Automatica publishes papers on original theoretical and experimental research and development in the control of systems, involving all facets of automatic control theory and its applications. Preferably, theoretical papers should include applications; papers dealing with components and systems should include theoretical background and, where appropriate, economic implications.It is intended to publish only those papers, including those based on IFAC meeting presentations, which may be regarded as new, worthwhile contributions in this field. Papers should be intelligible to the general body of control engineers, which requires that specialized techniques, terminology and acronyms be well defined and/or referenced.Automatica has a tradition of publishing definitive papers covering a topic in depth, papers which are referred to for many years. For such papers the length requirements may be relaxed at the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief.The scope of the journal is extensive. Topics include: the theory and design of control systems and components, encompassing robust and distributed control using geometric, optimal, stochastic and nonlinear methods, game theory and state estimation; adaptive control, including robotics, neural networks, parameter estimation and system fault detection; additional topics including artificial intelligence, fuzzy and expert systems, hierarchical and man-machine systems, all parts of systems engineering which consider the reliability of components and systems; data processing; and computers for computer-aided design, manufacturing, and control of various industrial processes, space vehicles and aircraft, ships, traffic, biomedical systems, national economies, power systems, agriculture and natural resources.Submitted articles may be Survey Papers (extensive reviews of established or emerging research topics or application areas), Papers (detailed discussions involving new research, applications or developments), Brief Papers (brief presentations of new technical concepts and developments), Technical Communiques (new useful ideas and brief pertinent comments of a technical nature), and Correspondence (Letters to the Editor about the journal or to authors commenting on previously published papers. In the latter case, the Editor will give the authors an opportunity to respond). The journal also publishes the following features: Special Issues on the subject of increasing importance, Tutorial Papers, Book Reviews and Software Reviews.Additional information about Automatica, including a list of recently accepted papers, a cumulative table of contents (1963-present) and recent and advance editorials, can be found at the home of the Automatica On-Line Review Management System At this location, papers may also be submitted on-line for possible publication.For more details on the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), visit their home page at
The Journal was founded in 1936, being the first special journal in the area of control. At present the scope of the journal is entirely control theory problems and applications. The journal publishes surveys, original papers, and short communications in the field of control theory (deterministic, stochastic, adaptive, robust formulations) and its applications (computer control, components and instruments, process control, social and economy control, etc.).
• Computer-aided design, product modeling, decision support systems, classification and standardization, product data interchange
• Computer-aided engineering, process simulation models, graphics
• Robotics, metrology, logistics, automated inspection, demolition/remediation
• Facilities management, management information systems, intelligent control systems.
This journal is supported by the following organisations:
Folyóirataink megújult formában a honlapon érhetok el. Elofizetoink minden nyomtatott cikkhez elektronikus formában is hozzáférhetnek, az alábbi szolgáltatásokkal kiegészítve:* Elofizetés, megrendelés* Ingyenes próbahozzáférés folyóiratainkhoz* Egyedi cikkek vásárlása, mellyel csak az Önt érdeklo publikációért fizet* Továbbfejlesztett keresési lehetoség, amely az absztraktot, illetve a teljes szöveget böngészi* E-mail értesítés az Önt érdeklo újdonságok, füzetek, cikkek megjelenésérol* Közvetlen linkelési lehetoség kedvenc cikkeihez.
Aviation has been published since 1996, and is the international research journal of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University . It is a joint issue of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, National Aviation University, Warsaw University of Technology, Riga Technical University, Azerbaijan National Aviation Academy, Brno University of Technology, Estonian Aviation Academy, University of Žilina, Korea Aerospace University and Technical University of Košíce. Papers are published in English.Aviation publishes papers concerning the following fields of research: Aerostructures Air Traffic Management Air Transport Technologies and Development Aircraft Avionics, Systems and Equipment Airports Flight Mechanics Flight Physics History of Aviation Human Factors Integrated Design and Validation (method and tools) PropulsionAviation also publishes: short reports and notes, reviews, reports about conferences and workshopsAll papers published in Aviation are reviewed by members of Editorial Board or by its appointed experts.
The idea to publish a scientific journal of three Baltic countries (Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia) on the issues related to roads and bridges, which was born at the beginning of 2005, was implemented at last. In the first volume of the journal Lithuanian, Latvian and Estonian scientists investigate topical issues of road and bridge construction, repair, maintenance and traffic safety. The journal is the first one in the Baltic countries dealing with the issues mentioned above. We believe that in the future scientists from other foreign countries will become authors of research articles, and the topics of articles will range widely. The periodicity of the journal (4 volumes per year), requires an expeditious and responsible work of the authors, editors and all members of the Editorial Board. On behalf of the Editorial Board I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the Lithuanian and Estonian Road Administrations, the state company “Latvian State Roads“, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Riga Technical University and Tallinn University of Technology as well as the Baltic Road Association for supporting and financing the publication of the journal. I believe that this journal will disseminate the latest scientific findings, theoretical and experimental research on roads and bridges and will be extremely useful for young scientists. I hereby invite You to become active authors, readers and subscribers of the new journal.