The Journal of Media Business Studies (JOMBS) publishes original scholarly articles that apply business theories to the examination of media and the media industries. JOMBS focuses on the dynamics of media businesses broadly defined. It has a particular interest in the creation, operation, marketing, distribution and consumption of media businesses and their products, including newspapers, magazines, television, music, film, videogames, literature, advertising, digital/social/new media among others.
Review policy:
All submitted manuscripts are subject to initial appraisal by the one of the journal editors. If the manuscript is found suitable for further consideration, it is subsequently reviewed by independent, anonymous expert referees. All reviews are double-blinded. Submissions are made via Editorial Manager. Please see the Instructions for Authors page for more details.
Journal of Medical Marketing is the leading international journal for executives performing a marketing or commercial role at every company producing pharmaceuticals, medical devices or diagnostic equipment for the medical industry. Every quarter, the journal publishes a wide range of peer-reviewed practice papers, research articles and professional briefings written by industry experts. Articles focus on the issues of key importance to medical marketers.
The Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice (JMHTEP) highlights critical issues in educating and developing a skilled, healthy and committed mental health workforce.
JM2 provides a forum those in business and management modelling. It analyses the conceptual antecedents and theoretical underpinnings leading to research modelling processes which inform research and practice.
The Journal of Money & Business is an academic, open access, peer-reviewed journal focused on diffusion of articles on all aspects of money and business. Published by Emerald on behalf of King Khalid University.
Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking Edited by Paul Evans, The Ohio State University; Mark J. Flannery, University of Florida; and Kenneth D. West, University of Wisconsin Widely read and cited by researchers and policy makers, Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking is a primary economics journal reporting major findings in the study of monetary and fiscal policy, credit markets, money and banking, portfolio management, and related subjects. Founded in 1969.
The Journal of Network and Systems Management offers peer-reviewed original research along with surveys and case studies in the fields of network and system management. The journal regularly disseminates significant new information on the telecommunications and computing aspects of these fields, as well as their evolution and emerging integration. This outstanding quarterly covers architecture, analysis, design, software, standards, and migration issues related to the operation, management, and control of distributed systems and communication networks for voice, data, video, and networked computing.
The Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing is a peer reviewed journal devoted to the study of the adaptation of traditional marketing principles for use by nonprofit organizations and government agencies. The journal is broadly interested in the variety of topics included in the domain of nonprofit marketing, including donor and volunteer recruitment and retention, political marketing, social marketing, marketing strategy and planning, Internet marketing for nonprofit organizations, public relations, media planning, and so forth. Contributors of articles typically come from academic backgrounds. However, the articles are written in an accessible style to benefit a scholarly and practitioner readership. The journal is vital reading for a variety of professionals. Marketing professionals, scholars, and researchers from such disciplines as leisure services -- parks, recreation, tourism, public relations, higher education administration, and health care -- will discover a wealth of valuable information in JNPSM. An outstanding review board has been assembled which consists of many of the scholars who have been leaders in the initial development of marketing thought in the nonprofit and public sector. The journal presents peer-reviewed primary research and abstracts and indexes of current research published elsewhere.Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
The Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology aims to increase understanding of people and organisations at work including: • industrial, organizational, work, vocational and personnel psychology .
