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IEEE Communications Magazine

ISSN: 0163-6804eISSN: 1558-1896

IEEE Communications Magazine, considered by most to be their most important member benefit, provides timely information on all aspects of communications: monthly feature articles describe technology, systems, services, market trends, development methods, regulatory and policy issues, and significant global events. These articles are complemented by a variety of departments, including: Conference Calendar, Book Reviews, the Global Communications Newsletter, and Scanning the Literature. Articles are tutorial in nature and written in a style comprehensible to readers outside the specialty of the article.

For submission guidelines, please see

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IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials

eISSN: 1553-877X

IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials is an online journal published by the IEEE Communications Society for tutorials and surveys covering all aspects of the communications field. Telecommunications technology is progressing at a rapid pace, and the IEEE Communications Society is committed to providing researchers and other professionals the information and tools to stay abreast.  IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials focuses on integrating and adding understanding to the existing literature on communications, putting results in context. Whether searching for in-depth information about a familiar area or an introduction into a new area, IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials aims to be the premier source of peer-reviewed, comprehensive tutorials and surveys, and pointers to further sources. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials publishes only articles exclusively written for IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials and go through a rigorous review process before their publication in the quarterly issues.
A tutorial article in the IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials should be designed to help the reader to become familiar with and learn something specific about a chosen topic. In contrast, the term survey, as applied here, is defined to mean a survey of the literature. A survey article in IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials should provide a comprehensive review of developments in a selected area, covering its development from its inception to its current state and beyond, and illustrating its development through liberal citations from the literature. Both tutorials and surveys should be tutorial in nature and should be written in a style comprehensible to readers outside the specialty of the article.

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IEEE Control Systems

ISSN: 1066-033X

As the official means of communication for the IEEE Control Systems Society, the IEEE Control Systems Magazine publishes interesting, useful, and informative material on all aspects of control system technology for the benefit of control educators, practitioners, and researchers.

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IEEE Design & Test

ISSN: 2168-2356eISSN: 2168-2364

IEEE Design & Test offers original works describing the models, methods, and tools used to design and test microelectronic systems from devices and circuits to complete systems-on-chip and embedded software. The magazine focuses on current and near-future practice, and includes tutorials, how-to articles, and real-world case studies. The magazine seeks to bring to its readers not only important technology advances but also technology leaders, their perspectives through its columns, interviews, and roundtable discussions. Topics include semiconductor IC design, semiconductor intellectual property blocks, design, verification and test technology, design for manufacturing and yield, embedded software and systems, low-power and energy-efficient design, electronic design automation tools, practical technology, and standards.

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IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine

ISSN: 0883-7554eISSN: 1558-4402

The EI Magazine publishes articles written by authors from industry, research institutes and academia. The articles are more practical in content than the papers published in the Transactions. Usually three articles are published in each issue. The articles deal with dielectric materials, processes and new developments applied to industry products. Also the EI Magazine is used to promote upcoming conferences and solicits papers for the conferences. In addition, reports on past conferences are given in many issues. Book reviews and news items are included. An editorial is written by both the EIC and the President of DEIS in alternate issues. Advertising of insulation products appears in many issues.


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IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Magazine

ISSN: 2162-2264eISSN: 2162-2272

 IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Magazine informs readers of activities in the IEEE EMC Society and educates members via practical technical papers and design tips.


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IEEE Electron Device Letters

ISSN: 0741-3106eISSN: 1558-0563

IEEE Electron Device Letters publishes original and significant contributions relating to the theory, modeling, design, performance and reliability of electron and ion integrated circuit devices and interconnects, involving insulators, metals, organic materials, micro-plasmas, semiconductors, quantum-effect structures, vacuum devices, and emerging materials with applications in bioelectronics, biomedical electronics, computation, communications, displays, microelectromechanics, imaging, micro-actuators, nanoelectronics, optoelectronics, photovoltaics, power ICs and micro-sensors.

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IEEE Engineering Management Review

ISSN: 0360-8581eISSN: 1937-4178

The IEEE Engineering Management Review, the Society's "journal of practice," publishes papers and articles consisting of original content that serves those who manage technology, engineering and innovation (including non-engineers); engineers who hold strategic leadership responsibilities (even if outside of the practice of engineering); and upward-bound engineers with an interest in management as a profession.

Note: EMR Volumes 16-31 (1988-2001) are not currently included in IEEE Xplore.



Note: This publication may contain reprint articles for which IEEE does not hold copyright. Full-text is not available on IEEE Xplore for these articles.

