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American Journal of Blood Research

eISSN: 2160-1992
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American Journal of Botany

ISSN: 0002-9122eISSN: 1537-2197

The American Journal of Botany (AJB), the flagship journal of the Botanical Society of America (BSA), publishes peer-reviewed, innovative, significant research of interest to a wide audience of plant scientists in all areas of plant biology (structure, function, development, diversity, genetics, evolution, systematics), all levels of organization (molecular to ecosystem), and all plant groups and allied organisms (cyanobacteria, algae, fungi, and lichens). AJB requires authors to frame their research questions and discuss their results in terms of major questions of plant biology. In general, papers that are too narrowly focused, purely descriptive, natural history, broad surveys, or that contain only preliminary data will not be considered.The AJB also includes AJB Primer Notes & Protocols in the Plant Sciences, an online-only section for papers intended to promote rapid dissemination of protocols used in genetic analyses of plants. Subjects appropriate for this section include: (1) marker notes providing primer sequences for microsatellite or other markers in particular taxa, and (2) protocol notes describing new methods for isolating, visualizing, or scoring genetic markers. For complete instructions for this section, see

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American Journal of Clinical Oncology

ISSN: 0277-3732eISSN: 1537-453X

The American Journal of Clinical Oncology is a multidisciplinary journal for cancer surgeons, radiation oncologists, medical oncologists, gynecologic oncologists, and pediatric oncologists. Under the leadership of David E. Wazer, MD, the journal focuses on combined modality multidisciplinary loco-regional management of cancer. The journal also gives emphasis to translational research, outcome studies, and cost utility analyses, and includes opinion pieces and review articles. Published BimonthlyWebsite:

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American Journal of Human Biology

ISSN: 1042-0533eISSN: 1520-6300

The American Journal of Human Biology is the Official Journal of the Human Biology Association. The American Journal of Human Biology is a bimonthly, peer-reviewed, internationally circulated journal that publishes reports of original research, theoretical articles and timely reviews, and brief communications in the interdisciplinary field of human biology. As the official journal of the Human Biology Association, the Journal also publishes abstracts of research presented at its annual scientific meeting and book reviews relevant to the field. The Journal seeks scholarly manuscripts that address all aspects of human biology, health, and disease, particularly those that stress comparative, developmental, ecological, or evolutionary perspectives. The transdisciplinary areas covered in the Journal include, but are not limited to, epidemiology, genetic variation, population biology and demography, physiology, anatomy, nutrition, growth and aging, physical performance, physical activity and fitness, ecology, and evolution, along with their interactions. The Journal publishes basic, applied, and methodologically oriented research from all areas, including measurement, analytical techniques and strategies, and computer applications in human biology. Like many other biologically oriented disciplines, the field of human biology has undergone considerable growth and diversification in recent years, and the expansion of the aims and scope of the Journal is a reflection of this growth and membership diversification. The Journal is committed to prompt review, and priority publication is given to manuscripts with novel or timely findings, and to manuscripts of unusual interest.

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American Journal of Human Genetics

ISSN: 0002-9297eISSN: 1537-6605

Cell Press has been chosen by The American Society of Human Genetics to publish its premier monthly journal from January 2008. The American Journal of Human Genetics (AJHG) is an exciting new venture for Cell Press as its first society-owned journal. The American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG) and Cell Press anticipate tremendous synergies between AJHG content and that of the 12 Cell Press titles, including Cell, Molecular Cell, Current Biology, and Immunity.Since its inception in 1948, The American Journal of Human Genetics has provided a record of research and review relating to heredity in humans, and to the application of genetic principles in medicine and public policy, as well as in related areas of molecular and cell biology.

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American Journal of Medical Genetics Part C: Seminars in Medical Genetics

ISSN: 1552-4868eISSN: 1552-4876

Seminars in Medical Genetics, Part C of the American Journal of Medical Genetics (AJMG) , serves as both an educational resource and review forum, providing critical, in-depth retrospectives for students, practitioners, and associated professionals working in fields of human and medical genetics. Each issue is guest edited by a researcher in a featured area of genetics, offering a collection of thematic reviews from specialists around the world. Seminars in Medical Genetics publishes four times per year.

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American Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging

eISSN: 2160-8407
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American Journal of Physiology - Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology

ISSN: 0193-1857eISSN: 1522-1547

The American Journal of Physiology-Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology publishes original articles pertaining to all aspects of research involving normal or abnormal function of the gastrointestinal tract, hepatobiliary system, and pancreas. Authors are encouraged to submit manuscripts dealing with growth and development, digestion, secretion, absorption, metabolism, and motility relative to these organs, as well as research reports dealing with immune and inflammatory processes and with neural, endocrine, and circulatory control mechanisms that affect these organs. Reports of research utilizing molecular biological, cell biological, immunological, biochemical, and morphological approaches that contribute to knowledge of normal physiology or pathophysiology of these organs are especially welcomed. Research ranging from molecular and cellular events to whole animal studies and translational studies in human samples is appropriate.

