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Coastal Engineering Journal

ISSN: 0578-5634eISSN: 1793-6292

Coastal Engineering Journal is a peer-reviewed medium for the publication of research achievements and engineering practices in the fields of coastal, harbor and offshore engineering. The CEJ editors welcome original papers and comprehensive reviews on waves and currents, sediment motion and morphodynamics, as well as on structures and facilities. Reports on conceptual developments and predictive methods of environmental processes are also published. Topics also include hard and soft technologies related to coastal zone development, shore protection, and prevention or mitigation of coastal disasters. The journal is intended to cover not only fundamental studies on analytical models, numerical computation and laboratory experiments, but also results of field measurements and case studies of real projects.

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Composite Structures

ISSN: 0263-8223eISSN: 1879-1085

The past few decades have seen outstanding advances in the use of composite materials in structural applications. There can be little doubt that, within engineering circles, composites have revolutionised traditional design concepts and made possible an unparalleled range of new and exciting possibilities as viable materials for construction. Composite Structures, an International Journal, disseminates knowledge between users, manufacturers, designers and researchers involved in structures or structural components manufactured using composite materials.

The journal publishes papers which contribute to knowledge in the use of composite materials in engineering structures. Papers deal with design, research and development studies, experimental investigations, theoretical analysis and fabrication techniques relevant to the application of composites in load-bearing components for assemblies, ranging from individual components such as plates and shells to complete composite structures.

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Computational Particle Mechanics

ISSN: 2196-4378eISSN: 2196-4386
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Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering

ISSN: 1093-9687eISSN: 1467-8667

Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering is a scholarly peer-reviewed archival journal intended to act as a bridge between advances being made in computer technology and civil and infrastructure engineering. It provides a unique form for publication of original articles on novel computational techniques and innovative applications of computers. The journal specially focuses on recent advances in computer and information technologies and fosters the development and application of new and emerging computing paradigms and technologies. The scope of the journal includes bridge, construction, environmental, highway, geotechnical, structural, transportation, and water resources engineering, and management of infrastructure systems such as highways, bridges, pavements, airports, and utilities. Areas covered by the journal include artificial intelligence, cognitive modeling, concurrent engineering, database management, distributed computing, evolutionary computing, fuzzy logic, genetic algorithms, geometric modeling, internet-based technologies, knowledge discovery and engineering, machine learning, mobile computing, multimedia technologies, networking, neural network computing, optimization and search, parallel processing, robotics, smart structures, software engineering, virtual reality, and visualization techniques. Types of articles published in the journal include:

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Computers and Structures

ISSN: 0045-7949eISSN: 1879-2243

Computers & Structures publishes advances in the development and use of computational methods for the solution of problems in engineering and the sciences. The range of appropriate contributions is wide, and includes papers on establishing appropriate mathematical models and their numerical solution in all areas of mechanics. The journal also includes articles that present a substantial review of a field in the topics of the journal.With the modern use of computers and numerical methods to model and solve problems, the traditional boundaries between the fields of solid/structural mechanics and fluid mechanics hardly exist any longer, and multiphysics problems are solved that involve all aspects of mechanics. The word 'structures' must therefore now be interpreted in a broad sense including solids, fluids and multiphysics.Computers & Structures publishes papers in these fields that either present novel and quite general techniques, or offer substantial new insights into important methods. If a paper presents novel techniques, some comparison with known advanced methods is necessary. If a paper is to provide substantial new insights into advanced methods, then this can be achieved by strong numerical experiments, some mathematical analysis, and/or comparisons with well-designed physical test data. In either case, the paper must contribute to advancing the state of the art.The focus of Computers & Structures is on having an impact on the practice of simulations in mechanics as found in many industries and research endeavours, including the fields of engineering, such as civil and environmental, mechanical, biomechanical, automotive, aeronautical, and ocean engineering, and including the various fields of the sciences.In these areas, papers are sought on the automatic solution of mathematical models of 'structures' in the broadest sense, possibly including phenomena of multiphysics, multiscale, and uncertainties. Also, papers presenting algorithms for optimization and the simulation of complete life cycles of systems are sought.Established in 1971, and with online submission and review launched in 2006, Computers & Structures is indispensable for researchers and practitioners in academic, governmental and industrial communities.Related Conferences: can be accessed via the links on the right menu bar, under Related websites.