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IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters

ISSN: 1545-598XeISSN: 1558-0571

IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters (GRSL) is a monthly publication for short papers (maximum length 5 pages) addressing new ideas and formative concepts in remote sensing as well as important new and timely results and concepts. Papers should relate to the theory, concepts and techniques of science and engineering as applied to sensing the earth, oceans, atmosphere, and space, and the processing, interpretation, and dissemination of this information. The technical content of papers must be both new and significant. Experimental data must be complete and include sufficient description of experimental apparatus, methods, and relevant experimental conditions. GRSL encourages the incorporation of "extended objects" or "multimedia" such as animations to enhance the shorter papers.

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IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine

ISSN: 1932-4529eISSN: 1941-0115

IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine (IEM) publishes peer-reviewed articles that present emerging trends and practices in industrial electronics product research and development, key insights, and tutorial surveys in the field of interest to the membership of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IEEE/IES). IEM is limited to the scope of the IES which is given as theory and applications of electronics, controls, communications, instrumentation and computational intelligence to industrial and manufacturing systems and processes.

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IEEE Industry Applications Magazine

ISSN: 1077-2618eISSN: 1558-0598

IEEE Industry Applications Magazine publishes articles concerning technical subjects and professional activities that are within the Scope of the IEEE Industry Applications Society (IAS) and are of interest to society members. The information includes but is not limited to articles, product reviews, book reviews, new standards, education information, announcements of conferences, workshops, new publications, committee meetings, and reports of lAS activities. The Magazine communicates Executive Board actions to IAS members as required by the IAS Constitution and By-Laws.


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IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine

ISSN: 1094-6969eISSN: 1941-0123

IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine is a bimonthly publication. It publishes in February, April, June, August, October, and December of each year. The magazine covers a wide variety of topics in instrumentation, measurement, and systems that measure or instrument equipment or other systems. The magazine has the goal of providing readable introductions and overviews of technology in instrumentation and measurement to a wide engineering audience. It does this through articles, tutorials, columns, and departments. Its goal is to cross disciplines to encourage further research and development in instrumentation and measurement.

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IEEE Intelligent Systems

ISSN: 1541-1672eISSN: 1941-1294

IEEE Intelligent Systems serves users, managers, developers, researchers, and purchasers who are interested in intelligent systems and artificial intelligence, with particular emphasis on applications. Typically they are degreed professionals, with backgrounds in engineering, hard science, or business. The publication emphasizes current practice and experience, together with promising new ideas that are likely to be used in the near future. Sample topic areas for feature articles include knowledge-based systems, intelligent software agents, natural-language processing, technologies for knowledge management, machine learning, data mining, adaptive and intelligent robotics, knowledge-intensive processing on the Web, and social issues relevant to intelligent systems. Also encouraged are application features, covering practice at one or more companies or laboratories; full-length product stories (which require refereeing by at least three reviewers); tutorials; surveys; and case studies. Often issues are theme-based and collect articles around a contemporary topic under the auspices of a Guest Editor working with the EIC.

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IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics

ISSN: 2168-2194eISSN: 2168-2208

J-BHI publishes original papers describing recent advances in the field of biomedical and health informatics where information and communication technologies intersect with health, healthcare, life sciences and biomedicine. Papers must contain original content in theoretical analysis, methods, technical development, and/or novel clinical applications of information systems. Topics covered by J-BHI include but are not limited to: acquisition, transmission, storage, retrieval, management, processing and analysis of biomedical and health information; applications of information and communication technologies in the practice of healthcare, public health, patient monitoring, preventive care, early diagnosis of diseases, discovery of new therapies, and patient specific treatment protocols leading to improved outcomes; and the integration of electronic medical and health records, methods of longitudinal data analysis, data mining and discovery tools. Manuscripts may deal with these applications and their integration, such as clinical information systems, decision support systems, medical and biological imaging informatics, wearable systems, body area/sensor networks, informatics in biological and physiological systems, personalized and pervasive health technologies (u-, p-, m- and e-Health), telemedicine, home healthcare and wellness management. Topics related to integration include interoperability, protocol-based patient care, evidence-based medicine, and methods of secure patient data.

Indexed in Pubmed® and Medline®, products of the United States National Laboratory of Medicine


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IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems

ISSN: 2156-3357eISSN: 2156-3365

The IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems publishes special issues covering the entire Field of Interest of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society and with particular focus on emerging areas.

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IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics

ISSN: 2168-6777eISSN: 2168-6785

The aim of the journal is to enable the power electronics community to address the emerging and selected topics in power electronics in an agile fashion. It is a forum where multidisciplinary and discriminating technologies and applications are discussed by and for both practitioners and researchers on timely topics in power electronics from components to systems.

