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Journal of Cognitive Science

ISSN: 1598-2327eISSN: 1976-6939

Journal of Computer Science

eISSN: 1549-3636
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Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International

ISSN: 1064-2307eISSN: 1555-6530

The Journal of Computer and System Sciences International is the leading scientific journal of the Russian Academy of Sciences in all areas of control theory and systems. The journal features papers on the theory and methods of control as well as papers devoted to the study, design, modeling, development, and application of new control systems. Papers reflect contemporary research and development in the field, with particular attention given to computer methods and technologies. In addition to research articles, the journal publishes proceedings of international scientific conferences and provides reviews by top experts from Russia and abroad on current and emerging problems in the field of control.

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Journal of Consciousness Studies

ISSN: 1355-8250
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Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence

ISSN: 0952-813XeISSN: 1362-3079

Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence (JETAI) is advancing scientific research in artificial intelligence (AI) by providing a public forum for the presentation, evaluation and criticism of research results, the discussion of methodological issues, and the communication of positions, preliminary findings and research directions. JETAI features work in all subfields of AI research that adopts a scientific rather than engineering methodology, focusing on work in cognitive science, problem-solving, perception, learning, knowledge representation, memory and neural system modelling. All papers are peer-reviewed.

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Journal of Heuristics

ISSN: 1381-1231eISSN: 1572-9397

The Journal of Heuristics provides a forum for advancing the state-of-the-art in the theory and practical application of techniques for solving problems approximately that cannot be solved exactly. It fosters the development, understanding, and practical use of heuristic solution techniques for solving business, engineering, and societal problems. It considers the importance of theoretical, empirical, and experimental work related to the development of heuristics. The journal presents practical applications, theoretical developments, decision analysis models that consider issues of rational decision making with limited information, artificial intelligence-based heuristics applied to a wide variety of problems, learning paradigms, and computational experimentation. Officially cited as: J Heuristics

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Journal of Information Systems and Telecommunication

ISSN: 2322-1437eISSN: 2345-2773

Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems

eISSN: 1875-8967

The purpose of the Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems: Applications in Engineering and Technology is to foster advancements of knowledge and help disseminate results concerning recent applications and case studies in the areas of fuzzy logic, intelligent systems, and web-based applications among working professionals and professionals in education and research, covering a broad cross-section of technical disciplines. The journal will publish original articles on current and potential applications, case studies, and education in intelligent systems, fuzzy systems, and web-based systems for engineering and other technical fields in science and technology. The journal focuses on the disciplines of computer science, electrical engineering, manufacturing engineering, industrial engineering, chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, civil engineering, engineering management, bioengineering, and biomedical engineering. The scope of the journal also includes developing technologies in mathematics, operations research, technology management, the hard and soft sciences, and technical, social and environmental issues.

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Journal of Intelligent Information Systems

ISSN: 0925-9902eISSN: 1573-7675

The Journal of Intelligent Information Systems: Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Database Technologies (JIIS) focuses on the integration of artificial intelligence and database technologies to create next generation information systems - Intelligent Information Systems.JIIS provides a forum wherein academics, researchers and practitioners may publish high-quality, original and state-of-the-art papers describing theoretical aspects, systems architectures, analysis and design tools and techniques, and implementation experiences in intelligent information systems. Articles published in JIIS include: research papers, invited papers, meeting, workshop and conference announcements and reports, survey and tutorial articles, and book reviews. Topics include foundations and principles of data, information, and knowledge models; methodologies for IIS analysis, design, implementation, validation, maintenance and evolution, and more.

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Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing

ISSN: 0956-5515eISSN: 1572-8145

Published bimonthly, the Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing provides a unique international forum for developers of intelligent manufacturing systems. By publishing quality refereed papers on the application of artificial intelligence in manufacturing, the Journal provides a vital link between the research community and practitioners in industry.In addition to research papers, the Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing features articles on new methodologies and developments, case studies, surveys, and tutorials on topics related to product design, manufacturing, and service systems. Papers in emerging areas such as biomanufacturing, nanotechnology, and energy are welcome. Periodically special issues on topics of interest to the readership are published.Officially cited as: J Intell Manuf

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Journal of Intelligent Systems

ISSN: 0334-1860eISSN: 2191-026X
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Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems

ISSN: 0921-0296eISSN: 1573-0409

The Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems bridges the gap between theory and practice in all areas of intelligent systems and robotics. It publishes original, peer reviewed contributions from initial concept and theory to prototyping to final product development and commercialization. On the theoretical side, the journal features papers focusing on intelligent systems engineering, distributed intelligence systems, multi-level systems, intelligent control, multi-robot systems, cooperation and coordination of unmanned vehicle systems, etc. On the application side, the journal emphasizes autonomous systems, industrial robotic systems, multi-robot systems, aerial vehicles, mobile robot platforms, underwater robots, sensors, sensor-fusion, and sensor-based control. Readers will also find papers on real applications of intelligent and robotic systems (e.g., mechatronics, manufacturing, biomedical, underwater, humanoid, mobile/legged robot and space applications, etc.).

