Oecologia publishes innovative ecological research of general interest to a broad international audience. We publish several types of manuscripts in many areas of ecology:
Categories: Concepts, Reviews and SynthesesViews and CommentsSpecial TopicsMethodsPhysiological ecology - Original researchBehavioral ecology - Original researchPopulation ecology - Original researchPlant-microbe-animal interactions - Original researchCommunity ecology - Original researchEcosystem ecology - Original researchGlobal change ecology - Original researchConservation ecology - Original researchIn general, studies that are purely descriptive, mathematical, documentary, and/or natural history will not be considered. In the Concepts, Reviews and Syntheses section, we seek papers on emerging issues in ecology, especially those that cross multiple boundaries in ecology, provide synthesis of important bodies of work or delve into new combinations of theory and observations with the potential to create new paradigms or challengeOikos is a journal issued by the Nordic Ecological Society and is one of the leading peer-reviewed journals in ecology. Oikos publishes original and innovative research on all aspects of ecology. Emphasis is on theoretical and empirical work aimed at generalization and synthesis across taxa, systems and ecological disciplines. Papers should be well founded in ecological theory and contribute to new developments in ecology by reporting novel theory or critical experimental results. Confirming or extending the established literature is given less priority. Synthesis of new and emerging fields in ecology and beyond is encouraged. Papers of review character should strive for conceptual unification and being a point of departure for future work rather than restrospective summaries of established fields or topics. Papers in Brevia, Horizons and Forum sections are given high priority in the publication process. Oikos Sections Research papers - Research papers report original research in all fields of ecology and should aim at a readership from a wide range of ecological disciplines. Research papers' manuscripts should have a maximum of 50 references. Forum - Forum is the section in Oikos where syntheses and reviews are published. The format can be short notes or more substantial reviews aimed at bringing fields together, to transgress existing boundaries and to syntesize larger fields or seemingly disparate areas, and to offer new ways of interpreting existing data. Forum articles should strive for conceptual unification and being a point of departure for future work rather than just summarizing existing bodies of theory and data. It is an arena for challenging current thinking on ecological issues by revising established concepts and received knowledge through critical experiments or new theory so that new ground can be broken. Horizons - Horizons papers are short (maximum two printed pages) essays on the past and the future of ecological research, an exploration of new territories of ecology by a more speculative, yet scientifically sound, reasoning on topics that also may be more peripheral to traditional ecological thinking. Manuscripts are judged strongly on their novelty and originality.The Horizons section invites authors to look ahead, to go beyond the contemporary and mainstream and serves as an arena for informed reflections and outlooks within or outside the field of ecology. It is aimed at capturing emerging ideas and concepts by using existing knowledge and insights as a springboard for pointing in new directions and for breaking new grounds. Horizon articles may be solicited but are always sent out for review before possible publication. Brevia - Brevia offers the possibility to comment on and discuss papers published in Oikos. Brevia articles should be brief, succcinct and to the point and should broaden and widen the scope of published ccontributions, or debate controversial findings. It is open for discussions on fundamental issues in ecology or the way the science of ecology is done. Manuscripts should rarely be longer than approximately 5 pages with a very brief (maximum 200 words) opening summary and with a reference list in the standard Oikos format. Oikos does not publish book reviews. Oikos is published in cooperation with the journals Ecography, Lindbergia, J. Avian Biology, the internet journal Web Ecology and the monograph series Ecological Bulletins. Manuscripts may be transferred between these journals according to profile.
Organisms Diversity & Evolution (published by the Gesellschaft fuer Biologische Systematik, GfBS) is devoted to furthering our understanding of all aspects of organismal diversity, particularly in an evolutionary framework. Papers addressing the systematics, phylogenetics, taxonomy, biogeography, biodiversity and/or evolution of any organismal group, recent or fossil, are welcome, as are papers presenting important methods or tools or addressing key theoretical, methodological, and philosophical principles related to the study of organismal diversity. Species descriptions are welcome as parts of a manuscript of broader interest that strive to integrate such taxonomic information with the other areas of interest mentioned above. Published articles are of one of four types: Original article. Papers describing original, high-quality research in any of the areas mentioned above. Methods and applications. Short papers (<5 journal pages) describing new laboratory methods, bioinformatic tools, or databases t
Malacologia is published by the Institute of Malacology (IM). The IM is a not-for-profit organization, incorporated in the state of Michigan, the directors of which are listed under the masthead (see Masthead). The IM meets once each year for the purpose of business and governance of the journal, to select new members to the editorial board and to evaluate journal policies and performance.
