Geografisk Tidsskrift - Danish Journal of Geography ( GT-DJG ) is an interdisciplinary, international journal that publishes peer reviewed research articles on all aspects of geography. Coverage includes such topics as human geography, physical geography, human-environment interactions, Earth Observation, and Geographical Information Science. GT-DJG also welcomes articles which address geographical perspectives of e.g. environmental studies, development studies, planning, landscape ecology and sustainability science.In addition to full-length papers, GT-DJG publishes research notes. The journal has two annual issues. Authors from all parts of the world working within geography or related fields are invited to publish their research in the journal.
Geografiska Annaler, Series A is a prestigious journal presenting new scientific results in the field of physical geography, glaciology and related subjects, with some emphasis on polar areas. The journal includes new ideas, methods and original research results which may stimulate work within various geo-sciences. Geografiska Annaler, Series A is supported by the Swedish Research Council. Also published by Wiley-Blackwell is Geografiska Annaler, Series B. Together these journals publish articles covering all theoretical and empirical aspects of physical (Series A) and human (Series B) geography. Although published in English, papers still retain a Scandinavian touch.
First in its specialty area and one of the most frequently cited publications in geography, Geographical Analysis has, since 1969, presented significant advances in geographical theory, model building, and quantitative methods to geographers and scholars in a wide spectrum of related fields. Traditionally, mathematical and nonmathematical articulations of geographical therory, and statements and discussions of the analytic paradigm are published in the journal. Spatial data analyses and spatial econometrics and statistics are strongly represented.
Geographical Research is the international journal of the Institute of Australian Geographers, the national body representing academic and professional geographers in Australia. The primary objective of Geographical Research is to advance geographical research across the discipline and especially to encourage research at the human-physical geography interface. The journal also supports the Institute's Study Groups in Cultural Geography, Economic Geography, Environmental Sustainability, Geographical Information Systems, Indigenous Issues, Physical Geography and Rural Geography. Short papers from practising (professional) geographers, and in geographical education, are particularly welcome. Through the Institute and our publisher, Wiley-Blackwell, Geographical Research has reciprocal subscription links with Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers. Geographical Research is published in February, May, August and November each year.
One of the world's leading scholarly periodicals devoted exclusively to geography, the Geographical Review contains original and authoritative articles on all aspects of geography. The 'Geographical Record' section presents short articles on current topical and regional issues. Each issue also includes reviews of recent books, monographs, and atlases in geography and related fields.
The journal Geography and Natural Resources publishes information on research results in the field of geographical studies of nature, the economy, and the population. It provides ample coverage of the geographical aspects relating to solving major economic problems, with special emphasis on regional nature management and environmental protection, geographical forecasting, integral regional research developments, a modelling of natural processes, and on the advancement of mapping techniques. The journal publishes contributions on monitoring studies, geographical research abroad, as well as discussions on the theory of science.
The Geoheritage journal is an international journal dedicated to discussing all aspects of our global geoheritage, both in situ and portable. The journal will invite all contributions on the conservation of sites and materials - use, protection and practical heritage management - as well as its interpretation through education, training and tourism. The journal wishes to cover all aspects of geoheritage and its protection. Key topics are: - Identification, characterisation, quantification and management of geoheritage: - Geodiversity and geosites: - On-site science, geological and geomorphological research: - Global scientific heritage - key scientific geosites, GSSPs, stratotype conservation and management: - Scientific research and education, and the promotion of the geosciences thereby: - Conventions, statute and legal instruments, national and international: - Integration of biodiversity and geodiversity in nature conservation and land-use policies: - Geological heritage and Environmental Impact Assessment studies: - Geological heritage, sustainable development, community action, practical initiatives and tourism: - Geoparks: creation, management and outputs: - Conservation in the natural world, Man-made and natural impacts, climate change: - Geotourism definitions, methodologies, and case studies: - International mechanisms for conservation and popularisation - World Heritage Sites, National Parks etc.: - Materials, data and people important in the history of science, museums, collections and all portable geoheritage: - Education and training of geoheritage specialists: - Pedagogical use of geological heritage - publications, teaching media, trails, centres, on-site museums: - Linking the Un, ited Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005- 2014) with geoconservation.