performance, efficiency, remediation, natural recovery, restoration, conservation, and sustainable human use.Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

Aquatic Insects

ISSN: 0165-0424eISSN: 1744-4152

2009 Impact Factor - 0.311.Five Year Impact Factor - 0.340.169;2010 Thomson Reuters, 2009 Journal Citation Reports174;Aquatic Insects is an international journal publishing original research on both the systematics and the ecology of aquatic insects. Taxonomically, aquatic insects are a heterogeneous assemblage, comprising several orders which have evolved in aquatic habitats. Further, the bugs, beetles and flies each include many large families present only in aquatic habitats. In fact, almost every insect order has at least a few aquatic representatives. The shared habitat unifying the different groups of aquatic insects brings the journal into close contact with the field of limnology. In all kinds of freshwater environments, aquatic insects are usually the largest single group of organisms, by species as well as specimen numbers, and are of paramount importance to the community structure and function. Since a large number of aquatic insect species are ecological indicators, articles in this entomological journal are also of direct relevance to all students of aquatic ecosystems. The journal publishes original research on systematics and ecology of aquatic insects. Descriptions of individual species without general interest to an international readership are only accepted if space permits. Descriptions based on single specimens are discouraged. Purely faunistic studies and other papers of only regional interest are not considered.All published research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by independent expert referees.ReadershipEntomologists, taxonomists, ecologists, limnologists, and fishery biologists.---Disclaimer for Scientific, Technical and Social Science PublicationsTaylor & Francis make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 8220;Content8221;) contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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Aquatic Invasions

eISSN: 1818-5487

Aquatic Invasions is an open access, peer-reviewed international journal focusing on biological invasions in both inland and coastal water ecosystems from around the world. It was established in 2006 as initiative of the International Society of Limnology (SIL) Working Group on Aquatic Invasive Species (WGAIS) with start-up funding from the European Commission Sixth Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development Integrated Project ALARM. Aquatic Invasions provides a forum for professionals involved in research of aquatic invasive species, including a focus on the following: • Advances in species identification • Patterns of species dispersal, including range extensions with global change • Population dynamics • Ecological and evolutionary impacts • Prediction of new invasions.

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Aquatic Living Resources

ISSN: 0990-7440eISSN: 1765-2952

Aquatic Living Resources publishes original research papers, review articles and short notes dealing with all living resources in marine, brackish and freshwater environments.

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Aquatic Mammals

eISSN: 0167-5427
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Aquatic Microbial Ecology

ISSN: 0948-3055eISSN: 1616-1564

A leading journal in its field, AME covers all aspects of aquatic microbial dynamics, in particular viruses, prokaryotes and eukaryotes -- planktonic and benthic, autotrophic and heterotophic -- in marine, limnetic and brackish habitats. As a companion journal to MEPS, it strives for the same quality criteria, quick publication and high technical standards.

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Aquatic Sciences - Research Across Boundaries

ISSN: 1015-1621eISSN: 1420-9055

Aquatic Sciences - Research Across Boundaries publishes original research, overviews, and reviews dealing with aquatic systems (wetlands, freshwater and marine systems) and their boundaries, including the impact of human activities on these systems. The coverage ranges from molecular-level mechanistic studies to investigations at the whole ecosystem scale, including fish ecology. Aquatic Sciences publishes articles presenting research across disciplinary and environmental boundaries, i.e. studies examining interactions among geological, microbial, biological, chemical, physical, hydrological, and societal processes, as well as studies assessing land-water, air-water, benthic-pelagic, river-ocean, lentic-lotic, and groundwater-surface water interactions. Bibliographic Data
First published in 1920
1 volume per year, 4 issues per volume
Format: 21 x 27.9 cm
ISSN 1015-1621 (print)
ISSN 1420-9055 (electronic)