The scope of the journal encompasses selected topics and emerging technologies in power electronics, including components, systems, and processes used in solid-state energy conversion and applications in energy conservation and efficiency

-Solid-state energy conversion includes electronic power conversion systems for mobile, wireless, and other applications; and power conversion systems associated with energy conversion, storage, and interface between electric and non-electric energy conversion, including power converters and drives

-Applications in energy conservation and efficiency include industrial transformation of energy, manufacturing operations, local grid connections, use and management, local generation and co-generation

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IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering

ISSN: 0364-9059eISSN: 1558-1691

The IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering (ISSN 0364-9059) is the online-only quarterly publication of the IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society (IEEE OES). The scope of the Journal is the field of interest of the IEEE OES, which encompasses all aspects of science, engineering, and technology that address research, development, and operations pertaining to all bodies of water. This includes the creation of new capabilities and technologies from concept design through prototypes, testing, and operational systems to sense, explore, understand, develop, use, and responsibly manage natural resources.

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IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics

ISSN: 2156-3381eISSN: 2156-3403

The IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics is a peer-reviewed, archival publication reporting original and significant research results that advance the field of photovoltaics (PV). The PV field is diverse in its science base ranging from semiconductor and PV device physics to optics and the materials sciences. The journal publishes articles that connect this science base to PV science and technology. The intent is to publish original research results that are of primary interest to the photovoltaic specialist.

The scope of the IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics incorporates: fundamentals and new concepts of PV conversion, including those based on nanostructured materials, low-dimensional physics, multiple charge generation, up/down converters, thermophotovoltaics, hot-carrier effects, plasmonics, metamorphic materials, luminescent concentrators, and rectennas; Si-based PV, including new cell designs, crystalline and non-crystalline Si, passivation, characterization and Si crystal growth; polycrystalline, amorphous and crystalline thin-film solar cell materials, including PV structures and solar cells based on II-VI, chalcopyrite, Si and other thin film absorbers; III-V PV materials, heterostructures, multijunction devices and concentrator PV; optics for light trapping, reflection control and concentration; organic PV including polymer, hybrid and dye sensitized solar cells; space PV including cell materials and PV devices, defects and reliability, environmental effects and protective materials; PV modeling and characterization methods; and other aspects of PV, including modules, power conditioning, inverters, balance-of-systems components, monitoring, analyses and simulations, and supporting PV module standards and measurements. Tutorial and review papers on these subjects are also published and occasionally special issues are published to treat particular areas in more depth and breadth.

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IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics

ISSN: 0018-9197eISSN: 1558-1713

The IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics is dedicated to the publication of manuscripts reporting novel experimental or theoretical results in the broad field of the science and technology of quantum electronics. The Journal comprises original contributions, both regular papers and letters, describing significant advances in the understanding of quantum electronics phenomena or the demonstration of new devices, systems, or applications. Manuscripts reporting new developments in systems and applications must emphasize quantum electronics principles or devices. The scope of JQE encompasses the generation, propagation, detection, and application of coherent electromagnetic radiation having wavelengths below one millimeter (i.e., in the submillimeter, infrared, visible, ultraviolet, etc., regions). Whether the focus of a manuscript is a quantum-electronic device or phenomenon, the critical factor in the editorial review of a manuscript is the potential impact of the results presented on continuing research in the field or on advancing the technological base of quantum electronics.

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IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics

ISSN: 1077-260XeISSN: 1558-4542

Papers published in the IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics fall within the broad field of science and technology of quantum electronics of a device, subsystem, or system-oriented nature. Each issue is devoted to a specific topic within this broad spectrum. Announcements of the topical areas planned for future issues, along with deadlines for receipt of manuscripts, are published in this Journal and in the IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics. Generally, the scope of manuscripts appropriate to this Journal is the same as that for the IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics. Manuscripts are published that report original theoretical and/or experimental research results that advance the scientific and technological base of quantum electronics devices, systems, or applications. The Journal is dedicated toward publishing research results that advance the state of the art or add to the understanding of the generation, amplification, modulation, detection, waveguiding, or propagation characteristics of coherent electromagnetic radiation having sub-millimeter and shorter wavelengths. In order to be suitable for publication in this Journal, the content of manuscripts concerned with subject-related research must have a potential impact on advancing the technological base of quantum electronic devices, systems, and/or applications. Potential authors of subject-related research have the responsibility of pointing out this potential impact. System-oriented manuscripts must be concerned with systems that perform a function previously unavailable or that outperform previously established systems that did not use quantum electronic components or concepts. Tutorial and review papers are by invitation only.

Call for Papers

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