This Journal is devoted to the advancement of the science and technology of astronautics and aeronautics through the dissemination of original archival research papers disclosing new theoretical developments and/or experimental results. The topics include aeroacoustics, aerodynamics, combustion, fundamentals of propulsion, fluid mechanics and reacting flows, fundamental aspects of the aerospace environment, hydrodynamics, lasers and associated phenomena, plasmas, research instrumentation and facilities, structural mechanics and materials, optimization, and thermomechanics and thermochemistry. Papers also are sought which review in an intensive manner the results of recent research developments on any of the topics listed above.
Acta Astronautica is sponsored by the International Academy of Astronautics. Content is based on original contributions in all fields of basic, engineering, life and social space sciences and of space technology related to:The peaceful scientific exploration of space,Its exploitation for human welfare and progressConception, design, development and operation of space-borne and Earth-based systemsIn addition to regular issues, the journal publishes selected proceedings of the annual International Astronautical Congress (IAC), transactions of the IAA and special issues on topics of current interest, such as microgravity, space station technology, geostationary orbits, and space economics. Other subject areas include satellite technology, space transportation and communications, space energy, power and propulsion, astrodynamics, extraterrestrial intelligence and Earth observations.For more information on the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA), visit their home page: Members of the IAA are eligible for a discount on a personal subscription to Acta Astronautica. Please click here to download an order form.
The COSPAR publication Advances in Space Research (ASR) is an open journal covering all areas of space research including: space studies of the Earth's surface, meteorology, climate, the Earth-Moon system, planets and small bodies of the solar system, upper atmospheres, ionospheres and magnetospheres of the Earth and planets including reference atmospheres, space plasmas in the solar system, astrophysics from space, materials sciences in space, life sciences as related to space, fundamental physics in space, space debris, space weather, earth observations of space phenomena, etc.All submissions are reviewed by two scientists in the field. COSPAR is an interdisciplinary scientific organization concerned with the progress of space research on an international scale. Operating under the rules of ICSU, COSPAR ignores political considerations and considers all questions solely from the scientific viewpoint.Editor-in-Chief: J. LastovickaView full editorial boardSpace Research Today (SRT) COSPAR's information bulletin, provides COSPAR Associates and subscribers to Advances in Space Research with special guest articles on current topics in space research by practitioners in the field, regular information on meetings, COSPAR and space research-related news, information on COSPAR committees and activities, on scientific activities of interest, including launch lists, profiles of key personnel and letters from the community. Space Research Today is issued three times each year, in April, August and December. The August issue in odd numbered years includes the Call for Papers for the Scientific Assembly of the following year. Thus, Space Research Today is a key tool in communication of information within the COSPAR community. Everyone is invited to contribute articles, letters, news or images of interest. These should be sent to the General Editor.The SRT editorial team is:• General Editor - Professor Richard A. Harrison; Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK• Executive Editor - Ms Leigh Fergus Swan• Editorial Team - Dr Jean-Louis Fellous, Dr Mariano Mendez, Dr Dan Reisenfeld, Professor Yohsuke Kamide
aerodynamics, plasmas, aeroacoustics, flight mechanics, airport design
Aerospace Science and Technology publishes articles of outstanding scientific quality. Each article is reviewed by two referees. The journal welcomes papers from a wide range of countries. This journal publishes original papers, review articles and short communications related to all fields of aerospace research, fundamental and applied, potential applications of which are clearly related to:• The design and the manufacture of aircraft, helicopters, missiles, launchers and satellites• The control of their environment• The study of various systems they are involved in, as supports or as targets.Authors are invited to submit papers on new advances in the following topics to aerospace applications:• Fluid dynamics• Energetics and propulsion• Materials and structures• Flight mechanics• Navigation, guidance and control• Acoustics• Optics• Electromagnetism and radar• Signal and image processing• Information processing• Data fusion• Decision aid• Human behaviour• Robotics and intelligent systems• Complex system engineering.Targeted aerospace applications in the above topics include the following:• Air vehicle engineering• Space vehicle and satellite engineering• Environment• Air defence systems• Aerial recognition and defence• Aerospace contribution to C4ISR systems• Aerospace science in Network Centric Warfare• Aerospace electronic warfare• Air transport systems• Air Traffic Management• Earth observation• Aerospace communications• Instrumentation• Test facilities.
The international journal Annals of Solid and Structural Mechanics provides a forum to communicate recent and creative advances dealing with any aspect of mechanics of materials and structures. The journal aims to be a reference and a powerful tool to professionally actives in academic, industrial and governmental communities.Appropriate, high quality contributions are solicited on a wide range of subjects. The scope of the journal includes original papers dealing with mechanical, mathematical, numerical and experimental analysis of structures and structural materials, both taken in the broadest sense.Papers concerned with multi-scale, multi-field and multiple-media problems, including static and dynamic interaction, are welcome.Papers illustrating advanced and innovative applications to structural problems coming from any field of science and engineering, including aerospace, civil, materials, mechanical engineering and living materials and structures will be considered.Special issues on specific topics as well as book reviews will be published from time to time.
