The principal criterion used in evaluating a manuscript submitted to the journal is: uniqueness or innovation of the work in terms of the methodology being developed, and/or its application to a problem of particular importance in the public or service sector and/or the setting within which the effort is being made, e.g. an emerging region of the world. That is to say, of the model/methodology itself, the application, and the problem context, at least one of these must be unique and important.
Additional criteria considered in reviewing a submitted paper are its accuracy, the organization/presentation (i.e. logical flow), and writing quality.
Representative of the topic areas included in the journal are the following:
Studies directed toward the more effective utilization of existing resources, e.g. mathematical programming models of health care delivery systems with relevance to more effective program design; systems analysis of fire outbreaks and its relevance to the location of fire stations; statistical analysis of the efficiency of a developing country economy or industry.
Studies relating to the interaction of various segments of society and technology, e.g. the effects of government health policies on the utilization and design of hospital facilities; the relationship between housing density and the demands on public transportation or other service facilities: patterns and implications of urban development and air or water pollution.
Studies devoted to the anticipations of and response to future needs for social, health and other human services, e.g. the relationship between industrial growth and the development of educational resources in affected areas; investigation of future demands for material and child health resources in a developing country; design of effective recycling in an urban setting.
Source Code for Biology and Medicine is ready to receive manuscripts on all aspects of workflow for information systems, decision support systems, client user networks, database management, and data mining.
Spatial Economic Analysis is a pioneering economics journal dedicated to the development of theory and methods in spatial economics, published by two of the world's leading learned societies in the analysis of spatial economics, the Regional Studies Association and the British and Irish Section of the Regional Science Association International. A spatial perspective has become increasingly relevant to our understanding of economic phenomena, both on the global scale and at the scale of cities and regions. The growth in international trade, the opening up of emerging markets, the restructuring of the world economy along regional lines, and overall strategic and political significance of globalization, have re-emphasised the importance of geographical analysis. Spatial variations in economic development within cities and regions are also highly topical subjects for intellectual enquiry and have long been the focus of policy initiatives by national, regional and local governments. The awakening emphasis on space among economists has been stimulated by the emergence of a new breed of theory, namely 'new economic geography'or 'geographical economics'. This new theory adds a significant new dimension to the already existing theoretical tools of spatial economics, which broadly aim to analyse the role of geography and location in economic phenomena. Additionally, spatial economic analysis is increasingly being supported by the emergence of new analytical methods, with an explosion of interest in new models and techniques of spatial data analysis and data visualisation (GIS). Spatial econometrics is becoming increasingly recognised as a valuable sub-discipline among mainstream econometricians.Peer Review StatementAll articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing.Disclaimer The Regional Studies Association, The British and Irish Section of the Regional Science Association International and Taylor & Francis make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 8220;Content8221;) contained in its publications. However, the Associations and Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not necessarily the views of the Editor, the Associations or Taylor & Francis.
Sport Management Review is published as a service to sport industries worldwide. It is a multidisciplinary journal concerned with the management, marketing, and governance of sport at all levels and in all its manifestations -- whether as an entertainment, a recreation, or an occupation. The journal encourages collaboration between scholars and practitioners. It welcomes submissions reporting research, new applications, advances in theory, and case studies. The language of publication is English. Submissions are peer reviewed.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
Stat is an innovative electronic journal for the rapid publication of novel and topical research results, publishing compact articles of the highest quality in all areas of statistical endeavour. Its purpose is to provide a means of rapid sharing of important new theoretical, methodological and applied research. Stat is a joint venture between the International Statistical Institute and Wiley-Blackwell.
Stat is characterised by:
• Speed - a single-pass, high-quality review process that aims to publish within 30 days of submission. There is no revision cycle.
• Concision - a maximum article length of 10 pages of text, not including references.
• Supporting materials - inclusion of electronic supporting materials including graphs, video, software, data and images.
• Scope – addresses all areas of statistics and interdisciplinary areas
Stat is a scientific journal for the international community of statisticians and researchers and practitioners in allied quantitative disciplines.
Statistica Neerlandica publishes research and expository material about new developments in probability, statistics and operations research, and their applications in medical, agricultural, econometric, physical or social sciences and industry, commerce and government. The emphasis is on clarity, accessibility for the general reader, and applicability. In particular, Statistica Neerlandica shows how, for certain practical problems, statistics or operations research can play a valuable role in decision making.