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Aquatic Toxicology

ISSN: 0166-445XeISSN: 1879-1514

Aquatic Toxicology publishes original scientific papers dealing with the mechanisms of toxicity and the responses to toxic agents in aquatic environments at the community, species, tissue, cellular, subcellular and molecular levels, including aspects of uptake, metabolism and excretion of toxicants.The aim of the journal is to increase our understanding of the impact of toxicants on aquatic organisms and ecosystems. Studies with aquatic model systems that provide fundamental mechanistic insight to toxic effects on organisms in general are also welcome. Both laboratory and field studies will be considered. The mechanistic focus includes genetic disturbances and adaptations to environmental perturbations, including the evolution of toxicant responses; biochemical, physiological and behavioural responses of organisms to toxicants; interactions of genetic and functional responses, and interactions between natural and toxicant-induced environmental changes. The bioaccumulation of contaminants is considered when studies address mechanisms influencing accumulation. Ecological investigations that address reasons, possibly also considering their genetic and physiological aspects, for toxicant-induced alterations of aquatic communities or populations are suitable.Reports on technique development or monitoring efforts are generally not within the scope of Aquatic Toxicology, except those concerning new methodologies for mechanistic research with an example of their application. Identification of toxicants or toxicologically relevant molecules in organisms will be considered only if the identification is a part of a more comprehensive mechanistic study. Whenever possible, information of exposure should be based on measured concentrations and not nominal or assumed ones. Manuscripts reporting acute toxicity data (lethal concentration, LC-50 or lethal dose, LD-50) as a major finding are usually not considered.

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Asian Fisheries Science

ISSN: 0116-6514eISSN: 2073-3720

Biofouling: The Journal of Bioadhesion and Biofilm Research

ISSN: 0892-7014eISSN: 1029-2454

Biofouling is an international, peer-reviewed, multi-discliplinary journal which publishes original articles and mini-reviews and provides a forum for publication of pure and applied work on protein, microbial, fungal, plant and animal fouling and its control, as well as studies of all kinds on biofilms and bioadhesion. Papers may be based on studies relating to characterisation, attachment, growth and control on any natural (living) or man-made surface in the freshwater, marine or aerial environments, including fouling, biofilms and bioadhesion in the medical, dental, and industrial context. Specific areas of interest include antifouling technologies and coatings including transmission of invasive species, antimicrobial agents, biological interfaces, biomaterials, microbiologically influenced corrosion, membrane biofouling, food industry biofilms, biofilm based diseases and indwelling biomedical devices as substrata for fouling and biofilm growth. Rapid Online Publication Biofouling now offers even faster publication for its authors. With our Build Issue service, we aim to publish articles within three weeks of receiving the accepted paper*. Articles are entered straight into the online issue upon receipt of the corrected proofs and thereby receiving page numbers immediately. we anticipate that this rapid production service will allow top end research to reach its audiences even sooner , without compromising the peer-review process and whilst continuing to ensure our commitment to publishing research of the highest quality. *This process relies heavily on the immediate return of the copyright form and the return of author corrections within 48hrs of receipt. Peer Review All articles published in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by independent expert referees. Disclaimer for Scientific, Technical and Social Science Publications Taylor & Francis make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 'Content') contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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Boletim do Instituto de Pesca

ISSN: 1678-2305eISSN: 1678-2305

Boletín de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras

ISSN: 0122-9761

Botanica Marina

ISSN: 0006-8055eISSN: 1437-4323

Increased IMPACT FACTOR 2010: 1.623Rank 35 out of 92 in category Marine & Freshwater Biology and 71 out of 187 in category Plant Sciences in the 2010 Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Report/Science EditionLanguages: EnglishType of Publication: JournalThe Editorial Manager site has been closed for live manuscript submission. Effective immediately, please submit NEW manuscripts at the following URL: Previously submitted but not finally processed papers remain accessible via Editorial Manager (for submitting revisions, please log into your user Editorial Manager account as usual). Already registered users of the Editorial Manager site do not need to register anew at the ManuscriptCentral site. In the ManuscriptCentral login window, please enter your e-mail address in the "Password Help" area; you will then be sent a link for setting a new password. Please note that the new password must consist of 8 characters, including 2 numerals.

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Bulletin of Marine Science

ISSN: 0007-4977eISSN: 1553-6955

Allen Press provides the most comprehensive offering of integrated services for scholarly journal and special-interest publication production.

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Bulletin of the European Association of Fish Pathologists

ISSN: 0108-0288

Oral presentations will be made in specific sessions, some of which will be introduced by a keynote. The total time allocated to each presentation is 12 minutes, but you should allow 2-3 minutes of these for discussion. For much of the time, there will be parallel sessions located in rooms in the same conference area, but it will be very easy to move between rooms. Therefore, it is essential that speakers keep to the time schedule and do not exceed the time allocated. Chairpersons will be under strict instruction to stop any presentation that is running over time. The use of video equipment is not allowed.

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Bulletin of the Plankton Society of Japan

ISSN: 0387-8961

Cahiers de Biologie Marine

ISSN: 0007-9723

California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries, Investigations Reports

ISSN: 0575-3317

California Fish and Game

ISSN: 0008-1078