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Chinese as a Second Language Research

ISSN: 2193-2263eISSN: 2193-2271
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Classical Philology: A Journal Devoted to Research in Classical Antiquity

ISSN: 0009-837XeISSN: 1546-072X

Since 1906, Classical Philology has been an internationally respected journal for the study of the life, languages and thought of the ancient Greek and Roman world. CP covers a broad range of topics, including studies that illuminate aspects of the languages, literatures, history, art, philosophy, social life, and religion of ancient Greece and Rome.

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Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics

ISSN: 0269-9206eISSN: 1464-5076

Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics encompasses the following: Linguistics and phonetics of disorders of speech and language Contribution of data from communication disorders to theories of speech production and perception Research on communication disorders in multilingual populations, and in under-researched populations, and languages other than English Pragmatic aspects of speech and language disorders Clinical dialectology and sociolinguistics Childhood, adolescent and adult disorders of communication Linguistics and phonetics of hearing impairment, sign language and lip-reading Read More:

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ISSN: 0718-8285eISSN: 0719-9430


ISSN: 0010-0277

Cognition is an international journal that publishes theoretical and experimental papers on the study of the mind. It covers a wide variety of subjects concerning all the different aspects of cognition, ranging from biological and experimental studies to formal analysis. Contributions from the fields of psychology, neuroscience, linguistics, computer science, mathematics, ethology and philosophy are welcome in this journal provided that they have some bearing on the functioning of the mind. In addition, the journal serves as a forum for discussion of social and political aspects of cognitive science.Papers will be selected on the basis of their scientific quality and degree of innovation. A paper's theoretical relevance to cognition, overall soundness of the argument and degree of empirical motivation, especially from converging sources, are more important than adherence to specific methodological principles. Because Cognition enjoys a wide readership from many disciplines, authors should explicitly consider the general theoretical issues raised by their work and its relevance to other topics and methods. Material should be suited to the character of the Journal, and should describe work done and methods used in a clear and explicit manner (allowing reproduction of the methods by others).Cognition occasionally publishes special issues devoted to a research area that has seen rapid recent progress, promising new approaches, and convergence among different disciplines.Contributions:• Full theoretical and experimental papers on the study of the mind•Brief articles reporting original empirical findings, major theoretical advances or crucial developments that warrant rapid communication to the scientific community•Proposals for special issues on a new and important area in the field•Discussions•Book reviewsReviewers please refer to Editorial Policy on Reviewing for Cognition.Cognition publishes many of the most important papers in cognitive science and is the premier international and interdisciplinary journal in the field. It is required reading for anyone who wishes to keep up to date in this exciting research area.

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Cognitive Linguistics

ISSN: 0936-5907eISSN: 1613-3641

Cognitive Linguistics presents a forum for linguistic research of all kinds on the interaction between language and cognition. The journal focuses on language as an instrument for organizing, processing and conveying information. It is devoted to high-quality research on topics such as: the structural characteristics of natural language categorization (such as prototypicality, cognitive models, metaphor, and imagery); the functional principles of linguistic organization (such as iconicity); the conceptual interface between syntax and semantics; the relationship between language and thought, including matters of universality and language specificity; and the experiential background of language-in-use, including the cultural background, the discourse context, and the psychological environment of linguistic performance. Cognitive Linguistics is a peer-reviewed journal of international scope.

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Cognitive Science: A Multidisciplinary Journal

ISSN: 0364-0213eISSN: 1551-6709

The following kinds of articles are appropriate for the journal: (a) theories or theoretical analyses of knowledge representation, cognitive processes, and brain theory; (b) experimental or ethnographic studies relevant to theoretical issues in cognitive science; (c) descriptions of intelligent programs that exhibit or model some human ability; (d) design proposals for cognitive models; (e) protocol or discourse analysis of human cognitive processing; (f) discussions of new problem areas or methodological issues in cognitive science; and (g) short theoretical notes or rebuttals. The journal will publish four categories of articles.