Statistical Methods and Applications (SMA) is the official Journal of the Italian Statistical Society. This international journal fosters the development of statistical methodology and its applications in biological, demographic, economic, health, physical, social, and other scientific domains. In particular, the journal emphasizes investigations of methodological foundations and methods that have broad applications. SMA includes two sections. The first is devoted to statistical methodology, publishing original contributions in all fields of statistics. In addition, this section periodically publishes critical reviews and discussions on recent developments in statistical theory and methods. The second section publishes papers devoted to original and innovative applications of recent statistical methodology and complex approaches of statistical data analysis.Officially cited as: Stat Methods Appl
The primary aim of the journal is to publish original and high-quality articles that recognize statistical modelling as the general framework for the application of statistical ideas. Submissions must reflect important developments, extensions, and applications in statistical modelling. The journal also encourages submissions that describe scientifically interesting, complex or novel statistical modelling aspects from a wide diversity of disciplines, and submissions that embrace the diversity of applied statistical modelling.An important objective and exciting feature of the journal is that the reader should be able to reproduce the results presented in published articles, apply the published techniques to their own problems, and even develop their own extensions of the methodology. To achieve this authors are strongly encouraged to make data and software available over the internet through a website linked to the journal. The website address is journal aims to be the major resource for statistical modelling, covering both methodology and practice. Its goal is to be multidisciplinary in nature, promoting the cross-fertilization of ideas between substantive research areas, as well as providing a common forum for the comparison, unification and nurturing of modelling issues across different subjects.The journal will have three main themes:* New Methodology for papers on new statistical modelling ideas. These papers will be based upon a problem of real substantive interest with appropriate data.* Practical Applications for papers on interesting practical problems which are addressed using an existing or a novel adaptation of an existing modelling technique.* Tutorials & Reviews with papers on recent and cutting edge topics in statistical modelling.Since "Practical Applications" manuscripts are less common in statistics journals than the other two types, it is worth being more specific concerning the types of manuscripts that fall into this category. Manuscripts should describe statistical analyses of a subject area, where the proposed analyses have rarely (if ever) been done in the application field. This is not, however, sufficient for acceptance for publication. Manuscripts should also provide a thorough literature review of how data of this type are currently handled in the literature of the application area, a review of any applications of modern statistical methodology applied to data of its type in the area, and justification as to why the work is important to the subject area, and provides gains beyond current methodology applied to the field. The methodology used should be modern and reasonably sophisticated (although not necessarily innovative) and should have few or no applications so far in the subject area literature.The intention in publishing such manuscripts is to provide an opportunity for readers (including those from the application area) to see the potential to revolutionize data analysis in the field. It is also hoped that such publication would provide an outlet for statisticians who may get little recognition in the statistics field for excellent, non-routine, clever, state-of-the-art work in subject areas.It is expected that the author will submit several suggestions for possible reviewers who are in the application area when submitting the manuscript.
Statistical Papers provides a forum for the presentation and critical assessment of statistical methods. In particular, the journal encourages the discussion of methodological foundations as well as potential applications. This journal stresses statistical methods that have broad applications; however, it does give special attention to statistical methods that are relevant to the economic and social sciences. In addition to original research papers, readers will find survey articles, short notes, reports on statistical software, problem section, and book reviews.Officially cited as: Stat Papers
Statistics publishes theoretical and applied papers related to the different fields of statistics such as regression and variance analysis, design of experiments, foundations of statistical inference, statistical decision theory, testing hypotheses, parameter estimation, nonparametric methods, sequential procedures, time series and statistical problems for stochastic processes, and statistical data analysis. It is expected that the papers give interesting and novel contributions to statistical theory and its applications at a good mathematical level. The results should be presented in form of theorems together with their mathematical proofs, which should not be merely routine calculations. Additionally, the discussion of results and their value for the theory or for applications could be a valuable addition, as well as numerical results on the efficiency or examples for the application of the theoretical results. A special section is devoted to survey papers on theory and methods in interesting areas of statistics. The Journal may also publish proceedings of conferences and announcements on related topics. All published research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by independent expert referees. Disclaimer Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 'Content') contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.
Statistics and Computing is a bi-monthly refereed journal that publishes papers covering the interface between the statistical and computing sciences.
The journal includes techniques for evaluating analytically intractable problems, such as bootstrap resampling, Markov chain Monte Carlo, sequential Monte Carlo, approximate Bayesian computation, search and optimization methods, stochastic simulation and Monte Carlo, graphics, computer environments, statistical approaches to software errors, information retrieval, machine learning, statistics of databases and database technology, huge data sets and big data analytics, computer algebra, graphical models, image processing, tomography, inverse problems and uncertainty quantification.Statistics & Probability Letters adopts a novel and highly innovative approach to the publication of research findings in statistics and probability. It features concise articles, rapid publication and broad coverage of the statistics and probability literature.Statistics & Probability Letters is a refereed journal. Articles will be limited to six journal pages (13 double-space typed pages) including references and figures. Apart from the six-page limitation, originality, quality and clarity will be the criteria for choosing the material to be published in Statistics & Probability Letters. Every attempt will be made to provide the first review of a submitted manuscript within three months of submission.The proliferation of literature and long publication delays have made it difficult for researchers and practitioners to keep up with new developments outside of, or even within, their specialization. The aim of Statistics & Probability Letters is to help to alleviate this problem. Concise communications (letters) allow readers to quickly and easily digest large amounts of material and to stay up-to-date with developments in all areas of statistics and probability.The mainstream of Letters will focus on new statistical methods, theoretical results, and innovative applications of statistics and probability to other scientific disciplines. Key results and central ideas must be presented in a clear and concise manner. These results may be part of a larger study that the author will submit at a later time as a full length paper to SPL or to another journal. Theory and methodology may be published with proofs omitted, or only sketched, but only if sufficient support material is provided so that the findings can be verified. Empirical and computational results that are of significant value will be published. We also plan to publish applications and case studies that demonstrate a novel use of existing techniques or have interesting innovative ideas about data collection, modelling or inference.