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Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal

eISSN: 2215-0986

Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal (JESTECH) (formerly Technology), a peer-reviewed quarterly engineering journal, publishes both theoretical and experimental high quality papers of permanent interest, not previously published in journals, in the field of engineering and applied science which aims to promote the theory and practice of technology and engineering. In addition to peer-reviewed original research papers, the Editorial Board welcomes original research reports, state-of-the-art reviews and communications in the broadly defined field of engineering science and technology.

The scope of JESTECH includes a wide spectrum of subjects including

Electrical/Electronics and Computer Engineering (Biomedical Engineering and Instrumentation; Coding, Cryptography, and Information Protection; Communications, Networks, Mobile Computing and Distributed Systems; Compilers and Operating Systems; Computer Architecture, Parallel Processing, and Dependability; Computer Vision and Robotics; Control Theory; Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas; Embedded Systems; Integrated Circuits, VLSI Design, Testing, and CAD; Microelectromechanical Systems; Microelectronics, and Electronic Devices and Circuits; Power, Energy and Energy Conversion Systems; Signal, Image, and Speech Processing)

Mechanical and Civil Engineering (Automotive Technologies; Biomechanics; Construction Materials; Design and Manufacturing; Dynamics and Control; Energy Generation, Utilization, Conversion, and Storage; Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics; Heat and Mass Transfer; Micro-Nano Sciences; Renewable and Sustainable Energy Technologies; Robotics and Mechatronics; Solid Mechanics and Structure; Thermal Sciences)

Metallurgical and Materials Engineering (Advanced Materials Science; Biomaterials; Ceramic and Inorgnanic Materials; Electronic-Magnetic Materials; Energy and Environment; Materials Characterizastion; Metallurgy; Polymers and Nanocomposites)

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Engineering Solid Mechanics

ISSN: 2291-8752

Engineering Structures

ISSN: 0141-0296eISSN: 1873-7323

Engineering Structures provides a forum for a broad blend of scientific and technical papers to reflect the evolving needs of the structural engineering and structural mechanics communities. Particularly welcome are contributions dealing with applications of structural engineering and mechanics principles in all areas of technology. The journal aspires to a broad and integrated coverage of the effects of dynamic loadings and of the modelling techniques whereby the structural response to these loadings may be computed.The scope of Engineering Structures encompasses, but is not restricted to, the following areas: infrastructure engineering; earthquake engineering; structure-fluid-soil interaction; wind engineering; fire engineering; blast engineering; structural reliability/stability; life assessment/integrity; structural health monitoring; multi-hazard engineering; structural dynamics; optimization; expert systems; experimental modelling; performance-based design; multiscale analysis; value engineering.Topics of interest include: tall buildings; innovative structures; environmentally responsive structures; bridges; stadiums; commercial and public buildings; transmission towers; television and telecommunication masts; cooling towers; plates and shells; suspension structures, smart structures; nuclear reactors; dams; pressure vessels; pipelines; tunnels.Engineering Structures also publishes review articles, short communications and discussions, book reviews, and a diary on international events related to any aspect of structural engineering.

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Engineering Sustainability

ISSN: 1478-4629eISSN: 1751-7680

The ICE Virtual Library hosts all the content from ICE Publishing, the publishing division of the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE).We create innovative products and services for the civil engineering and construction markets. These include books, journals, recruitment and training, as well as best practice, news and networking opportunities around the NEC and Eurocodes.To visit our sister sites click on one of the links below.

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Engineering and Computational Mechanics

ISSN: 1755-0777eISSN: 1755-0785
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Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management

ISSN: 0969-9988eISSN: 1365-232X

CIB-recognised ECAM publishes papers on global research breakthroughs and innovative developments in the design, construction and management of buildings and civil infrastructure projects.

European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering

ISSN: 1964-8189eISSN: 2116-7214

The European Research Area has now become a reality. The prime objective of the EJECE is to fully document advances in European scientific and technical research in the fields of sustainable construction and environmental engineering. In particular regard to the latter, the environmental preservation of natural media (soils and rocks) and the mitigation of soil pollutions, natural and technological risks are now not only major societal challenges, but they are also the source of scientific and technical developments that could be extremely beneficial.Areas covered by the EJECE include rheology of geomaterials (cement, soils, rocks), natural media (muds, snow, ice, etc.) and granular materials, soil-fluid-structure interactions and their coupling with temperature, chemistry (degradation, etc.) and time (durability, ageing, etc.), computation and design of structures and engineering works. The new experimental facilities and measurement tools (metrology and sensors in laboratories and in the field, etc.) and the characterizing of displacement fields and of micro-meso-structures of materials (scanner, tomodensitometer, etc.) give rise to major innovations which concern thus primarily the EJECE . Finally the numerical methods (finite differences, finite elements, discrete elements, particulate methods, etc), which constitute obviously the bases of the modelling and of the computation of structures and engineering works, fall completely in the interest area of the Journal.Furthermore, as issues related to the environment are obviously of a pluridisciplinary nature, contributions based on probability, reliability studies or statistics, geology or geophysics, thermodynamics, physics of divided matter or chemistry of materials are welcome.The Journal has a wide audience that extends from public and private researchers to engineers in research departments or companies, and aspects linked to applications or to normalisation will also be published.

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Facta Universitatis, Series: Mechanical Engineering

ISSN: 0354-2025eISSN: 2335-0164

Fatigue of Aircraft Structures: The Journal of Institute of Aviation

eISSN: 2300-7591
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eISSN: 2079-6439

Fibers (ISSN 2079-6439) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal that publishes original articles, critical reviews, research notes and short communications on the materials science and all other empirical and theoretical studies of fibers, providing a forum for integrating fiber research across many disciplines. Our aim is to encourage scientists to publish their experimental and theoretical results in as much detail as possible. There is no restriction on the length of the papers. The full experimental details must be provided so that the results can be reproduced. Electronic files or software regarding the full details of the calculation and experimental procedure, if unable to be published in a normal way, can be deposited as supplementary material.

