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Signal Processing

ISSN: 0165-1684eISSN: 1872-7557

Signal Processing incorporates all aspects of the theory and practice of signal processing (analogue and digital). It features original research work, tutorial and review articles, and accounts of practical developments. It is intended for a rapid dissemination of knowledge and experience to engineers and scientists working in the research, development or practical application of signal processing.Subject areas covered by the journal include: Signal Theory; Stochastic Processes; Detection and Estimation; Spectral Analysis; Filtering; Signal Processing Systems; Software Developments; Image Processing; Pattern Recognition; Optical Signal Processing; Digital Signal Processing; Multi-dimensional Signal Processing; Communication Signal Processing; Biomedical Signal Processing; Geophysical and Astrophysical Signal Processing; Earth Resources Signal Processing; Acoustic and Vibration Signal Processing; Data Processing; Remote Sensing; Signal Processing Technology; Speech Processing; Radar Signal Processing; Sonar Signal Processing; Industrial Applications; New Applications.Type of Contributions:The journal welcomes the following types of contributions.Original research articles:Research articles should not exceed 30 pages (single column, double spaced) in length and must contain novel research within the scope of the journal.Review articles:Review articles are typically 30-60 pages (single column, double spaced) in length, and provide a comprehensive review on a scientific topic. They may be relatively broad in scope, thereby serving a tutorial function, or be quite specialized, aimed at researchers in the chosen field.Fast Communications:A Fast Communication is a short, self-contained article highlighting ongoing research, or reporting interesting possibly tentative ideas, or comments on previously published research. Such articles should not exceed 10 pages (single column, double spaced) in length not including figures or tables which should accompany the submission as separate files. The editorial decision is typically binary to provide rapid dissemination of the results. The objective is to provide detailed, constructive feedback on submitted papers and publish high quality papers within a very short period of time. The target for a first reply is two months.You may be requested by the Editor to submit a revision. Please assist us in achieving our ambitious goals for short publication times by submitting a revision at your earliest convenience. One set of page proofs in PDF format will be sent by e-mail to the corresponding author, to be checked for typesetting/editing. No changes in, or additions to, the accepted (and subsequently edited) manuscript will be allowed at this stage. Proofreading is solely your responsibility.

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Signal Processing: Image Communication

ISSN: 0923-5965eISSN: 1879-2677

Signal Processing: Image Communication is an international journal for the development of the theory and practice of image communication. Its primary objectives are the following:To present a forum for the advancement of theory and practice of image communication.To stimulate cross-fertilization between areas similar in nature which have traditionally been separated, for example, various aspects of visual communications and information systems.To contribute to a rapid information exchange between the industrial and academic environments.The editorial policy and the technical content of the journal are the responsibility of the Editor-in-Chief, the Area Editors and the Advisory Editors. The Journal is self-supporting from subscription income and contains a minimum amount of advertisements. Advertisements are subject to the prior approval of the Editor-in-Chief. The journal welcomes contributions from every country in the world.Signal Processing: Image Communication publishes articles relating to aspects of the design, implementation and use of image communication systems. The journal features original research work, tutorial and review articles, and accounts of practical developments.Subjects of interest include image/video coding, 3D video representations and compression, 3D graphics and animation compression, HDTV and 3DTV systems, video adaptation, video over IP, peer-to-peer video networking, interactive visual communication, multi-user video conferencing, wireless video broadcasting and communication, visual surveillance, 2D and 3D image/video quality measures, pre/post processing, video restoration and super-resolution, multi-camera video analysis, motion analysis, content-based image/video indexing and retrieval, face and gesture processing, video synthesis, 2D and 3D image/video acquisition and display technologies, architectures for image/video processing and communication.

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Spatial Cognition & Computation

ISSN: 1387-5868eISSN: 1542-7633

This multidisciplinary journal is based on the assumption that the critical issues pertaining to spatial cognition and computation lie at the intersection of a number of disciplines--in particular, cognitive psychology, computer science, geography, neuropsychology, and artificial intelligence. Recent years have seen a growth in the desire of these communities to share insights and results. The aim of the journal is to concentrate the presentation of research into spatial cognition and computation, and to explicitly foster an interdisciplinary dialogue. Spatial Cognition and Computation encourages the submission of articles on any topic in the area of spatial cognition and spatial computation. Research articles, empirical studies, integrative reviews of the literature, and shorter opinion pieces will be considered for publication.Specific topics within the scope of the journal:cognitive and computational models of spatial cognition;navigation, environmental learning, and cognitive mapping; cognitive development and representation of large scale space;common sense and qualitative models of space;robot navigation and wayfinding;models and applications of spatial and diagrammatic reasoning;visual languages, sign language, or visualization and spatial cognition;cognitive theories of imageries and imaginal reasoning;integration of vision and natural language processing;representation and processing of spatial expressions and crosslinguistic issues in spatial language;gestural analysis and multimodal interfaces; andnavigation and orientation in virtual environments and hypermedia.Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Speech Communication