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American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiology

ISSN: 0363-6135eISSN: 1522-1539

The American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiology publishes original investigations on the physiology of the heart, blood vessels, and lymphatics, including experimental and theoretical studies of cardiovascular function at all levels of organization ranging from the intact animal to the cellular, subcellular, and molecular levels. It embraces new descriptions of these functions and of their control systems, as well as their bases in biochemistry, biophysics, genetics, and cell biology. Preference is given to research that provides significant new insights into the mechanisms that determine the performance of the normal and abnormal heart and circulation.

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American Journal of Physiology - Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology

ISSN: 1040-0605eISSN: 1522-1504

The American Journal of Physiology - Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology publishes original research covering the broad scope of molecular, cellular, and integrative aspects of normal and abnormal function of cells and components of the respiratory system. Areas of interest include conducting airways, pulmonary circulation, lung endothelial and epithelial cells, the pleura, neuroendocrine and immunologic cells in the lung, neural cells involved in control of breathing, and cells of the diaphragm and thoracic muscles. The processes to be covered in the Journal include gas-exchange, metabolic control at the cellular level, intracellular signaling, gene expression, genomics, macromolecules and their turnover, cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions, cell motility, secretory mechanisms, membrane function, surfactant, matrix components, mucus and lining materials, lung defenses, macrophage function, transport of salt, water and protein, development and differentiation of the respiratory system, and response to the environment. Reports of research using innovative approaches in cell and organ physiology, molecular and cellular biology, molecular genetics, genomics including animal models of integrative function, biochemistry, biophysics, and morphology, are welcome. The Journal also encourages submission of original manuscripts in the field of translational physiology, an area of research that bridges the gap between basic lung, cellular, and molecular physiology and patient care. Manuscripts in this area may transfer clinical insights into hypotheses that can be tested and validated in the basic research laboratory, or they may transfer knowledge gained from basic research to human pathophysiology and to improved methods of treating or preventing disease.

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American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology

ISSN: 0363-6119eISSN: 1522-1490

The American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology publishes original investigations that illuminate normal or abnormal regulation and integration of physiological mechanisms at all levels of biological organization, ranging from molecules to humans, including clinical investigations. Major areas of emphasis include regulation in genetically modified animals; model organisms and comparative functional genomics; development and tissue plasticity; neurohumoral control of circulation and hypertension; local control of circulation; cardiac and renal integration; thirst and volume, electrolyte homeostasis; appetite and obesity, and inflammation and cytokines.

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American Journal of Physiology - Renal Physiology

ISSN: 1931-857XeISSN: 1522-1466

The American Journal of Physiology - Renal Physiology publishes original manuscripts on a broad range of subjects relating to the kidney, urinary tract, and their respective cells and vasculature, as well as to the control of body fluid volume and composition. Studies may involve human or animal models, individual cell types, and isolated membrane systems. Authors are encouraged to submit reports on research using a wide range of approaches to the study of function in these systems, such as biochemistry, immunology, genetics, mathematical modeling, molecular biology, and physiological methodologies. Papers on the pathophysiological basis of disease processes of the kidney, urinary tract, and regulation of body fluids are also encouraged.

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American Journal of Physiology: Cell Physiology

ISSN: 0363-6143eISSN: 1522-1563

The American Journal of Physiology - Cell Physiology is dedicated to innovative approaches to the study of cell and molecular physiology. Contributions that use cellular and molecular approaches to shed light on mechanisms of physiological control at higher levels of organization also appear regularly. Manuscripts dealing with the structure and function of cell membranes, contractile systems, cellular organelles, and membrane channels, transporters, and pumps are encouraged. Studies dealing with integrated regulation of cellular function, including mechanisms of signal transduction, development, gene expression, cell-to-cell interactions, and the cell physiology of pathophysiological states, are also eagerly sought. Interdisciplinary studies that apply the approaches of biochemistry, biophysics, molecular biology, morphology, and immunology to the determination of new principles in cell physiology are especially.

