Published bimonthly, the Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing provides a unique international forum for developers of intelligent manufacturing systems. By publishing quality refereed papers on the application of artificial intelligence in manufacturing, the Journal provides a vital link between the research community and practitioners in industry.In addition to research papers, the Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing features articles on new methodologies and developments, case studies, surveys, and tutorials on topics related to product design, manufacturing, and service systems. Papers in emerging areas such as biomanufacturing, nanotechnology, and energy are welcome. Periodically special issues on topics of interest to the readership are published.Officially cited as: J Intell Manuf
The Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems bridges the gap between theory and practice in all areas of intelligent systems and robotics. It publishes original, peer reviewed contributions from initial concept and theory to prototyping to final product development and commercialization. On the theoretical side, the journal features papers focusing on intelligent systems engineering, distributed intelligence systems, multi-level systems, intelligent control, multi-robot systems, cooperation and coordination of unmanned vehicle systems, etc. On the application side, the journal emphasizes autonomous systems, industrial robotic systems, multi-robot systems, aerial vehicles, mobile robot platforms, underwater robots, sensors, sensor-fusion, and sensor-based control. Readers will also find papers on real applications of intelligent and robotic systems (e.g., mechatronics, manufacturing, biomedical, underwater, humanoid, mobile/legged robot and space applications, etc.).
Loss Prevention is concerned with process and plant design; plant layout; hazard analysis, accident and loss; plant commissioning and inspection; plant operation; maintenance and modification; process control and monitoring; design of protective systems; equipment design and reliability; use of computer systems in loss prevention; operational management and training aspects; accident analysis; emergency planning; transport and offshore; hazards assessment.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
The journal is devoted to advances in machine design: CAD/CAM: experimental mechanics of machines, machine life expectancy, and reliability studies: machine dynamics and kinematics: vibration, acoustics, and stress/strain: wear resistance engineering: real-time machine operation diagnostics: robotic systems: new materials and manufacturing processes, etc.
Manufacturing is undergoing major transformation due to the unforeseen challenges arising from the current trend of miniaturization, the emergence of new materials and the growing interaction between biologists and engineers to learn more from nature and living objects.Traditionally, a "top-down" approach has been used in manufacturing. Recently, engineers and scientists have begun exploring "bottom-up" approaches for manufacturing today's highly complex products. Further, these emerging processes are aimed to improve process efficiency and product quality.The aim of the Journal of Manufacturing Processes (JMP) is to exchange current and future directions of manufacturing processes research, development and implementation, and to publish archival scholarly literature with a view to advancing state-of-the-art manufacturing processes and encouraging innovation for developing new and efficient processes. The journal will also publish from other research communities for rapid communication of innovative new concepts. Special-topic issues on emerging technologies and invited papers will also be published.Papers relevant to the scope of JMP include, but are not limited to, the following areas:• Meso/micro/nano fabrication, including imprint lithography.• Advanced manufacturing processes, including mechanical, chemical and thermal processes.• Welding, joining and assembly at micro and macro scales.• Rapid prototyping, rapid manufacturing and repair, stereolithography and other 3-D fabrication techniques that can use optical projection.• Advanced embossing, casting, forming and molding processes at all scales.• Mono/multilayer functional coating processes.• Continuum and subcontinuum process modeling and simulation.• Manufacturing process monitoring, control and automation.• Tribology and wear issues relevant to manufacturing processes.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
The Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering serves as a vehicle for the rapid dissemination of original theoretical and applied research results of permanent interest in all branches of manufacturing. The majority of the papers published are peer-reviewed full-length articles of considerable depth. The Journal also publishes technical briefs, design innovation papers, reviews, discussions of published papers with rebuttal, book reviews, and editorials.
