IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC) publishes archival research results focusing on research into foundations, methodologies, and mechanisms that support the achievement–through design, modeling, and evaluation–of systems and networks that are dependable and secure to the desired degree without compromising performance. The focus also includes measurement, modeling, and simulation techniques, and foundations for jointly evaluating, verifying, and designing for performance, security, and dependability constraints.
Topics include, but are not limited to, the following: View TDSC topics.
The scope of the publication includes, but is not limited to Reliability of: Devices, Materials, Processes, Interfaces, Integrated Microsystems (including MEMS & Sensors), Transistors, Technology (CMOS, BiCMOS, etc.), Integrated Circuits (IC, SSI, MSI, LSI, ULSI, ELSI, etc.), Thin Film Transistor Applications. The measurement and understanding of the reliability of such entities at each phase, from the concept stage through research and development and into manufacturing scale-up, provides the overall database on the reliability of the devices, materials, processes, package and other necessities for the successful introduction of a product to market. This reliability database is the foundation for a quality product, which meets customer expectation. A product so developed has high reliability. High quality will be achieved because product weaknesses will have been found (root cause analysis) and designed out of the final product. This process of ever increasing reliability and quality will result in a superior product. In the end, reliability and quality are not one thing; but in a sense everything, which can be or has to be done to guarantee that the product successfully performs in the field under customer conditions. Our goal is to capture these advances. An additional objective is to focus cross fertilized communication in the state of the art of reliability of electronic materials and devices and provide fundamental understanding of basic phenomena that affect reliability. In addition, the publication is a forum for interdisciplinary studies on reliability. An overall goal is to provide leading edge/state of the art information, which is critically relevant to the creation of reliable products.
The IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation (TDEI) publishes articles on dielectric phenomena and measurements to analyze these phenomena; development and characterization of vacuum, gaseous, liquid, and solid dielectrics and electrical insulating components of systems; investigation of dielectric properties for innovative use including functional dielectrics; diagnostic and prognostic methods with a primary focus on the behavior and properties of the electrical insulation in devices under operational stresses. The description of diagnostic methods without a primary link to the dielectric phenomena studied does not belong in these Transactions.
The IEEE Transactions on Education (ToE) publishes significant and original scholarly contributions to education in electrical and electronics engineering, computer engineering, computer science, and other fields within the scope of interest of IEEE. Contributions must address discovery, integration, and/or application of knowledge in education in these fields. Articles must support contributions and assertions with compelling evidence and provide explicit, transparent descriptions of the processes through which the evidence is collected, analyzed, and interpreted. While characteristics of compelling evidence cannot be described to address every conceivable situation, generally assessment of the work being reported must go beyond student self-report and attitudinal data.
IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility publishes original and significant contributions related to all disciplines of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and relevant methods to predict, assess and prevent electromagnetic interference (EMI) and increase device/product immunity. The scope of the publication includes, but is not limited to Electromagnetic Environments; Interference Control; EMC and EMI Modeling; High Power Electromagnetics; EMC Standards, Methods of EMC Measurements; Computational Electromagnetics and Signal and Power Integrity, as applied or directly related to Electromagnetic Compatibility problems; Transmission Lines; Electrostatic Discharge and Lightning Effects; EMC in Wireless and Optical Technologies; EMC in Printed Circuit Board and System Design.
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices publishes original and significant contributions relating to the theory, modeling, design, performance and reliability of electron and ion integrated circuit devices and interconnects, involving insulators, metals, organic materials, micro-plasmas, semiconductors, quantum-effect structures, vacuum devices, and emerging materials with applications in bioelectronics, biomedical electronics, computation, communications, displays, microelectromechanics, imaging, micro-actuators, nanoelectronics, optoelectronics, photovoltaics, power ICs and micro-sensors. Tutorial and review papers on these subjects are also published and occasional special issues appear to present a collection of papers which treat particular areas in more depth and breadth.
The IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion publishes both research and application-oriented articles dealing with the development, design, operation, modeling, analysis, diagnostics and control of electrical equipment used to convert any kind of energy (such as mechanical, chemical and solar) into electrical energy and vice versa. Any electric power generating apparatus based on fossil, renewable, nuclear or unconventional sources and used for either centralized or distributed generation systems is of interest for the journal. The scope also includes any kind of equipment used to convert electric into mechanical power, such as electric drives, machinery and actuators. Electrical energy storage and electrical energy production from storage are covered. Power electronics and control should not be the primary research contribution of the papers. They are of interest only when they are part of the energy conversion process being described, such as power electronics converters treated as a part of electric drives, or grid interfaces for electric power generation or electric energy storage devices.
Management of technical functions such as research, development, and engineering in industry, government, university, and other settings. Emphasis is on studies carried on within an organization to help in decision making or policy formation for RD&E.
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (TGRS) is a monthly publication that focuses on the theory, concepts, and techniques of science and engineering as applied to sensing the land, oceans, atmosphere, and space; and the processing, interpretation, and dissemination of this information.
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics is published monthly. Its scope encompasses the applications of electronics, controls and communications, instrumentation and computational intelligence for the enhancement of industrial and manufacturing systems and processes. Included are power electronics and drive control techniques, system control and signal processing, fault detection and diagnosis, power systems, instrumentation, measurement and testing, modeling and simulation, motion control, robotics, sensors and actuators, implementation of neural nets, fuzzy logic, and artificial intelligence in industrial systems, factory automation, communication, and computer networks.
Knowledge in the IST (Information Society Technologies) field envisions a technology bifurcation in the field of intelligent automation systems and real-time middle-ware technologies in the next 5-10 years. This technology bifurcation extends networked embedded intelligence at the real-time production control and re-scheduling levels further than is currently possible, allowing for a completely new range of intelligent automation products and services. Such products and services enables new paradigms of production and new concepts of product-services and new intelligent production automation concepts, which are more agile, flexible and integrated, based on agent-based technology. The scope of the journal considers the industry’s transition towards more knowledge-based production and systems organization and considers production from a more holistic perspective, encompassing not only hardware and software, but also people and the way in which they learn and share knowledge. Such a framework accommodates ideas related to: radical shifts in industrial structures with capabilities in networks and mastering; new hybrid technologies; development of new processes and devices and flexible and intelligent manufacturing systems; tools for the control of complex distributed production systems; realization of an ambient intelligence landscape at industrial level. The journal focuses on the following main topics: Flexible, collaborative factory automation, Distributed industrial control and computing paradigms, Internet-based monitoring and control systems, Real-time control software for industrial processes, Java and Jini in industrial environments, Control of wireless sensors and actuators, Systems interoperability and human machine interface.
The scope of the IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications includes all scope items of the IEEE Industry Applications Society, that is, the advancement of the theory and practice of electrical and electronic engineering in the development, design, manufacture, and application of electrical systems, apparatus, devices, and controls to the processes and equipment of industry and commerce; the promotion of safe, reliable, and economic installations; industry leadership in energy conservation and environmental, health, and safety issues; the creation of voluntary engineering standards and recommended practices; and the professional development of its membership.
Papers are sought that address innovative solutions to the development and use of electrical and electronic instruments and equipment to measure, monitor and/or record physical phenomena for the purpose of advancing measurement science, methods, functionality and applications. The scope of these papers may encompass: (1) theory, methodology, and practice of measurement; (2) design, development and evaluation of instrumentation and measurement systems and components used in generating, acquiring, conditioning and processing signals; (3) analysis, representation, display, and preservation of the information obtained from a set of measurements; and (4) scientific and technical support to establishment and maintenance of technical standards in the field of Instrumentation and Measurement.
Science and technology related to the basic physics and engineering of magnetism, magnetic materials, applied magnetics, magnetic devices, and magnetic data storage. The IEEE Transactions on Magnetics publishes scholarly articles of archival value as well as tutorial expositions and critical reviews of classical subjects and topics of current interest.
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging (T-MI) encourages the submission of manuscripts on imaging of body structure, morphology and function, including cell and molecular imaging and all forms of microscopy. The journal publishes original contributions on medical imaging achieved by modalities including ultrasound, X-rays, magnetic resonance, radionuclides, microwaves, and optical methods. Contributions describing novel acquisition techniques, medical image processing and analysis, visualization and performance, pattern recognition, machine learning, and related methods are encouraged. Studies involving highly technical perspectives are most welcome.
