Als offenes Diskussionsforum fo¨rdert die Deutsche Zeitschrift fu¨r Philosophie den schulu¨bergreifenden Dialog und die Kommunikation zwischen den philosophischen Kulturen. Vorrangig erscheinen Arbeiten, die aktiv in die moderne internationale philosophische Diskussion eingreifen und neue Denkansa¨tze fu¨r sie liefern. Neben Fachaufsa¨tzen und Essays, Interviews und Symposien publiziert die Zeitschrift Funde aus philosophischen Archiven, Diskussionen sowie Buchkritiken. Deutsche Zeitschrift fu¨r Philosophie promotes the open dialog and communication between philosophers of differing schools of thought and different philosophical cultures. As a forum for the philosophical discourse, the journal owes no allegiance to particular schools or trends. Specialized essays, interviews and symposia as well as discussions, archive material and reviews round off the scope of this journal. Seit dem Jahrgang 2006 erscheint die Deutsche Zeitschrift fu¨r Philosophie auch als Online-Ausgabe. .
This journal is a translation of papers from the Transactions of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers of Japan, the foremost Japanese publication in the field. Published in three parts (Part I-Communications; Part II-Electronics; Part III-Fundamentals of Electronic Science), the journal covers the entire field of electronic engineering, including circuits and networks; signal and image processing; communication theory and systems; electromagnetic theory; switching, optical, microwave and millimeter-wave technology; quantum electronics; semiconductor technology and integrated circuits; artificial intelligence; and applied mathematics.
Dialectica publishes first-rate articles predominantly in theoretical and systematic philosophy. It is edited in Switzerland and has a focus on analytical philosophy undertaken on the continent. Continuing the work of its founding members, dialectica seeks a better understanding of the mutual support between science and philosophy that both disciplines need and enjoy in their common search for understanding. Dialectica practices double-blind refereeing, and follows the Guidelines for the Handling of Manuscripts by the Editors of Philosophy Journals of the Association of Philosophy Journal Editors. Authors are encouraged to submit short articles and discussion notes to the Notes and Discussions section, in particular of articles published in dialectica.