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Journal of Human Values

ISSN: 0971-6858eISSN: 0973-0737
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Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management

ISSN: 2042-6747eISSN: 2042-6755

JHLSCM publishes state of the art research, in the field of humanitarian and development aid logistics and supply chain management. It targets academics and practitioners in humanitarian public and private sectors.

Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management

ISSN: 2013-8423eISSN: 2013-0953
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Journal of Industrial Relations

ISSN: 0022-1856eISSN: 1472-9296

The Journal of Industrial Relations is an ISI-ranked, peer-reviewed international journal administered by the Industrial Relations Society of Australia (IRSA) and currently based at the University of Sydney. The editors invite scholarship from a range of disciplinary perspectives, examining any aspect of employment relations. Contributions exploring the traditional concerns of industrial relations as well as studies addressing the intersection of workplace, family and community are welcome. We publish rigorous qualitative and multi-method analyses, including theoretically-informed case studies and international and comparative papers.

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Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization

ISSN: 1547-5816eISSN: 1553-166X

JIMO is covered in Science Citation Index Expanded, CompuMath Citation Index, Current Contents/Engineering, Computing and Technology ISI Alerting Services. JIMO is an international journal devoted to publishing peer-reviewed, high quality, original papers on the non-trivial interplay between numerical optimization methods and practically significant problems in industry or management so as to achieve superior design, planning and/or operation. Its objective is to promote collaboration between optimization specialists, industrial practitioners and management scientists so that important practical industrial and management problems can be addressed by the use of appropriate, recent advanced optimization techniques. It is particularly hoped that the study of these practical problems will lead to the discovery of new ideas and the development of novel methodologies in optimization. JIMO is published by AIMS and sponsored by the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Curtin University and the Department of Mathematics, Zhejiang University.

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Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade

ISSN: 1566-1679eISSN: 1573-7012

The Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade publishes research on industry, competition and trade policy. It investigates the microeconomic foundation of industrial strategy, innovation, competition, and trade policy and it concentrates on the functioning of product markets (goods and services). Despite the growing interest in theoretical economic policy, the gap between theory and real life remains a wide one. Many new economic theories and models have been developed, few of them are screened for policy conclusion and most of them are not motivated to answer questions raised by real world problems, industrial strategies or policy issues. Game theoretical models have increased our understanding of the sources of and obstacles to innovation, of the working of markets and of strategic interactions. Models also explain how institutions, consumers and firms interact, how they shape their environment and how incentives influence behaviour. The missing link has been the failure to adequately confront these theoretical findings with empirical facts. The even larger gap between theory and its application in economic policy will be addressed by the Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade. It serves as a forum for dialogue between economists from academia and (national or international) policy circles, and between theory and practice. The journal focuses on two transmission processes: It promotes confronting theories with facts and will encourage facts to influence the model building. It focuses on policy conclusions from the applied theoretical research and will promote policy questions to be investigated by researchers. In addition to the Editorial Board, the journal has a Policy Board in which economists currently working in government, competition policy authorities, and international organizations (European Commission, OECD, WTO, Department of Justice, etc.) facilitate the transmission proces, s between academia and economic policy. The Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade publishes original material in the areas of trade, competition and industrial policy. Articles aim to build bridges between theory, empirical work and policy application. Theoretical articles without explicit empirical implications will not be accepted, nor will descriptions of institutions and policy measures, which do not relate to theoretical models. Each volume will contain four invited surveys and approximately ten submitted papers. Two of the invited surveys (thirty pages) will be written by academics, two by economists in institutions. Each survey is discussed by four discussants (with partly opposite background). Officially cited as: J Ind Compet Trade

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Journal of Information Systems Teaching Notes

eISSN: 0888-7985

Journal of Information Technology

ISSN: 0268-3962eISSN: 1466-4437

Yes. Different publishers have different policies and some journals publish unedited or partly edited versions of articles on their web sites, before publishing them in print. Palgrave Macmillan's policy, however, is to publish online only the final version of the paper, exactly as it will be published in the printed edition. The paper is thus complete in every respect except that instead of having a volume/issue/page number, it has a DOI (Digital Object Identifier). This means that the paper can be referenced as soon as it appears on the AOP site by using the DOI.