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Journal of Logic, Language and Information

ISSN: 0925-8531eISSN: 1572-9583

This is the official publication of the European Association for Logic, Language, and Information.

The scope of the journal is the logical and computational foundations of natural, formal, and programming languages, as well as the different forms of human and mechanized inference. It covers the logical, linguistic, and information-theoretic parts of the cognitive sciences.

Examples of main subareas are Intensional Logics including Dynamic Logic: Nonmonotonic Logic and Belief Revision: Constructive Logics: Complexity Issues in Logic and Linguistics: Theoretical Problems of Logic Programming and Resolution: Categorial Grammar and Type Theory: Generalized Quantification: Information-Oriented Theories of Semantic Structure like Situation Semantics, Discourse Representation Theory, and Dynamic Semantics: Connectionist Models of Logical and Linguistic Structures. The emphasis is on the theoretical aspects of these areas.

The purpose of the journal is to act as a forum for researchers interested in the theoretical foundations of the above subjects and their interdisciplinary connections, with an emphasis on general ideas increasing coherence.

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Journal of Machine Learning Research

ISSN: 1532-4435eISSN: 1533-7928

If you have not visited this site since January 1, 2006.

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Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision

ISSN: 0924-9907eISSN: 1573-7683

Current developments in new image processing hardware, the advent of multisensor data fusion, and rapid advances in vision research have led to an explosive growth in the interdisciplinary field of imaging science. Emphasizing the role of mathematics as a rigorous basis for imaging science, this journal details innovative or established mathematical techniques applied to vision and imaging problems in a novel way. It also reports on new developments and problems in mathematics arising from these applications. The scope of Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision includes: - computational models of vision; imaging algebra and mathematical morphology - mathematical methods in reconstruction, compactification, and coding - filter theory - probabilistic, statistical, geometric, topological, and fractal techniques and models in imaging science - inverse optics - wave theory. This journal contains research articles, invited papers, and expository articles.

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Journal of Memory and Language

ISSN: 0749-596XeISSN: 1096-0821

Articles in the Journal of Memory and Language contribute to the formulation of scientific issues and theories in the areas of memory, language comprehension and production, and cognitive processes. Special emphasis is given to research articles that provide new theoretical insights based on a carefully laid empirical foundation. In addition, significant theoretical papers without new experimental findings may be published.The Journal of Memory and Language is a valuable tool for cognitive scientists, including psychologists, linguists, and others interested in memory and learning, language, reading, and speech.Research Areas include:• Topics that illuminate aspects of memory or language processing• Artificial intelligence• Linguistics• NeuropsychologyBenefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing

ISSN: 1542-3980eISSN: 1542-3999
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Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing

ISSN: 0743-7315eISSN: 1096-0848

This international journal is directed to researchers, engineers, educators, managers, programmers, and users of computers who have particular interests in parallel processing and/or distributed computing.The Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing publishes original research papers and timely review articles on the theory, design, evaluation, and use of parallel and/or distributed computing systems. The journal also features special issues on these topics; again covering the full range from the design to the use of our targeted systems.Research Areas Include:• Theory of parallel/distributed computing• Parallel algorithms and their implementation• Innovative computer architectures• Shared-memory multiprocessors• Peer-to-peer systems• Distributed sensor networks• Pervasive computing• Optical computing• Software tools and environments• Languages, compilers, and operating systems• Fault-tolerant computing• Applications and performance analysis• Bioinformatics• Cyber trust and security• Parallel programming• Grid computingBenefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Journal of Physics: Complexity

eISSN: 2632-072X
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Journal of Pragmatics

ISSN: 0378-2166eISSN: 1879-1387

Since 1977, the Journal of Pragmatics has addressed a number of questions that are essential to our understanding of how language works in communicative and social interaction, and continues to welcome innovative pragmatic scholarship from all perspectives. Through engagement with a wide scope of research in pragmatics, JoP provides a forum for studies that approach relevant issues in general linguistics, sociolinguistics, discourse analysis, conversation analysis, cognitive linguistics, corpus linguistics, and other areas of linguistic research with a distinctly pragmatic agenda.The Journal of Pragmatics also encourages work that explores the relationship between linguistic pragmatics and neighboring disciplines such as communication science (including the study of nonverbal communication), developmental and experimental psychology, the philosophy of language, and speech-language pathology (including the study of all developmental and acquired communication disorders). JoP welcomes both contributions originating in linguistics, and those taking neighboring, related fields as their point of departure.We also welcome the opportunity to publish high quality special issues, enabling the journal to make a significant contribution to a topical or developing area.

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