ISSN: 0167-6393

Speech Communication is a publication of the European Association for Signal Processing (EURASIP), which can be located at and the International Speech Communication Association (ISCA), which can be located at Communication is an interdisciplinary journal whose primary objective is to fulfil the need for the rapid dissemination and thorough discussion of basic and applied research results. In order to establish frameworks to inter-relate results from the various areas of the field, emphasis will be placed on viewpoints and topics of a transdisciplinary nature. The editorial policy and the technical content of the Journal are the responsibility of the Editors and the Institutional Representatives. The Institutional Representatives assist the Editors in the definition and the control of editorial policy as well as in maintaining connections with scientific associations, international congresses and regional events. The Editorial Board contributes towards the gathering of material for publication and assists the Editors in the editorial process.Editorial Policy:The journal's primary objectives are:• to present a forum for the advancement of human and human-machine speech communication science;• to stimulate cross-fertilization between different fields of this domain;• to contribute towards the rapid and wide diffusion of scientifically sound contributions in this domain.Subject Coverage:Subject areas covered in this journal include:• Basics of oral communication and dialogue: modelling of production and perception processes; phonetics and phonology; syntax; semantics and pragmatics of speech communication; cognitive aspects.• Models and tools for language learning: functional organisation and developmental models of human language capabilities; acquisition and rehabilitation of spoken language; speech & hearing defects and aids.• Speech signal processing: analysis, coding, transmission, enhancement, robustness to noise.• Models for automatic speech communication: speech recognition; language identification; speaker recognition; speech synthesis; oral dialogue.• Development and evaluation tools: monolingual and multilingual databases; assessment methodologies; specialised hardware and software packages; field experiments; market development.• Multimodal human computer interface: using speech I/O in combination with other modalities, e.g., gesture and handwriting.• Forensic speech science: forensic voice comparison; forensic analysis of disputed utterances; speaker identification by earwitnesses.

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The Imaging Science Journal

ISSN: 1368-2199eISSN: 1743-131X

Maney delivers personalised service to authors, societies, readers and libraries for the publishing and international dissemination of high quality, peer-reviewed scholarship and research. Specialising in print and electronic journal publishing, Maney is committed to technical and editorial innovation combined with traditional values of quality and collaboration.Maney Publishing is an independent publishing company specialising in academic journals in materials science and engineering, the humanities, and health science. Maney is committed to publishing high quality journals in print and electronic formats that are international in scope and peer-reviewed. With offices in Leeds and London in the UK, and in Boston and Philadelphia in North America, Maney publishes extensively for learned societies, universities and professional bodies around the world.

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Visual Computer

ISSN: 0178-2789eISSN: 1432-2315

The Visual Computer is dedicated to reporting on the state-of-the-art of research in the field of graphics, vision, imaging, and virtual reality. It features practical results, applications, and contributions that describe advances in such areas as: - Geometric modeling - Computer vision - Visualization - Computer animation - Dynamic modeling - Motion capture and synthesis - Virtual reality - Rendering models - Texturing - Image-based rendering - Non-photorealistic rendering. In addition to the technical contributions, a regular column called The Webcorner carries and reviews internet web sites relevant to the topics of the journal and the computer graphics research community. It also includes a calendar of events that provides information on forthcoming meetings and symposia.

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Visualization in Engineering

eISSN: 2213-7459

The aim of International Journal of Visualization in Engineering, a fully open access journal published under the brand SpringerOpen, is to disseminate original and high quality research results on the visualization paradigms, models, technologies, and applications that have significant contributions to the advancement of all aspects of design and engineering. The proposed journal is devoted to scholarly research on improving all aspects of design and engineering (including civil, mechanical, manufacturing, industrial, aerospace, etc.) through the applications of visualization technologies. The journal is particularly interested in research that adds to the scientific understanding of the impacts that visualization technologies can have on the stages along the entire life cycle of a particular industry, for example, planning, design, construction, maintenance, and operations of constructed facilities.
The proposed journal provides, for the first time, an international and interdisciplinary platform and forum for researchers to present their findings, latest developments, and perspectives on future trends in visualization in design and engineering, covering relevant advances in the areas of computing, management, human factors, education, and social sciences.

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WSEAS Transactions on Signal Processing

ISSN: 1790-5052eISSN: 2224-3488