The COSPAR publication Advances in Space Research (ASR) is an open journal covering all areas of space research including: space studies of the Earth's surface, meteorology, climate, the Earth-Moon system, planets and small bodies of the solar system, upper atmospheres, ionospheres and magnetospheres of the Earth and planets including reference atmospheres, space plasmas in the solar system, astrophysics from space, materials sciences in space, life sciences as related to space, fundamental physics in space, space debris, space weather, earth observations of space phenomena, etc.All submissions are reviewed by two scientists in the field. COSPAR is an interdisciplinary scientific organization concerned with the progress of space research on an international scale. Operating under the rules of ICSU, COSPAR ignores political considerations and considers all questions solely from the scientific viewpoint.Editor-in-Chief: J. LastovickaView full editorial boardSpace Research Today (SRT) COSPAR's information bulletin, provides COSPAR Associates and subscribers to Advances in Space Research with special guest articles on current topics in space research by practitioners in the field, regular information on meetings, COSPAR and space research-related news, information on COSPAR committees and activities, on scientific activities of interest, including launch lists, profiles of key personnel and letters from the community. Space Research Today is issued three times each year, in April, August and December. The August issue in odd numbered years includes the Call for Papers for the Scientific Assembly of the following year. Thus, Space Research Today is a key tool in communication of information within the COSPAR community. Everyone is invited to contribute articles, letters, news or images of interest. These should be sent to the General Editor.The SRT editorial team is:• General Editor - Professor Richard A. Harrison; Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK• Executive Editor - Ms Leigh Fergus Swan• Editorial Team - Dr Jean-Louis Fellous, Dr Mariano Mendez, Dr Dan Reisenfeld, Professor Yohsuke Kamide
Advances in Structural Engineering provides a major publication channel for research in the area of structural engineering and an international forum for the exchange of innovative ideas. The research results reported in this journal cover all aspects of the analysis, behaviour, design and construction of civil engineering structures such as buildings, bridges, towers and masts, storage structures, and offshore platforms. As well as full-length papers, short technical notes, discussions, and book reviews are also published. Acceptance of a paper for publication in the journal is subjected to the manuscript being an unpublished work presenting a significant original contribution or an in-depth state-of-the-art review of a specific topic in structural engineering.
Advances in Tribology is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes original research articles as well as review articles in all areas of tribology.
As an innovative, fundamental and scientific journal, Advances in Manufacturing aims to describe the latest regional and global research results and forefront developments in advanced manufacturing field. As such, it serves as an international platform for academic exchange between experts, scholars and researchers in this field.
All articles in Advances in Manufacturing are peer reviewed. Respected scholars from the fields of advanced manufacturing fields will be invited to write some comments. We also encourage and give priority to research papers that have made major breakthroughs or innovations in the fundamental theory. The targeted fields include: manufacturing automation, mechatronics and robotics, precision manufacturing and control, micro-nano-manufacturing, green manufacturing, design in manufacturing, metallic and nonmetallic materials in manufacturing, metallurgical process, etc. The forms of articles include (but not limited to): academic articles, research reports, and general reviews.
2009 Impact Factor: 2.739 Ranking: 14/128 in Engineering, Chemical; 36/181 in Environmental Sciences; 15/63 in Meteorology & Atmospheric Sciences2009 5-Year Impact Factor: 3.218169;2010 Thomson Reuters, 2009 Journal Citation Reports174;Aerosol Science and Technology publishes the results of theoretical, numerical and experimental investigations into aerosol behavior, measurement, and effects. High-quality reports on fundamental and applied topics in this important and rapidly expanding field are suitable. Particularly appropriate subjects are particle motion in laminar or turbulent fluids; light scattering phenomena, visibility, and atmospheric optics; electrical charging and precipitation; coagulation, size distribution, and aerosol dynamics; evaporation and condensation; cohesion and adhesion; diffusion; aerosol formation in flames; nucleation phenomena; impaction; cyclone collectors and centrifuges; electrostatic precipitators; aerosol filtration; aerosol generation methods; sampling of airborne particles; measurement of physical and chemical properties; effects of aerosols on climate and other atmospheric processes; particle deposition in respiratory systems; health effects; radioactive aerosols; aerosol emissions from industrial processes; pollution control; and aerosols in the workplace.The Editors also encourage the submission of critical reviews of recent research and historical reviews of important aerosol topics. Announcements and reports of the American Association for Aerosol Research and other pertinent meetings will be published whenever possible, as will reviews of relevant books and computer software.Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
aerodynamics, plasmas, aeroacoustics, flight mechanics, airport design
Aerospace Science and Technology publishes articles of outstanding scientific quality. Each article is reviewed by two referees. The journal welcomes papers from a wide range of countries. This journal publishes original papers, review articles and short communications related to all fields of aerospace research, fundamental and applied, potential applications of which are clearly related to:• The design and the manufacture of aircraft, helicopters, missiles, launchers and satellites• The control of their environment• The study of various systems they are involved in, as supports or as targets.Authors are invited to submit papers on new advances in the following topics to aerospace applications:• Fluid dynamics• Energetics and propulsion• Materials and structures• Flight mechanics• Navigation, guidance and control• Acoustics• Optics• Electromagnetism and radar• Signal and image processing• Information processing• Data fusion• Decision aid• Human behaviour• Robotics and intelligent systems• Complex system engineering.Targeted aerospace applications in the above topics include the following:• Air vehicle engineering• Space vehicle and satellite engineering• Environment• Air defence systems• Aerial recognition and defence• Aerospace contribution to C4ISR systems• Aerospace science in Network Centric Warfare• Aerospace electronic warfare• Air transport systems• Air Traffic Management• Earth observation• Aerospace communications• Instrumentation• Test facilities.
