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Journal of the Entomological Research Society

ISSN: 1302-0250

Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society

ISSN: 1095-5674

Kew Bulletin

ISSN: 0075-5974eISSN: 1874-933X

Kew Bulletin is an international peer-reviewed journal for the taxonomy, systematics and conservation of vascular plants and fungi. Papers on conservation, evolution, palynology, cytology, anatomy, biogeography and phytochemistry are considered, where relevant to taxonomy and systematics. Review papers on topics appropriate to the journal are invited. The journal is richly illustrated with line drawings and photographs, and also features a Book Review and Notices section. Four parts (c. 640 pp) are published each year.

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Lethaia: An International Journal of Palaeontology and Stratigraphy

ISSN: 0024-1164eISSN: 1502-3931

Lethaia is a leading international journal that emphasizes new developments and discoveries in palaeobiological and biostratigraphical research. A formal publication outlet for the International Palaeontological Association (IPA) and the International Commission on Stratigraphy (ICS), Lethaia publishes articles of international interest in the fields of palaeontology and stratigraphy. The articles concentrate on the development of new ideas and methods and descriptions of new features of wide significance rather than routine descriptions. Palaeobiology and ecostratigraphy are the core topics of the journal. In addition to articles, Lethaia contains shorter contributions in the form of discussions, presentations of current scientific activities, reviews and editorials. Lethaia was launched in 1968 as a joint venture between scientists in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden, with the aim of promoting the development of modern methods in scientific publishing and of providing a medium for rapid publication of well-prepared manuscripts of wide international interest.

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ISSN: 0024-2829eISSN: 1096-1135
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ISSN: 0105-0761

LINDBERGIA – A journal opposing the tracheophytocentric conception of the world! Our job is to reveal the biological complexity of bryophytes and lichens.LINDBERGIA is a journal issued by the Nordic Bryological Society and the Dutch Bryological and Lichenological Society. Bryologists and lichenologists from all countries are invited to publish original research from any field of bryology and lichenology. All manuscripts are reviewed.LINDBERGIA appears with 1 volume annually. LINDBERGIA is produced at the Oikos Editorial Office in cooperation with the journals Oikos, J. Avian Biol., Ecography, Nordic Journal of Botany, Web Ecology and the monograph series Ecological Bulletins. .

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ISSN: 0076-2997

Malayan Nature Journal

ISSN: 0025-1291

Mammal Research

ISSN: 2199-2401eISSN: 2199-241X
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Mammal Review

ISSN: 0305-1838eISSN: 1365-2907

Mammal Review covers all aspects of mammalian biology and ecology. We particularly welcome hypothesis-driven analytical and systematic reviews of current theoretical and applied research on mammals, meta-analyses, practical assessments of techniques for studying mammals and large-scale considerations of the status, conservation and management of mammals. As well as reviews, comments, in which authors respond to papers in Mammal Review, and short communications, in which original research or important new methods are described, are published. Authors may consult the Editor-in-Chief about potential contributions or submit unsolicited papers. The journal is the official scientific periodical of the Mammal Society.

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ISSN: 0025-1461eISSN: 1864-1547

Mammalia is a quarterly journal devoted to the inventory, analysis and interpretation of mammalian diversity. It publishes original results on all aspects of the systematics (comparative, functional and evolutionary morphology; morphometrics, phylogeny; biogeography; taxonomy and nomenclature) and biology (physiology, behaviour comparative anatomy) of mammals with a strong focus on ecology, including biodiversity, distribution habitats, competition and conservation.

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Mammalian Biology

ISSN: 1616-5047eISSN: 1618-1476

Mammalian Biology (formerly Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde) is an international scientific journal edited by the Gesellschaft für Säugetierkunde (German Society for Mammalian Biology). The journal is devoted to the publication of research on mammals. Its scope covers all aspects of mammalian biology, such as anatomy, morphology, palaeontology, taxonomy, systematics, molecular biology, physiology, neurobiology, ethology, genetics, reproduction, development, evolutionary biology, domestication, ecology, wildlife biology and diseases, conservation biology, and the biology of zoo mammals.

To qualify for publication, a manuscript must contribute to the understanding of mammalian biology by presenting either new and original research data (as a full article or in short communication format) or a thorough review of a particular topic of mammalogical research. Investigations using mammals merely as models or emphasizing experimental or veterinary aspects are of interest only if they are of substantial relevance to mammalogists. Studies testing explicitly formulated hypotheses are preferred to those presenting primarily descriptive results.

At present, one volume consisting of six issues is published each year. Due to its wide range of topics, Mammalian Biology is primarily of interest to scientists working in the listed various fields of mammalogy but also to biologists and zoologists in general as well as to veterinarians and medical scientists.

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Mammalian Species

ISSN: 0076-3519eISSN: 1545-1410

Mammalian Species is a series with more than 800 monographs on individual species. Each monograph provides a thorough synthesis of the biological knowledge of a species, including taxonomy, ecology, and conservation status. Each year, approximately 20 new accounts are issued.

