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Electronic Communications of the EASST

ISSN: 1863-2122eISSN: 1863-2122

Electronic Journal of Combinatorics

eISSN: 1077-8926

nternational Press of Boston, Inc. is an academic publishing company founded in 1992. After eighteen years of growth, International Press now publishes fifteen journals in various fields of academic mathematics research, including a prestigious journal of statistics. International Press also publishes high-level mathematics and mathematical physics book titles, including monographs, textbooks, and more.International Press enjoys a productive partnership with the American Mathematical Society, with whom we have co-published the AMS/IP Studies in Advanced Mathematics book series since 1997.Having close ties to the Chinese mathematics community, International Press has also developed a close partnership with Higher Education Press of Beijing—the leading Chinese curriculum planner, and publisher and distributor of academic books—as well as with the Chinese publishers Tsinghua University Press, Hunan Science and Technology Press, and others.

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Engineering Computations

ISSN: 0264-4401eISSN: 1758-7077

Engineering Computations provides a platform for research and discussion across the range of disciplines involved in computer-aided engineering and software.

European Journal of Combinatorics

ISSN: 0195-6698eISSN: 1095-9971

The European Journal of Combinatorics is a high standard, international, bimonthly journal of pure mathematics, specializing in theories arising from combinatorial problems. The journal is primarily open to papers dealing with mathematical structures within combinatorics and/or establishing direct links between combinatorics and other branches of mathematics and the theories of computing. The journal includes full-length research papers on important topics.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Expert Systems

ISSN: 0266-4720eISSN: 1468-0394

Expert Systems: The Journal of Knowledge Engineering publishes papers dealing with all aspects of knowledge engineering, including individual methods and techniques in knowledge acquisition and representation, their application and evaluation, and the construction of systems - including expert systems - based thereon. As well as traditional application areas, such as Software and Requirements Engineering, Human-Computer Interaction, and Artificial Intelligence, we are aiming at the new and growing markets for these technologies, such as Business, Economy, Market Research, and Medical and Health Care. The shift towards this new focus will be marked by a series of special issues covering hot and emergent topics.

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Foundations of Computational Mathematics

ISSN: 1615-3375eISSN: 1615-3383

Foundations of Computational Mathematics (FoCM) publishes research and survey papers of the highest quality, which further the understanding of the connections between mathematics and computation, including the interfaces between pure and applied mathematics, numerical analysis and computer science.

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Fundamenta Informaticae

ISSN: 0169-2968eISSN: 1875-8681

Fundamenta Informaticae is an international journal publishing original research results in all areas of mathematical foundations of computer science and their applications. Papers are encouraged which contain:* solutions, by mathematical methods, of problems emerging in computer science,* solutions of mathematical problems inspired by computer science,* application studies that follow the situations in (i) and (ii).Besides traditional disciplines of interest for computer science, such as mathematical theories of programs and programming, logic in computer science and artificial intelligence, theory of computing, complexity theory, design and analysis of algorithms, theory of formal languages and automata theory, concurrency, cellular automata, database theory, logic programming, nonmonotonic reasoning, parallel algorithms, term rewriting, theory of parallel and distributed computing, the journal is open to contributions presenting methods on more areas such as adaptive strategies of computing, approximate reasoning, agent system theory, bio-computing, machine learning and pattern recognition, data mining and knowledge discovery, decision theory, DNA computing, evolutionary computation, natural computing, neural networks, quantum computing, soft computing including fuzzy sets, rough sets and granular computing. This enumeration is not intended to be exclusive.

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IEEE Pervasive Computing

ISSN: 1536-1268eISSN: 1558-2590

IEEE Pervasive Computing explores the role of computing in the physical world–as characterized by visions such as the Internet of Things and Ubiquitous Computing. Designed for researchers, practitioners, and educators, this publication acts as a catalyst for realizing the ideas described by Mark Weiser in 1988. The essence of this vision is the creation of environments saturated with sensing, computing, and wireless communication that gracefully support the needs of individuals and society. Many key building blocks for this vision are now viable commercial technologies: wearable and handheld computers, wireless networking, location sensing, Internet of Things platforms, and so on. However, the vision continues to present deep challenges for experts in areas such as hardware design, sensor networks, mobile systems, human-computer interaction, industrial design, machine learning, data science, and societal issues including privacy and ethics. Through special issues, the magazine explores applications in areas such as assisted living, automotive systems, cognitive assistance, hardware innovations, ICT4D, manufacturing, retail, smart cities, and sustainability. In addition, the magazine accepts peer-reviewed papers of wide interest under a general call, and also features regular columns on hot topics and interviews with luminaries in the field.

