International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing (IJCIM) is a journal of new knowledge, reporting research and applications underlining the opportunities and limitations of CIM in today's lifecycle-oriented, knowledge-based era of manufacturing. IJCIM has been enthusiastically received by the international manufacturing community and has become a key forum for academics and industrial researchers to exchange information and ideas. In response to this interest, IJCIM is published eight times a year, which enables the editors to target special issues on topics as diverse as service-oriented architectures, next generation manufacturing systems, wireless manufacturing and digital enterprise technologies, as well as focused issues covering regional research (such as in the EU Framework Programme) and international research programmes and initiatives.
The International Journal of Engine Research publishes only the highest quality original papers on experimental and analytical studies of engine technology.
The International Journal of Impact Engineering, established in 1983, has as its objective the publication of original research findings related to the response of structures, bodies and materials from the exposure to impact and blast events. Pertinent areas encompass the following general topics and those associated with them:Structural impact and failureEnergy absorbing systemsTerminal ballisticsDynamic material behaviour and failureStress wavesStructural crashworthinessBlast loading and its effects on structuresHigh-speed mechanical and forming processesHazards assessments, safety and protection involving impact and blast loadingTesting/measurement techniques coupled with applicationManuscripts submitted for publication will be subjected to stringent peer review and assessed for their contribution to scientific understanding of impact phenomena or fundamental insights gained towards engineering design for high rate loading. Papers concerned primarily with the fields of mathematics, materials science or computation, with little direct relevance to impact and blast dynamics, as well as those of a purely descriptive nature will be declined.. However, well-designed and well-documented experimental studies that advance the body of knowledge are encouraged. Manuscripts that focus on parametric studies (e.g. using commercial software), unaccompanied by convincing validation and discussion of application of results generated, as well as papers on novel computational techniques without comparison with established methods or test data are also not solicited.Papers in the International Journal of Impact Engineering should generally be of interest to aeronautical engineers, civil engineers, mechanical engineers, naval architects, nuclear engineers, ocean engineers, offshore engineers, transportation engineers and workers in other branches of engineering and science who are involved in various aspects of impact and blast loading.Companion papers Authors should aim at submitting manuscripts that can be reviewed on their own, without assuming that preceding or subsequent related manuscripts will be published. Authors of companion papers should inform the Editor of the reasons for publishing their work in multiple parts.
The IJIO is an international venture that aims at full coverage of theoretical and empirical questions in industrial organization. This includes classic questions of strategic behavior and market structure. The journal also seeks to publish articles dealing with technological change, internal organization of firms, regulation, antitrust and productivity analysis. We recognize the need to allow for diversity of perspectives and research styles in industrial organization and we encourage submissions in theoretical work, empirical work, and case studies. The journal will also occasionally publish symposia on topical issues.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
IJRQSE is a refereed journal focusing on both the theoretical and practical aspects of reliability, quality, and safety in engineering. The journal is intended to cover a broad spectrum of issues in manufacturing, computing, software, aerospace, control, nuclear systems, power systems, communication systems, and electronics. Papers are sought in the theoretical domain as well as in such practical fields as industry and laboratory research. The journal is published quarterly, March, June, September and December. It is intended to bridge the gap between the theoretical experts and practitioners in the academic, scientific, government, and business communities. Review articles and case studies are also welcome in addition to innovative works in all key areas of the journal.
The International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control aims to encourage the development of analysis and design techniques for uncertain linear and nonlinear systems. Papers will be particularly welcome that demonstrate the potential for nonlinear or robust controllers in applications through either design studies or real applications experience. The physical modelling, simulation and identification of systems that may be uncertain, or include significant nonlinearities, is of interest. Suitable topics include the use of hybrid or LPV models, multivariable systems and the simplification of models for control design. Papers on the control of large scale or distributed parameter systems are welcome, particularly concentrating on robustness and/or nonlinear issues. Papers are also welcome in the area of feedback design for asymptotic model following and, in general, for coordinated control of multi-agent systems, including consensus and synchronization. The main focus of the journal is on the theory and design of regulating and tracking control systems, but related areas such as linear and nonlinear filtering, condition monitoring and fault estimation are included. The Journal provides a natural forum for papers on the theory and application of robust control design and estimation techniques, including H8 or H2 design, multi-objective optimization and variable structure, or sliding mode control design methods. Papers will also be welcome on methods of improving the robustness of uncertain, or parameter varying systems, using QFT design methods. Papers on linear model based predictive control and algorithms for constrained optimization are encouraged. All aspects of the theory and techniques used in nonlinear control and estimation are also included ranging from gain scheduling to nonlinear predictive control. The development of nonlinear compensation and design methods, such as those using feedback linearization, adaptive back-stepping, exploitation and/or re-design of zero dynamics, Lyapunov based techniques, nonlinear H8 design and iterative learning control, are all of interest. Contributions on numerical algorithms for robust control, using for example linear matrix inequalities, and the problems of real time implementation are also included. Cooperative control, agent based systems, controller tuning and problems of implementation are covered. Modelling and control techniques using neural networks will also be considered. Model based design approaches are encouraged rather than heuristic or rule based design methods, such as fuzzy control.
The aim of this journal is to provide a unique forum for the publication and rapid dissemination of original research on stability and dynamics of structures. Papers that deal with conventional land-based structures, aerospace structures, marine structures, as well as biostructures and micro- and nano-structures are considered. Papers devoted to all aspects of structural stability and dynamics (both transient and vibration response), ranging from mathematical formulations, novel methods of solutions, to experimental investigations and practical applications in civil, mechanical, aerospace, marine, bio- and nano-engineering will be published.The important subjects of structural stability and structural dynamics are placed together in this journal because they share somewhat fundamental elements. In recognition of the considerable research interests and recent proliferation of papers in these subjects, it is hoped that the journal may help bring together papers focused on related subjects, including the state-of-the-art surveys, so as to provide a more effective medium for disseminating the latest developments to researchers and engineers.This journal features a section for technical notes that allows researchers to publish their initial findings or new ideas more speedily. Discussions of papers and concepts will also be published so that researchers can have a vibrant and timely communication with others.
The editor takes the bulk of the financial risks of publishing. The profits go mainly to the broadcaster and distributor of books, which are responsible, to canvass the booksellers and take their orders as well as routing the books to bookstores, to fill orders taken. These operations cost the publisher between 50 and 60% of turnover generated by the book. The rest of sales goes to the author (about 10% share of this figure much lower, around 6% for comic books, and can reach 20% or more for best sellers) and the publisher, who can pay, in addition to its employees (editorial assistants, press officers, charged with manufacture, designer, etc..), the entire work of the book (printers, proofreaders, freelance photographers, possibly librarians, etc.. ). The publisher who coordinates the course of the "book chain" and, often, which also establishes the financial plan incorporating the expected costs and expected gains, as in any business.
To present scientific and technological research results related to the aerospace field, as well as promote an additional source of diffusion and interaction, providing public access to all of its contents, following the principle of making free access to research and generate a greater global exchange of knowledge.