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Australian Geomechanics Journal

ISSN: 0818-9110

Australian Journal of Earth Sciences

ISSN: 0812-0099eISSN: 1440-0952

2009 Impact Factor - 1.109! Five Year Impact Factor - 1.422! 169;2010 Thomson Reuters, 2009 Journal Citation Reports174;Invitation for SubmissionsAustralian Journal of Earth Sciences publishes peer-reviewed research papers as well as significant review articles of general interest to geoscientists. The Journal covers the whole field of earth science including basin studies, regional geophysical studies and metallogeny. There is usually a thematic issue each year featuring a selection of papers on a particular area of earth science. Shorter papers are encouraged and are given priority in publication. Critical discussion of recently published papers is also encouraged. All published papers in this journal have undergone rigorous review by at least two referees and are also peer-reviewed before submission. DisclaimerThe Geological Society of Australia and Taylor & Francis make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 8220;Content8221;) contained in its publications. However, the Society and Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not necessarily the views of the Editor, the Society or Taylor & Francis.

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ISSN: 1377-2368

BSGF - Earth Sciences Bulletin

ISSN: 0037-9409eISSN: 1777-5817

Genetics and Molecular Research (GMR) is a peer-reviewed, all-electronic journal available at no charge to readers via the Internet on the FUNPEC-RP (Ribeirão Preto Foundation for Research) website ( The overall aim of GMR is to publish original, outstanding research papers in the areas of Genetics, Molecular Biology and Evolution.GMR has been launched to agilize the process of publication and to make these publications readily available to the scientific community. The editorial staff at GMR maintains the same structure and procedures as the print journals that it has worked with previously, but with reduced costs due to the elimination of printing and mailing. Further, the lead time to publication is considerably reduced. After extensive consultation with scientists, financing institutions and indexing agencies we decided that there was a need for a high-quality electronic journal accessible at no charge to anyone, anywhere, at anytime. .

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Basin Research

ISSN: 0950-091XeISSN: 1365-2117

Basin Research is an international journal which aims to publish original, high impact research papers on sedimentary basin systems. We view integrated, interdisciplinary research as being essential for the advancement of the subject area; therefore, we do not seek manuscripts focused purely on sedimentology, structural geology, or geophysics that have a natural home in specialist journals. Rather, we seek manuscripts that treat sedimentary basins as multi-component systems that require a multi-faceted approach to advance our understanding of their development. During deposition and subsidence we are concerned with large-scale geodynamic processes, heat flow, fluid flow, strain distribution, seismic and sequence stratigraphy, modelling, burial and inversion histories. In addition, we view the development of the source area, in terms of drainage networks, climate, erosion, denudation and sediment routing systems as vital to sedimentary basin systems. The underpinning requirement is that a contribution should be of interest to earth scientists of more than one discipline.

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Berichte. Geographie und Landeskunde

ISSN: 2196-6184


ISSN: 0168-2563eISSN: 1573-515X

Biogeochemistry publishes original and synthetic papers dealing with biotic controls on the chemistry of the environment, or with the geochemical control of the structure and function of ecosystems. Cycles are considered, either of individual elements or of specific classes of natural or anthropogenic compounds in ecosystems. Particular emphasis is given to coupled interactions of element cycles. The journal spans from the molecular to global scales to elucidate the mechanisms driving patterns in biogeochemical cycles through space and time. Studies on both natural and artificial ecosystems are published when they contribute to a general understanding of biogeochemistry.Biogeochemistry is in the Top 25 Journals Most Frequently Published in by Toxic Substances Hydrology Program Scientists. Please check the link on the right (under Additional Information)

Biogeochemistry LettersA new fast-track review process is available for high-profile manuscripts that present results that substantially advance the field

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ISSN: 1726-4170eISSN: 1726-4189

Biogeosciences (BG) is an international scientific journal dedicated to the publication and discussion of research articles, short communications and review papers on all aspects of the interactions between the biological, chemical and physical processes in terrestrial or extraterrestrial life with the geosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere. The objective of the journal is to cut across the boundaries of established sciences and achieve an interdisciplinary view of these interactions. Experimental, conceptual and modelling approaches are welcome.

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Biogeosciences Discussions

ISSN: 1810-6277eISSN: 1810-6285
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Biuletyn - Panstwowego Instytutu Geologicznego

ISSN: 0867-6143

Boletim Paranaense de Geosciencias

ISSN: 0067-964X

Boletin Geoologico y Minero

ISSN: 0366-0176

Boletín de Geología

ISSN: 0120-0283eISSN: 2145-8553
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Boletín de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras

ISSN: 0122-9761

Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana

ISSN: 1405-3322eISSN: 1405-3322

The objective of the Boletin de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana is to disseminate technical and scientific works related to Geology in Mexico. The bulletin publishes articles related to the different disciplines of the Earth Sciences with emphasis on studies developed in the Mexican territory and description of new methodologies. Topics being favored comprise: Regional Geology, Metalogenesis and mineral deposits, Geology of hydrocarbons deposits, Stratigraphy, Geophysics, Geochemistry, Volcanology, Tectonics, Structural Geology and Geology of the Quaternary age. The journal also accepts original works such as short communications, book reviews, and divulgation articles as well as revision works of interest for the field.

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Bollettino della Societa Paleontologica Italiana

ISSN: 0375-7633

Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata

ISSN: 0006-6729

Boreal Environment Research

ISSN: 1239-6095eISSN: 1797-2469

The journal publishes original, previously unpublished research reports, reviews and commentaries on various aspects of the boreal environment and its natural resources, in particular: environmental problems, their assessment, understanding and management, as well as the sustainable use of natural resources. Boreal is interpreted in a wide sense, i.e. including polar, subpolar and northern temperate conditions, biomes or ecosystems. The journal is a forum for emphasizing a holistic approach to environmental sciences, linking pressures via sources of pollution to the impacts on the environment through the processes occurring in various media. Articles dealing with monitoring, experimental, theoretical and modelling studies as well as their combinations are all welcome. Theme issues can be put forward using Special-issue proposal form.

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Boreas: An International Journal of Quaternary Research

ISSN: 0300-9483eISSN: 1502-3885

Boreas has been published since 1972. Articles of wide international interest from all branches of Quaternary research are published. Biological as well as non-biological aspects of the Quaternary environment, in both glaciated and non-glaciated areas, are dealt with: Climate, shore displacement, glacial features, landforms, sediments, organisms and their habitat, and stratigraphical and chronological relationships. Anticipated international interest, at least within a continent or a considerable part of it, is a main criterion for the acceptance of papers. Besides articles, short items like discussion contributions and book reviews are published.

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Boundary-Layer Meteorology

ISSN: 0006-8314eISSN: 1573-1472

Boundary-Layer Meteorology publishes papers on the physical, chemical and biological processes occurring in the lowest few kilometres of the Earth's atmosphere. Boundary-Layer Meteorology has become the primary medium for the publication of theoretical, numerical and experimental studies of the atmospheric boundary layer over both land and sea surfaces.Subject areas covered in the journal include agriculture and forestry, air pollution, air-sea interaction, hydrology, micrometeorology, the planetary boundary layer, surface processes, mesoscale meteorology, numerical modelling of the lower atmosphere, remote sensing, and urban meteorology. Occasional special issues are published that cover a particular topic in great depth.

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