IEEE Microwave Magazine includes the current newsletter contents, including the President's message, committee reports, and conference and meeting schedules and reports, of the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society. The magazine also publishes reviewed Tutorial and Application articles as well as book reviews and regular columns.
The IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters (MWCL) publishes four-page papers (3 pages of text + up to 1 page of references) that focus on microwave theory, techniques and applications as they relate to components, devices, circuits, biological effects, and systems involving the generation, modulation, demodulation, control, transmission, and detection of microwave signals. This includes scientific, technical, medical and industrial activities. Microwave theory and techniques relates to electromagnetic waves in the frequency range of a few MHz and a THz; other spectral regions and wave types are included within the scope of the MWCL whenever basic microwave theory and techniques can yield useful results. Generally, this occurs in the theory of wave propagation in structures with dimensions comparable to a wavelength, and in the related techniques for analysis and design.
IEEE MultiMedia contains technical information covering a broad range of issues in multimedia systems and applications. Articles discuss research as well as advanced practice in hardware/software and are expected to span the range from theory to working systems. Especially encouraged are papers discussing experiences with new or advanced systems and subsystems. To avoid unnecessary overlap with existing publications, acceptable papers must have a significant focus on aspects unique to multimedia systems and applications. These aspects are likely to be related to the special needs of multimedia information compared to other electronic data, for example, the size requirements of digital media and the importance of time in the representation of such media. The following list is not exhaustive, but is representative of the topics that are covered: Hardware and software for media compression, coding & processing; Media representations & standards for storage, editing, interchange, transmission & presentation; Hardware platforms supporting multimedia applications; Operating systems suitable for multimedia applications; Storage devices & technologies for multimedia information; Network technologies, protocols, architectures & delivery techniques intended for multimedia; Synchronization issues; Multimedia databases; Formalisms for multimedia information systems & applications; Programming paradigms & languages for multimedia; Multimedia user interfaces; Media creation integration editing & management; Creation & modification of multimedia applications. The primary goal of the magazine is to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners to present new findings and discuss experiences with multimedia systems and applications. In addition, the magazine keeps readers informed of the state of the art in the multimedia arena, including technical trends and research directions.
As currently defined, IEEE Network covers the following areas: 1. network protocols and architectures, 2. Protocol design and validation, 3. Communication software and its development and test, 4. Network control and signalling, 5. network management, 6. Practical network implementations including local area networks, (LANs), metropolitan area networks (MANs), and wide area networks, (WANs), 7. Switching and processing in integrated (voice/data) networks and network components, 8. Micro-to-host communication.
IEEE Pervasive Computing explores the role of computing in the physical world–as characterized by visions such as the Internet of Things and Ubiquitous Computing. Designed for researchers, practitioners, and educators, this publication acts as a catalyst for realizing the ideas described by Mark Weiser in 1988. The essence of this vision is the creation of environments saturated with sensing, computing, and wireless communication that gracefully support the needs of individuals and society. Many key building blocks for this vision are now viable commercial technologies: wearable and handheld computers, wireless networking, location sensing, Internet of Things platforms, and so on. However, the vision continues to present deep challenges for experts in areas such as hardware design, sensor networks, mobile systems, human-computer interaction, industrial design, machine learning, data science, and societal issues including privacy and ethics. Through special issues, the magazine explores applications in areas such as assisted living, automotive systems, cognitive assistance, hardware innovations, ICT4D, manufacturing, retail, smart cities, and sustainability. In addition, the magazine accepts peer-reviewed papers of wide interest under a general call, and also features regular columns on hot topics and interviews with luminaries in the field.
