Pattern Recognition is the official journal of the Pattern Recognition Society. The Society was formed to fill a need for information exchange among research workers in the pattern recognition field. Up to now, we ''pattern-recognitionophiles'' have been tagging along in computer science, information theory, optical processing techniques, and other miscellaneous fields. Because this work in pattern recognition presently appears in widely spread articles and as isolated lectures in conferences in many diverse areas, the purpose of the journal Pattern Recognition is to give all of us an opportunity to get together in one place to publish our work. The journal will thereby expedite communication among research scientists interested in pattern recognition.We consider pattern recognition in the broad sense, and we assume that the journal will be read by people with a common interest in pattern recognition but from many diverse backgrounds. These include biometrics, target recognition, biological taxonomy, meteorology, space science, classification methods, character recognition, image processing, industrial applications, neural computing, and many others.The publication policy is to publish (1) new original articles that have been appropriately reviewed by competent scientific people, (2) reviews of developments in the field, and (3) pedagogical papers covering specific areas of interest in pattern recognition. Various special issues will be organized from time to time on current topics of interest to Pattern Recognition.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
Pattern Recognition Letters aims at rapid publication of concise articles of a broad interest in pattern recognition.Subject areas include all the current fields of interest represented by the Technical Committees of the International Association of Pattern Recognition, and other developing themes involving learning and recognition. Examples include:• Statistical, structural, syntactic pattern recognition;• Neural networks, machine learning, data mining;• Discrete geometry, algebraic, graph-based techniques for pattern recognition;• Signal analysis, image coding and processing, shape and texture analysis;• Computer vision, robotics, remote sensing;• Document processing, text and graphics recognition, digital libraries;• Speech recognition, music analysis, multimedia systems;• Natural language analysis, information retrieval;• Biometrics, biomedical pattern analysis and information systems;• Scientific, engineering, social and economical applications of pattern recognition;• Special hardware architectures, software packages for pattern recognition.We invite contributions as research reports or commentaries.Research reports should be concise summaries of methodological inventions and findings, with strong potential of wide applications.Alternatively, they can describe significant and novel applications of an established technique that are of high reference value to the same application area and other similar areas.Commentaries can be lecture notes, subject reviews, reports on a conference, or debates on critical issues that are of wide interests.To serve the interests of a diverse readership, the introduction should provide a concise summary of the background of the work in an accepted terminology in pattern recognition, state the unique contributions, and discuss broader impacts of the work outside the immediate subject area. All contributions are reviewed on the basis of scientific merits and breadth of potential interests.
Perceptionis a scholarly journal reporting experimental results and theoretical ideas ranging over the fields of human. animal. and machine perception. Topics covered include physiological mechanisms and clinical neurological disturbances; psychological data on pattern and object perception in animals and man; the role of experience in developing perception; skills. such as driving and flying; effects of culture on perception and aesthetics; errors. illusions. and perceptual phenomena occurring in controlled conditions. with emphasis on their theoretical significance; cognitive experiments and theories relating knowledge to perception; development of categories and generalisations; strategies for interpreting sensory patterns in terms of objects by organisms and machines; special problems associated with perception of pictures and symbols; verbal and nonverbal skills; reading; philosophical implications of experiments and theories of perception for epistemology. aesthetics. and art.