The Journal of Manufacturing Systems (JMSY) publishes state-of-the-art fundamental and applied research in manufacturing at the systems level. Manufacturing systems are comprised of products, equipment, people, information, control and support functions for the economical and competitive development, production, delivery and total life cycle of products to satisfy market and societal needs.Pertinent to the journal is work studying emerging manufacturing systems from the equipment level to distributed enterprises, and production challenges within and across various scales, including nano, micro and macro-scale manufacturing. Papers relevant to the scope of JMSY include, but are not limited to, the following areas:• Manufacturing Strategy and Paradigms: flexible, reconfigurable and changeable manufacturing systems; rapid manufacturing, lean manufacturing, virtual enterprises.• Manufacturing Systems Design and Operations: process planning, production planning and controls, modeling, simulation, virtual manufacturing.• Sustainable Manufacturing: life cycle of products and systems, sustainable manufacturing, design for environments and sustainability.• Quality Management: product and process quality, quality function deployment, quality by design, six sigma.• Automation, Control Systems, Human-Machine Interaction: agent-based systems, distributed and integrated control systems, intelligent systems, emergent systems, reconfigurable control, robotics, collaborative robots and human-machine interactions.• Product Development: product families, reverse engineering concept development, product design and integration with manufacturing systems, product life cycle.• Supply Chain Management and Logistics: global supply chains, dynamic supply chains, modeling and optimization.• Manufacturing Information Systems: Internet, Web-based systems, ERP (enterprise resource planning), automatic data capture, enterprise modeling.• Micro and Nano Manufacturing Systems: systems issues related to microfluidics, nanoelectronics, nano systems, microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), nanomaterials, interconnects (nano to meso to macro); energy, chemical and biological devices.Papers focused on novel manufacturing systems design, planning, modeling and control from the factory level to the extended enterprise and addressing the new global challenges are invited for the Journal of Manufacturing Systems. Papers addressing new and emerging related topics are also encouraged.
Publishing a broad coverage of original research relating to the management of manufacturing technology and combining theory with practical application.
The Journal of Materials Processing Technology covers the processing techniques used in manufacturing components from metals and other materials. The journal aims to publish full research papers of original, significant and rigorous work and so to contribute to increased production efficiency and improved component performance.Areas of interest to the journal include:• Casting, forming and machining• Additive processing and joining technologies• The evolution of material properties under the specific conditions met in manufacturing processes• Surface engineering when it relates specifically to a manufacturing process• Design and behavior of equipment and toolsThe core interest of the journal is the processing of metals, but we also cover other materials, where the article is focused on the influence of the process on the materials, and where there are not other more appropriate dedicated journals. For example ductile forming of polymers if of interest, but the influence of polymer composition on properties is well covered in dedicated polymer journals.A typical article will examine the influence of process design, tool design, or process operating conditions on the properties of the material or the future performance of the equipment. Most articles combine appropriate quantitative analysis with well designed experiments. The sciences of materials, tribology and thermodynamics are well covered in other dedicated journals, so these topics are of interest to this journal only when applied specifically to give insight into the processing techniques used in manufacturing components. For example, processes for engineering surfaces are of interest, but the analysis of friction is well covered by specialised journals of wear or tribology.The journal's Editorial Policy defines our basis for considering submissions. Typical published articles will contribute significant new transferable knowledge in the form of (a) an innovation or (b) a new insight into material processing in the form of a transferable qualitative or quantitative explanation of a difference between experimental measurements and the predictions of existing theory. 'Transferable' knowledge applies to materials or processing conditions broader than those tested within the article.The Journal of Materials Processing Technology generally does not accept papers in the following areas:• Simulation with no experimental verification and/or which gives no new insight into the process• Experimental reports which do not provide a convincing analytical or physical explanation of observed behaviour• Topics that properly belong to the materials science literature. Examples include the synthesis of materials, chemical experiments and studies of material composition.• The analysis of material properties, surfaces or product performance without reference to the processing which caused them.• Statistical methods or techniques from Artificial Intelligence which treat the process as a black box.• The operation of equipment, without reference to materials (such as tool path design in CNC machining), or the management of factory systems.As stated in the journal's editorial policy, the Journal of Materials Processing Technology does not accept multiple-part papers, short communications or case studies.Papers submitted to the journal will only be considered if they have been prepared according to the journal's Guide for Authors.