Breakthroughs in the generation of light and in its control and utilization have given rise to the field of Photonics, a rapidly expanding area of science and technology with major technological and economic impact. Photonics integrates quantum electronics and optics to accelerate progress in the generation of novel photon sources and in their utilization in emerging applications at the micro and nano scales spanning from the far-infrared/THz to the x-ray region of the electromagnetic spectrum. IEEE Photonics Journal is an online-only journal dedicated to the rapid disclosure of top-quality peer-reviewed research at the forefront of all areas of photonics. Contributions addressing issues ranging from fundamental understanding to emerging technologies and applications are within the scope of the Journal. The Journal includes topics in: Photon sources from far infrared to X-rays, Photonics materials and engineered photonic structures, Integrated optics and optoelectronic, Ultrafast, attosecond, high field and short wavelength photonics, Biophotonics, including DNA photonics, Nanophotonics, Magnetophotonics, Fundamentals of light propagation and interaction; nonlinear effects, Optical data storage, Fiber optics and optical communications devices, systems, and technologies, Micro Opto Electro Mechanical Systems (MOEMS), Microwave photonics, Optical Sensors.
This journal is 100% open access, which means that all content is freely available without charge to users or their institutions. All articles accepted after 12 June 2019 are published under a CC BY 4.0 license*, and the author retains copyright. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, as long as proper attribution is given.
Open access is provided through the payment of an article processing charge (APC) paid after acceptance. APCs are often financed by an author's institution or the funder supporting their research.
*Articles accepted before 12 June 2019 were published under a CC BY 3.0 or the IEEE Open Access Publishing Agreement license. Questions about copyright policies or reuse rights may be directed to the IEEE Intellectual Property Rights Office at +1-732-562-3966 or
The articles in this journal are peer reviewed in accordance with the requirements set forth in the IEEE PSPB Operations Manual (sections 8.2.1.C & 8.2.2.A). Each published article was reviewed by a minimum of two independent reviewers using a single-blind peer review process, where the identities of the reviewers are not known to the authors, but the reviewers know the identities of the authors. Articles will be screened for plagiarism before acceptance.
Corresponding authors from low-income countries are eligible for waived or reduced APCs.
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters addresses all aspects of the IEEE Photonics Society Constitutional Field of Interest with emphasis on photonic/lightwave components and applications, laser physics and systems and laser/electro-optics technology. Examples of subject areas for the above areas of concentration are integrated optic and optoelectronic devices, high-power laser arrays (e.g. diode, CO2), free electron lasers, solid, state lasers, laser materials' interactions and femtosecond laser techniques. The letters journal publishes engineering, applied physics and physics oriented papers. Emphasis is on rapid publication of timely manuscripts. A goal is to provide a focal point of quality engineering-oriented papers in the electro-optics field not found in other rapid-publication journals.
IEEE Potentials is the magazine dedicated to undergraduate and graduate students and young professionals. IEEE Potentials explores career strategies, the latest in research, and important technical developments. Through its articles, it also relates theories to practical applications, highlights technology's global impact and generates international forums that foster the sharing of diverse ideas about the profession.
IEEE Power Electronics magazine publishes peer-reviewed articles related to power electronics and its applications which encompass the effective use of electronic components, application of control theory and circuit design techniques, and the development of analytical tools used in efficient and effective energy conversion, control, utilization, and conditioning of electric power.
IEEE Power Electronics Magazine is limited to the field of interest of the IEEE Power Electronics Society. Topics also include publication of new trend technologies that are being pursued by industry, design practices and case studies, significant amount of state of the art surveys tutorials, and non-technical contributions: news about society activities, interviews, and historical articles.
Membership in IEEE's technical societies provides access to top-quality publications such as this one either as a member benefit or via discounted subscriptions. The electronic version of this publication is available for purchase by both members and customers.
IEEE Power & Energy Magazine is dedicated to disseminating information on all matters of interest to electric power engineers and other professionals involved in the electric power industry with a focus on advanced concepts, technologies, and practices associated with all aspects of electric power from a technical perspective in synergy with nontechnical areas such as business, environmental, and social concerns. IEEE Power & Energy Magazine keeps its readers up-to-date on the latest technological advancements, industry news, business trends and strategies, products, and publications. Important newsworthy items concerning the worldwide activities and achievements of IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES), its organizational units, and its individual members are also included.