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (PCCP) is an international journal co-owned by 19 physical chemistry and physics societies from around the world. This journal publishes original, cutting-edge research in physical chemistry, chemical physics and biophysical chemistry. To be suitable for publication in PCCP, articles must include significant innovation and/or insight into physical chemistry; this is the most important criterion that reviewers and Editors will judge against when evaluating submissions. The journal has a broad scope and welcomes contributions spanning experiment, theory, computation and data science. Articles are welcomed if they demonstrate significant innovation and/or insight into physical chemistry. Joined experimental/theoretical studies are particularly appreciated when complementary and based on up-to-date approaches. Topical coverage includes: • Spectroscopy • Dynamics • Kinetics • Statistical mechanics • Thermodynamics • Electrochemistry • Catalysis • Surface science • Quantum mechanics • Quantum computing • Machine learning • Polymers and soft matter • Materials • Quantum Materials • Nanoscience • Energy • Surfaces/interfaces • Biophysical chemistry • Atmospheric Chemistry • Astrochemistry
Physics of Life Reviews is an international journal appearing quarterly, that publishes review articles on physics of living systems, complex phenomena in biological systems, and related fields of artificial life, robotics, mathematical bio-semiotics, and artificial intelligent systems. This journal is a unifying force, going across the barriers between disciplines, addressing all living systems from molecules to populations and from genetics to mind and artificial systems modeling these phenomena. The journal invites reviews from actively working researchers, which are broad in scope, critical, accessible to our wide readership and addresses sometimes controversial accounts of recent progress and problems.Physics of Life Reviews intends to keep the active researcher abreast of developments on a wide range of topics by publishing timely reviews, which are more than mere literature surveys but normally less than a full monograph. Although most of the reviews will be of a specialist nature, each review should contain enough introductory material to make the main points intelligible to a non-specialist and to inspire and facilitate interdisiplinary research. The reviews should address in a clear way the most important conceptual issues in a field, review existing theories and methods with their achievements and drawbacks or difficulties versus the issues, unsolved problems addressed by a new theory, method, or approach, and why a significant progress is achieved or expected. Future research directions, remaining unsolved problems, and experimental confirmations or controversies should also be addressed.
Procedia Manufacturing is an open access journal focusing entirely on publishing high quality conference proceedings. Procedia Manufacturing enables fast dissemination of its content so that conference delegates can publish their papers in a dedicated online issue on Sciverse ScienceDirect under the Creative Commons license BY-NC-ND (for further details see our
Procedia Manufacturing will publish papers from conferences on all important topics in the field of manufacturing engineering, including but not limited to manufacturing processes, systems and emerging topics in manufacturing, such as:
Conference proceedings are accepted for publication in Procedia Manufacturing based on quality of the conference, its relevance to an international audience and timely and suitability of its scope. All proposals will be evaluated by the Editor-in-Chief and the editorial board, who, during the evaluation process, may make contact with members of the conference scientific committee and keynote speakers to obtain further information about the conference.
Proposals* should be prepared using the template
Dr. Prof. S. Jack Hu
Editor in Chief Procedia Manufacturing
Dr. Gaia Lupo
Elsevier Publisher
*Please note that we do not accept proposals from individual authors for Procedia titles.
Additional Information
We are open to discuss even further collaboration, including but not limited to providing global organizational and administrative services, assisting with the setup of new multidisciplinary meetings. Feel free to contact Dr. Gaia Lupo for more information.
Robotics and Automation, Mechatronics, Artificial Intelligence (incl. Robotics), Control, Computational Intelligence
Robotics (ISSN 2218-6581) is a fully refereed international journal that presents the state-of-the-art research work in the area of robotics. It aims to provide an international forum to report latest developments from robotic systems, autonomous behaviours, multi-sensor fusion, learning algorithms, system modelling, control software, smart actuators, and human-machine interaction. Special emphasis is given to technology innovation and real-world applications. The main objective of Robotics is to establish an excellent channel of communication between experts in academic and research institutions, practitioners and professionals working in the industry, and policy makers.
