The Journal is published by the Society for Policy Modeling as a forum for analysis and debate on policy issues. The Journal focuses upon the economic, social and political developments that now shape the world economy and the policies needed to improve them.The Journal emphasizes formal modeling techniques serving the purposes of decision making. Such a focus requires, in the first place, the highest academic standards, adherence to the state-of-the-art in the field, and the ability to critique prevailing conceptual methods. The proposed analytical instruments must be empirically validated on the basis of replicable data, and take into account the interdependence of economic trends over-time, countries and sectors.A second, key element in the evaluation of a submitted article is whether the proposed model can be of use for policy purposes and what policy-makers can learn from it. Editors discourage submission of papers exclusively focused on techniques, without answering the question: "what can public policy make out of the conclusions reached by the proposed model?" Historical and thematic reviews of modeling are welcomed.The Journal of Policy Modeling is published bimonthly by Elsevier Inc. It is supported by a special purpose, on-line depository of scientific papers, By fostering an interactive exchange views about fully refereed papers, helps authors to adapt to digital life, gain broad recognition, generate debate, and share information with peers hard to reach otherwise. A Board decision whether to publish a given paper in the Journal of Policy Modeling or in reflects mostly logistical considerations (length, space, relevance, timing, queue). The scientific merits of research must be outstanding in either case.
One of the oldest and most prestigious journals in economics, the Journal of Political Economy has since 1892 presented significant research and scholarship in economic theory and practice. The journal aims to publish highly selective, widely cited articles of current relevance that will have a long-term impact on economics research. JPE's analytical, interpretive, and empirical studies in a number of areas—including monetary theory, fiscal policy, labor economics, development, micro- and macroeconomic theory, international trade and finance, industrial organization, and social economics—are essential reading for all economists wishing to keep up with substantive new research in the discipline.
IZA Journal Website: Journal of Population Economics is an international quarterly that publishes original theoretical and applied research in all areas of population economics.
Micro-level topics examine individual, household or family behavior, including household formation, marriage, divorce, fertility choices, education, labor supply, migration, health, risky behavior and aging. Macro-level investigations may address such issues as economic growth with exogenous or endogenous population evolution, population policy, savings and pensions, social security, housing, and health care.The journal also features research into economic approaches to human biology, the relationship between population dynamics and public choice, and the impact of population on the distribution of income and wealth. Lastly, readers will find papers dealing with policy issues and development problems that are relevant to population issues.Officially cited as: J Popul EconCorrected Journal Impact FactoThe Journal of Post Keynesian Economics is a scholarly journal of innovative theoretical and empirical work that sheds fresh light on contemporary economic problems. It is committed to the principle that cumulative development of economic theory is only possible when the theory is continuously subjected to scrutiny in terms of its ability both to explain the real world and to provide a reliable guide to public policy. #!#!The topics of articles in this journal pose answers to troublesome questions. ... This journal is important because of the subject matter it covers.#!#! -Magazines for Libraries.
The Journal of Productivity Analysis publishes theoretical and applied research addressing the measurement, analysis, and improvement of productivity. The journal’s empirical research papers apply theory and techniques to the measurement of productivity and set forth implications for managerial strategies and public policy to enhance productivity.The journal’s broad scope spans economics, management sciences, operations research, and business and public administration. A partial list of topics includes productivity theory, organizational design, index number theory, and related foundations of productivity analysis. The journal also publishes research on computational methods employed in productivity analysis and empirical research based on data at all levels of aggregation.Officially cited as: J Prod Anal
JPIF is an international forum for the interchange of information and ideas relating to property valuation and investment, property management and decision making in all property markets.
The aim of the Journal of Public Economics is to encourage original scientific contributions on the problems of public economics, with particular emphasis on the application of modern economic theory and methods of quantitative analysis. It provides a forum for discussion of public policy of interest to an international readership.A master index encompassing volumes 1-50 is available from the publisher upon request.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
Recent times have seen an expansion of theoretical and empirical research on real estate using the paradigms and methodologies of finance and economics. Examples of this research include the working and structure of markets, the role of various institutional arrangements, the attention given mortgages and asset securitization, risk management and valuation, and public policy and regulation. The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics provides a forum for the publication of this research. Coverage includes urban economics, housing, regional science and public policy.Officially cited as: J Real Estate Finance Econ