The focus of the journal is on unifying the sciences of medicine, biology, and imaging. It emphasizes the common ground where instrumentation, hardware, software, mathematics, physics, biology, and medicine interact through new analysis methods. Strong application papers that describe novel methods are particularly encouraged. Papers describing important applications based on medically adopted and/or established methods without significant innovation in methodology will be directed to other journals.
Indexed in Pubmed® and Medline®, products of the United States National Library of Medicine
The IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques focuses on that part of engineering and theory associated with microwave/millimeter-wave components, devices, circuits, and systems involving the generation, modulation, demodulation, control, transmission, and detection of microwave signals. This includes scientific, technical, and industrial, activities. Microwave theory and techniques relates to electromagnetic waves usually in the frequency region between a few MHz and a THz; other spectral regions and wave types are included within the scope of the Society whenever basic microwave theory and techniques can yield useful results. Generally, this occurs in the theory of wave propagation in structures with dimensions comparable to a wavelength, and in the related techniques for analysis and design.
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing focuses on the key technical issues related to (a) architectures, (b) support services, (c) algorithm/protocol design and analysis, (d) mobile environments, (e) mobile communication systems, (f) applications, and (g) emerging technologies. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following: a) Architectures - Mobile networks and hosts, Agents and proxies, Mobility management, mobile agent and proxy architectures Integrated wireline and wireless systems, Planning and standardization. b) Support Services - Mobility and roaming, Nomadic computing, Multimedia Operating system support, Power management. c) Algorithm/Protocol Design and Analysis - Online and mobile environments, Limited bandwidth, Intermittent connectivity. d) Mobile Environments - Data and knowledge management, Performance modeling and characterization, Security, scalability and reliability, Design, management and operation, Systems and technologies. e) Mobile Communication Systems - Wireless, cellular and spread-spectrum systems, Multi-user and multi-access techniques and algorithms, Multi-channel processing, Channel coding, Data coding and compression. f) Applications - Location-dependent and sensitive, Nomadic computing, Wearable computers and body area networks, Multimedia applications and multimedia signal processing, Pervasive computing, Wireless sensor networks. g) Emerging Technologies.
As a result of recent advances in MEMS/NEMS and systems biology, as well as the emergence of synthetic bacteria and lab/process-on-a-chip techniques, it is now possible to design chemical “circuits”, custom organisms, micro/nanoscale swarms of devices, and a host of other new systems. This success opens up a new frontier for interdisciplinary communications techniques using chemistry, biology, and other principles that have not been considered in the communications literature. The IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological, and Multi-Scale Communications (T-MBMSC) is devoted to the principles, design, and analysis of communication systems that use physics beyond classical electromagnetism. This includes molecular, quantum, and other physical, chemical and biological techniques; as well as new communication techniques at small scales or across multiple scales (e.g., nano to micro to macro; note that strictly nanoscale systems, 1-100 nm, are outside the scope of this journal). Original research articles on one or more of the following topics are within scope: mathematical modeling, information/communication and network theoretic analysis, standardization and industrial applications, and analytical or experimental studies on communication processes or networks in biology. Contributions on related topics may also be considered for publication. Contributions from researchers outside the IEEE’s typical audience are encouraged.
The scope of the Periodical is the various aspects of research in multimedia technology and applications of multimedia, including, but not limited to, circuits, networking, signal processing, systems, software, and systems integration, as represented by the Fields of Interest of the sponsors.
The IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience reports on original, innovative, and interdisciplinary research, both fundamental and applied, focusing on nano- to micro-scale biological systems. The journal invites contributions describing advances in bio-science, -technology, and -engineering, from biomolecular to multi-cellular domains, concerning their physics (e.g., mechanics, materials, electromagnetism); their chemistry (e.g., DNA, proteins, biochemical pathways); or their information storage and processing (e.g., biological signals, algorithms, and computation).
Indexed in Pubmed® and Medline®, products of the United States National Laboratory of Medicine