Robotics and Autonomous Systems will carry articles describing fundamental developments in the field of robotics, with special emphasis on autonomous systems. An important goal of this journal is to extend the state of the art in both symbolic and sensory based robot control and learning in the context of autonomous systems.Robotics and Autonomous Systems will carry articles on the theoretical, computational and experimental aspects of autonomous systems, or modules of such systems.Application environments of interest include industrial, outdoor and outer space where advanced robotic techniques are required for autonomous systems to accomplish goals without human intervention; this includes robotics for hazardous and hostile environments.Robotics and Autonomous Systems will carry brief reports on international meetings in the field, as well as an occasional multi-author debate on current topics of interest. Forthcoming meetings of importance will be listed.In more detail, the journal will cover the following topics:• Symbol mediated robot behavior control;• Sensory mediated robot behavior control;• Active sensory processing and control;• Industrial applications of autonomous systems;• Sensor modeling and data interpretation e.g. models and software for sensor data integration, 3D scene analysis, environment description and modeling, pattern recognition;• Robust techniques in AI and sensing e.g. uncertainty modeling, graceful degradation of systems;• Robot programming e.g. on-line and off-line programming, discrete event dynamical systems, fuzzy logic;• CAD-based robotics e.g. CAD-based vision, reverse engineering;• Robot simulation and visualization tools;• Tele-autonomous systems;• Micro electromechanical robots;• Robot control architectures;• Robot planning, adaptation and learning.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
The SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences covers all areas of imaging sciences, broadly interpreted. It includes image formation, image processing, image analysis, image interpretation and understanding, computer graphics and visualization, and inverse problems in imaging; leading to applications to diverse areas in science, medicine, engineering, and other fields. Formal approaches, at the level of mathematics and/or computations, as well as state-of-the-art practical results, are expected from manuscripts published in SIIMS. SIIMS provides a broad authoritative source for fundamental results in imaging sciences, with a unique combination of mathematics and applications. SIIMS is mathematically and computationally based, and offers a unique forum to highlight the commonality of methodology, models, and algorithms among diverse application areas of imaging sciences.Authors are encouraged to exploit the endless possibilities of an electronic publication with the use of color, animations, video, presentations, and additional supplementary material as detailed in the instructions for authors. SIIMS provides cross-referencing with the peer-reviewed journal Image Processing On Line (IPOL). We encourage authors to submit their algorithm description and software to IPOL in order to increase the visibility of their work and the potential for collaboration between researchers.Research papers that innovate both in the fundamentals and in the applications are especially welcome. SIIMS focuses on conceptually new ideas, methods, and fundamentals as applied to all aspects of imaging sciences.
Soft Computing is dedicated to system solutions based on soft computing techniques. It provides rapid dissemination of important results in soft computing technologies, a fusion of research in evolutionary algorithms and genetic programming, neural science and neural net systems, fuzzy set theory and fuzzy systems, and chaos theory and chaotic systems. Soft Computing encourages the integration of soft computing techniques and tools into both everyday and advanced applications. By linking the ideas and techniques of soft computing with other disciplines, the journal serves as a unifying platform that fosters comparisons, extensions, and new applications. As a result, the journal is an international forum for all scientists and engineers engaged in research and development in this fast growing field. Indexed by Science Citation Index, Inspec, Compendex, DBLP, Computer Science Index, Current Abstracts, Current Contents, EBSCO host, IngentConnect, MetaPress, Springerlink, OCLC, SCOPUS, Ulrich´s, Zentralblatt Mat
Sustainable Energy & Fuels publishes high quality scientific research that will drive the development of sustainable energy technologies, with a particular emphasis on innovative concepts and approaches. The journal is an essential resource for energy researchers and cuts across chemistry and its interfaces with materials science, physics and biology – covering evolving and emerging areas such as the following: • Solar energy conversion including photovoltaics and artificial photosynthesis • Energy storage including batteries, flow batteries and supercapacitors • Catalysis for energy technologies, including the sustainable synthesis of fuels and chemicals, and molecular/bioinspired catalysis • Electrocatalysis, photocatalysis and thermal catalysis • Fuel cells • Hydrogen production, storage and distribution • Carbon dioxide utilisation, including fuels and chemicals from carbon dioxide • Biorefining and Biofuels • Capacitive desalination and desalination batteries • Other sustainable energy conversion technologies including thermochemical, piezoelectric and thermoelectric materials and devices Energy science and technologies that avoid the use of critical raw elements or detrimental environmental effects during preparation, manufacture and end-of-life are particularly encouraged.