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IEEE Transactions on Computers

ISSN: 0018-9340eISSN: 1557-9956

The IEEE Transactions on Computers is a monthly publication with a wide distribution to researchers, developers, technical managers, and educators in the computer field. It publishes papers on research in areas of current interest to the readers. These areas include, but are not limited to, the following: a) computer organizations and architectures; b) operating systems, software systems, and communication protocols; c) real-time systems and embedded systems; d) digital devices, computer components, and interconnection networks; e) specification, design, prototyping, and testing methods and tools; f) performance, fault tolerance, reliability, security, and testability; g) case studies and experimental and theoretical evaluations; and h) new and important applications and trends.

Additional Information

IEEE Transactions on Computers publishes papers on research in areas of current interest to the readers, including but not limited to the following: a) computer organizations and architectures (multicores, manycores, accelerators, application-specific, domain-specific and reconfigurable processors, processing-in-memory, near-data processing, and  datacenters); b) operating systems, software systems, and cloud computing  (runtime systems, parallel and distributed systems, virtualization, and software-hardware interactions); c) real-time, mobile and embedded systems (Internet of Things, edge computing, wearables, actuators, and sensor networks); d) digital devices, computer components, and interconnection networks (volatile and non-volatile emerging memory technologies, solid-state devices for storage, emerging technologies for interconnects); e) specification, design, prototyping, and testing methods and tools; f) performance, fault tolerance, reliability, security, and testability (availability, scalability, energy/power management); g) case studies and experimental and theoretical evaluations (workload characterization, tracing, analyzing, and troubleshooting) ; and h) new and important applications and trends (computing issues for emerging technologies and applications, machine learning, approximate computing, quantum computing, neuromorphic computing, and analog computing).

TC is a scholarly, archival journal published monthly. In addition to full papers, brief contributions are also published.

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IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation

ISSN: 1089-778XeISSN: 1941-0026

IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation publishes archival quality original papers in evolutionary computation and related areas including nature-inspired algorithms, population-based methods, and optimization where selection and variation are integral, and hybrid systems where these paradigms are combined. Purely theoretical papers are considered as are application papers that provide general insights into these areas of computation.


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IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems

ISSN: 1063-6706eISSN: 1941-0034

The IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems publishes high quality technical papers in the theory, design, and application of fuzzy systems. Readers are encouraged to submit papers which disclose significant technical knowledge, exploratory developments and applications of fuzzy systems. Emphasis is given to engineering systems and scientific applications. The Transactions also contains a letters section which includes information of current interest, and comments and rebuttals submitted in connection with published papers.


Indexed in Pubmed® and Medline®, products of the United States National Library of Medicine


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IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering

ISSN: 1041-4347eISSN: 1558-2191

The scope includes the knowledge and data engineering aspects of computer science, artificial intelligence, electrical engineering, computer engineering, and other appropriate fields. This Transactions provides an international and interdisciplinary forum to communicate results of new developments in knowledge and data engineering and the feasibility studies of these ideas in hardware and software. Specific areas to be covered are as follows: Fields and Areas of Knowledge and Data Engineering: (a) Knowledge and data engineering aspects of knowledge based and expert systems, (b) Artificial Intelligence techniques relating to knowledge and data management, (c) Knowledge and data engineering tools and techniques, (d) Distributed knowledge base and database processing, (e) Real-time knowledge bases and databases, (f) Architectures for knowledge and data based systems, (g) Data management methodologies, (h) Database design and modeling, (i) Query, design, and implementation languages, (j) Integrity, security, and fault tolerance, (k) Distributed database control, (l) Statistical databases, (m) System integration and modeling of these systems, (n) Algorithms for these systems, (o) Performance evaluation of these algorithms, (p) Data communications aspects of these systems, and (q) Applications of these systems.

Additional Information
To reflect the current trends in knowledge and data engineering research and development practice, TKDE gives priorities to submissions on the emerging topics, including but not limited to big data and applications, new frontiers of knowledge and data engineering, such as social networks, social media, and crowd sourcing. Submissions purely focusing on the topics centered in some other sister IEEE Transactions, such as core machine learning theory, pattern recognition, image processing, computer vision, neural networks, and fuzzy systems, will not be considered.