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Journal of Information Technology Management

ISSN: 2008-5893eISSN: 2423-5059
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Journal of Insect Biotechnology and Sericology

ISSN: 1346-8073

Journal of Intellectual Capital

ISSN: 1469-1930eISSN: 1758-7468

The Journal of Intellectual Capital publishes the latest rigorous research on creating, identifying, managing, measuring, and securing factors that determine an organization’s value, including relational, structural, and human capital.

Journal of Intelligence Studies in Business

ISSN: 2001-015XeISSN: 2001-015X

Journal of Interactive Marketing

ISSN: 1094-9968eISSN: 1520-6653

The Journal of Interactive Marketing, published on behalf of Marketing EDGE, serves as a catalyst for identifying issues and shaping ideas associated with the expanding electronic, interactive, and direct marketing environments. We publish leading-edge, high-quality and original results, methodologies, theories, concepts, models and applications on any aspect of interactive marketing. The journal has no preferred or disallowed methodologies but is open to conceptually rigorous approaches of any type. Manuscripts should address current or emerging managerial problems and have the potential to impact practice and theory in digital marketing and related areas.A partial list of topics suitable for publication in the journal might include, but not be limited to:• Electronic retail• Interactive advertising• Clickstream modeling• Browsing and buying behavior• E-service and self-service technology • Online branding• Direct marketing• Database marketing• Customer relationship management• Strategic use of IT• E-business strategy• Multichannel marketing• Social media and social networks• Network effects and markets• Two-sided platform management• Mobile marketing• Search engines• Viral marketing• User-generated content• Privacy, trust and ethical issues• Online pricing and auctions• Recommendor systems • Direct and interactive B2B marketingA more detailed presentation of the full scope of the journal is available in Malthouse and Hofacker (2010).In summary, we invite researchers and thought leaders to submit their best work, on what has become the most dynamic and challenging part of contemporary marketing practice, to the Journal of Interactive Marketing.ReferenceMalthouse, Edward and Charles F. Hofacker (2010), "Looking Back and Looking Forward with Interactive Marketing," Journal of Interactive Marketing, 24 (3), 181-184.

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Journal of International Accounting Research

ISSN: 1542-6297eISSN: 1558-8025
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Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation

ISSN: 1061-9518eISSN: 1879-1603

The Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation publishes articles which deal with all areas of international accounting including auditing, taxation and management advisory services.The journal's goal is to bridge the gap between academic researchers and practitioners by publishing papers that are relevant to the development of the field of accounting.Applied research findings, critiques of current accounting practices and the measurement of their effects on business decisions, general purpose solutions to problems through models, and essays on world affairs which affect accounting practice are all within the scope of the journal.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Journal of International Business Studies

ISSN: 0047-2506eISSN: 1478-6990

Journal of International Business Studies (JIBS) is a refereed journal that publishes the results of social science research and other types of articles that advance the understanding of business. JIBS' audience consists of scholars in universities and research institutes, as well as officials in private sector and public sector organizations. It is published jointly by the Academy of International Business, Copenhagen Business School (Copenhagen Denmark), and the McDonough School of Business (Georgetown University).

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Journal of International Commerce, Economics and Policy

ISSN: 1793-9933eISSN: 1793-9941
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Journal of International Consumer Marketing