IEEE Pulse covers both general and technical articles on current technologies and methods used in biomedical and clinical engineering; societal implications of medical technologies; current news items; book reviews; patent descriptions; and correspondence. Special interest departments, students, law, clinical engineering, ethics, new products, society news, historical features and government.
Indexed in Pubmed® and Medline®, products of the United States National Laboratory of Medicine
The IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering reviews the state-of-the-art and trends in the emerging field of biomedical engineering. This includes scholarly works, ranging from historic and modern development in biomedical engineering to the life sciences and medicine enabled by technologies covered by the various IEEE societies.
IEEE-RITA covers technological applications and research in education including design and research in new learning tools that focus on teaching and learning. The scope includes learning applications, methods, materials and new experiences as they relate to engineering learning. The journal maintains a consistent focus on the IEEE environment inside Electrical Engineering, Electronic Technology, Telecommunications and Computer Science. Main areas include technological applications and research in Education covering the design and research in new learning tools, techniques and materials that focus on teaching and learning as well as learning applications, methods and materials and new experiences of engineering learning, always focusing on the teaching/learning of the IEEE fields inside Electrical Engineering, Electronic Technology, Telecommunications and Computer Science and Engineering.
The IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L) publishes peer-reviewed articles that provide a timely and concise account of innovative research ideas and application results, reporting significant theoretical findings and application case studies in areas of robotics and automation.
IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine is a unique technology publication which is peer-reviewed, readable and substantive. The Magazine is a forum for articles which fall between the academic and theoretical orientation of scholarly journals and vendor sponsored trade publications. IEEE Transactions on Robotics and IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering publish advances in theory and experiment that underpin the science of robotics and automation. The Magazine complements these publications and seeks to present new scientific results to the practicing engineer through a focus on working systems and emphasizing creative solutions to real-world problems and highlighting implementation details. The Magazine publishes regular technical articles that undergo a peer review process overseen by the Magazine's associate editors; special issues on important and emerging topics in which all articles are fully reviewed but managed by guest editors; tutorial articles written by leading experts in their field; and regular columns on topics including education, industry news, IEEE RAS news, technical and regional activity and a calendar of events.
IEEE Security & Privacy’s primary objective is to stimulate and track advances in security, privacy, and dependability and present these advances in a form that can be useful to a broad cross-section of the professional community—ranging from academic researchers to industry practitioners. It provides articles with both a practical and research bent by the top thinkers in the field of security and privacy, along with case studies, surveys, tutorials, columns, and in-depth interviews and podcasts for the information security industry.
Through special issues, the magazine explores other timely aspects of privacy in areas such as usable security, the Internet of Things, cloud computing, cryptography, and big data. Other popular topics include software, hardware, network, and systems security, privacy-enhancing technologies, data analytics for security and privacy, wireless/mobile and embedded security, security foundations, security economics, privacy policies, integrated design methods, sociotechnical aspects, and critical infrastructure. In addition, the magazine accepts peer-reviewed articles of wide interest under a general call, and also features regular columns on hot topics and interviews with luminaries in the field.
According to the IEEE Sensors Council's constitution, "The fields of interest of the Council and its activities shall be the theory, design, fabrication, manufacturing and application of devices for sensing and transducing physical, chemical, and biological phenomena, with emphasis on the electronics and physics aspects of sensors and integrated sensor-actuators." The IEEE Sensors Journal focuses on the numerous sensor technologies spanned by the IEEE, and on emerging sensor technologies.
The IEEE Signal Processing Letters is a monthly, archival publication designed to provide rapid dissemination of original, cutting-edge ideas and timely, significant contributions in signal, image, speech, language and audio processing.
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine publishes tutorial-style articles on signal processing research and applications, as well as columns and forums on issues of interest. Its coverage ranges from fundamental principles to practical implementation, reflecting the multidimensional facets of interests and concerns of the community. Its mission is to bring up-to-date, emerging and active technical developments, issues, and events to the research, educational, and professional communities. It is also the main society communication platform addressing important issues concerning all members.
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