Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology is devoted to the publication of papers on research into the behaviour and physiology of marine and freshwater animals. It covers field and laboratory studies of the behaviour and physiology of aquatic animals including * excretion * osmoregulation * digestion * respiration * feeding * migration * reproduction * tidal and biorhythms * neurobiology * movement * sensory biology * anatomy and fine structure (where embedded in a physiological context) The behaviour of aquatic animals, both natural and simulated in the laboratory, also fall within the ambit of the journal. Short reviews will be published and occasional book reviews. The living resources of the world's oceans, rivers and lakes are attracting increasing attention as food sources for humans and for their role in global ecology. The journal will therefore publish the results of research in the areas of Fisheries Biology, Fisheries Technology, Fisheries Oceanography, Fisheries Economics and Management, Fisheries Engineering or Seafood Science and Technology where these have clear links to behaviour and physiology. --- Disclaimer for Scientific, Technical and Social Science Publications Taylor & Francis make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 'Content') contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.
Marine and Petroleum Geology is the pre-eminent international forum for the exchange of multidisciplinary concepts, interpretations and techniques for all concerned with marine and petroleum geology in industry, government and academia. Rapid bimonthly publication allows early communications of papers or short communications to the geoscience community.Marine and Petroleum Geology is essential reading for geologists, geophysicists and explorationists in industry, government and academia working in the following areas: marine geology; basin analysis and evaluation; organic geochemistry; reserve/resource estimation; seismic stratigraphy; thermal models of basic evolution; sedimentary geology; continental margins; geophysical interpretation; structural geology/tectonics; formation evaluation techniques; well logging.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
The Mediterranean Marine Science Journal is published semi-annually by the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR), replacing the previous journal entitled "Thalassographica". The Journal welcomes original articles, short notes and extended reviews in all fields of Oceanography (physical Oceanography, operational Oceanography, Chemistry, Biology, Geology and Geophysics), Limnology, Fisheries and Aquaculture in the Mediterranean area and the adjacent regions.
METHODS IN OCEANOGRAPHYMethods in Oceanography is an international journal for ocean researchers. It publishes original research on new methods in all aspects of oceanographic research such as fabrication and testing of new instruments, significant advances in the development of new methods for the interpretation of either existing or future data, as well as the development of new platforms and plans for ocean sampling. Special issues will be dedicated to frontiers in oceanography methods that relate to contemporary issues. Review articles, by authoritative leaders, will document the history, contemporary status, and future potential for developing new methods in all aspects of oceanographic research. Research highlights will report late breaking news of interest to the general ocean methodology community that are considered to be of significant interest.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
Aims: The diversity of aquatic life in the southern continents and oceans is of worldwide interest to researchers and resource managers in research institutions, museums, and other centres. The New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research plays an important role in disseminating information on field-based, experimental, and theoretical research on the marine, estuarine, and freshwater biology of the region. Scope of submissions: The New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research publishes original research papers, review papers, short communications, book reviews, letters, and forum articles. We welcome submissions on all aspects of aquatic science (including fisheries), with particular emphasis on Australasia, South America, Antarctica, and the Pacific. The journal's subject matter includes ecology, taxonomy, aquaculture, genetics, biodiversity, bioinvasions, physical oceanography, limnology, hydrology, and aquatic chemistry. Prospective contributors should consult recent issues of the journal and can contact the Editorial Office to discuss whether a planned submission is appropriate. * No page charges for publication * Online iFirst e-before print publication between quarterly issues option * iFirst Open Access option available Electronic and printed issues are published quarterly (B5 format) Print ISSN: 0028-8330, Online ISSN: 1175-8805.