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Collectanea Christiana Orientalia

ISSN: 1697-2104

Communication Education

ISSN: 0363-4523eISSN: 1479-5795

Communication Education invites original, social science research on communication in instructional contexts. These should be methodologically rigorous studies that advance practice and theory in instruction generally, and in communication education specifically. I encourage submissions from well-designed, systematic and programmatic research, theoretically-grounded projects, rigorous literature reviews and meta-analyses. Importantly, these studies must be data-based and have a substantive impact on educational processes. Sound studies that examine constructs that are important to teaching/learning processes will be emphasized; e.g., teacher/student interaction, classroom management, information processing, mediated or technology education, educational communication constructs, development and assessment, and learning outcomes will be considered. Both new and experienced scholars are encouraged to submit their works, and will receive feedback that is both expedient and helpful. All authors must submit articles that meet the highest standards of writing, grammar, and mechanics.Given the distinctive missions of each of the NCA journals, book reviews should be submitted to the more appropriate NCA journal, The Review of Communication, and articles focusing on teaching practices should be submitted to Communication Teacher.About the National Communication Association (NCA)The National Communication Association is the world's largest professional association of scholars, educators, students and practitioners dedicated to studying and promoting effective and ethical communication. With more than 7,000 members representing every state in the U.S. and 25 other countries, NCA provides a wide variety of professional development opportunities, publishes and disseminates significant communication scholarship and advances the communication discipline through meaningful research, teaching, and service.NCA provides:- forums for professional interaction among members - publishing outlets in NCA journals and special publications - recognition of outstanding member achievements - submit memberships based on common interests and concerns - special projects to enhance effective and ethical communication in diverse communities and society at large - opportunities for professional development and service - a voice for the profession on timely issues affecting member and societal interests - cooperative relationships with other disciplinary and interdisciplinary associations - visibility for communication studies to a wide range of academic and public audience. - NCA members receive one NCA journal, a monthly newsletter and access to a variety of other services and resources with their membership. For more information about NCA or to join the association, visit or call +1 202-464-4622. Disclaimer The Society (National Communication Association) and Taylor & Francis make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 8220;Content8221;) contained in its publications. However, the Society and Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not necessarily the views of the Editor, the Society or Taylor & Francis.

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Communication Monographs

ISSN: 0363-7751eISSN: 1479-5787

Communication Monographs , published in March, June, September & December aims to provide a venue for excellent original scholarship that contributes to our understanding of human communication. The scholarship should endeavour to ask questions about the diverse and complex issues that interest communication scholars, including areas such as media studies, interpersonal and relational communication, organizational and group communication, health and family communication, rhetoric, language and social interaction, intercultural communication and cultural studies, and others. The journal especially welcomes questions that bridge boundaries that have traditionally separated scholars within the communication discipline. These questions should be grounded in existing understandings of communication processes, should be informed by relevant theory, and should address issues of clear theoretical, conceptual, methodological, and/or social importance. Diverse approaches to addressing and answering these questions, including theoretical argument, quantitative and qualitative empirical research, and rhetorical and textual analysis, and acknowledgement of the often tentative and partial nature of any answers are welcomed. Approaches to answering questions should be clearly relevant to the questions asked, rigorous in terms of both argument and method, cognizant of alternative interpretations, and contextualized within the wider body of communication scholarship. In considering the questions and answers posed in submissions to Communication Monographs, a premium will be placed on cogent arguments and on writing that is clear and understandable to readers across the varied areas of communication research. Unless specifically indicated otherwise, articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, including screening by the editor and review by at least two anonymous referees.

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Communication Reports

ISSN: 0893-4215eISSN: 1745-1043

Communication Reports (CR), published biannually since 1988, is one of two scholarly journals of the Western States Communication Association (WSCA). The journal publishes original manuscripts that are short, data/text-based, and related to the broadly defined field of human communication. The mission of the journal is to showcase exemplary scholarship without censorship based on topics, methods, or analytical tools. Articles that are purely speculative or theoretical, and not data analytic, are not appropriate for this journal. Authors are expected to devote a substantial portion of the manuscript to analyzing and reporting research data.We gratefully acknowledge Vincent F. Follert, Jr. as the founder of Communication Reports. Publication of Communication Reports is supported, in part, by funds endowed by the late Dr. Follert.Individuals who have Regular or Exchange member subscriptions to the journals of the Eastern Communication Association, Central States Communication Association, Western States Communication Association, and the Southern States Communication Association may register for online access to the access to the journals hereWeb-first: Communication Reports is a 'web-first' journal: subscribers will have access to the two issues online during the year, and will receive a printed archive volume at the end of the year.The subscription rate includes subscription also to the WSCA publication, Western Journal of Communication.Peer Review Policy: All articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous critique by at least two referees.

