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Byzantinoslavica. Revue internationale des Études Byzantines

ISSN: 0007-7712
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Byzantion Nea Hellás

eISSN: 0718-8471
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Byzantion: Revue Internationale des Etudes Byzantines

ISSN: 0378-2506


ISSN: 0210-9611eISSN: 2445-1908


ISSN: 2176-4174eISSN: 2176-4174

Cadernos de História

eISSN: 1679-5636
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Cahiers d'Economie Politique

ISSN: 1969-6779

Cahiers d'Etudes Africaines

ISSN: 0008-0055

Cahiers de Civilisation Espagnole Contemporaine

ISSN: 1957-7761eISSN: 1957-7761
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Cahiers de Civilisation Medievale

ISSN: 0007-9731

Cahiers du MIMMOC

ISSN: 1951-6789eISSN: 1951-6789
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Cahiers du Monde Russe

ISSN: 1252-6576eISSN: 1777-5388

Cahiers Élisabéthains: A Journal of English Renaissance Studies

ISSN: 0184-7678eISSN: 2054-4715
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California History

ISSN: 0162-2897eISSN: 2327-1485
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Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies

ISSN: 1353-0089

Canadian Journal of African Studies

ISSN: 0008-3968eISSN: 1923-3051

The Canadian Journal of African Studies ( CJAS / RCEA) is the official publication of the Canadian Association of African Studies (CAAS); launched in 1967, it is a bilingual multidisciplinary journal committed to facilitating the dissemination of social science research by Africanists world-wide.  It is one of only two international journals in African studies which has consistently published in both English and French.

CJAS aims to improve knowledge and awareness of Africa as well as the problems and aspirations of its people, to inform Canadian policy on and in Africa, and to generate public interest in the study and understanding of Africa in Canada.

CJAS publishes articles in the areas of anthropology/ethnography, political science, history, sociology, literature, human geography, and development. We encourage an inter/multi-disciplinary approach. The journal does not consider papers in quantitative development or economics, or papers on education, social work, public policy analysis or literary criticism. In addition to original research papers, the journal publishes Commentaries that cover current issues. Sometimes the journal includes Research Notes which permit contributors to present research in progress on African topics. The book review and review essay section provide critiques of recent books and reports on Africa in general and on individual countries.

Peer Review Statement
CJAS is a peer reviewed journal. Articles submitted to the journal are sent out to three independent reviewers who are familiar with the field and topic of an article. They are asked to review an article based on the following criteria: originality of research and analysis, review of the literature, the nature of the contribution to the field, whether the arguments made are convincing and the quality of writing.

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Canadian Review of American Studies

ISSN: 0007-7720eISSN: 1710-114X

Canadian Review of American Studies publishes essays, review essays and shorter reviews whose purpose is the multi- and inter-disciplinary analysis and understanding of the culture, both past and present, of the United States - and of the relations between the cultures of the U.S. and Canada. It invites contributions from authors in, and outside, all relevant scholarly disciplines, in English and French. Canadian orders include membership in the Canadian Association for American Studies.

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Canadian Studies in Population

ISSN: 0380-1489eISSN: 1927-629X
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Canadian-American Slavic Studies

ISSN: 0090-8290eISSN: 2210-2396

The peer-reviewed quarterly journal Canadian-American Slavic Studies is edited and published to provide information about Slavic and East European (including Albania, Hungary and Romania) culture, past and present, in a scholarly context. The journal began publication in Montreal, Québec, Canada in 1967 and then continued publication in the USA in 1971. It publishes articles, documents, translations and book reviews in the English, French, German, Russian and Ukrainian languages. It also features special issues about specific topics prepared by guest editors. Most of the material has featured contributions about history and literature, but the journal welcomes contributions in all areas of the humanities and social sciences.

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Capital & Class

ISSN: 0309-8168eISSN: 2041-0980

Since 1977 Capital & Class has been the main, peer-reviewed, independent source for a Marxist critique of global capitalism. Pioneering key debates on value theory, domestic labour, and the state, it reaches out into the labour, trade union, anti-racist, feminist, environmentalist and other radical movements.

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