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Knowledge-Based Systems

ISSN: 0950-7051eISSN: 1872-7409

Knowledge-Based Systems is an international, interdisciplinary and applications-oriented journal. This journal focuses on systems that use knowledge-based (KB) techniques to support human decision-making, learning and action; emphases the practical significance of such KB-systems; its computer development and usage; covers the implementation of such KB-systems: design process, models and methods, software tools, decision-support mechanisms, user interactions, organizational issues, knowledge acquisition and representation, and system architectures.

This journal's current leading topics are but not limited to:

• Big data techniques and methodologies, data-driven information systems, and knowledge acquisition
• Cognitive interaction and intelligent human interfaces
• Recommender systems and E-service personalization
• Intelligent decision support systems, prediction systems and warning systems
• Computational and artificial intelligence based systems and uncertain information processes
• Swarm intelligence and evolutionary computing
• Knowledge engineering, machine learning-based systems and web semantics

The journal also welcomes papers describing novel applications of knowledge based systems in any human endeavor: ranging from financial technology to engineering to health science or any other domain impacted by Artificial Intelligence technologies and its associated techniques and systems.

To further the state of the art, Knowledge Based Systems now also reviews and publishes software and code through its new Software Publication format to disseminate these important born digital knowledge elements.

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Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing

ISSN: 1865-1348

MIS Quarterly

ISSN: 0276-7783

JSTOR is a not–for–profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive of over one thousand academic journals and other scholarly content. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. Welcome.

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ISSN: 0030-3887eISSN: 0975-0320

The journal OPSEARCH published by the Operational Research Society of India (ORSI) is a national forum set up with the objective of promoting the education and applications of Operational Research (OR) in day-to-day environment in business, industry and other organizations.

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Public Management Review

ISSN: 1471-9037eISSN: 1471-9045

Public Management Review seeks to: * explore the developing field of public management * embrace research both about the strategic and operational management of public services and about social/public policy development and implementation * encourage in particular work which either presents new empirical knowledge about public management and/or developed theory * encourage questioning both of the legitimacy and hegemony of the 'new public management' paradigm and its alternatives, and of the developing pluralism in public management which encompasses the governance of inter-sectoral relationships between government, non-profit and for-profit organisations in the provision of public services. The remit of Public Management Review is to promote the dissemination and discussion of such research about public management. Its specific target audience is the academic and research community. Public Management Review is an international journal, seeking to draw together and learn lessons from the development of public management across the world rather than being parochially focused upon one area and encourages cross-national and comparative research papers. The journal promotes inter-disciplinary work. Much of the most important work about public management is coming at the cusp of traditional disciplines. Public Management Review promotes such cross-boundary learning and conceptualisation. This journal is uniquely placed to offer a leading light on the rapidly developing interest in public management across the world, and especially in Europe, North America and the Pacific Rim. It covers such key issues as: * social policy making and implementation in the plural state * inter-sectoral (government non-profit-for profit) relationships * the evaluation and critique of the 'new public management' paradigm * governance institutions and processes * globalization and convergence in public management * state reform and structural adjustment, and the operational/ strategic management of public service organisations, including such issues as contracting, marketing and strategic management. Peer Review Policy All papers in PMR have undergone rigourous peer review, based upon an initial editorial screeing followed by a minimum of double-blind peer review. Disclaimer Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 'Content') contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether expressed or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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Quality - Access to Success

ISSN: 1582-2559

Records Management Journal

ISSN: 0956-5698eISSN: 1758-7689

Records Management Journal provides research and contemporary practice on the people, process and systems/technology aspects of managing records and information in organizations.

