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Fish and Fisheries

ISSN: 1467-2960eISSN: 1467-2979

Fish and Fisheries adopts a broad, interdisciplinary approach to the subject of fish biology and fisheries. It draws contributions in the form of major synoptic papers and syntheses or meta-analyses that lay out new approaches, re-examine existing findings, methods or theory, and discuss papers and commentaries from diverse areas. Focal areas include fish palaeontology, molecular biology and ecology, genetics, biochemistry, physiology, ecology, behaviour, evolutionary studies, conservation, assessment, population dynamics, mathematical modelling, ecosystem analysis and the social, economic and policy aspects of fisheries where they are grounded in a scientific approach. A paper in Fish and Fisheries must draw upon all key elements of the existing literature on a topic, normally have a broad geographic and/or taxonomic scope, and provide general points which make it compelling to a wide range of readers whatever their geographical location. So, in short, we aim to publish articles that make syntheses of old or synoptic, long-term or spatially widespread data, introduce or consolidate fresh concepts or theory, or, in the Ghoti section, briefly justify preliminary, new synoptic ideas. Please note that authors of submissions not meeting this mandate will be directed to the appropriate primary literature.

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Fisheries Oceanography

ISSN: 1054-6006eISSN: 1365-2419

The international journal of the Japanese Society for Fisheries Oceanography, Fisheries Oceanography is designed to present a forum for the exchange of information amongst fisheries scientists worldwide. Fisheries Oceanography.

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Frontiers in Marine Science

eISSN: 2296-7745
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Fundamentalnaya i Prikladnaya Gidrofizika

ISSN: 2073-6673

Geo-Marine Letters

ISSN: 0276-0460eISSN: 1432-1157

Geo-Marine Letters is an international peer-reviewed journal which offers rapid publication of concise original studies and reviews dealing with processes, products and techniques in marine geology, geophysics, and geochemistry. Coverage spans structural geology, including plate tectonics of recent active and passive margins; sea-bed morphology, physiography and morphodynamics; sediment transport, depositional processes and sedimentary facies analysis; stratigraphy, basin analysis and paleo-environmental reconstruction; sea-level history, paleoproductivity, gas hydrates, salt domes and brines; sediment-water interaction and organism-sediment relationships; geochemical tracers, stable isotopes and authigenic mineral formation; geotechnical properties and application of new geo-marine techniques, and more. In addition to regular articles and review articles, Geo-Marine Letters welcomes contributions by guest editors in the form of conference/workshop proceedings, or bundles of papers dealing with specific theme

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Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems

ISSN: 2193-0856eISSN: 2193-0864
Publisher: Copernicus Publications | Society or Institution: European Geosciences Union
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Global and Planetary Change

ISSN: 0921-8181eISSN: 1872-6364

An ever changing global system defines the scientific and social problems and issues of our time. The majority of these problems clearly cross traditional scientific boundaries.The objective of the journal Global and Planetary Change is to achieve a multidisciplinary view of the causes, processes and limits of variability in planetary change. The journal focuses on the record of change in earth history and the analysis and prediction of recent and future changes. Topics include, but are not limited to, changes in the chemical composition of the oceans and atmosphere, climate change, sea level variations, human geography, global geophysics and tectonics, global ecology and biogeography.Key criteria for manuscripts are global scope or implications for global scale problems, significance beyond a single discipline and a focus on the causes, processes and limits of planetary change. Manuscripts can be submitted as either research contributions or as review articles. Extra effort should be directed towards presenting problems and results for a broad readership. Part of the intent of Global and Planetary Change is for new discoveries or progress in one discipline to foster advances, or act as a catalyst, in understanding the earth as a system.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Haiyang Xuebao

ISSN: 0253-4193

Helgoland Marine Research

ISSN: 1438-387XeISSN: 1438-3888

The journal Helgoland Marine Research publishes original research papers, invited reviews, and commentary on all aspects and levels of the biology of marine and brackish water organisms. Helgoland Marine Research is sponsored by the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research. Among the topics of particular interest are explorations of ecological dynamics, life cycles, biological oceanography, environmental biology, physiology and behavior, morphology, evolution and taxonomy, cultivation and techniques and more. The Editor-in-Chief is Heinz-Dieter Franke, Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Helgoland, Germany.

