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Revista de Dialectología y Tradiciones Populares

ISSN: 0034-7981eISSN: 1988-8457

Dialectology Magazine and Popular Traditions, created in 1944, is the national publication, specializing in ethnography, and oldest continuously existing in Spain. Dedicated to socio-cultural anthropology, extended this research in its broadest sense, including the tongue, and specifically its manifestations dialect. It is open to the collaboration of the international community of researchers interested in this area of ??knowledge. Publishes an annual volume of six hundred pages, divided into two semiannual issues (July and December).Its format conforms to international standards of UNESCO for editing scientific publications and stripped appears in major academic databases and professional international.

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Revista de Filologia Alemana

ISSN: 1133-0406eISSN: 1988-2823

Revista de Filología Española

ISSN: 0210-9174eISSN: 1988-8538

Fundada en 1914 por Ramón Menéndez Pidal, la Revista de Filología Española se publica en volúmenes semestrales que forman cada año un tomo de unas 450 páginas. A lo largo de su trayectoria, la RFE, que acoge trabajos de filología española, se ha ido adaptando a los cambios que ha experimentado la Filología misma. Proporciona la información bibliográfica relacionada con sus contenidos que aparece en las revistas recibidas en la Biblioteca de Filología (CSIC).El Consejo de Redacción, de acuerdo con los informes confidenciales de evaluadores externos, decide sobre la publicación de los artículos recibidos, que deberán ser siempre originales inéditos. La lengua de la RFE es el español. Se admitirán artículos en otras lenguas románicas, con la aprobación del Consejo de Redacción.

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Revista de Filología Románica

ISSN: 0212-999XeISSN: 1988-2815

Revista de Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas

eISSN: 1886-6298
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Revista de Llengua i Dret - Journal of Language and Law

ISSN: 0212-5056eISSN: 2013-1453
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Revue Francaise de Linguistique Appliquee

ISSN: 1386-1204
Publisher: CAIRN Publishers

Revue Roumaine de Linguistique

ISSN: 0035-3957

Revue TAL

ISSN: 1248-9433eISSN: 1965-0906

Revue de Linguistique Romane

ISSN: 0035-1458

Revue de Philologie de Litterature et d Histoire Anciennes

ISSN: 0035-1652

Revue des Etudes Slaves

ISSN: 0080-2557

Rhetoric & Public Affairs

ISSN: 1094-8392eISSN: 1534-1224

Rhetoric Review

ISSN: 0735-0198eISSN: 1532-7981

Rhetoric Review (RR), a scholarly interdisciplinary journal of rhetoric, publishes in all areas of rhetoric and writing and provides a professional forum for its readers to consider and discuss current topics and issues. The journal publishes manuscripts that explore the breadth and depth of the discipline, including history, theory, writing, praxis, philosophy, professional writing, rhetorical criticism, cultural studies, multiple literacies, technology, literature, public address, graduate education, and professional issues. Rhetoric Review also invites readers to contribute to the Burkean Parlor, a discourse forum for discussion of Rhetoric Review's published articles, as well as professional issues. Essay reviews, commissioned by the editor, are included as a regular feature. Peer Review Policy: All articles published in Rhetoric Review undergo double-blind peer review. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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ISSN: 0734-8584eISSN: 1533-8541

Published for The International Society for the History of Rhetoric, Rhetorica includes articles, book reviews and bibliographies that examine the theory and practice of rhetoric. Published quarterly. International in scope, Rhetorica publishes articles in all periods, in English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish, and on any subject relevant to the history of rhetoric—from studies of rhetorical theory to interdisciplinary explorations of the relationship of rhetoric to poetics, philosophy, politics, religion, and law. The International Society for the History of Rhetoric Founded in 1977, The International Society for the History of Rhetoric includes members from thirty countries, and holds biennial congresses in Europe and North America. The purpose of the Society is to promote study of the theory and practice of rhetoric in all periods and languages. The Society fosters inquiry into the relationship of rhetoric to poetics, literary theory and criticism, philosophy, politics, religion, law, and other aspects of the cultural context. Membership in the Society is open to all individuals who subscribe to its aims. Membership includes receiving the Society's journal, Rhetorica, as well as its semi-annual, Rhetoric Newsletter. .

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Rilce: Revista de Filología Hispánica

ISSN: 0213-2370eISSN: 2174-0917
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Rivista di Cultura Classica e Medioevale

ISSN: 0035-6085eISSN: 1724-062X

Rivista di Filologia Classica

ISSN: 0035-6220

Romance Philology

ISSN: 0035-8002eISSN: 2295-9017
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Romanica Cracoviensia

ISSN: 1732-8705eISSN: 2084-3917
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