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Biological Invasions

ISSN: 1387-3547eISSN: 1573-1464

Biological Invasions publishes research and synthesis papers on patterns and processes of biological invasions in terrestrial, freshwater, and marine (including brackish) ecosystems. Also of interest are scholarly papers on management and policy issues as they relate to conservation programs and the global amelioration or control of invasions. The journal will consider proposals for special issues resulting from conferences or workshops on invasions.The Editor-in-Chief is Daniel Simberloff, University of Tennessee, USA.

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Biological Journal of the Linnean Society

ISSN: 0024-4066eISSN: 1095-8312

The Biological Journal of the Linnean Society publishes papers concerned with the process of organic evolution in the broadest sense. It particularly welcomes contributions (up to a maximum of 12 000 words) that illustrate the unifying concepts of evolutionary biology with evidence, either observational or theoretical, from any relevant field of the biological sciences. We are especially keen to receive manuscripts on evolutionary genomics. Potential authors should be aware that papers on specialized subjects are discouraged. The Biological Journal succeeded (in 1969) the Proceedings of the Society, the journal in which Darwin and Wallace published their seminal papers in 1858. Also published on behalf of the Linnean Society: Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society and Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society.

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Biological Rhythm Research

ISSN: 0929-1016eISSN: 1744-4179

The principal aim of Biological Rhythm Research is to unite in one scientific journal all reports in the field of biological rhythm research which in the past were scattered over many scientific journals covering a great number of different disciplines. By bringing these papers together the Editorial Board stimulates interdisciplinary rhythm research not only because of the similarity of the methods applied in different fields of research, but also because of the increasing conviction of many scientists that, apart from the direct mechanisms involved in various rhythmic phenomena, many of these may be subjected to common extraneous controlling or masking influences. The Journal publishes original scientific research papers, review papers, short notes on research in progress, book reviews, summaries of activities, symposia and congresses of national and international organizations dealing with rhythmic phenomena. --- Disclaimer for Scientific, Technical and Social Science Publications Taylor & Francis make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 'Content') contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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Biology Direct

eISSN: 1745-6150

Biology Direct considers original research articles, hypotheses, comments, discovery notes and reviews in selected subject areas, and will eventually cover the full spectrum of biology. Subject areas already launched include: Genomics, Bioinformatics and Systems Biology - Edited by Eugene Koonin, Laura Landweber, & David Lipman Immunology - Edited by Neil S Greenspan & David R Kaplan Mathematical Biology - Edited by Marek Kimmel

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ISSN: 0006-3606eISSN: 1744-7429

Ranked by the ISI index, Biotropica is a highly regarded source of original research on the ecology, conservation and management of all tropical ecosystems, and on the evolution, behavior, and population biology of tropical organisms. Published on behalf of the Association of Tropical Biology and Conservation, the journal's Special Issues and Special Sections quickly become indispensable references for researchers in the field. Biotropica publishes timely Papers, Reviews, Commentaries, and Insights. Commentaries generate thought-provoking ideas that frequently initiate fruitful debate and discussion, while Reviews provide authoritative and analytical overviews of topics of current conservation or ecological importance. The newly instituted category Insights replaces Short Communications.

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Bird Study

ISSN: 0006-3657eISSN: 1944-6705

Bird Study concentrates on birds that occur in the Western Palearctic. This includes research on their biology outside of the Western Palearctic, for example on wintering grounds in Africa. Bird Study also welcomes papers from any part of the world if they are of general interest to the broad areas of investigation outlined above. Bird Study publishes the following types of articles: * Original research papers of any length * Short original research papers (less then 2500 words in length) * Scientific reviews * Forum articles covering general ornithological issues, including non-scientific ones * Short feedback articles that make scientific criticisms of papers published recently in the Journal. Visit Bird Study's sister journal Ringing & Migration on the BTO website or on Taylor & Francis' website. The British Trust for Ornithology handle all permissions requests for the journal. Please contact for all enquiries. Disclaimer The British Trust for Ornithology and Taylor & Francis make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 'Content') contained in its publications. However, the British Trust for Ornithology and Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of the British Trust for Ornithology and Taylor & Francis.