The editorial policy of' the African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (AJRMSTE) is to disseminate, as widely as possible, high quality research findings and well written articles on Curriculum Studies; Teacher Education; Education for Development; Mathematics Education; Science Education; Design & Technology Education and Computer Education.
Articles that promote the understanding of curricular policy and diverse socio-cultural issues and those which stimulate epistemological and methodological debates are welcome. The editorial board welcomes articles that will contribute to the overall development of science, mathematics, technology and environmental education in Africa.
The focus being the development of research capacity in Africa, AJRMSTE assists first time authors in achieving the high standards to which the journal is committed. Naturally, the journal welcomes contributions from more experienced authors as well.
African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation & Development (AJSTID) is a multidiscipline journal covering economics, science, engineering, and technology, but with the core focus on economics of innovation and development. AJSTID provides an important outlet to research on process and impact of science, technology and innovation at two levels: the narrow objective of achieving industrial growth, and the broader objective of achieving socio-economic development, particularly in Africa and other developing economies.
AJSTID aims to undertaking and promoting the scientific research in a broader sense. It provides an outlet for research works by scientists, academia, engineers, practitioners, doctoral scholars and post graduate students concerned with the impact of science, technology and innovation process on industrial, economic, and social development. AJSTID brings Publishing to the doorstep of every emerging researcher in Africa and other developing countries.
All submitted manuscripts should be original and previously unpublished and are subject to initial appraisal. If found suitable for further consideration, manuscripts will be sent for peer review by independent, anonymous expert referees. AJSTID follows the double blind review system. However, peer review is single blind in some exceptional cases, such as highly specialized scientific papers.
Ain Shams Engineering Journal aims at the development of knowledge in the field of engineering, technology, and related sciences. A major aim of the journal is to foster international exchange of ideas and experiences among scholars and practitioners with shared interests all over the world. All innovative, valuable, and useful articles as research or review papers or reports will be regarded. The Journal is devoted to the every direction of application of Engineering Sciences, both theoretical and experimental in nature. The wide areas of thrust include• Electrical Engineering• Civil Engineering• Mechanical Engineering• Architectural Engineering• Engineering Physics and Mathematics
Alexandria Engineering Journal is an international journal devoted to publishing high quality papers in the field of engineering and applied science. Alexandria Engineering Journal is cited in the Engineering Information Services (EIS) and the Chemical Abstracts (CA). The papers published in Alexandria Engineering Journal are grouped into five sections, according to the following classification:• Mechanical, Production, Marine and Textile Engineering• Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Nuclear Engineering• Civil and Architecture Engineering• Chemical Engineering and Applied Sciences• Environmental EngineeringAlexandria Engineering Journal publishes original papers, critical reviews, technical papers, technical data, short notes, and letters to the editor. Papers covering experimental, theoretical, and computational aspects which contribute to the understanding of engineering and applied sciences or give an insight into engineering practices and processes are welcome. Authors from all over the world are invited to submit manuscripts for possible publications in Alexandria Engineering Journal.
Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing is an archival peer reviewed journal dedicated to the design and application of analog, radio frequency (RF), and mixed signal integrated circuits (ICs) as well as signal processing circuits and systems. It features both new research results and tutorial views and reflects the large volume of cutting-edge research activity in the worldwide field today. A partial list of topics includes analog and mixed signal interface circuits and systems; analog and RFIC design; data converters; active-RC, switched-capacitor, and continuous-time integrated filters; mixed analog/digital VLSI systems; wireless radio transceivers; clock and data recovery circuits; and high speed optoelectronic circuits and systems.
Analytical Methods welcomes early applications of new analytical and bioanalytical methods and technology demonstrating the potential for societal impact. We require that methods and technology reported in the journal are sufficiently innovative, robust, accurate, and compared to other available methods for the intended application. Developments with interdisciplinary approaches are particularly welcome. Systems should be proven with suitably complex and analytically challenging samples. We encourage developments within, but not limited to, the following technologies and applications: global health, point-of-care and molecular diagnostics; biosensors and bioengineering; drug development and pharmaceutical analysis; applied microfluidics and nanotechnology; -omics studies, such as proteomics, metabolomics or glycomics; environmental, agricultural and food science; neuroscience; biochemical and clinical analysis; forensic analysis; industrial process and method development.
Annals of Biomedical Engineering is an interdisciplinary, international journal which presents original and review articles in the major fields of bioengineering and biomedical engineering.A major aim of bioengineering is to provide integrated approaches to the solutions of biological and biomedical problems. The philosophy is to provide engineering approaches to enhance the power of the scientific method, and to maintain a balance between experimental observation and quantitative analyses. While the development of theory and of mathematical models is strongly endorsed, these should be evaluated wherever possible using biological data from experiments that test specific hypotheses. This is the official journal of the Biomedical Engineering Society. The average time from submission to first decision is three weeks. After acceptance, articles are published online in about two weeks.