ISSN: 0896-1530eISSN: 1528-7068

The Journal of International Consumer Marketing examines consumer and organizational buyer behavior on a cross-cultural/national and global scale combining up-to-date research with practical applications to help you develop an action plan for successful marketing strategy development. Business professionals, policymakers, and academics share insights and "inside" information on a wide range of cross-cultural marketing issues, including international business customs, negotiating styles, consumer brand loyalty, price sensitivity, purchasing and leasing, consumer satisfaction (and dissatisfaction), and advertising. This invaluable research outlet analyzes a variety of geographic and cultural perspectives from around the word, including China, India, Germany, Western Europe, Africa, Australia, Southeast Asia, Scandinavia, Japan, and Latin America, as well as the NAFTA countries of Mexico, Canada, and the United States.The Journal of International Consumer Marketing is your guide to consumerism in diverse cultures, putting research findings to work developing effective global management and marketing strategies. Contributors provide fresh ideas and innovative concepts for addressing the cross-cultural/national and comparative consumer behavior issues and concerns that affect banks and other financial institutions, government departments, international trade organizations, research institutions, consultants, and publicly owned corporations. This unique journal analyzes a wide range of topics, including travel and tourist behavior, consumer behavior toward service institutions, advertising agency-client relationships, organizational, industrial, and intermediate buyer behavior, and market segmentation.The Journal of International Consumer Marketing examines the global aspects of: product placement planning buyer-seller relationshipse-commerce Internet banking relationship selling online shopping consumer ethics impulse buying celebrity endorsements Web communication strategies consumer ethnocentrism green purchasing behavior brand association marketing sacred goods and much more! The Journal of International Consumer Marketing is an invaluable resource for professionals who deal with overseas customers and/or cater to the needs of international consumers. It is equally important for academics, consultants, and business researchers interested in cross-cultural/national consumer marketing issues. Peer Review Policy: All articles published in Journal of International Consumer Marketing have undergone rigorous peer review based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by at least two anonymous referees who are subject experts. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Journal of International Entrepreneurship

ISSN: 1570-7385eISSN: 1573-7349

Competition in international markets was traditionally the realm of large companies, with smaller firms tending to remain local or regional. Internationalisation was an expansion option of interest to some enterprises, but seldom was it a competitive necessity. Many opted to avoid the uncertainties of competing in foreign markets, and simply kept their firms small and local. Traditional internationalisation theories, therefore, focused mainly on large multinational corporations, and were less pertinent to smaller firms. With the liberalisation of trade, however, domestic firms are threatened by international competitors that are penetrating formerly protected markets. Nowadays, internationalisation affects everyone, whether or not they wish to internationalise themselves. The threats and opportunities of internationalisation must be addressed.Globalisation is transforming the competitive environment of small and large players alike. As a result, internationalisation issues will continue to be increasingly important to business. Public policy agendas already include programmes to help entrepreneurs become successful at internationalisation. There is a growing need to understand internationalisation in the context of entrepreneurship, as well as large multinationals.Knowledge of how, when and why firms internationalise - either incrementally or not - will surely be the focus of energetic researchers. Yet, up to now, academia has been lacking a journal dedicated to internationalisation issues. To fill this niche, the aforementioned editorial team wishes to offer an outlet for high-quality research addressing the opportunities and challenges intrinsic to internationalisation.The primary audience for this journal will be researchers of entrepreneurship and international business. In addition, readership is certain to include business-people and policy-makers.The editors invite submissions that analyse internationalisation, combining theore, tical and empirical work. Researchers will be encouraged to conduct comparative studies, and to evaluate competing theories. The composition of the editorial team - including experts in international business and experts in entrepreneurship - is designed to avoid editorial bias. Every effort will be made to reach a first decision about a submission, within sixty days. Officially cited as: J Int Entrep

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Journal of International Financial Management & Accounting

ISSN: 0954-1314eISSN: 1467-646X

The Journal of International Financial Management & Accounting publishes original research dealing with international aspects of financial management and reporting, banking and financial services, auditing and taxation. Both the theory and the successful practice of international financial management are increasingly dependent on an in-depth understanding of the impact of imperfections in the world product, factor and financial markets, as well as the impact of institutional, regulatory and accounting differences across countries. Providing a forum for the interaction of ideas from both academics and practitioners, the Journal of International Financial Management & Accounting keeps you up-to-date with new developments and emerging trends. The Journal is also the official journal of The International Association for Accounting Education and Research.

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