The mission of Journal of Operations Management is to publish original, high quality, operations management empirical research that will have a significant impact on OM theory and practice. Regular articles accepted for publication in JOM must have clear implications for operations managers based on one or more of a variety of rigorous research methodologies. JOM also publishes insightful meta-analyses of the OM literature, conceptual/theoretical studies with clear implications for practice, comments on past articles, studies concerning the OM field itself, and other such matters relevant to OM.Manuscripts accepted for publication meet one or more of the following characteristics:1. Rigorous studies that use various forms of empirical methodologies: case studies, sample surveys, laboratory experiments, econometric analysis, and ethnographic studies 2. Papers that use multiple methods for triangulation purposes3. Papers with relevant and refreshing results and perspectives4. Empirically-grounded analytical modeling studies5. Conceptual/theoretical papers that provide a reality check for how practice has evolved or how it might evolveAudienceThe primary audience includes researchers who are interested in advancing the OM/SCM field and practitioners who have a concern for keeping abreast of the state of the art in operations management. The journal presents to this audience the concepts, theories, and managerial perspectives that address currently cutting-edge issues in operations management and supply chain management.Policies, Aims and ScopeJOM's distinctive emphasis is on the management of operations and supply chains. Accordingly, the aim of JOM is to enhance the field of OM/SCM and develop generalizable theory, typically through the identification, analysis, and theorization of real OM/SCM problems.JOM seeks research that can help the audience develop a better conceptual base for understanding OM/SCM. The focus of articles for JOM should be on the managerial situation or the theory being studied rather than the solution techniques being developed or used. Highest priority is thus given to studies that are anchored in the real world and build, extend or test generalizable theories or frameworks of managerial significance. Most often such studies result from identifying an actual, new managerial situation for which existing theory is inadequate, thereby resulting in an addition to theory or testing multiple theories against actual managerial situations to determine their relevance.General topics covered by the journal, while not exclusive, include the following:• Operations processes in manufacturing and service organizations; • Upstream supply management;• Downstream demand management;• Operations strategy and policy;• Product and service design and development; • Manufacturing and service systems design; • Technology management for operations; • Multi-site operations management; • Capacity planning and analysis; • Operations planning, scheduling and control; • Project management; • Human resource management for operations; • Work design, measurement and improvement; • Performance measurement and productivity; • Quality management; • Purchasing/sourcing management; • Materials and inventory management; • Logistics, transportation, distribution, and materials handling; • International and comparative operations; • Operations and information management; • Sustainable supply chain operations;• Humanitarian/disaster relief operations;• Regulatory and environmental issues in operations.Published by Elsevier in collaboration with APICS, Educational & Research Foundation
This international journal covers the application of control theory, operations research, computer science and engineering principles to the solution of process control problems. Papers on the theory in these areas will also be accepted provided the theoretical contribution is aimed at process control.Topics covered include:• Control applications• Plant monitoring• Plant-wide control• Process control systems• Control techniques and algorithms• Process modelling and simulation• Design methodsFor more details on the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), access their home page at http://www.ifac-control.orgSpecial Issues of the Journal of Process ControlThe Journal of Process Control is aiming to publish more Special Issues, especially those which deal with novel or innovative fields of research across the various facets of modelling, control and operations of process systems.Special Issues should conform to the guidelines set out below:• Special Issues will only be considered if they are within the scope of the journal.• A Special Issue typically comprises 10 to 12 papers.• Papers for Special Issues can be either invited or they could be solicited by a Call for Papers.• As with regular papers submitted to the journal those submitted to a Special Issue require full peer review.• All papers in Special Issues related to conferences need to be expanded and/or rewritten from the conference version. A reprint of a conference paper in a Special Issue is not acceptable.• The journal does not publish full conference proceedings. In this case please consider Procedia (link)Please send all suggestions for Special Issues to the Editor-in-Chief.
JQME aims to bring together developments in maintenance and quality that are of interest to both practitioners and researchers. It reinforces the position of maintenance engineering as a highly technical, scientific, and complex field.