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IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems

ISSN: 1045-9219eISSN: 1558-2183

IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS) is published monthly. It publishes a range of papers, comments on previously published papers, and survey articles that deal with the parallel and distributed systems research areas of current importance to our readers. Particular areas of interest include, but are not limited to:

  1. Parallel and distributed algorithms, focusing on topics such as: models of computation; numerical, combinatorial, and data-intensive parallel algorithms, scalability of algorithms and data structures for parallel and distributed systems, communication and synchronization protocols, network algorithms, scheduling, and load balancing.
  2. Applications of parallel and distributed computing, including computational and data-enabled science and engineering, big data applications, parallel crowd sourcing, large-scale social network analysis, management of big data, cloud and grid computing, scientific and biomedical applications, mobile computing, and cyber-physical systems.
  3. Parallel and distributed architectures, including architectures for instruction-level and thread-level parallelism; design, analysis, implementation, fault resilience and performance measurements of multiple-processor systems; multicore processors, heterogeneous many-core systems; petascale and exascale systems designs; novel big data architectures; special purpose architectures, including graphics processors, signal processors, network processors, media accelerators, and other special purpose processors and accelerators; impact of technology on architecture; network and interconnect architectures; parallel I/O and storage systems; architecture of the memory hierarchy; power-efficient and green computing architectures; dependable architectures; and performance modeling and evaluation.
  4. Parallel and distributed software, including parallel and multicore programming languages and compilers, runtime systems, operating systems, Internet computing and web services, resource management including green computing, middleware for grids, clouds, and data centers, libraries, performance modeling and evaluation, parallel programming paradigms, and programming environments and tools.
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IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence

ISSN: 0162-8828eISSN: 1939-3539

The IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence publishes articles on all traditional areas of computer vision and image understanding, all traditional areas of pattern analysis and recognition, and selected areas of machine intelligence, with a particular emphasis on machine learning for pattern analysis. Areas such as techniques for visual search, document and handwriting analysis, medical image analysis, video and image sequence analysis, content-based retrieval of image and video, face and gesture recognition and relevant specialized hardware and/or software architectures are also covered.


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In Silico Biology: Journal of Biological Systems Modeling and Multi-Scale Simulation

ISSN: 1386-6338eISSN: 1434-3207
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Informatika i ee Primeneniya

ISSN: 1992-2264eISSN: 2310-9912

Information and Computation

ISSN: 0890-5401eISSN: 1090-2651

Information and Computation welcomes original papers in all areas of theoretical computer science and computational applications of information theory. Survey articles of exceptional quality will also be considered. Particularly welcome are papers contributing new results in active theoretical areas such asBiological computation and computational biologyComputational complexityComputer theorem-provingConcurrency and distributed process theoryCryptographic theoryData base theoryDecision problems in logicDesign and analysis of algorithmsDiscrete optimization and mathematical programmingInductive inference and learning theoryLogic & constraint programmingProgram verification & model checkingProbabilistic & Quantum computationSemantics of programming languagesSymbolic computation, lambda calculus, and rewriting systemsTypes and typecheckingPapers should be submitted to: to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering

ISSN: 1069-2509eISSN: 1875-8835

Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering was founded in 1993."Based on the premise that interdisciplinary thinking and synergistic collaboration of disciplines can solve complex problems, open new frontiers, and lead to true innovations and breakthroughs, the cornerstone of industrial competitiveness and advancement of the society" as noted in the inaugural issue of the journal.The focus of ICAE is the integration of leading edge and emerging computer and information technologies for innovative solution of engineering problems. The journal fosters interdisciplinary research and presents a unique forum for innovative computer-aided engineering. It also publishes novel industrial applications of CAE, thus helping to bring new computational paradigms from research labs and classrooms to reality. Areas covered by the journal include (but are not limited to) artificial intelligence, advanced signal processing, biologically inspired computing, cognitive modeling, concurrent engineering, database management, distributed computing, evolutionary computing, fuzzy logic, genetic algorithms, geometric modeling, intelligent and adaptive systems, internet-based technologies, knowledge discovery and engineering, machine learning, mechatronics, mobile computing, multimedia technologies, networking, neural network computing, object-oriented systems, optimization and search, parallel processing, robotics virtual reality, and visualization techniques.

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Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing: An International Journal

ISSN: 1079-8587eISSN: 2326-005X

www.wacong.comis for sale!.

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International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering

ISSN: 2040-7939eISSN: 2040-7947

Please note that the journal's title from January 2010 onwards will be The International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering. The new Aims and Scope is effective immediately. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering is an international journal which publishes both full length and short refereed papers describing significant developments in numerical methods and their application to biomedical engineering problems. Contributions are encouraged in all areas of biomedical engineering, such as patient-specific modelling, biofluid and biosolid mechanics, tissue engineering, cardiovascular and respiratory mechanics, tumour modelling, medical imaging and image processing, visualisation, meshing, numerical modelling of organs, drug delivery, surgical simulation, micro- and nano- mechanics, multiscale problems, human body electromagnetics, molecular biology, medical device design, health care models and numerical methods specially designed for biomedical problems. Authors are reminded that application of a standard numerical procedure to a standard problem is not within the scope of this journal. Manuscripts that present solutions to realistic and new biomedical problems using standard numerical procedures should provide evidence of mesh convergence.

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