Ocean & Coastal Management is an international journal published 12 times per year dedicated to the study of all aspects of ocean and coastal management at international, national, regional, and local levels.Sustainable development and conservation of ocean and coastal resources requires the insights of a number of monodisciplinary, multidisciplinary as well as integral studies and approaches. The different disciplines may range from the natural and physical sciences to the social sciences, policy analysis, economics, and law.Articles from all relevant disciplines are invited, but all contributions must make clear the explicit link between fundamental concepts and the central improvement of management practice.Comparative studies (e.g. sub-national, cross-national, to other policy areas) are encouraged, as are studies assessing current management approaches. Articles involving analytical approaches, development of theory, and improvement of management practice are especially welcome.Examples of topics covered by the journal include, but are not limited to, the following:Interactions among various ocean and coastal usesResolution of multiple-use conflicts; alternative management regimes and institutional arrangements for integrated management of ocean and coastal areas; governance of resources and uses in Exclusive Economic ZonesDevelopments related to the Law of the Sea Convention and to the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), and consideration of legal regimes for the conservation and development of ocean resources beyond the limits of national jurisdictionEnvironmental impacts resulting from development of ocean and coastal areas; specific shoreline management issues such as coast protection policies, accelerated sea level rise, public access, waterfront redevelopment, public education and participation, port management, and marine protected areas; resource evaluation for such activities as aquaculture, commercial fisheries, offshore mining, shipping and navigation; energy facilities; coast-dependent industries; marine parks; recreational development and conservationPhysical constraints and natural hazards affecting resource use and development; economic, political, and social constraints; technological solutions to problems of resource demand and supply.Ethical aspects related to management options where human benefits are clearly driving the agenda and the environmental consequences do not get sufficient attention. We thus only accept an ethical discussion when it is strictly related to the above indicated disciplines and study examples and thus not on its own.
Ocean Dynamics is an international journal that aims to publish high-quality peer-reviewed articles in the following areas of research
Theoretical oceanography (new theoretical concepts that further system understanding with a strong view to applicability for operational or monitoring purposes)Computational oceanography (all aspects of ocean modelling and data analysis)Observational oceanography (new techniques or systematic approaches in measuring oceanic variables, including all aspects of monitoring the state of the ocean)Articles with an interdisciplinary character that encompass research in the fields of biological, chemical and physical oceanography are especially encouraged.Ocean Engineering provides a medium for the publication of original research and development work in this field.Some of the areas covered in Ocean Engineering include: Offshore Engineering; Naval Architecture; Marine Structural Mechanics; Safety and Reliability; Materials; Pipelines and Risers; Polar and Arctic Engineering; Computational Fluid Dynamics and Vortex Induced Vibrations; Port and Waterfront Design and Engineering; Linear and Nonlinear Wave Mechanics; Hydrodynamics; Fluid-Structure Interaction; Cable, Mooring, Buoy Technology; Underwater Technology; Geotechnology; Foundation Engineering; Ocean Mining; Coastal Engineering; Marine Renewable Energy; Aquacultural Engineering; Instrumentation, and Full-Scale measurements; Model Tests; Satellite Observations; Marine Environmental Engineering; Stochastic Processes; Hydroelasticity, Subsea Engineering; Fluid Mechanics; Ocean Acoustics, Oceanographical Engineering; Computational Methods/Numerical Analysis; Shore Protection; beach nourishment; sediment transport; Risk and Limit State Design and Assessment; Ship Manoeuvring; Buoyancy and Stability (static and dynamic); Seakeeping and Control Systems; and Ship Resistance and Propulsion.In recognition of the fact that many research and development workers are now entering the area, occasional review articles by leading authorities are also published.Related conferences:Related conferences are listed under 'Related websites'.
The main objective of Ocean Modelling is to provide rapid communication between those interested in ocean modelling, whether through direct observation, or through analytical, numerical or laboratory models, and including interactions between physical and biogeochemical or biological phenomena. Because of the intimate links between ocean and atmosphere, involvement of scientists interested in influences of either medium on the other is welcome. The journal has a wide scope and includes ocean-atmosphere interaction in various forms as well as pure ocean results. In addition to primary peer-reviewed papers, the journal provides review papers, preliminary communications, and discussions. Authors are invited to submit datafiles, model animations or other electronic-only information in support of their submission.To speed up the review process, all authors are requested to submit their paper electronically. Important: If you are submitting an article prepared with Microsoft Word containingembedded math equationsthen please read this related support information( Modelling is the successor of the SCOR WG 49 newsletter. In 1999, the journal was relaunched as peer-reviewed journal, focussing on fast electronic publication of articles, supported by non (paper) publishable, electronic items.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