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ISSN: 0006-5196

Bois et Forets des Tropiques

ISSN: 0006-579XeISSN: 1777-5760

Bonn Zoological Bulletin

ISSN: 2190-7307eISSN: 2363-6947

The Bonn zoological Bulletin (BzB), formerly "Bonner zoologische Beiträge", is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal publishing original research articles, reviews, and scientific notes dealing with organismal zoology.Focus of the BzB are (1) taxonomy, (2) systematics and evolution, and (3) biodiversity and biogeography, all with respect to terrestrial animals. Terrestrial animals as understood here include those inhabiting fresh or brackish waters. Contributions from related fields like ecology, morphology, anatomy, physiology or behaviour are welcome when of clear relevance to the focus topics.Publication in BzB is free of charge, including colour illustrations or photographs contributing significantly to quality and / or readability of the manuscript. Authors retain full copyright of their published papers, may share them with colleagues, and are encouraged to post the original pdfs on their personal or institutional website for non-commercial use. All material must be original, unpublished work and not under consideration for publication elsewhere. .

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Boreas: An International Journal of Quaternary Research

ISSN: 0300-9483eISSN: 1502-3885

Boreas has been published since 1972. Articles of wide international interest from all branches of Quaternary research are published. Biological as well as non-biological aspects of the Quaternary environment, in both glaciated and non-glaciated areas, are dealt with: Climate, shore displacement, glacial features, landforms, sediments, organisms and their habitat, and stratigraphical and chronological relationships. Anticipated international interest, at least within a continent or a considerable part of it, is a main criterion for the acceptance of papers. Besides articles, short items like discussion contributions and book reviews are published.

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Botanica Complutensis

ISSN: 0214-4565eISSN: 1988-2874

Botanica Lithuanica

eISSN: 2029-932X
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Botanica Marina

ISSN: 0006-8055eISSN: 1437-4323

Increased IMPACT FACTOR 2010: 1.623Rank 35 out of 92 in category Marine & Freshwater Biology and 71 out of 187 in category Plant Sciences in the 2010 Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Report/Science EditionLanguages: EnglishType of Publication: JournalThe Editorial Manager site has been closed for live manuscript submission. Effective immediately, please submit NEW manuscripts at the following URL: Previously submitted but not finally processed papers remain accessible via Editorial Manager (for submitting revisions, please log into your user Editorial Manager account as usual). Already registered users of the Editorial Manager site do not need to register anew at the ManuscriptCentral site. In the ManuscriptCentral login window, please enter your e-mail address in the "Password Help" area; you will then be sent a link for setting a new password. Please note that the new password must consist of 8 characters, including 2 numerals.

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Botanica Pacifica

ISSN: 2226-4701eISSN: 2410-3713

Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society

ISSN: 0024-4074eISSN: 1095-8339

The Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society publishes original papers on systematic and evolutionary botany and comparative studies of both living and fossil plants. Review papers are also welcomed which integrate fields such as cytology, morphogenesis, palynology and phytochemistry into a taxonomic framework. The Journal will only publish new taxa in exceptional circumstances or as part of larger monographic or phylogenetic revisions. Also published on behalf of the Linnean Society: Biological Journal of the Linnean Society and Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society.

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Botanical Review

ISSN: 0006-8101eISSN: 1874-9372

For more than half a century, The Botanical Review has been a leading international journal noted for its in-depth articles on a broad spectrum of botanical fields. Systematics, phytogeography, cladistics, evolution, physiology, ecology, morphology, paleobotany, and anatomy are but a few of the many subjects that have been covered. The Botanical Review draws together outstanding scientists in the field, synthesizes the current knowledge about a specific subject, and promotes the advancement of botany by indicating the gaps in our knowledge and providing new outlooks on the topic.

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Botanikai Kozlemenyek

ISSN: 0006-8144eISSN: 2415-9662

Bothalia: African Biodiversity & Conservation

ISSN: 0006-8241eISSN: 2311-9284


ISSN: 0007-196XeISSN: 1938-436X

Since 1931, Brittonia, assuming the broadest possible definition of the field of systematic botany, has been an important outlet for the publication of original research articles on anatomy, botanical history, chemotaxonomy, morphology, paleobotany, phylogenetic systematics, taxonomy, and phytogeography. Each issue contains articles by the staff of The New York Botanical Garden and outside contributors, book reviews, and announcements.

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Brukenthal. Acta Musei

ISSN: 1842-2691