"No philosophy journal published in English is more highly regarded than the Philosophical Review.” —David Sanford, Duke University In continuous publication since 1892, the Philosophical Review has a long-standing reputation for excellence and has published many papers now considered classics in the field, such as W. V. O. Quine's "Two Dogmas of Empiricism,” Thomas Nagel's "What Is It Like to Be a Bat?” and the early work of John Rawls. The journal aims to publish original scholarly work in all areas of analytic philosophy, with an emphasis on material of general interest to academic philosophers, and is one of the few journals in the discipline to publish book reviews.
The Pluralist is a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to advancing the ends of philosophical thought and dialogue in all widely used philosophical methodologies, including non-Western methods and those of traditional cultures. The journal upholds the Socratic dictum of self-knowledge and the love of wisdom as the purpose of philosophy. It seeks to express philosophical insights and concerns humanely and with an eye to literary as well as philosophical excellence, but technical papers are welcome. The Pluralist is a forum for discussion of diverse philosophical standpoints and pluralism's merits. The Pluralist considers high-quality submissions on any philosophical topic written from any philosophical perspective. Articles that defend some type of pluralism, apply a pluralistic perspective to contemporary issues, or take a critical stance against pluralism are encouraged.
The Southern Journal of Philosophy has long provided a forum for the expression of philosophical ideas written from all philosophical perspectives, including both the analytic and continental traditions, as well as the history of philosophy. This commitment to philosophical pluralism is reflected in the long list of notable figures whose work has appeared in the journal, including Hans-Georg Gadamer, Hubert Dreyfus, George Santayana, Wilfrid Sellars, and Richard Sorabji. The jewel of each volume is the Spindel Supplement, which features the invited papers and commentaries presented at the annual Spindel Conference. Held each autumn at the University of Memphis and endowed by a generous gift from the Spindel family, each Spindel Conference centers on a philosophical topic of broad interest and provides a venue for discussion by the world's leading figures on that topic. Contents of past Spindel Supplements are available here.
The Year’s Work in Critical and Cultural Theory is a companion volume to The Year’s Work in English Studies. It provides a narrative bibliography of published work, recording significant debates and issues of interest across a broad range of research in the humanities and social sciences. As the fields of critical and cultural studies shift, so the range and scope of the journal alters, and current volumes include chapters on Digital Media, Science and Medicine, and Popular Culture. The Year’s Work in Critical and Cultural Theory functions as a bibliographical tool of practical use to scholars and students alike, as well as a lively collaboration with contemporary debates.
Thinking & Reasoning is an international journal dedicated to the understanding of human thought processes, with particular emphasis on studies on reasoning. Whilst the primary focus is on psychological studies of thinking, contributions are welcome from philosophers, artificial intelligence researchers and other cognitive scientists whose work bears upon the central concerns of the journal. Topics published in the journal include studies of deductive reasoning, inductive reasoning, problem solving, decision making, probability judgement, conceptual thinking and the influence of language and culture on thought.Papers will be accepted for publication on the basis of scientific quality, clarity of exposition and contribution to theoretical understanding of human thinking. Contributions may take any of the following forms:Empirical studies using any methodology appropriate to questions addressed, including experimental or observational methods and utilising either quantitative or qualitative analyses.Theoretical contributions pertinent to issues in the empirical study of human thought but not reporting new data.Critical reviews of research literatures which synthesise findings reported by different authors and which derive new insights or permit conclusions which enhance understanding of theoretical issues.Critical discussion of papers published in Thinking & Reasoning and short reports or notes on other relevant issues.Essay-style extended book reviews, for books of unusual interest to the readership. Normally commissioned, but proposals can be sent to the Editor. Peer Review IntegrityAll published research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and refereeing by independent expert referees.Special IssuesIssues devoted to a single topic are occasionally published in this journal; these are sent free to subscribers in that year, and are also available to purchase separately as books for non-subscribers. Click on the titles below for more information and to order.Judgment and Choice: Perspectives on the Work of Daniel KahnemanGuest Editors: David A. Lagnado and Daniel ReadVolume 13, Issue 1 (2007) ISBN 978-1-84169-825-0Development and ReasoningGuest Editors: Henry Markovits and Pierre BarouilletVolume 10, Issue 2 (2004) ISBN 1-84169-979-9Related LinksBrowse books in Thinking, Reasoning & Problem Solving and Cognitive Psychology.View forthcoming conferences in Cognitive Psychology.Disclaimer Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the "Content") contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether expressed or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.
Topoi's main assumption is that philosophy is a lively, provocative, delightful activity, which constantly challenges our received views, relentlessly questions our inherited habits, painstakingly elaborates on how things could be different, in other stories, in counterfactual situations, in alternative possible worlds. Whatever its ideology, whether with the intent of uncovering a truer structure of reality or of soothing our anxiety, of exposing myths or of following them through, the outcome of philosophical activity is always the destabilizing, unsettling generation of doubts, of objections, of criticisms.
It follows that this activity is intrinsically a 'dialogue', that philosophy is first and foremost philosophical discussion, that it requires bringing out conflicting points of view, paying careful, sympathetic attention to their structure, and using this dialectic to articulate one's approach, to make it richer, more thoughtful, more open to variation and play. And it follows that the spirit which one brings to this activity must be one of tolerance, of always suspecting one's own blindness and consequently looking with unbiased eye in every corner, without fearing to pass a (fallible) judgment on what is there but also without failing to show interest and respect.
Topoi's structure is a direct expression of this view. To maximize discussion, we devote most or all of this issue to a single topic. And, since discussion is only interesting when it is conducted seriously and responsibly, we usually request the collaboration of a guest-editor, an expert who will identify contributors and interact with them in a constructive way. Because we do not feel tied to any definite philosophical theme (or set of them), we choose the topic with absolute freedom, looking for what is blossoming and thriving, occasionally betting on what might - partly through our attention - 'begin' to blossom and thrive. And because we do not want our structur, e to become our own straightjacket, we are open to contributions not fitting the 'topos', and do not rule out in principle the possibility of topic-less issues.
Utopian Studies is a peer-reviewed publication of the Society for Utopian Studies, publishing scholarly articles on a wide range of subjects related to utopias, utopianism, utopian literature, utopian theory, and intentional communities. Contributing authors come from a diverse range of fields, including American studies, architecture, the arts, classics, cultural studies, economics, engineering, environmental studies, gender studies, history, languages and literatures, philosophy, political science, psychology, sociology and urban planning. Each issue also includes dozens of reviews of recent books.