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Management of Biological Invasions

eISSN: 1989-8649

Marine & Freshwater Research

ISSN: 1323-1650eISSN: 1448-6059

Marine & Freshwater Research is a multidisciplinary journal that publishes original and significant research from all aquatic environments and subject areas. Subject areas include biology and ecology, fisheries science, biogeochemistry, physiology, genetics, biogeography and phylogeography, hydrology, oceanography, toxicology, and aquatic ecosystem processes such as nutrient cycling. Environments range from groundwaters, wetlands and streams to estuaries, rocky shores, coral reefs, and the open ocean.Papers that address broad conceptual questions, are interdisciplinary and of wide interest, and that consider further implications and management applications are especially encouraged, given the Journal´s broad scope. Specialist papers at the forefront of their field are also welcome as long as their context is clearly stated. Descriptive papers are published if they are placed in an appropriate conceptual setting and have global relevance. However, papers that are purely taxonomic, parochial, describe preliminary or incremental results, or simply present data without context will not be considered.Research can be presented as Full Papers, Reviews, Short Communications, or Comments and Replies. Groups of authors with ideas for a series of 3-7 related papers that might be packaged as part of a single issue as a Special Feature should directly contact the Editor with a proposal. Key and invited papers from conferences are also published as Special Issues comprising a full volume of Marine & Freshwater Research.

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Marine Biodiversity

ISSN: 1867-1616eISSN: 1867-1624

Marine Biodiversity is a peer-reviewed international journal devoted to all aspects of biodiversity research in marine ecosystems. Marine Biodiversity considers original research papers, reviews, short notes and and one-page news (Oceanarium) on taxonomy, systematics and phylogeny of any kind of marine organisms, on biogeography, morphological and genetic diversity, distribution of species, diversity patterns and gradients, co-existence of species and species interactions, processes and factors influencing community structure, structure and function of marine ecosystems, and present and historical use of marine biodiversity by human populations. Additional scope of the journal includes models and concepts explaining any aspect of species co-existence and species distribution, and descriptions of new methods to improve biodiversity research and species inventories. Marine Biodiversity specially encourages contributions dealing with the understanding of the evolution and maintenance of biodiversity in marine systems and the role of species in structuring marine ecosystem functioning.

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Marine Biodiversity Records

eISSN: 1755-2672

Marine Biodiversity Records is a rapid peer-reviewed, online publication that complements the long-established Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. Marine Biodiversity Records has been launched in response to the changing marine and coastal environment and an increasing demand for the documentation of marine organisms in locations where they have not formerly been recorded, as well as of species loss from habitats. Marine Biodiversity Records therefore welcomes original research articles which document and review changes in geographical ranges of marine species, including the effects of the introduction of novel or alien species to marine ecosystems, and of taxonomic studies relevant to these changes.

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Marine Biology

ISSN: 0025-3162eISSN: 1432-1793

Marine Biology publishes original and internationally significant contributions from all fields of marine biology. Special emphasis is given to articles which promote the understanding of life in the sea, organism-environment interactions, interactions between organisms, and the functioning of the marine biosphere. While original research articles are the backbone of Marine Biology, method articles, reviews and comments are also welcome, provided that they meet the same originality, importance and quality criteria as research articles. Articles of exceptional significance are published as feature articles. They are accompanied by an editorial comment. Aspects of particular interest include: marine biogeochemistry ecology of marine populations and communities marine ecophysiology behavioural biology of marine organisms development and life cycles of marine organisms biochemistry and physiology of marine organisms evolution of marine organisms population genetics of marine organisms marine co

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Marine Biology Research

ISSN: 1745-1000eISSN: 1745-1019

Marine Biology Research is the result of a successful merger of two well respected journals in the field of Marine Biology: Sarsia, North Atlantic Marine Science (published by Taylor & Francis in collaboration with the University of Bergen and the Institute of Marine Research, Norway) and Ophelia, International Journal of Marine Biology (published by Marine Biological Laboratory in collaboration with Freshwater Biological Laboratory, both University of Copenhagen). Sarsia and Ophelia were both established in the 1960's and have both become well respected international journals presenting original research on all aspects of oceanography and marine biology, Sarsia giving particular emphasis to results from Nordic and North Atlantic environments. Marine Biology Research has continued with similar aims and scopes in addition to presenting invited reviews and thematic issues on selected research topics to subscribers in over 40 different countries. Marine Biology Research aims to provide practitioners and academics with a forum for ideas and discussion on all areas of marine biology and oceanography. The Journal will cover a broad range of topics, including: * Ecology * Behaviour * Benthic dynamics * Biodiversity * Biogeography * Coastal and Oceanic habitats * Ecosystem functioning * Evolution * Phylogeny * Physiology * Taxonomy Applied aspects (environment, fisheries) of marine biological research, which contribute to general biological insight, will also be covered. Rapid Online Publication Marine Biology Research now offers faster publication for its authors. With our Build Issue service, articles are entered straight into the online issue as soon as possible upon receipt of the corrected proofs. Articles thereby receive final page numbers at a far earlier stage in the publication process. We anticipate that this rapid production service will allow top-end research to reach its audiences even sooner, without compromising the peer-review process and whilst continuing to ensure our commitment to publishing research of the highest quality. Call for Papers The editors welcome original research papers on all aspects of marine biology and applied aspects. Manuscripts should be submitted electronically to: Contributions are accepted from around the world and will be directed at a highly international audience. Disclaimer The Institute of Marine Research and Taylor & Francis make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 'Content') contained in its publications. However, the Society and Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not necessarily the views of the Editor, the Society or Taylor & Francis.

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Marine Ecology

ISSN: 0173-9565eISSN: 1439-0485

Marine Ecology (formerly Pubblicazioni della Stazione Zoologica di Napoli) publishes original contributions on the structure and dynamics of marine benthic and pelagic ecosystems, and on the critical links between ecology and evolution of marine organisms.

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