Ocean Science aims to be one of the leaders in the modern generation of "Open Access" or free-to web journals. Much of the literature about such journals is available on the web and links to many of the main sources are given below. One of the aims of open access publishing is to make scientific developments available to people, rich or poor, all over the world as cheaply as possible. This aim underlies many of the initiatives and statements, such as those of Budapest, Berlin and Bethesda.A second, related, aim is to use computer developments and the web to push down the cost of scientific publication. This is a topic discussed in publications from the Wellcome Trust and the House of Commons Committee in the UK. In each case they are concerned by the power of existing publishers to control the market and the reluctance of scientists to move to Open Access Publishing.One concern of the scientists is that the new journals might have a lower scientific standard than traditional ones and that their important "citation index" is low. However Nature (2001) reported that on-line journals were soon obtaining high citation scores and that is the experience of the EGU. Open Access also allows us to introduce new systems of submission and reviewing. There are concerns about the effectiveness of the present review system - the reviewers lack of experience in some key area maybe allowing publication of papers with significant errors. There have also been concerns that referees have sat on papers so that publication is delayed and authors have lost priority of publication.To tackle these problems, Ocean Science is using the two-stage publication scheme developed by Copernicus Publications and the European Geosciences Union. After a brief review by the Topic Editor to check that they are suitable, submitted articles are published in Ocean Science Discussions. This publication can be cited in questions of priority.The paper is then formally reviewed in the traditional way by at least two reviewers. The reviews are published and other scientists and the authors can make and publish their own comments to help the review process. Finally all of these comments are used to decide whether the paper needs revision or whether it can be published directly in the full review journal Ocean Science.No doubt the "Open Access" model will develop further in the future. We plan to be closely involved in such developments. At the same time we want to use the new technology to encompass both integrated views and detailed studies within the same high quality ocean science journal.
Ocean Science Journal is a scientific journal published quarterly(March, June, September, December) by the Korean Society of Oceanography(KSO) and Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute(KORDI). OSJ is international and interdisciplinary. Research articles, reviews and notes dealing with physical oceanography, biological oceanography/marine biology, chemical oceanography/marine chemistry, geological oceanography/marine geology, and marine pollution will be considered. OSJ aims to publish a very high quality scientific journal for researchers and other interested people throughout the world.
The Canadian Journal of Soil Science is an international peer-reviewed journal published in cooperation with the Canadian Society of Soil Science. The journal publishes original research on the use, management, structure and development of soils and draws from the disciplines of soil science, agrometeorology, ecology, agricultural engineering, environmental science, hydrology, forestry, geology, geography and climatology.
• gradients of properties (salinity, red-ox, temperature, light field, others),
• phases boundaries both abiotic and biotic/abiotic (aqueous/solid, aqueous/gaseous, biotic/solid and biotic/aqueous),
• marine-land boundary.
We also encourage the submission of manuscripts dealing with multidisciplinary approaches to the investigated phenomena, as well as those devoted to manifestations of contemporary global issues e.g. climate warming and other global change-related phenomena, and/or describing possible and actual adaptations to threats brought by these changes. Preference will be given to manuscripts covering innovative research of global significance over those devoted to strictly local issues, and to papers contributing to the marine ecosystem functioning over strictly descriptive ones.
The issues 53(2011)8211;56(2014) were digitalized thanks to the financial support of the project Index Plus of the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
All issues of the journal
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General informationOceanological and Hydrobiological Studies is an international journal published by the Institute of Oceanography, University of Gdansk in Poland. The journal publishes original research articles, short communications, reviews and book reviews. The journal has 4 issues per year and contains papers on all aspects of the marine environment and hydrobiology. All manuscripts are reviewed by editors and independent experts. Based on the referees' recommendations, the Editor will make a decision on whether to accept a contribution. All articles are published in English. The historyThis quarterly, published by the Institute of Oceanography of the University of Gdansk, has existed continuously since 1971. Initially it was published in Polish as an irregular journal by the National Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, Sopot, and was entitled 'Studia i Materialy Oceanologiczne'.Since 1991 the journal has been published in English, in collaboration with the Institute of
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology is an international medium for the publication of high quality and multidisciplinary, original studies and comprehensive reviews in the field of palaeo-environmental geology. The journal aims at bringing together data with global implications from research in the many different disciplines involved in palaeo-environmental investigations.By cutting across the boundaries of established sciences, it provides an interdisciplinary forum where issues of general interest can be discussed.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
Paleoceanography focuses on original contributions dealing with reconstructions of past conditions and processes of change as recorded in sediments deposited in water. This especially includes marine sediments, but may extend to sediments from freshwater environments. Approaches to past reconstruction might include sedimentology, geochemistry, paleontology, oceanography, geophysics, and modeling. Contributions will emphasize global and regional aspects, rather than purely local interests, and can cover all ages (Precambrian to the Quaternary, including modern analogs).