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Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering

eISSN: 2095-2449

Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering (Formerly known as Frontiers of Architecture and Civil Engineering in China) seeks to provide a multidisciplinary forum with peer-reviewed papers and case studies in order to promote rapid communication and exchange among scholars, engineers and architects. It introduces and reflects significant and pioneering achievements in the field of structural and civil engineering. The subject areas featured will include some aspects of main branches of civil engineering. Topics include but not restricted to: structural engineering: hydraulic engineering: geotechnical engineering: bridge engineering. All published papers will reflect the original thoughts of researchers and practitioners on basic theories, model, computing, and design in structural and civil engineering. The journal is strictly peer-reviewed and accepts only original submissions in English. 

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Fusion Engineering and Design

ISSN: 0920-3796eISSN: 1873-7196

The journal accepts papers about experiments (both plasma and technology), theory, models, methods, and designs in areas relating to technology, engineering, and applied science aspects of magnetic and inertial fusion energy. Specific areas of interest include: MFE and IFE design studies for experiments and reactors; fusion nuclear technologies and materials, including blankets and shields; analysis of reactor plasmas; plasma heating, fuelling, and vacuum systems; drivers, targets, and special technologies for IFE, controls and diagnostics; fuel cycle analysis and tritium reprocessing and handling; operations and remote maintenance of reactors; safety, decommissioning, and waste management; economic and environmental analysis of components and systems.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Fusion Science and Technology

ISSN: 1536-1055eISSN: 1943-7641
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Geomechanics and Engineering

ISSN: 2005-307XeISSN: 2092-6219

Geomechanics and Tunnelling

ISSN: 1865-7362eISSN: 1865-7389
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Georisk: Assessment and Management of Risk for Engineered Systems and Geohazards

ISSN: 1749-9518eISSN: 1749-9526

Free access to the top ten most downloaded articles in 2009 Free access to editorial 4:3 - Special issue on Risk Assessment in Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental PracticeFree access to editorial 4:1 - Special issue on Geotechnical Safety and Risk Part 2 (Limit-state Design Methodologies)Free access to editorial 3:3 - Special issue on Geotechnical Safety and Risk Part 1 (Geotechnical Risk) Free access to editorial 3:2 - Special issue on Geotechnical Reliability and Design CodesFree access to editorial 2:4 - Special Issue on Early Warning Systems: A Tool for the Mitigation of Risks Associated with Natural Hazards Free access to editorial 1:1 - Inaugural issue of GeoriskGeorisk covers many diversified but interlinked areas of active research and practice, such as geohazards (earthquakes, landslides, avalanches, rockfalls, tsunamis, etc.), safety of engineered systems (dams, buildings, offshore structures, lifelines, etc.), environmental risk, seismic risk, reliability-based design and code calibration, geostatistics, decision analyses, structural reliability, maintenance and life cycle performance, risk and vulnerability, hazard mapping, loss assessment (economic, social, environmental, etc.), GIS databases, remote sensing, and many other related disciplines. The underlying theme is that uncertainties associated with geomaterials (soils, rocks), geologic processes, and possible subsequent treatments, are usually large and complex and these uncertainties play an indispensable role in the risk assessment and management of engineered and natural systems. Significant theoretical and practical challenges remain on quantifying these uncertainties and developing defensible risk management methodologies that are acceptable to decision makers and stakeholders. The basic goal of this international peer-reviewed journal is to provide a multi-disciplinary scientific forum for cross fertilization of ideas between interested parties working on various aspects of georisk to advance the state-of-the-art and the state-of-the-practice. Besides acting as a focused forum and promoting integration between disciplines, other key features of this journal include:Foster dissemination of information between research and practice.Encourage practice-oriented papers.Encourage papers reporting actual statistics with supporting databases.Include occasional educational papers that would enhance the knowledge and understanding of the non-specialist.Include cross-disciplinary papers that illustrate how to reduce societal risk, involving the input/collaboration of social scientists. In consultation with the editors, distinguished members of the georisk community may be invited to serve as guest editors covering focused themes such as natural hazards, dam safety, offshore safety, seismic risk, environmental risk, reliability-based design, geostatistics and probabilistic site characterization, probabilistic finite element methods, case histories, GIS databases, and other related topics.All published research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by independent expert referees.STARTaylor & Francis/Routledge are committed to the widest possible dissemination of its journals to non-profit institutions in developing countries. Our STAR initiative offers individual researchers in Africa, South Asia and many parts of South East Asia the opportunity to gain one month's free online access to 1,300 Taylor & Francis journals. For more information, please visit the STAR website. DisclaimerTaylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 8220;Content8221;) contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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ISSN: 0350-2465eISSN: 1333-9095
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Ground Water Monitoring & Remediation

ISSN: 1069-3629eISSN: 1745-6592

Ground Water Monitoring and Remediationis an indispensable resource for researchers and practitioners in the field. It is a quarterly journal that offers the best in application oriented, fully peer-reviewed papers together with insightful articles from the practitioner's perspective. Each issue features cutting-edge information on treatment technology as well as EPA updates, news briefs, industry announcements, equipment news, professional services, annual directories, and buyer's guides. GWMR plays a unique role in advancing the practice of the groundwater monitoring and remediation field by combining forward thinking academic research with practical solutions from industry leaders.

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eISSN: 2468-0672
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ISSN: 0267-825X
Publisher: Alad Ltd