For more than 100 years, The Auk has published original reports on the biology of birds. As one of the foremost journals in ornithology, The Auk publishes innovative empirical and theoretical findings. Topics of articles appearing in The Auk include the documentation, analysis, and interpretation of laboratory and field studies, theoretical or methodological developments, and reviews of information or ideas. Authors are encouraged to consider the relevance of their conclusions to general concepts and theories and to taxa in addition to birds.Along with research articles, The Auk also includes Perspectives that are invited by the Editor, Commentaries, Letters to The Auk and reviews of recently released books that are of significance to ornithologists selected by the Book Review Editor.Perspectives are points of view expressed on a particular subject. They are normally solicited by the editor and, beginning with the January 2007 issue, are reviewed externally by at least one person, as well as by the Editor. Authors with proposals for perspectives should contact the Editor.Letters to The Auk provide opportunities to speculate in print, comment on recent issues, topics, and methodologies, provide information of historical or taxonomic interest and comment briefly on papers published in The Auk or to respond to such comments. Letters are reviewed by the Editor and at least one outside reviewer and are published at the discretion of the Editor. Exchanges concerning published papers are strictly limited. For additional information, see Auk 123:347, 2005.
Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology is the leading ornithological journal in Africa, and publishes peer-reviewed scientific papers and short communications (<2,000 words) on all aspects of ornithology conducted in Africa and its associated islands and marine habitats. Contributions reporting on avian behaviour, breeding, conservation, demography, ecology, migration, morphology and systematics are welcome. Review articles are particularly encouraged. Extended taxonomic papers may be considered for publication particularly if they include relevant discussion of behavioural, ecological or biogeographic criteria. The journal also publishes book reviews. Articles published in Ostrich are expected to be of value to ornithologists, ecologists, conservationists and interested bird-watchers. Ostrich is the scientific journal of BirdLife South Africa. Disclaimer NISC and Taylor & Francis make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 'Content') contained in its publications. However, the Society and Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not necessarily the views of the Editor, the Society or Taylor & Francis.
Founded in 1986, PALAIOS is a monthly journal dedicated to emphasizing the impact of life on Earth history as recorded in the paleontological and sedimentological records. PALAIOS serves to disseminate information to an international spectrum of geologists interested in a broad range of topics, including, but not limited to: biogeochemistry, ichnology, sedimentology, stratigraphy, paleoecology, paleoclimatology, and paleoceanography. PALAIOS welcomes contributions that emphasize using paleontology to answer any number of important geologic and biologic questions that further our understanding of Earth history.
PLoS Computational Biology features works of exceptional significance that further our understanding of living systems at all scales—from molecules and cells, to patient populations and ecosystems—through the application of computational methods. Readers include life and computational scientists, who can take the important findings presented here to the next level of discovery.Research articles that primarily describe new methods and offer only limited biological insight will be considered only in those exceptional instances in which the method is expected to significantly impact the field of computational biology, typically making substantial breakthroughs in areas of demonstrated importance. Research articles modeling aspects of biological systems should demonstrate both scientific novelty and profound new biological insights. Research articles describing improved or routine methods, models, software, and databases will not be considered by PLoS Computational Biology, and may be more appropriate for PLoS ONE.Generally, reliability and significance of biological discovery are validated and enriched by experimental studies. Experimental validation is not required for publication, however, nor does experimental validation of a modest biological discovery render a manuscript suitable for PLoS Computational Biology.For all submissions, authors must clearly provide detail, data, and software to ensure readers' ability to reproduce the models, methods, and results.Authors unsure of whether their work is within the scope of the journal should submit a presubmission inquiry.
Genetics and genomics research has grown at a bewildering pace in the past 15 years. The techniques of these fields are being applied to a wealth of biological questions and experimental systems. PLoS Genetics reflects the full breadth and interdisciplinary nature of this research by publishing outstanding original contributions in all areas of biology.PLoS Genetics publishes human studies, as well as research on model organisms—from mice and flies, to plants and bacteria. Our emphasis is on studies of broad interest that provide significant mechanistic insight into a biological process or processes. Topics include (but are not limited to) gene discovery and function, population genetics, genome projects, comparative and functional genomics, medical genetics, disease biology, evolution, gene expression, complex traits, chromosome biology, and epigenetics.Please refer to our Author Guidelines and Frequently Asked Questions when you are preparing manuscripts for submission. If you are unsure whether your work is suitable for PLoS Genetics, you can send a Presubmission Inquiry.
Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments is a peer-reviewed international journal for the publication of high-quality multidisciplinary studies in the fields of palaeobiodiversity, palaeoenvironments and palaeobiogeography. Key criteria for the acceptance of manuscripts are a global scope or implications of problems on a global scale significant not only for a single discipline, a focus on the diversity of fossil organisms and the causes and processes of change in Earth’s history. The topics covered include: Systematic studies of all fossil animal / plant groups with a special focus on palaeoenvironmental investigations, palaeoecosystems and climate changes in Earth’s history, environment-organism interaction, comparison of modern and ancient sedimentary environments, palaeoecology and palaeobiogeography.
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology is an international medium for the publication of high quality and multidisciplinary, original studies and comprehensive reviews in the field of palaeo-environmental geology. The journal aims at bringing together data with global implications from research in the many different disciplines involved in palaeo-environmental investigations.By cutting across the boundaries of established sciences, it provides an interdisciplinary forum where issues of general interest can be discussed.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages: http://support.elsevier.com
Palaeontology is the journal of the Palaeontological Association. Please click here to access the Palaeontological Association website (www.palass.org)The journal publishes a wide variety of papers on palaeontological topics covering: palaeozoology palaeobotany systematic studies palaeoecology micropalaeontology palaeobiogeography functional morphology stratigraphy taxonomy taphonomy palaeoenvironmental reconstruction palaeoclimate analysis and biomineralization studies.
Palaeoworld is a peer-reviewed quarterly journal dedicated to studies on palaeontology and stratigraphy centered in China and the neighboring regions, encouraging original works of fossils and strata, comparative studies worldwide, and interdisciplinary approaches in related disciplines. Some issues will be devoted entirely to a special theme in the discipline. Palaeoworld is oriented to a broad spectrum of geoscience researchers as well as experts and students in evolutionary biology who are interested in historical geology and biotic evolution.Palaeoworld publishes papers in the following areas:• Systematic studies of all fossil groups• Biostratigraphy, chemostratigraphy, chronostratigraphy• Palaeoecology, palaeoenvironment and global changes in Earth's history• Tempo and mode of biological evolution• Studies of biological events in Earth's history• Evolving ecosystem• Molecular palaeontology• Methods in palaeontology and stratigraphy• Interdisciplinary studies of fossil and strataPalaeoworld accepts the following categories of contributions:• Original research papers and case studies• Review articles (normally invited)• Special theme issues• Short notes• Letters to the Editors• Book reviews
PaleoAmerica disseminates new research results and ideas about early human dispersal and migrations, with a particular focus on the Americas. It fosters an interdisciplinary dialog between archaeologists, geneticists and other scientists investigating the dispersal of modern humans during the late Pleistocene.
The journal has three goals: First and foremost, the journal is a vehicle for the presentation of new research results. Second, it includes editorials on special topics written by leaders in the field. Third, the journal solicits essays covering current debates in the field, the state of research in relevant disciplines, and summaries of new research findings in a particular region, for example Beringia, the Eastern Seaboard or the Southern Cone of South America. Although the journal’s focus is the peopling of the Americas, editorials and research essays also highlight the investigation of early human colonization of empty lands in other areas of the world. As techniques are developing so rapidly, work in other regions can be very relevant to the Americas, so the journal will publish research relating to other regions which has relevance to research on the Americas.
Pedobiologia publishes peer reviewed articles describing original work in the field of soil ecology, which includes the study of soil organisms and their interactions with factors in their biotic and abiotic environments.Analysis of biological structures, interactions, functions, and processes in soil is fundamental for understanding the dynamical nature of terrestrial ecosystems, a prerequisite for appropriate soil management. The scope of this journal consists of fundamental and applied aspects of soil ecology; key focal points include interactions among organisms in soil, organismal controls on soil processes, causes and consequences of soil biodiversity, and aboveground-belowground interactions.We publish:original research that tests clearly defined hypotheses addressing topics of current interest in soil ecology (including studies demonstrating nonsignificant effects);descriptions of novel methodological approaches, or evaluations of current approaches, that address a clear need in soil ecology research;innovative syntheses of the soil ecology literature, including metaanalyses, topical in depth reviews and short opinion/perspective pieces, and descriptions of original conceptual frameworks; andshort notes reporting novel observations of ecological significance.