The mission of Journal of Operations Management is to publish original, high quality, operations management empirical research that will have a significant impact on OM theory and practice. Regular articles accepted for publication in JOM must have clear implications for operations managers based on one or more of a variety of rigorous research methodologies. JOM also publishes insightful meta-analyses of the OM literature, conceptual/theoretical studies with clear implications for practice, comments on past articles, studies concerning the OM field itself, and other such matters relevant to OM.Manuscripts accepted for publication meet one or more of the following characteristics:1. Rigorous studies that use various forms of empirical methodologies: case studies, sample surveys, laboratory experiments, econometric analysis, and ethnographic studies 2. Papers that use multiple methods for triangulation purposes3. Papers with relevant and refreshing results and perspectives4. Empirically-grounded analytical modeling studies5. Conceptual/theoretical papers that provide a reality check for how practice has evolved or how it might evolveAudienceThe primary audience includes researchers who are interested in advancing the OM/SCM field and practitioners who have a concern for keeping abreast of the state of the art in operations management. The journal presents to this audience the concepts, theories, and managerial perspectives that address currently cutting-edge issues in operations management and supply chain management.Policies, Aims and ScopeJOM's distinctive emphasis is on the management of operations and supply chains. Accordingly, the aim of JOM is to enhance the field of OM/SCM and develop generalizable theory, typically through the identification, analysis, and theorization of real OM/SCM problems.JOM seeks research that can help the audience develop a better conceptual base for understanding OM/SCM. The focus of articles for JOM should be on the managerial situation or the theory being studied rather than the solution techniques being developed or used. Highest priority is thus given to studies that are anchored in the real world and build, extend or test generalizable theories or frameworks of managerial significance. Most often such studies result from identifying an actual, new managerial situation for which existing theory is inadequate, thereby resulting in an addition to theory or testing multiple theories against actual managerial situations to determine their relevance.General topics covered by the journal, while not exclusive, include the following:• Operations processes in manufacturing and service organizations; • Upstream supply management;• Downstream demand management;• Operations strategy and policy;• Product and service design and development; • Manufacturing and service systems design; • Technology management for operations; • Multi-site operations management; • Capacity planning and analysis; • Operations planning, scheduling and control; • Project management; • Human resource management for operations; • Work design, measurement and improvement; • Performance measurement and productivity; • Quality management; • Purchasing/sourcing management; • Materials and inventory management; • Logistics, transportation, distribution, and materials handling; • International and comparative operations; • Operations and information management; • Sustainable supply chain operations;• Humanitarian/disaster relief operations;• Regulatory and environmental issues in operations.Published by Elsevier in collaboration with APICS, Educational & Research Foundation
The Journal of Organizational Behavior aims to publish empirical reports and theoretical reviews of research in the field of organizational behavior, wherever in the world that work is conducted. The journal will focus on research and theory in all topics associated with organizational behavior within and across individual, group and organizational levels of analysis, including:
The Journal of Organizational Behavior Management--the official journal of the OBM Network--is a periodical devoted specifically to scientific principles to improve organizational performance through behavioral change. The journal publishes research and review articles, reports from the field, discussions, and book reviews on the topics that are critical to today's organization development practitioners, operations managers, and human resource professionals. Journal of Organizational Behavior Management focuses on specific topics such as: * Applied Behavior Analysis Concepts and Principles * Performance Management * Behavioral Systems Analysis * Performance Measurement and Evidence-Based Management * Goal Setting, Feedback, and Incentive Programs * Performance Based Instruction * Contingency Assessment * Human Resource issues (absenteeism, tardiness, and turnover) * Operational issues (shrink, productivity, and quality) The Journal of Organizational Behavior Management occasionally produces thematic issues that concentrate on a single, highly relevant topic. Thematic issues focus on Behavioral Economics, Behavioral Safety, Behavioral System Analysis, and Statistical Process Control. Peer Review Policy: All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous blind peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by 3-4 anonymous referees. Invited articles and book reviews undergo editorial review. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
Successful organizations respond intelligently to factors which precipitate change. Economic climates, political trends, changes in consumer demands, management policy or structure, employment levels and financial resources - all these elements are constantly at play to ensure that organizations clinging on to static structures will ultimately lose out. But change is a dynamic and alarming thing - this journal addresses how to manage it positively, so that employees give their support and the positive goals set are worked towards with enthusiasm.
The Journal of Organizational and End User Computing (JOEUC) provides a forum to information technology educators, researchers, and practitioners to advance the practice and understanding of organizational and end user computing. The journal features a major emphasis on how to increase organizational and end user productivity and performance, and how to achieve organizational strategic and competitive advantage. JOEUC publishes full-length research manuscripts, insightful research and practice notes, and case studies from all areas of organizational and end user computing that are selected after a rigorous blind review by experts in the field.
Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism offers a dedicated outlet for research relevant to social sciences and natural resources.The journal publishes peer reviewed original research on all aspects of outdoor recreation planning and management, covering the entire spectrum of settings from wilderness to urban outdoor recreation opportunities. It also focuses on new products and findings in nature based tourism and park management.JORT is an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary journal, articles may focus on any aspect of theory, method, or concept of outdoor recreation research, planning or management, and interdisciplinary work is especially welcome, and may be of a theoretical and/or a case study nature. Depending on the topic of investigation, articles may be positioned within one academic discipline, or draw from several disciplines in an integrative manner, with overarching relevance to social sciences and natural resources.JORT is international in scope and attracts scholars from all reaches of the world to facilitate the exchange of ideas. As such, the journal enhances understanding of scientific knowledge, empirical results, and practitioners' needs.One novel feature of JORT will be that each article will be accompanied by an executive summary, written by the editors or authors, highlighting the planning and management relevant aspects of each article.
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