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Journal of Advertising

ISSN: 0091-3367eISSN: 1557-7805

The Journal of Advertising is the premier academic publication covering significant intellectual development pertaining to advertising theories and their relationship with practice. The goal of the Journal is to provide a public forum that reflects the current understanding of advertising as a process of communication, its role in the changing environment, and the relationships between these and other components of the advertising business and practice. All papers published in the Journal go through a rigorous, double-blind, peer review process. #!#!The Journal of Advertising provides an important publication outlet for papers in the specialization of advertising. Of the many academic journals with a primary focus on advertising theory and research, JA is by far the most widely respected and read.#!#! -David W. Stewart, University of California, Riverside #!#!The Journal of Advertising is the world's leading academic journal exclusively devoted to the field of advertising.#!#! -Roland T. Rust, University of Maryland #!#!The Journal of Advertising is the world's best journal because it houses academically rigorous, professionally salient, and globally relevant knowledge in advertising.#!#! -David K. Tse, Hong Kong University.

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Journal of Agricultural & Food Industrial Organization

ISSN: 1542-0485
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Journal of Air Transport Management

ISSN: 0969-6997eISSN: 1873-2089

The Journal of Air Transport Management (JATM) sets out to address, through high quality research articles and authoritative commentary, the major economic, management and policy issues facing the air transport industry today. It offers practitioners and academics an international and dynamic forum for analysis and discussion of these issues, linking research and practice and stimulating interaction between the two.The refereed papers in the journal cover all the major sectors of the industry (airlines, airports, air traffic management) as well as related areas such as tourism management and logistics. Papers are blind reviewed, normally by two referees, chosen for their specialist knowledge. The journal provides independent, original and rigorous analysis in the areas of:• Policy, regulation and law• Strategy• Operations• Marketing• Economics and finance• SustainabilityPapers are welcomed covering key industry developments and trends, such as changes in government thinking towards air transport; evolving competitive environments and new industry structures; emerging and maturing markets and changing customer needs; sustainability and security challenges; and industry innovation and technological developments.In addition to normal papers, JATM also contains 'Notes' articles. These are short articles not exceeding 2500 words in length (including any references, footnotes, tables and figures). They should be self-contained papers, of either a theoretical or applied nature, that provide a stimulating approach to address a major and topical management or policy issue. They should not be review papers, indeed lengthy reviews of previous work should be avoided, and instead notes should succinctly address the topic in hand. The notes are subject to the normal blind refereeing process to maintain the high standards of the journal.

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Journal of Applied Accounting Research

ISSN: 0967-5426eISSN: 1758-8855

The JAAR provides a forum for the dissemination of robust academic research that discusses and proposes field-driven solutions with the potential to change accounting practice and have an impact on the field. The journal clearly communicates insights on highly relevant topics for practice, policymakers and scholars alike.

Journal of Applied Business Research

ISSN: 0892-7626eISSN: 2157-8834
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Journal of Asia-Pacific Business

ISSN: 1059-9231eISSN: 1528-6940

Present circumstances underscore the need to improve the understanding of conducting business with and within the Asia-Pacific countries. The Journal of Asia-Pacific Business8482; provides a blend of cutting-edge knowledge and practical applications on business management and marketing strategy. In the Journal of Asia-Pacific Business8482;, you will find articles and feature sections that provide a pragmatic view of the business environment in this dynamic region. This essential resource offers readers a good blend of descriptive, conceptual, and theoretical articles dealing with current topics. The journal will interest academic professionals and corporate managers who wish to broaden their understanding of international business and the Asia-Pacific region. The Journal of Asia-Pacific Business8482; critically assesses various business practices and outcomes in areas such as: management marketing information services business law finance accounting services and much more! Special features of the journal include book reviews and interviews with persons who've advanced the field of international business in the Asia-Pacific region. In a time of intense global interest in the economy of this region, this journal will help you gain vital business knowledge to stay ahead in international marketing and commerce. Peer Review Policy: All articles in Journal of Asia-Pacific Business have undergone editorial screening and anonymous double-blind peer review. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Journal of Asian Pacific Communication

ISSN: 0957-6851eISSN: 1569-9838
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Journal of Asset Management

ISSN: 1470-8272eISSN: 1479-179X
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Journal of Behavioral Decision Making

ISSN: 0894-3257eISSN: 1099-0771

The Journal of Behavioral Decision Making is a multidisciplinary journal with a broad base of content and style. It publishes original empirical reports, critical review papers, theoretical analyses and methodological contributions. The Journal also features book, software and decision aiding technique reviews, abstracts of important articles published elsewhere and teaching suggestions. The objective of the Journal is to present and stimulate behavioral research on decision making and to provide a forum for the evaluation of complementary, contrasting and conflicting perspectives. These perspectives include psychology, management science, sociology, political science and economics. Studies of behavioral decision making in naturalistic and applied settings are encouraged. Articles on specialist topics aim for wider readability by including fully referenced introductions on the background to a particular study and, where possible, discuss the broader implications of the work. The Journal especially welcomes manuscripts that deal with issues that have cross-disciplinary impact. Such manuscripts will be considered for publication together with a selection of commentaries from members of the editorial board. Reviews are 'collaborationist' in the sense that reviewers are asked to do more than point out flaws and will suggest design improvements, new ideas, relevant references and follow-up studies. Reviewers are offered the opportunity to publish commentaries alongside the article. Papers published in the Journal of Behavioral Decision Making will encompass, but not be limited to, the following areas:

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Journal of Blood Service Economics

ISSN: 2769-4054eISSN: 2769-4062

The Journal of Blood Service Economics is an academic, double-blind, peer-reviewed journal, publishing research from business, health, and public-policy disciplines, to advance knowledge of the U.S. blood and plasma industry to ensure a safe, affordable, and sustainable blood supply. Published on behalf of Commonwealth Transfusion Foundation (CTF).