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Communication Research

ISSN: 0093-6502eISSN: 1552-3810

Communication Research (CR), peer-reviewed and published bi-monthly, has provided researchers and practitioners with the most up-to-date, comprehensive and important research on communication and its related fields. It publishes articles that explore the processes, antecedents, and consequences of communication in a broad range of societal systems.

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Communication Theory

ISSN: 1050-3293eISSN: 1468-2885

Communication Theory is an international forum publishing high quality, original research into the theoretical development of communication from across a wide array of disciplines, such as communication studies, sociology, psychology, political science, cultural and gender studies, philosophy, linguistics, and literature. A journal of the International Communication Association (ICA), Communication Theory especially welcomes work in the following areas of research, all of them components of ICA: Communication and Technology, Communication Law and Policy, Ethnicity and Race in Communication, Feminist Scholarship, Global Communication and Social Change, Health Communication, Information Systems, Instructional/Developmental Communication, Intercultural Communication, Interpersonal Communication, Journalism Studies, Language and Social Interaction, Mass Communication, Organizational Communication, Philosophy of Communication, Political Communication, Popular Communication, Public Relations, Visual Communication Studies, Children, Adolescents and the Media, Communication History, Game Studies, Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Studies, and Intergroup Communication. The journal aims to be inclusive in theoretical approaches insofar as these pertain to communication theory. Communication Theory Electronic Office - click here to submit or review a paper for the journal.

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Computational Linguistics

ISSN: 0891-2017eISSN: 1530-9312

Computational Linguistics is the premiere publication devoted exclusively to the design and analysis of natural language processing systems. From this unique open access quarterly, university and industry linguists, computational linguists, artificial intelligence (AI) investigators, cognitive scientists, speech specialists, and philosophers get information about computational aspects of research on language, linguistics, and the psychology of language processing and performance.

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Computer Assisted Language Learning

ISSN: 0958-8221eISSN: 1744-3210

Access to selected top articles from Educational Media & Technology JournalsComputer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) is an intercontinental and interdisciplinary journal which leads the field in its dedication to all matters associated with the use of computers in language learning (L1 and L2), teaching and testing. It provides a forum to discuss the discoveries in the field and to exchange experience and information about existing techniques. The scope of the journal is intentionally wide-ranging and embraces a multitude of disciplines.Submitted articles may focus on CALL and: Research Methodologies Language Learning and Teaching Methods Language Testing Systems and Models The Four Skills SLA HCI Language Courseware Design Language Courseware Development Curriculum Integration Evaluation Teacher Training Intelligent Tutoring New Technologies The Sociocultural Context Learning Management SystemsPeer Review Policy:All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymised refereeing by at least two anonymous referees. Disclaimer for Scientific, Technical and Social Science publications:Taylor and Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 8220;Content8221;) contained in its publications. However, Taylor and Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever of the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor and Francis.

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Computers and Composition

ISSN: 8755-4615eISSN: 1873-2011

Computers and Composition: An International Journal is devoted to exploring the use of computers in writing classes, writing programs, and writing research. It provides a forum for discussing issues connected with writing and computer use. It also offers information about integrating computers into writing programs on the basis of sound theoretical and pedagogical decisions, and empirical evidence. It welcomes articles, reviews, and letters to the Editors that may be of interest to readers, including descriptions of computer-aided writing and/or reading instruction, discussions of topics related to computer use of software development; explorations of controversial ethical, legal, or social issues related to the use of computers in writing programs; and to discussions of how computers affect form and content for written discourse, the process by which this discourse is produced, or the impact this discourse has on an audience.Further information about the journal can also be found at a website maintained by the editorsBenefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Concentric: Studies in Linguistics

ISSN: 1810-7478

Constructional Approaches to Language

ISSN: 1573-594X

Constructions and Frames

ISSN: 1876-1933eISSN: 1876-1941
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ISSN: 1749-5032eISSN: 1755-1676
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