Service Oriented Computing and Applications

ISSN: 1863-2386eISSN: 1863-2394

The aim of Service-Oriented Computing & Applications is to publish original and high quality research results on the service-oriented computing (SOC) paradigm, models and technologies that have significant contributions to the advancement of service oriented systems and their applications. Service-oriented computing has emerged as a major research topic in the past few years. Although the concept has evolved from earlier component-based software frameworks, web service standards are based on the readily and openly available internet protocols, and thus are easier and cheaper for companies to adopt. The strong support from major computer and IT service companies further speeds up the acceptance and adoption of SOC. However, service developers and users face many significant challenges and opportunities that are introduced by the dynamism of software service environments and requirements. This requires new concepts, methods, models, and technologies along with flexible and adaptive infrastructure for services developments and management in order to facilitate the on-demand integration and formation of services across different platforms and organizations. The success of service-oriented systems relies on the adoption of the derived technologies to meet the demands from the evolving environment. The journal focuses on the issues and research results related to the development of service-oriented technology, including service infrastructures, theoretical foundations and their applications and experiences in service-oriented computing. Topics covered by the journal include, but are not limited to, the following subjects as they relate to service-oriented computing and applications: Service-Oriented Architecture Services analysis, design, development and test Service orchestration and composition <, /LI> Resource management for web services Quality and reliability of web services Service-Oriented Software Engineering Formal methods for services analysis, design, development, and test Service requirement engineering SOA solution patterns Services matching and policy Verification and validation of SOA systems Quality and reliability of web services System Technology Security, trust and privacy QoS and end-to-end performance Web service standards Autonomic computing IP and digital right management Brokering and integration Service connection technology Grid-based web services Business Services and Technology Business service representation and knowledge Business process integration and management Supply chain and channel management Auction Negotiation E-business standards Service-Oriented Semantic Computing Semantic web Software agent Service discovery Ontological engineering Service evolutionary approaches Service-Oriented Applications E-business and e-commerce M-commerce E-entertainment E-learning E-government E-health

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Statistical Journal of the IAOS

ISSN: 1874-7655
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Team Performance Management

ISSN: 1352-7592eISSN: 1758-6860

Effective teams form the heart of successful organizations. However, team management practices are often disconnected from the theoretical and empirical advancements in the field of team research.

The Information Society

ISSN: 0197-2243eISSN: 1087-6537

The Information Society is a multidisciplinary journal intended to answer questions about the Information Age. It provides a forum for thoughtful commentary and discussion of significant topics in the world of information, such as transborder data flow, regulatory issues, the impact of the information industry, information as a determinant of public and private organizational performance, and information and the sovereignty of the public and private organizational performance, and information and the sovereignty of the public. Its papers analyze information policy issues affecting society. Because of the journal's international perspective, it will have worldwide appeal to scientists and policymakers in government, education, and industry. Topics covered include: * The rise of virtual communities * Visions and practices of digital libraries * E-commerce and business processes * Evolving notions of information infrastructure * Various forms of 'electronic democracy'Peer Review Policy: All research articles in this journal have undergone editorial screening and peer review. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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The Journal of Strategic Information Systems

ISSN: 0963-8687

The Journal of Strategic Information Systems focuses on the management, business and organizational issues associated with the introduction and utilization of information systems as a strategic tool, and considers these issues in a global context. The emphasis is on the incorporation of IT into organizations' strategic thinking, strategy alignment and management of change issues. The journal publishes research and case study papers from around the world which:• investigate the very nature of business in the context of emerging IT• discuss the justification and evaluation of information systems• discuss the organizational implications of IT• consider how organizations have been transformed as a result of the astute management and application of ITA transdisciplinary approach/perspective is welcome.Topics covered include:• organizational transformation on the back of information technology• information systems/business strategy alignment• inter-organizational systems• global issues and cross-cultural issues• the impact and significance of emerging information technologies (e.g. internet, intranets)In 2002, Elsevier launched Library Connect, a new initiative bringing together many of Elsevier's library-focused efforts. For more information about this initiative and to read or subscribe to the complimentary Library Connect Newsletter, please visit Library Connect

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Uncertain Supply Chain Management

ISSN: 2291-6822eISSN: 2291-6830