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Construction Innovation

ISSN: 1471-4175eISSN: 1477-0857

A CIB-encouraged journal that publishes papers on a range of multidisciplinary subjects in the field of construction innovation

Construction and Building Materials

ISSN: 0950-0618eISSN: 1879-0526

Construction and Building Materials provides an international forum for the dissemination of research and development in the field of construction and building materials and their application in new works and repair practice. The journal publishes a wide range of research and application papers which describe laboratory and numerical investigations or report on full scale projects.Construction and Building Materials also publishes detailed case studies and review articles, as well as short communications and discussions.The materials and technology covered include: cement, concrete reinforcement, bricks and mortars, additives, corrosion technology, ceramics, timber, steel, polymers, glass fibres, recycled materials and by-products, sealants, adhesives.The scope of Construction and Building Materials includes, but is not restricted to, new works and repair and maintenance of the following: bridges, high-rise buildings, dams, civil engineering structures, silos, highway pavements, tunnels, water containment structures, sewers, roofing, housing, coastal defences.At a time when the pressure is on all engineers, architects and contractors to optimise use of new materials and up-to-date technologies, Construction and Building Materials provides essential information that will help improve efficiency, productivity and competitiveness in world markets. It is therefore vital reading for all professionals and academics involved with research into, or specification of, building materials.Author duties: Acceptance of a manuscript for publication in the journal carries with it an understanding that the author, when requested, will fulfil an obligation to contribute their expertise to the review of others' manuscripts. Authors who are unwilling to assist with the review of a colleague's paper may in extreme cases find that their manuscripts are no longer welcomed for publication in Construction and Building Materials.

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Coupled Systems Mechanics

ISSN: 2234-2184eISSN: 2234-2192
Publisher: Techno Press

Curved and Layered Structures

eISSN: 2353-7396
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Dams and Reservoirs

ISSN: 1368-1494eISSN: 1756-8404
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Drinking Water Engineering and Science

ISSN: 1996-9457eISSN: 1996-9465
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ENR (Engineering News-Record)

ISSN: 0891-9526

Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration

ISSN: 1671-3664eISSN: 1993-503X
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Earthquake and Structures

ISSN: 2092-7614
Publisher: Techno-Press

Ecology and Civil Engineering

ISSN: 1344-3755eISSN: 1882-5974

Electronic Journal of Information Technology in Construction

ISSN: 1400-6529eISSN: 1403-6835

Electronic Journal of Structural Engineering

ISSN: 1443-9255

Energia Elettrica

ISSN: 0013-7308


ISSN: 0360-5442

Energy is an international, multi-disciplinary journal in energy engineering and research. The journal aims to be a leading peer-reviewed platform and an authoritative source of information for analyses, reviews and evaluations related to energy. The journal covers research in mechanical engineering and thermal sciences, with a strong focus on energy analysis, energy modelling and prediction, integrated energy systems, energy planning and energy management. The journal also welcomes papers on related topics such as energy conservation, energy efficiency, biomass and bioenergy, renewable energy, electricity supply and demand, energy storage, energy in buildings, and on economic and policy issues, provided such topics are within the context of the broader multi-disciplinary scope of Energy.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Energy and Buildings

ISSN: 0378-7788eISSN: 1872-6178
Energy and Buildings is an international journal publishing articles with explicit links to energy use in buildings. The aim is to present new research results, and new proven practice aimed at reducing the energy needs of a building and improving indoor environment quality.

Topics covered include:

  • Energy demands and consumption in existing and future buildings - prediction and validation
  • Indoor environment quality, including health and thermal comfort vis-à-vis energy
  • Natural, mechanical and mixed ventilation
  • Air distribution in buildings
  • Application of solar and other renewable energy sources in buildings
  • Energy balances in building complexes (residential, commercial, industrial, public and other buildings)
  • Energy efficiency improvement measures of HVAC&R and other technical systems in residential, commercial, public and industrial buildings, and semi open built spaces
  • Heat recovery systems in buildings
  • Buildings and district heating and cooling
  • Energy conservation in built environment
  • Energy efficient buildings
  • Building physics
  • Energy sustainability, resilience and climate adaptability of buildings
  • Evaluation and control of indoor thermal and lighting systems
  • Building's total performance and intelligent buildings
  • Links between architectural design, mechanical and lighting systems
  • New materials in buildings and their impact on energy demands
  • External and internal design conditions for energy efficient buildings
  • Building envelope materials and structure energy performance
  • Thermal energy storage and thermally active building systems - TABS
  • Energy performance of buildings and modeling predictive control
  • Zero CO2 emission - zero energy and energy plus buildings and their smart grid harmonized operation
  • Residential/municipal energy refurbishment and renovation
  • Life cycle energy efficiency of buildings and embodied energy
  • Architectural structure - construction energy efficiency
  • Energy related aspects of buildings after catastrophic events

Papers with results based on simulations are welcome but those with clear links to laboratory or field measurements are preferred. These links may include calibration, benchmarking, or comparisons of results.
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