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American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology

ISSN: 1044-1549eISSN: 1535-4989

ATS CME Mission Statement*CME Purpose: The purpose of the American Thoracic Society (ATS) CME Program is to support the ATS mission of: decreasing morbidity and mortality from respiratory disorders on both national and international levels, providing a high quality CME program that addresses the professional practice gaps of our learners and by facilitating change in learner competence and performance. As stated in our motto, “We help the world breathe.”*Content Areas: The content of the ATS CME program focuses on research, clinical, and administrative aspects of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine.*Target Audience: The target audience consists of researchers, clinicians, and other health professionals practicing in Pulmonary, Critical Care or Sleep Medicine. The ATS believes that optimal patient care is achieved through an interdisciplinary team approach.*Types of Activities: The ATS coordinates live courses, manuscript review, enduring materials (e g. internet, print), journal CME and activities separately and jointly-sponsored with our Thoracic Society Chapters and other national organizations with missions congruent with our own.*Expected Results: The ATS CME program is expected to lead to improvement in learner competence or performance. Results are measured with self-report and objective assessments.

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American Journal of Stem Cells

eISSN: 2160-4150
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American Journal of Translational Research

eISSN: 1943-8141
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American Laboratory

ISSN: 0044-7749

Amino Acids

ISSN: 0939-4451eISSN: 1438-2199

Amino Acids publishes contributions from all fields of amino acid and protein research: analysis, separation, synthesis, biosynthesis, cross linking amino acids, racemization/enantiomers, modification of amino acids as phosphorylation, methylation, acetylation, glycosylation and nonenzymatic glycosylation, new roles for amino acids in physiology and pathophysiology, biology, amino acid analogues and derivatives, polyamines, radiated amino acids, peptides, stable isotopes and isotopes of amino acids. Applications in medicine, food chemistry, nutrition, gastroenterology, nephrology, neurochemistry, pharmacology, excitatory amino acids are just some of the topics covered. Fields of interest include: Biochemistry, food chemistry, nutrition, neurology, psychiatry, pharmacology, nephrology, gastroenterology, microbiology

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Analytica Chimica Acta

ISSN: 0003-2670eISSN: 1873-4324

Analytica Chimica Acta provides a forum for the rapid publication of original research, and critical reviews dealing with all aspects of fundamental and applied modern analytical science. The journal welcomes the submission of research papers which report studies concerning the development of new and significant analytical methodologies. In determining the suitability of submitted articles for publication, particular scrutiny will be placed on the degree of novelty and significance of the research and the extent to which it adds to existing knowledge in analytical chemistry.Manuscripts detailing fundamental research on all aspects of analytical theory and methodology (including chemometric techniques), such as innovative instrumental, chemical and biological approaches, detectors and sensors, sample treatment methods and data treatment are especially encouraged. On the other hand, papers describing the use of routine analytical methods or straightforward extension of these methods to new sample matrices will normally not be published unless new developments are described which can be demonstrated to give very clear and quantifiable advantages over existing methods. In all submissions to the journal, authors must address the question of how their proposed methodology compares with previously reported methods.It will normally be expected that where new analytical methodologies and developments are described these will be applied to a sample matrix of suitable analytical complexity. In such cases appropriate validation of the method should be provided, together with proper statistical treatment of data. Analytical performance characteristics of new methods should be given, including sensitivity, detection limits, accuracy, precision, and interferences.Reviews are normally written by prior agreement of the editors. Potential authors are encouraged to discuss the subject matter of a proposed review with the review editor, and will be asked to provide a brief outline of the subject matter of the proposed review. Review articles should be sufficiently broad in scope to appeal to a wide cross-section of the journal's readership, but should be specific enough to permit discussion to be made at an appropriate depth. Basic methodology and principles should not be included in reviews, but suitable reference should be made to sources of this information. Above all, reviews should be critical rather than enumerative and should provide the reader with expert opinion regarding the relative merits of the various published approaches to the topic under review. Figures and Tables are encouraged in review articles. Tutorials describing the fundamental principles and practical operational details of a given analytical technique, sample processing approach or chemometric method are also welcome.

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Analytical Biochemistry

ISSN: 0003-2697eISSN: 1096-0309

Analytical Biochemistry emphasizes methods in the biological and biochemical sciences. The journal publishes the results of original research as well as reviews of methods.Publishing Methods in:• Analytical techniques• Membranes and membrane proteins• Molecular genetics: cloning, sequencing, and mutagenesis• Novel methods of protein purification• Immunological techniques applicable to biochemistry• Immunoassays that introduce a unique approach• Cell biology• General cell and organ culture• Pharmacological and toxicological research techniquesAnalytical Biochemistry includes two additional major sections:• Reviews - review articles on methods for biological and biochemical sciences• Notes and Tips - a new section featuring methods that can be summarized in a shorter format allowing more rapid publication, including helpful "kitchen tricks."

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