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Journal of Brand Management

ISSN: 1350-231XeISSN: 1479-1803
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Journal of Business & Finance Librarianship

ISSN: 0896-3568eISSN: 1547-0644

Take your skills in business librarianship to the next level!The Journal of Business & Finance Librarianship is an innovative quarterly journal that provides you with useful articles about the creation, organization, dissemination, retrieval, and use of business information. This refereed journal covers the business information needs of special libraries, academic libraries, and public libraries, as well as information services and centers outside of the traditional library setting. You'll find that the journal is international in scope, reflecting the multinational and international scope of the business community today. The immediate focus of the journal is practice-oriented articles, but it also provides an outlet for new empirical studies on business librarianship and business information. Aside from articles, this journal offers valuable statistical and meeting reports, literature and media reviews, Web site reviews, and interviews. Recent issues of the Journal of Business & Finance Librarianship have covered topics such as: political risk and country risk, some of the factors and methods used in foreign country risk analysis, and a variety of political risk sources the structure of the National Trade Data Bank, a comparison of the three versions of it currently on the market, and detailed descriptions of many of the database's most useful programs how and why intranets developed and how they can be used as strategic business tools that empower an organization to meet its corporate vision an analysis of the public rankings of in Canadian business periodicals and a retrieval tool for such information an effective and practical way to get business students familiar with various library resources a selective review of some of the business dictionaries in print Special thematic issues of the journal have covered: Marketing Information The Core Business Web Distance Learning Librarianship Peer Review Policy: All research articles in Business & Finance Librarianship have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by two anonymous referees.Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing

ISSN: 0885-8624eISSN: 2052-1189

The Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing (JBIM) publishes research on new ideas concerning business-to-business marketing, that is, how one company or organization markets its goods/services/ideas to another company or organization.

Journal of Business Cycle Research

ISSN: 2509-7962eISSN: 2509-7970
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Journal of Business Economics

ISSN: 0044-2372eISSN: 1861-8928
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Journal of Business Economics & Management

ISSN: 1611-1699eISSN: 2029-4433

Journal of Business Economics and Management is a peer-reviewed journal which publishes original research papers. It keeps the continuity of the Journal 8220;Almanach des praktischen Managements in Mittel- und Ost-Europa8221;. JBEM has been published since 1999. It is currently published quarterly.Areas of Research Areas of research include, but are not limited to, the following:- Global Business- Transition Issues- Economic Growth and Development- Economics of Organizations and Industries- Finance and Investment- Strategic Management- Marketing- Innovations- Public Administration- Case Studies.

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Journal of Business Ethics

ISSN: 0167-4544eISSN: 1573-0697

The Journal of Business Ethics publishes only original articles from a wide variety of methodological and disciplinary perspectives concerning ethical issues related to business that bring something new or unique to the discourse in their field. Contributors examine moral aspects of systems of production, consumption, marketing, advertising, social and economic accounting, labor relations, public relations and organizational behavior. In order to promote a dialogue between the various interested groups as much as possible, papers are presented in a style relatively free of specialist jargon. From its inception the Journal has aimed to improve the human condition by providing a public forum for discussion and debate about ethical issues related to business. The style and level of dialogue involve all who are interested in business ethics - the business community, universities, government agencies and consumer groups. FT 40 - This journal is one of the 40 journals used by the Financial Times in compiling the pr

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Journal of Business Finance and Accounting

ISSN: 0306-686XeISSN: 1468-5957

The Journal of Business Finance and Accounting exists to publish high quality research papers in accounting, finance and their interface. The interface is especially apparent in the areas of corporate governance, financial reporting and communication, financial performance measurement and managerial reward and control structures. A feature of the Journal is that it recognises that informational problems are pervasive in financial markets and business organisations, and that accounting plays an important role in resolving such problems.The Journal welcomes both theoretical and empirical contributions. Nonetheless, theoretical papers should yield novel testable implications, and empirical papers should be theoretically well-motivated. The Editors view accounting and finance as being closely related to economics and, as a consequence, papers submitted will often have theoretical motivations that are grounded in economics. The Journal, however, also seeks papers that complement economics-based theorising with theoretical developments originating in other social science disciplines or traditions.While many papers in the Journal use econometric or related empirical methods, the Editors also welcome contributions that use other empirical research methods.Although the scope of the Journal is broad, the Journal is not a suitable outlet for highly abstract mathematical papers, or empirical papers with inadequate theoretical motivation. Also, papers that study asset pricing, or the operations of financial markets, should have direct implications for one or more of preparers, regulators, users of financial statements, and corporate financial decision-makers, or at least should have implications for the development of future research relevant to such users.All article submissions should be made online - see the author guidlines for further information.

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Journal of Business Logistics

eISSN: 2158-1592
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Journal of Business Market Management

ISSN: 1864-0753eISSN: 1864-0761
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