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Hydro International

ISSN: 1385-4569


eISSN: 2306-5338

Surface water hydrology, Hydrochemistry, Hydroinformatics, Isotope hydrology, Water management, Water quality

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ICES Journal of Marine Science

ISSN: 1054-3139eISSN: 1095-9289

The ICES Journal of Marine Science publishes articles, short communications, and critical reviews that contribute to our scientific understanding of marine systems and the impact of human activities. The Journal serves as a foundation for scientific advice across the broad spectrum of management and conservation issues related to the marine environment. Oceanography, marine habitats, living resources, and related management topics constitute the key elements of papers eligible for publication. Integrated studies that bridge gaps between traditional disciplines are particularly welcome. The scope of the Journal has been broadened to include economic, social, and public administration studies to the extent that they are directly related to management of the seas and are of general interest to marine scientists.

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IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering

ISSN: 0364-9059eISSN: 1558-1691

The IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering (ISSN 0364-9059) is the online-only quarterly publication of the IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society (IEEE OES). The scope of the Journal is the field of interest of the IEEE OES, which encompasses all aspects of science, engineering, and technology that address research, development, and operations pertaining to all bodies of water. This includes the creation of new capabilities and technologies from concept design through prototypes, testing, and operational systems to sense, explore, understand, develop, use, and responsibly manage natural resources.

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IWMI Research Report

ISSN: 1026-0862

Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences

eISSN: 0975-1033

Integrated Ocean Drilling Program: Preliminary Reports

ISSN: 1932-9423

International Journal of Nautical Archaeology

ISSN: 1057-2414eISSN: 1095-9270

The International Journal of Nautical Archaeology is a forum for the exchange of ideas and research relevant to all aspects of nautical and maritime archaeology. Published twice a year in print and online, each issue of 224 pages contains peer-reviewed original articles, notes and book reviews. IJNA addresses the theory and practice of archaeology and related academic disciplines which investigate human associations with water and waterborne craft of all periods throughout the world, on seas and inland waters. Aiming to encourage a fuller understanding of the maritime past within its wider context, IJNA keeps readers abreast of the latest discoveries, new interpretations and theoretical approaches. Topics include:

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International Ocean Systems

ISSN: 1471-0188

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics

ISSN: 0001-4338eISSN: 1555-628X

The journal Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics publishes original scientific research and review articles on vital issues in the physics of the earth’s atmosphere and hydrosphere, and climate theory. The journal throws light on recent investigations into physical processes in the atmosphere and ocean that control climate, weather, and their changes, which have possible practical applications. It also gives space to the discussion of results obtained in studies in various fields of oceanic and atmospheric physics, such as the dynamics of gas and water media, interaction of the atmosphere with the ocean and land surfaces, turbulence theory, heat balance and radiation processes, remote sensing and optics of both media, natural and man-induced climate changes, and the state of the atmosphere and ocean. The journal publishes papers on research techniques, current information on events in the physics of the atmosphere and ocean, conference proceedings, book reviews, and more.

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Journal of Coastal Conservation

ISSN: 1400-0350eISSN: 1874-7841

The Journal of Coastal Conservation is a scientific journal for the dissemination of both theoretical and applied research on integrated and sustainable management of the terrestrial, coastal and marine environmental interface. A thorough understanding of both the physical and the human sciences is important to the study of the spatial patterns and processes observed in terrestrial, coastal and marine systems set in the context of past, present and future social and economic developments. This includes multidisciplinary and integrated knowledge and understanding of: physical geography, coastal geomorphology, sediment dynamics, hydrodynamics, soil science, hydrology, plant and animal ecology, vegetation science, biogeography, landscape ecology, recreation and tourism studies, urban and human ecology, coastal engineering and spatial planning, coastal zone management, and marine resource management. Environmental applications that make use of spatial information technology (IT) to collect, analyse, interpret, visualise, and communicate the results of scientific research are also encouraged. This includes the use of remote sensing, Geographical Information Systems (GIS), environmental databases, Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and mobile technologies, cartography and digital mapping, geovisualisation, modelling and simulation, and the Internet. Applications that focus on the use of physical coastal modelling involving the detailing of the design, construction, instrumentation and results of model tests are also encouraged, including the theory, measurement, analysis and modelling of: Waves - generation, theories, prediction: Structures - types, interactions and structural responses: Measurement Techniques - pressures, velocities, and forces: Erosion/Scour – assessment and control: Scale Effects – control and techniques: and Natural Hazards Assessment. Research that promotes the role of education and, training to integrated and sustainable management of the terrestrial, coastal and marine conservation and management is also considered important to the coastal practitioner and manager. International contributions to the journal are encouraged. Thematic volumes and output from conference proceedings are also welcome.

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