Asian-Pacific Economic Literature (APEL) is an essential resource for anyone interested in economic development in the Asia Pacific region. With original articles on topical policy issues, literature surveys, and abstracts, APEL makes it easy for you to keep ahead of the proliferating research on this dynamic and increasingly important region. Read by politicians, journalists, businesspeople, policy-makers, industrialists and academics, APEL avoids technical jargon, and is the only journal devoted to one-stop, in-depth reporting of research on the development of Asian-Pacific economies. Comprehensive coverage of Asian-Pacific economies.
Aviation has been published since 1996, and is the international research journal of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University . It is a joint issue of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, National Aviation University, Warsaw University of Technology, Riga Technical University, Azerbaijan National Aviation Academy, Brno University of Technology, Estonian Aviation Academy, University of Žilina, Korea Aerospace University and Technical University of Košíce. Papers are published in English.Aviation publishes papers concerning the following fields of research: Aerostructures Air Traffic Management Air Transport Technologies and Development Aircraft Avionics, Systems and Equipment Airports Flight Mechanics Flight Physics History of Aviation Human Factors Integrated Design and Validation (method and tools) PropulsionAviation also publishes: short reports and notes, reviews, reports about conferences and workshopsAll papers published in Aviation are reviewed by members of Editorial Board or by its appointed experts.
The CEAS Aeronautical Journal and the CEAS Space Journal were created under the umbrella of CEAS to provide an appropriate platform for excellent scientific publications submitted by scientists and engineers. The German Aerospace Center (DLR) and the European Space Agency (ESA) support the Journals.The CEAS Aeronautical Journal is devoted to publishing new developments and results in all areas of aeronautics-related science and technology. Also of interest are (invited) in-depth reviews of the status of development in specific areas of relevance to aeronautics and descriptions of the potential way forward. The topics of the journal are aeroacoustics, aeroelasticity, air transport system, air traffic management, flight mechanics, flight physics and aerodynamics, propulsion, structures and materials. Reports on new developments in design and manufacturing of aircraft, rotorcraft, missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles are also welcome.The journal publishes peer-reviewed original articles, (invited) reviews and short communications.
The CEAS Space Journal has been created by the Space Branch of the Council of European Aerospace Societies to provide an appropriate platform for excellent scientific publications submitted by scientists and engineers. Under the umbrella of CEAS, the the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and the European Space Agency (ESA) support the Journal.
The journal is devoted to new developments and results in all areas of space-related science and technology, including important spin-off capabilities and applications as well as ground-based support systems and manufacturing advancements. Also of interest are (invited) in-depth reviews of the status of development in specific areas of relevance to space and descriptions of the potential way forward. Typical disciplines of interest include mission design and space systems, satellite communications, physical fluid dynamics, aerothermodynamics, environmental control and life support systems, guidance, navigation and control, mechanisms, propulsion, power, robotics, structures, testing and thermal issues.
The journal publishes peer-reviewed original articles, (invited) reviews and short communications.
The scope of the Journal is considerably wide, including
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The journal Computer Aided Geometric Design is for researchers, scholars, and software developers dealing with mathematical and computational methods for the description of geometric objects as they arise in areas ranging from CAD/CAM to robotics and scientific visualization. The journal publishes original research papers, survey papers and with quick editorial decisions short communications of at most 3 pages. The primary objects of interest are curves, surfaces, and volumes such as splines (NURBS), meshes, subdivision surfaces as well as algorithms to generate, analyze, and manipulate them. This journal will report on new developments in CAGD and its applications, including but not restricted to the following:Mathematical and Geometric FoundationsCurve, Surface, and Volume generationCAGD applications in Numerical Analysis, Computational Geometry, Computer Graphics, or Computer VisionIndustrial, medical, and scientific applicationsThe aim is to collect and disseminate information on computer aided design in one journal. To provide the user community with methods and algorithms for representing curves and surfaces. To illustrate computer aided geometric design by means of interesting applications. To combine curve and surface methods with computer graphics. To explain scientific phenomena by means of computer graphics. To concentrate on the interaction between theory and application. To expose unsolved problems of the practice. To develop new methods in computer aided geometry.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
The Control Theory and Technology publishes high-quality papers on original, theoretical and experimental research and development in the area of systems and control, including all aspects of control theory and its applications. Its function is to provide a forum for domestic, as well as international, scientists and engineers in this field to exchange their knowledge and experiences. Articles for submission may be survey papers, or reviews on well established or newly emerging research topics, techniques, etc.; or regular papers which describe new well developed theoretical results or applications; or brief papers which present new techniques, concepts, perspectives, etc.
Cosmic Research publishes scientific papers covering all subjects of space science and technology, including the following: ballistics, flight dynamics of the Earth's artificial satellites and automatic interplanetary stations; problems of transatmospheric descent; design and structure of spacecraft and scientific research instrumentation; life support systems and radiation safety of manned spacecrafts; exploration of the Earth from space; exploration of near space; exploration of the Sun, planets, secondary planets, and interplanetary medium; exploration of stars, nebulae, interstellar medium, galaxies, and quasars from spacecrafts; and various astrophysical problems related to space exploration. A chronicle of scientific events and other notices concerning the main topics of the Journal is also presented.