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Polar Research

ISSN: 0800-0395eISSN: 1751-8369

Polar Research is the international, peer-reviewed journal of the Norwegian Polar Institute, Norway's central institution for research, environmental monitoring and mapping of the polar regions. Aiming to promote the exchange of scientific knowledge about the Arctic and Antarctic across disciplinary boundaries, Polar Research serves an international community of researchers and managers.

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Polar Science

ISSN: 1873-9652eISSN: 1876-4428

Polar Science is an international, peer-reviewed and quarterly journal. It is dedicated to provide original research articles for sciences related to the polar regions of the Earth and other planets. Polar Science has basically 12 disciplines listed below; they cover most aspects of space, earth, and life sciences. Those articles should attract interests of broad polar science communities, not limiting to interests of those who work under specific research subjects.- Space and upper atmosphere physics- Atmospheric science/climatology- Glaciology- Oceanography/sea ice studies- Geology/petrology- Solid earth geophysics/seismology- Marine earth science- Geomorphology/Cenozoic-Quaternary geology- Meteoritics- Terrestrial biology- Marine biology- Animal ecologyBenefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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ISSN: 0032-2490eISSN: 2190-1090

The Polarforschung journal aims to publish scientific results from all polar-related disciplines. The journal was first published in 1931 by the Deutschen Gesellschaft für Polarforschung.The complete listing of all "Polarforschung" articles together with links to PDFs and to primary data is available from AWI's insitutional repositories ePIC (articles listed according to publication year) and PANGAEA respectively. .

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Polish Journal of Soil Science

ISSN: 0079-2985

Prace i Studia Geograficzne

ISSN: 0208-4589

Precambrian Research

ISSN: 0301-9268eISSN: 1872-7433

Precambrian Research publishes studies on all aspects of the early stages of the composition, structure and evolution of the Earth and its planetary neighbours. It covers, but is not restricted to, subjects such as:(1) Chemical, biological, biochemical and cosmochemical evolution; the origin of life; the evolution of the oceans and atmosphere; the early fossil record; palaeobiology;(2) Geochronology and isotope and elemental geochemistry;(3) Precambrianmineral deposits;(4) Geophysical aspects of the early Earth and Precambrian terrains;(5) Nature and evolution of the Precambrian lithosphere and mantle including magmatic, depositional, metamorphic and tectonic processes.In addition, the editors particularly welcome integrated process-oriented studies that involve a combination of the above fields and comparative studies that demonstrate the effect of Precambrian evolution on Phanerozoic earth system processes.

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Proceedings of the Geologists' Association

ISSN: 0016-7878

The Proceedings of the Geologists' Association is an international geoscience journal that was founded in 1859 and publishes research and review papers on all aspects of Earth Science. In particular, papers will focus on the geology of northwestern Europe and the Mediterranean, including both the onshore and offshore record. Following a long tradition, the PGA will focus on: i) a range of article types (see below) on topics of wide relevance to Earth Sciences ii) papers on aspects of Earth Science that have societal relevance including geoconservation and Earth management, iii) papers on palaeoenvironments and palaeontology of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic, iv) papers on aspects of Quaternary geology and climate change, and v) papers on the history of geology with particular reference to individuals that have shaped the subject. These topics will also steer the content of the themes of the Special Issues that are published in the PGA.Papers published in the PGA will take the form of Research papers and Review papers. In addition it will publish Viewpoints, which are aimed to provide authoritative views from Earth Scientists on topics of debate within our subject, Topical or Teaching Perspectives on subjects of current, or potentially future importance and are not necessarily research papers but are written in a manner that makes them particularly accessible to the general public and students, and Contexts, which are short papers giving the wider scientific context of a paper that is published in the same issue. Submissions of all these types of papers, within the scope and aims of the journal, are welcome. Rapid Communications are no longer appropriate as all papers are published rapidly, being available on Science Direct with a doi, as soon as the proof has been corrected.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union

ISSN: 1743-9213eISSN: 1743-9221
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Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria

ISSN: 0035-9211eISSN: 2204-1362
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Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society

ISSN: 0044-0604eISSN: 2041-4811

Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society has been published without a break since 1839 and welcomes original research papers on all aspects of geology.

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Progress in Earth and Planetary Science

eISSN: 2197-4284

Space and planetary sciences, Atmospheric and hydrospheric sciences, Human geosciences, Solid earth sciences, Biogeosciences

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Progress in Oceanography

ISSN: 0079-6611eISSN: 1873-4472

Progress in Oceanography publishes the longer, more comprehensive papers that most oceanographers feel are necessary, on occasion, to do justice to their work. Contributions are generally either a review of an aspect of oceanography or a treatise on an expanding oceanographic subject. The articles cover the entire spectrum of disciplines within the science of oceanography. Occasionally volumes are devoted to collections of papers and conference proceedings of exceptional interest. Essential reading for all oceanographers.

Authors of review articles are offered an amount of USD 200 plus USD 5 per printed page upon publication of their article inProgress in Oceanography.

Benefits to authors
We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our services.

Please see our for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Progress in Physical Geography

ISSN: 0309-1333eISSN: 1477-0296

Progress in Physical Geography is an international journal, encompassing an interdisciplinary approach incorporating the latest developments and debates within Physical Geography and interrelated fields across the Earth, Biological and Ecological System Sciences. Contributions which review progress to date; which blend review material with new and original findings; or which introduce material, methods or techniques at the forefront of current knowledge, while setting directions for future work are welcomed. Authors need not be uncritically exhaustive in synthesizing research on a particular topic, but should concentrate on what they consider to be the most promising recent productive trends and developments which are likely to be transformative.They should further aim at the widest possible international coverage and should consider the relevance of tangential or parallel developments to their fields. In addition, authors are encouraged to evaluate the general significance of research to date, including practical and policy applications where relevant.

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Przeglad Geofizyczny

ISSN: 0033-2135

Przeglad Geograficzny

ISSN: 0033-2143

Przeglad Geologiczny

ISSN: 0033-2151

Przeglad Naukowy Inzynieria i Ksztaltowanie Srodowiska

ISSN: 1732-9353eISSN: 2543-7496

Publications of Astronomical Society of Japan

ISSN: 0004-6264eISSN: 2053-051X
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Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia

ISSN: 1448-6083eISSN: 1448-6083

Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific

eISSN: 1538-3873

Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, the technical journal of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific (ASP), has been published regularly since 1889, as part of the ASP’s mission to advance the science of astronomy and disseminate astronomical information. The journal provides an outlet for astronomical results of a scientific nature and serves to keep readers in touch with current astronomical research. It contains refereed research andinstrumentation papers, invited reviews, and dissertation summaries. .

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